I became the Pink-haired Childhood friend.

Ch11: Big Change. (S)

That is not normal to see.

Seeing that person, Sarah started to grind her teeth but looked away cause last thing she wanted was to meet his eyes. Choosing to stare at the floor in rage and a bit a small stomps.

 'I forgot he was here! Been too busy taking care of Zack! That man should not be here this year! How did he get in with his failure of a test score in my past life!'

Seething in rage Sarah kept fuming till she was shaken from the side. Feeling this she looked to her left to see Zack with worried eyes looking at her.

 "Sarah are you alright? You just started to... I don't know but you just looked mad out of no-where."

Hearing his voice and worry, Sarah started to calm down and forgot about that man for the better of both of them.

 "Yeah I a-am sorry... I don't k-know what got to me..."
 "Is that so. As long as you are ok."
 "Hehehe, T-Thank you Zack!"

Forgetting all about it, Sarah and Zack started to talk about useless stuff till the man in the stage started to talk again as everyone has a partner.

 "OK! From now on there shall be paper handed to you and from there you shall start to write skills you have and magics! Make sure to be as truthful as possible cause last thing we all want is a class we don't want!"

Getting the paper from a person using magic to get it to everyone with it floating in the air. People started to fill the form so that they can get into things that will help them.

 "O-Ok Zack, from now on you will follow what I say so that we can be in the same classes"
 "But I don't want to be in a class I don't want..."
 "... are you trying t-to get away from me a-again..?"
 "Wait no-"
 "Hahaha, Don't worry I am j-joking. I am just helping you g-get the same classes so that we can have a-an easier time!"
 "Oh, I guess there is that..."
 "Yeah! S-So that we can stay together and be h-happy we got to do this!"

Writing everything Sarah planned, both stayed still waiting for the papers to be turned in. Which was done with them floating back to the person that casted the first magic. The man in the stage started to talk again.

 "Alright! With these papers here you guys are done! For now you guys can have the rest of the time free too look at this great school!"

Hearing this, people started to cheer and head to their friend groups with most leaving quick. Sarah getting her things together gets called by Zack.

 "Hey Sarah, lets get going. I want to look at the garden Tomas talked about hearing."
 "Yeah, a-almost done!"

With that going, the two started to head for the exit, with a pair of blue eyes looking at them.

 "Oh! T-That is a nice looking flower!"
 "Huh, you do got a point. Guess Tomas was not lying after all."

Seeing a nice flower here and there in the school garden, Sarah started to get happy. It sort of became her hobby to look at them as Beth has a flower shop. Does she know what they are? NOPE, just likes how they look.

 "How much do you think it takes to run this place...?"
 "I don't k-know. Maybe a bunch?"
 "Yeah, I won't ask again..."
 "Hey, why are you l-looking at me like t-that?"

Seeing Zack looking at her like she is pitiful, she starts to get annoyed and starts to hit him with balled fist.

 "Hey! Y-You should not look at m-me like that!"
 "Wait stop Sarah, I did not mean to do that!"
 "The eyes o-or the question! You look l-like I am a lost c-cause!"

With them fighting and playing, they hear a voice beside them.

 "Can you two stop, I am trying to sleep..."
 "Wait w-what?"

Looking to a tree the voice came from, there was a boy with purple hair and eyes with a sleepy look.

 "Oh, Sorry about that. This girl gets a bit rowdy with small things."
 "S-Small things? Zack I w-will have you know I-"
 "Yes Yes, you were top of your class or something like that..."

Sarah stopped her rant when the boy said that.

 "W-What does that m-mean?"
 "Wait... was that that meme?"
 "No, nothing you should worry about Sarah."

Seeing this, the purple haired boy looks more awake now so he gets up to give his name

 "Hello, my name is Alan Nelce... As you can see I love to sleep and will make it my character..."
 "What d-does that even m-mean?"
 "Don't know, maybe we should stay away."

With the feeling weird, they both started to back away till the Alan's face show some hurt.

 "Wow, you guys are rude..."
 "No, its just that. Who says that?"
 "Y-yeah, there is no reason f-for that."
 "Hm, I guess so..."

Sarah started to feel like this guy has no meaning in his life other than sleep if he just points that out... While this was happening Alan started to pack his things... which was a pillow and backpack full of things for sleep.

 "Y-you weren't lying one the sleep t-thing huh"
 "Hmm, Oh yea... that is where I keep most of my stuff my whole life..."
 "Wait, what about stuff for school? Like I don't see any room."
 "Oh that... yeah I forgot to make space for that..."

For once, Zack was making a face for someone that is truly pitiful, at least that is was Sarah thinks. While the Purple hair boy was done packing everything, he started to walk away to perhaps look for a new sleeping area.

 "Wow, h-he is really searching h-huh?"
 "Yeah, I guess he thought this are was common walking area."

While this was happening they then heard another voice, and one that Sarah did not want to hear the most.

 "Hey cute stuff, want to hang out with me and have some fun?"

Hearing this, Sarah hairs stand on end, worried for the future that is to come.

 'Oh god, is he talking to me..? Does he want to talk to me like he did to Sarah in the first timeline..? I swear to the Sun God that if so I will kill him... no one will take my happiness this time...'

Seeing no other way, Sarah was about to open her mouth to tell off the awful man till.

 "No, I am just looking for a new place to sleep... so leave me alone..."
 "Oh come on now, I swear you will have fun."
 "Nah, sleep is better..."

Yet here was Jacob, asking a man out. Sarah thought she will ever see this as he was a well-known playboy with having a new girl once a month... What the hell is going on?

 "Yea I agree with you here."

With Sarah and Zack seeing what was something that would have been one of their problems, gone.

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