I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 7

~ Chapter 7 Xu Country’S Army!

After Yun Xiao got the information, he didn’t dare to neglect.

The West Sea Outpost is the only outpost in Xu Country. It is located in the mountains and forests on the edge of the West Sea, across the sea from the poisonous Snake Island. There are three hundred soldiers stationed here for a long time.

Soldiers rotate once a month.

This is the starting point of the Long March for the Warriors Camp to explore the unknown wilderness, and it is also an important base for returning to rest and recuperate.

Usually only when very important information is discovered, the Xihai Outpost will use the Lightning Bird to communicate.

Lightning Bird is just the cute little guy who just flew back.

This kind of bird has almost no fighting power, and can only survive by catching small bugs and fish, and the risk is about zero. But it has the characteristics that other animals do not have, and it is extremely fast!

Yang Xu has done experiments.

The lightning bird can go back and forth between Chaoyang King City and Xihai Outpost within half an hour, and the straight-line distance for a round trip is about three or four hundred miles!

Its speed is as fast as a racing supercar, which is unimaginable.

The key is that this thing knows its way.

No matter how far it is taken and in what direction it goes, it can clearly remember the round-trip distance and will not get lost halfway.

Because of this unique ability, it is also the favorite companion of the Daxu Country Warriors’ Battalion in their expeditions to the unknown wilderness, and can always lead the Warriors’ Battalion to find their way home.

Yun Xiao’s voice was calm and powerful, and he said solemnly.

“Wang, there is news from the West Sea Outpost that a strange creature has been found.”

Yang Xu’s eyebrows were raised slightly like a sword’s edge, and his thoughts changed sharply.

He only got the information last night. There was an unforeseen change coming from the West Sea. Today, he received the information from the West Sea Outpost, which made Yang Xu take it seriously.

If there is no reminder from the high priest, it will be fine.

After all, the purpose of the West Sea Outpost and the Expeditionary Force is to explore the unknown. Every month, several kinds of fierce beasts that have never been seen before, as well as a large number of plants, etc. will be discovered.

The accompanying scholars will record everything they see and hear on the road, especially the fierce beasts encountered, and various plants that may encounter danger, or valuable plants, etc.

But now…….

Weird creature?

It’s a pity that although the lightning bird has spirituality, it is an ordinary bird after all, and the information it can convey is limited.

Flying pigeons can convey more information, but it will seriously affect the flying speed of the lightning bird, which is not worth the loss. There are countless dangers on the road, and every time the speed drops by one point, the danger will increase several times.

Fortunately, besides the Lightning Bird, Xu country also has large birds specially used for sending messages.

It’s just that compared to the terrifying speed of four to five hundred kilometers per hour of the lightning bird, the speed of large birds is relatively much slower, and they have to avoid natural enemies and beasts on the way. Usually, it takes two hours to arrive at Wangcheng from the West Sea Outpost, even if it is relatively fast speed up.

Yang Xu secretly thought that right now he can only wait for the detailed information from the Xihai Outpost before making a decision.

He considered it: “Got it.”

With a simple response, Yun Xiao respectfully stood aside and said nothing more.

Wang knew that the Lightning Bird and his mission were completed, and he didn’t need to worry about how to deal with the weird creatures encountered at the West Sea Outpost.

He is a pure warrior who only needs to obey the king’s orders.

Even if you pay your life for it!

Yang Xu let go of his doubts.

Dangerous, Yang Xu has already looked down on it.

Since coming to this wild world, he has never parted ways with danger.

Especially during the period when I first came to the wilderness, I wandered on the edge of life and death every day. Looking back now, Yang Xu even feels surprised, thinking that he was just an ordinary office worker back then, weak and weak, even the weakest mouse couldn’t do it, how did he persevere.

[Rats in this world are generally about one meter long, and some giant rats are two or three meters in size, like giant beasts! 】

Just to live?

Still want to go home?

Or simply refuse to admit defeat?

Yang Xu shook his head secretly.

Compared with the past, life now can be said to be a heavenly day.

There are tens of thousands of loyal subjects, stable food production, a brave army, and many peerless beauties that were unimaginable before. The only shortcoming is that there is no heir.

Thinking of the question of the heir, Yang Xu couldn’t help but sigh.

