I became the Pink-haired Childhood friend.

Ch3: A due essay.

 A black box playing images. As the screen fades to black leaving only void.

 In a room full of drawings and odd statues is a man who seems to be around 19 years old, Brown hair and brown eyes staring at a box and laughing at it.

 "HAHAHA what the hell man, why did he jump off there! Should have waited a bit more HAHAHA!"

 The man seems to be laughing at people in the box doing odd moves to get past walls and things of that nature. He is also holding a book in his hands and what seems to be a few pieces of paper, seems that have been writing things related to said book and is just taking a break. In the end, it seems to most people he does not care for the book as he just left it open and pushing it down on the desk, ruining the pages. For now, it seems that the thing he was watching ended and looks back at the desk with a look of sadness and annoyance.

 "God damn, have to start reading this shit again. Why did Sis pick out such a piss poor story as a study project. Like really can't she have picked something more normal that a classroom can share?"

 While complaining, he chooses to read the books title again. Its hard cover showing age with pretty flowers here and there drawn in gold, which he thinks is a waste of art for it should not belong to this story.

 '"The pink rose loved by the prince" Heh, more like... yea can't say that if Sis finds out. Like really this story is just about a girl cheating on her only friend cause she thinks some high-born cares for her. I don't give a shit if her plan was to support her childhood friend after all that when she hits it rich, just bad taste.'

 Reading a few pages more from where he left off, he could not anymore as he put it down. Seeing the outcome of said male childhood friend would leave most with a bad mouth. For once he felt bad for another person, god of that world must have been real pissed at this one guy.

 'Like really, not only does he have to deal with someone he supported stabbing him in the back and leaving him. He also quits school cause of it and ruining his life for it, I will admit that was a dumb idea cause he was close to leaving for a better life. Anyways all of that only to start drinking at pubs which in turn lead him to getting stabbed and mugged, leaving him with nothing but a useless leg.'

 Getting up from his chair, he almost tripped from all the energy cans and comics on the floor, noticing that he has not cleaned or went out of the room for awhile after being left with his Sis's work. Choosing to leave the room for a bit of fresh air, plus he did most of the work so she should take it from here. Walking to the door and opening it, he looks out to the hallway to see if any of his family are home.

 'Hmm, seems like mom and dad are still gone, they did say it might be till a week we see them again. Ah, but Sis is here with her blasting music like always. Might as well tell her that the book essay is almost done and be over with it.'

 Walking to his sister's door, he gives it three loud knocks to get her to stop playing that loud music, and tell her about the project. 


 The music, which was blasting turn down to a lower level and foot steps started to get closer to the door. Opening in a wide motion to see a clean room with yellow wall paper and a bit of band posters here and there. The girl, also having brown hair and brown eyes stares at her younger brother asking what he wants.

 "Sorry Sis, just wanted to drop the news to you that its almost done" The man pointed to his room showing the papers and book on the desk " I just thought that the work I done is all I need to do, you can pick it up from there, I think there is only like four chapters left for you to add to the essay."

 Really he just wanted to stop reading that damn book and be done with it. If he was not being payed he would have quit a lot earlier, as long as he can do more pulls on his mobile game, he is all good.

"Wait, that thing is almost done? Shit... wasted 40 bucks just now on food and things needed for the house when mom and dad left. Might not get payed for another week, plus with having plans to go to a band meetup... sorry."

 The man, hearing this was shocked and started to feel betrayed by his only trusted family.


 Seeing her brother's reaction, the sister started to laugh.

"HAHAHA! Just kidding just kidding. Your money is at the bank right now so I will have to go to an ATM to get it"

 Hearing this, he calmed down knowing he was not tricked. With a bit a distrust in his voice and just wanting to know, he asked.

 "I've been thinking this for awhile, its not like I doubt your taste and all that, but why did you pick that story. I mean, it does not feel like anything you picked and the theme is just god awful."

 "Cause it just happened to be the closest thing."

 The man, wondering if he heard right asked again

 "Wait, are you really saying that? You could have picked the worst book of all and made a report on it, just cause it was close to you?"
 "Well, I would not say that. It just happened to be in my backpack at the time and I thought 'Hey, little bro can help me make a report on it!' and that's how it happened."

 He was about to call how lazy of her to just pick things like that, wondered one thing. How did such a book end up in his sisters backpack? She is not even known for liking these kinds of stories.

 "Wait why was that in your backpack? Did you buy it or get it from a friend? And even then why this story and not one more normal?"
 "I don't know too. I just had it and thought it would be useful for you... Wait did I word it like that? Anyways since you are done with it I will take it from here. Just take my card and get the money out that I told you, not more."

 The man, grabbing the card left the room to head out, getting to the living room then the front door, he put on a pair of sandals as he plans for this to be a short trip. Forgetting the question of where the book came from.

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