I became the Pink-haired Childhood friend.

Ch8: New Info (Z)

One can just skip a bit in movies if the in-between is boring.

Here we see Zack, with his new green eyes staring into space with a blank face not knowing what to do anymore.

 'It has been a month already... so this place is not a dream huh...?'

After he woke up as Zack and walked around in this area, he thought it nothing more than a dream from getting hit with a car. He was able to put most things in order after a bit of time in this world.

 'What the hell did I do? Did reading that book send me here for laughs? And Zack of all things, while I did pity him I don't want his luck in life at least... maybe I should look for a way of life now huh?'

While staring into the nothing that was a wall in the alley he woke up in, rapid footsteps started to come to him.

 "Z-Zack! I got more f-food for the day!"
 "Huh..? Oh yeah thanks..."
 "Hahaha, n-no problem. Just make s-sure to eat it a-all"

Standing next to him was the girl and out of no-where girlfriend he now knows as Sarah. A girl with pink hair and blue with a bit of orange eyes, and the main problem in the story. But there is one problem with that.

 'Was Sarah in the story this nice..?'

From what he recalled in the story, Sarah was nothing more than a problem that would bring all her troubles to her childhood friend. She would also take no fault in anything and put blame on other things, for this reason Zack was mainly the one that did things for her. But here she was gathering food(With his help), looking out for people who would want to steal from them, and been looking for future ways out of these slums like now.

 "H-hey Zack! We got to start making plans s-so that we can get to school! Oh w-wait, do you need some help? Don't w-worry I know what to d-do!"
 "Uh yeah, thanks for that Sarah.."
 "Hahaha, Just m-make sure you are ready to g-get your magic ready by then!"

Yet here she was, making a happy smile while talking to him. Might as well explain why he as not gotten rid of her in this life even if he knows the future.

 'For now, I guess I will have to make use of her till I see the chance to jump... Been living here on auto-pilot for too long, which is weird cause it feels like this body is a bit more nicer to Sarah than I should be.'

One thing he is scared of is that his body reacts a bit different to Sarah, like he has to next to her for some reason. He has not found the reason but thinks it has to do with the fact that this was Zack's body, might be what's left of the old Zack.

 "Hey Sarah."
 "Hmm? W-what is it?"

 'Also, I don't recall her having a stutter. Even in the early chapters.'

 "How would one uh... turn on their magic? Cause you are saying to have it ready but I don't even know the first steps?"
 "O-Oh, I am sorry I forgot that... this was only something they t-taught us when one of the teachers found us..."
 "Hmm, Did you say something?"
 "N-No no, don't w-worry about that. Umm, How one activates their magics is by m-mainly just feeling it!"
 "That helps a lot... thanks..."
 "You d-don't sound t-thankful..."

Seeing the sadden girl in front of him, he had a bit of pain in his heart. Ignoring it as nothing more than a thing of the old owner he asked another thing.

 "Ok, is there something that I should know? Like is there a core that you got to feel within you or maybe you got to wish for it?"
 "OH! Y-YES IT WAS THAT! Making yourself feel like there is a core inside of you and focusing on that... at least I think it was that...?"
 "Alright I got it so how do I start."

Seeing that they can show their use, Sarah jumped up in excitement and folded both hands on their chest near the heart.

 "Put your h-hands like this and close your eyes. Then y-you got to look in yourself so see the orb of s-sin"

 'I really can't take this as real, they way she speaks feels like its making a joke of this, but wait sin?'

 "Sarah, why is this orb I should be looking for called Sin?"

Hearing this, Sarah got out of her pose and started to think for awhile.

 "Uh, I don't k-know... now that I think of it it is w-weird... Ah! It might have t-to do with The Three S-Strangers!"
 "The three Strangers?"

 'What is this? This was not in the book...'

Shifting in her back against the wall to sit down next to Zack, she started to explain.

 "The Three Strangers are w-weird beings truly born out of the a-awaking their orb of sin before it was called that! I think it was called sin cause the way they used it goes a-against the church and all m-matter of life! We will start with the most well-k-known one!"

Putting on a know it all face, Sarah started to talk about them.

 "First one is the Bronze A-Alchemist, he is known to the world as a maker of most m-magic tools we own... not like he makes all of t-them but mainly the blueprint to w-what we have today. His orb lets h-him see into objects and the e-elements they are made of. Some say he b-became immortal like that by f-finding the answers to l-life."
 "Huh, pretty cool. Making things is his power pretty much."
 "A-ah, but one should not mess with him, he makes w-weapons too and is ok with using them as test. Some say he has dark brown hair and d-dark brown eyes. Reason for the bronze is cause the m-metal on his clothes and goggles with green lens."

Putting all those word out there, Sarah started to take a break. Zack took this in and remembered it for later. Then Sarah started talking again.

 "Ok o-on to the next which is the Red H-Hooded Jester. To be honest we don't know much on him cause how he works..."
 "Huh, What do you mean?"
 "W-Well... don't take my word as fact o-on this o-ok? It seems all w-who met him forget t-they even met him..."
 "Wait that makes no sense, so that means I could have met him and I would not even know?"
 "Y-Yes... The only way one would t-think they met him if they got an item that t-they don't recall even getting and they know he is even a thing... if you don't know w-who he is you will never know where a-an item came from..."
 "That is a weird pow- wait, forget the way someone got a item..?"
 "Yes, s-some say his orb is m-mental block-out. But he as been around for y-years that most assume he got help from Bronze c-cause he is not mortal... H-Hey are you listen?"

While Sarah was explaining this, Zack started to recall something from the past life

 'Wait a minute, did Sis not get a book she did not recall ever getting? And now that I think about it I almost even forgot that Sis was the one that handed me that book... scary... Is the reason I am here to start with have to do with this guy...?'

 "H-HEY! Are y-you ok?"
 "Huh.. Oh sorry, was thinking of something..."
 "Oh, you were shacking so I-I started to get w-worry."
 "... Sorry about that, I think you can keep going."
 "... I-If you are ok with i-it."

Seeing that Zack returned to normal, Sarah kept going.

 "... Anyways, he is known for his r-red hood that had a b-bit of a jester theme to it...? And red hair a-and eyes...?"
 "Why the questions?"
 "W-Well, all accounts that we e-ever got of him was p-people who met t-the Bronze Alchemist. He is also the o-one that makes stock for the J-Jester to sell."
 "A Jester that sells items?"
 "Yes, for s-some reason he sells t-things rather than make j-jokes."
 "Ok then..."

Knowing that he is on the last one, Zack gets ready to calmly listen, till Sarah started to talk in a lower voice with a bit a rage in it.

 "And now for the l-last one, Stringed Doll. One of t-the most unknown of the three. All we k-know is that It lives in the bottom of the s-sea in a place called The Hall of Everything. We don't even know w-what they look like o-or what they want, all we know that they made the Null-Angels."
 "Null-Angels? Is it some sort of holy being?"
 "No, I bet it just gave them that name cause it felt like i-it. They are not holy b-beings just pure evil!"

Seeing that Sarah started to get more and more angry, Zack choose it was best to get off this topic.

 "Ok ok, we will get off of this cause you seem to be fuming a bit"
 "Oh... I-I am sorry on that..."

Zack wanting off the topic started to look for something else to keep her mind off of it, for whatever reason she is mad at it for.

 "Ah, I forgot we were talking about magic, can we go back to that?"
 "...S-Seeing that you want to go and l-learn that, I would not m-mind."

 With them going back to magic, lucky for Zack it seems like his body was made for it as he got it down in 4 days.

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