I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 359

Chapter 356 Back to tokyo

“Majisan, why are your eyes red?” Kitahara Yukina saw Shijo Majima who was not in a good state in the morning, and she asked worriedly, “It seems that I have cried.”

“I suffered from insomnia last night.” Shijo true concubine resisted her mood and said perfunctorily, “It’s okay, thank you Xuena for your concern, it will be fine in a while.”

As a part-time chef, Kirisu Kazuto made the cooking, and with the help of Fujiwara Chika, he brought the table to the table. He shouted to the two people who were not seated on the side, “Shijo-san, Yuuna, have dinner.”

Thinking of last night, Kirisu and Ren took a look at Fujiwara Chika. They were together naturally, no accident, but for the time being, the fact that the two became “lovers” has not yet been announced. He intends to find an appropriate opportunity to tell everyone in the student union. , As for the others, forget it.

By the way…

Kirisu Kazuto doesn’t know how to face someone. If it hadn’t heard the choking sound of crying, he and Chika Fujiwara would not have discovered the true concubine Shijo who had been lurking in the dark for a while.

With innate tracking and latent skills full, Kirito Kazuto can only sigh “admiration”, even he didn’t notice when he brought a little tail over, and finally the atmosphere was completely gone and even a little embarrassing. After Shijo was found to have turned and fled back to the villa, he and Fujiwara Chika had no interest in staying any longer, and went back.

I had breakfast, and the next day I was playing at the beach. Similar to yesterday, the three men in the Kendo Club still chose to explore the island, leaving them alone without Shimada Ikuo and Shimizu.

Kazuto Kirsu thought that the true princess Shijo would silently give up on him when he knew that he and Fujiwara Chika were officially lovers, but he thought a little bit more, even if he saw him reply to the confession scene of Fujiwara Chika, he did not dispel this person’s determination. — I leaned over and quarreled with Fujiwara Chika as usual during the day. If it weren’t for the red eyes betraying Shijo true concubine’s heart, it would really make people think it didn’t care.

It’s a bit difficult. This person is not just talking about the degree. Kirsu and Kazuto currently don’t have any good ways to deal with it. He wanted to have a good talk with Shijo true concubine, but now it seems to be meaningless. Up.

On the third morning of the island, I ended a two-day and three-night private beach trip. A group of students from the Student Union and Kendo Department packed their suitcases, and they were ready to go back to Tokyo.


Different from when they came, Jiangchuan Kikue specially arranged for a bus to pick him up, and then went to the nearest airport. They flew back to Tokyo by plane, which was considered a triumphant return.

Arrived at the Tokyo airport, Jiangchuan Kikue once again arranged a car to take them back home safely, and when Kirito and Ren returned to the apartment, he was greeted by a big hug from Ms. Jin Dong-congratulations to the Yulongqi Conference for getting 45. Dare to fight and reward the winner.

The news spread quickly. It was not surprising that Kirisu and Xuena were interviewed that day after the award ceremony. When he and Xuena were interviewed that day, they also saw a reporter from the largest Kanto United TV station in Japan. Under the national broadcast, he and Xuena 45 dared to fight for appreciation. It’s hard to be famous.

Putting down his suitcase, Tongsu went to the supermarket with someone and bought a lot of cooking ingredients. Today, he is preparing to cook a sumptuous meal. Although Ms. Zhendong did not show it, he might have a little emotion after eating takeout for more than a week. Got it.

During the rest time in the restaurant, Shirogane Yuyue listened to his friend’s explanation. He was surprised but not surprised and said, “So, have you been dating the Fujiwara secretary?”

It has been a day since returning to Tokyo. While working at a vendome restaurant, taking advantage of the opportunity of him and Shirogane Miyuki to rest in the lounge, Kazuto Kirito told him about his love with Fujiwara Chika.

Saved that the two of them were secretly engaged in an affair for fear that others would know, Kirito nodded and admitted, “Well, we are dating.”

so good.

Shirogane Yuxing’s friend and Fujiwara Chika sent blessings in his heart, but then there was sorrow and sorrow again. Without comparison, there would be no harm. Thinking about the progress between him and Shinomiya Kaguya, he felt that there was no progress by a centimeter.

Kirisu Kazuto sees Shirogin Miyuki’s loss, he knows that his love with Fujiwara Chika thinks of himself.

After a pause, he comforted, “Yu Xing, don’t worry about your relationship with Sannomiya-san, Qianhua and I will help you afterwards.”

Shirogane Yuxing was incredible, and he didn’t care about the depression. He exclaimed a little bit, “Secretary Fujiwara?”

Kirito knew what Shirogane Yuyuki wanted to ask. He thought for a while and wanted to explain, “Isn’t there no way we can improve the progress of you and Sannomiya-san, and Qianhua is the best friend of Sannomiya-san? , With her help, we can almost get twice the result with half the effort.”


Although Kirisu said this, Shirogin Miyuki had to worry about it, but at the beginning of the words he was not embarrassed to continue. Now Fujiwara Chika is his friend’s girlfriend, and there are some things that need to be paid attention to.

When Shirogane Yuyuki spoke, Kirisu and Kazuto knew what this guy was afraid of again. After thinking about it a little bit, he said, “Thousands of flowers, let me talk about it, don’t worry about betraying us after being known.”

Silver Yuxing hesitated for a moment, UU read www.uukānshu. After that, he nodded and agreed with Kirito and Ren. He also said that Chika Fujiwara is the girlfriend of her friend, so he shouldn’t be a spy for Kaguya Shinomiya. He was worried too much. .


There is one thing that Shirogane Yuyue has not said yet. Secretary Fujiwara sometimes does big things, and has his own unique and unflattering views on love. Although the guy confessed to his friends first, he did a lot of things. It’s comparable to a love textbook, but he still feels unreliable.

It was decided that Kirito and Ren sent an e-mail to Fujiwara Chika asking if he would have time to meet after get off work. When discussing this matter, he could also date or have a cup of coffee outside. It would kill two birds with one stone. Between lovers. , Is to often have such a small act of getting together.

After receiving her boyfriend’s email, Fujiwara Chika immediately replied “No problem.” She was thinking that she would not ask Renjun. Wouldn’t it be better for her to take the initiative first, but he was afraid of disturbing her boyfriend’s part-time job. I was embarrassed.


Now her worries are all unnecessary. Her boyfriend took the initiative to make an appointment with her. Chika Fujiwara came to the closet in her room and looked forward to finding the clothes to wear for the next date. She wanted to dress up and put herself The most beautiful side is shown to Kazuto-kun.

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