After four and a half years in the Wilderness, he has worked very hard. He has had in-depth exchanges with dozens of beauties, including the Qingqiu Fox Clan, the Blue Bird Clan, and the Merman Clan. He has tried them all, but none of them can give birth to a child for him. Female. As the leader of a tribe and the king of a country, he must consider the issue of heirs.

Because the wilderness is too dangerous, Yang Xu can’t guarantee that he can return safely every time he hunts.

He has to consider, in case something happens to him, or he grows old in the future, or even dies, who can inherit this country, lead different races, and lead the kingdom he created to continue to glory.

The only way is to have an heir.

Only his heirs can gain the loyalty of different races and keep this country together.

No matter if it was the Qingqiu clan, or the Merman clan, or the Blue Bird clan, they couldn’t convince the crowd. Because their living habits and needs are too different, it is almost impossible to find a balance point. At present, the only reason why all ethnic groups can live in harmony and cooperate with each other is because they are loyal to Yang Xu, and they can even be said to have faith.

This is the only thing all tribal subjects have in common.

They are willing to do anything for Yang Xu!

Yang Xu also understood this, so he was naturally quite worried.

He secretly thought that he could only continue to work hard, and maybe create other races in the future, so that he could give birth to an heir for himself.

He thought secretly, and turned his attention to the army of Daxu Kingdom, which is also an important pillar of Daxu Kingdom.

There are men and women in the army, and there is no distinction between men and women in daily training.

In this wild and primitive era, men and women are not important, what matters is whether one can become a qualified warrior.

Those training in the outermost field of the barracks are the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

Their exercise methods are very different from humans.

Groups of hundreds.

Every fox has a Mitsubishi thorn made of alloy, the thickness of an adult’s thumb, the blade is eighteen centimeters long, the handle is round, with spiral patterns on the handle, one foot long, it looks like a dagger in the hand. The sharp blade shone with a crimson metallic luster in the sun, exuding a chill.

The most powerful power of the fox clan is the power of mind, which can manipulate objects with mind.

Faced with Yang Xu’s attention, the Qingqiu foxes who were training seemed to be full of blood, excited and energetic.

Under the control of their thoughts, the red Mitsubishi thorns hovered above their heads, dancing and soaring as if they were alive.

Sometimes it goes straight into the sky like a divine sword, sometimes it draws an arc and flies into the distance, and then circles around and flies back above their heads again, like a legendary fairy who can hold a sword.

Hundreds of people moved in unison. Although the distance between them was not far, they did not interfere with others, as if they were a whole.

Hundreds of crimson triangular thorns flashing with sharp and cold lights roared away, UU reading www.uukanshu. com roared back, the speed was like an arrow leaving the string, it made people’s scalp numb and frightened.

Yang Xu looked at the soldiers of the Qingqiu fox clan who were training, and nodded slightly, quite satisfied.

The foxes of Qingqiu are born with supernatural powers, they can cast illusions and control things with their thoughts.

It’s just that the mind power of ordinary Qingqiu foxes is not strong, and the things they guard cannot leave the sight, and the farther the distance, the greater the consumption.

Moreover, their techniques for using mind power are very rough. They either forcibly apply mind power to their prey, suppress the prey with invisible force, or bombard the prey with gravel and other things as weapons. The efficiency of this technique is too low. Now, when encountering slightly stronger beasts, dozens of Qingqiu Fox Clan would often find it difficult to suppress their prey, let alone those beasts of the overlord level.

After thinking about it, Yang Xu reformed the fighting skills of the Qingqiu Fox Clan and equipped them with three kinds of weapons.

Mitsubishi thorns one foot long.

A steel needle ten centimeters long.

And the super-large three-edged thorn used by the team is about three meters long and weighs more than four hundred kilograms. It is invincible and requires the joint efforts of dozens of Qingqiu foxes to control it freely.

This super-large Mitsubishi thorn is just to deal with those huge monsters.

And there are countless giant beasts of this size in the wild.

For example, fierce beasts with a body length of about ten meters, such as lion-body batwing beasts, can only be regarded as inconspicuous little guys in many cases. The difficulty of the sphinx batwing is that it can fly and sprint, and its maneuverability is too high, so ordinary traps and methods are ineffective against it.

At the beginning, Yang Xu used the super-large Mitsubishi thorn to break the scales on the lion’s body and batwing, severely injuring it.

However, seeing that the situation was not right, the sphinx ran too fast, leaving Yang Xu helpless.

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