I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 25

In the years following the First Men's oath with the Children of the Forest, Wargs were not only not considered heretics or monsters, but were respected as a prophet and Priest.

But 4000 years later, Andals with fair hair and blue eyes came, they brought weapons made of steel, painted the seven-pointed star symbolizing the new god on their chests, and armed themselves with firm belief. Cross the sea to kill.

Speaking of this, one can't help but want to spit the word: motherfucker, you were all bronze civilizations 4,000 years ago, and you lived with the Children of the Forest with Magic for 4,000 years, and the Magic civilization did not develop…shit, civilization has stalled.

4000 years have not transitioned you from the mature bronze age to the iron age were you eating shit!?

The Seven Kingdoms deserved to be easily swept away by the Andals(not perished, most of them chose to surrender or change their families, or marry Andals), only the North, because of the natural danger of the Neck, was barely able to stave them off, and the First Men's forces survived.

Well, the Neck can be understood as the "Shu Road" of Westeros continent, one guards the pass, and armies are blocked, and there is still no channel that can give you a secret crossing."(Actually, there are also sea routes.)

How difficult is the Neck to cross?

During the period of "War of the Five Kings", the Ironmen with low morale used 63 archers to block the army of the Norths 10,000 for three full years!

When Andal invaded, the North was not alone in the House Stark family.

In addition to Stark, there are many powerful lord forces, such as the flaying House of Bolton.

Don't look at Ramsay and Roose Bolton's unique taste and surly characters, their family background is really not inferior to Stark at all.

At that time, several of the Stark House Heads were skinned and by House Bolton using their skins for capes.


Let's get down to business, in the process of realizing the unification of the North, Stark was also gradually going through a process of subduing all within the North.

Although Stark keeps saying things like "we are First Men", and had always adhered to the tradition of believing in the Old Gods, in fact, they are no longer pure First Men.

The last recorded Lord of the Wargs, the Lord of Sea Dragon Point, known as the "Warg King", was a loyal ally of the Children of the Forest.

But the Starks killed him and his sons, killed his beasts and Greenseer, and left only his daughters as trophies.

—Would the real First Men kill a Greenseer?

Remember the holy covenant with the Children of the Forest on the Isle of Faces?

Only the marsh people of beyond the wall Wildlings and the Neck can be considered orthodox First Men, they still retain their reverence for Greenseers, and Stark is only of First Men blood.

Not only House Stark, Lannister of Casterly Rock, Highgarden of Garth Greenhand, Durrandon of Stormlands (Baratheon inherited Storm's End after Aegon's invasion), they are all descended from the First Men, with several Millennium Old Gods belief.

Back then, Wargs weren't the monster everyone yelled at.

But after the Andals successfully invaded Westeros, there was Faith of the Seven in place of the primordial but real Old Gods.

A bit sarcastic.

The Great Families in the south, Godswood representing the Old Gods Sept, have gradually become the gardens where ladies and children play.

Wargs and Greenseers are gradually transformed into monsters, almost like the White walkers, becoming the characters in stories that kill you when you meet them.

Any person south of the Wall who can communicate with an animal will immediately be killed.

Thousands of years have passed, and by the generation of Eddard Stark's children, Wargs have become something of fairy tale.

Even if you say you are a Warg out loud, others will just laugh at you for believing to much of fairytales.

Therefore, Jon, Arya, Bran, and even Robb were all very resistant to the Warg within them.

Dany's "Mother of Dragons" talent is definitely not inferior to the Greenseer talent, Greenseers are a probability of 1 in 1 million, and there are at least one or two in each generation in the period of Old Gods beliefs. And Dany may be the only "Mother of Dragons" in Valyria's 5,000-year history.

Well a genetic mutation.

Daenerys in the original plot is more resistant to her talent and instinct than Jon was.

She wants to play with dragons, but her companions and subjects are afraid of dragons; she wants to take dragons to hunt freely, but she is too busy with official duties to be distracted, and because she is worried about dragons going out and hurting people, she ignored them when they were young. With a dragon's young cry she locked them up; she wanted to fly away on a dragon, yet death ends all one's troubles, but she remembered her duty to her subjects.

At that time, she didn't even have the Dragon Dream, and almost unilaterally lost all contact with the white and green dragons—her Black Dragon could still sense her safety.

That Daenerys is a good Queen but a failure of a Mother of Dragons. She put the cart before the horse, clinging to the identity of being Queen, completely giving up the title of "Mother of Dragons".

That is not only her title, but the fundamental meaning of her existence.

Now this Dany is different, even if no one teaches, she also tries to develop her abilities.

Her efforts paid off, too, with Dany connecting through the Dragon Dream during the flight of the Black Dragon, gaining his vision.

Wargs can not only acquire the five senses of animals, but also occupy the wolf's body with a human mind, which cannot be regarded as controlling its behavior. Instead, they incarnate as a wolf, which can be regarded as a temporary possession.

The reason why Dany is just a "secondary Dreki" is that she has far less control over dragons than Wargs over their companion animals.

She can only receive information from the Black Dragon's five senses, and she can't control their actions, let alone become a dragon.

And besides Black Dragon, not only can she not control different kinds of animals like Wargs, but even for the White and Green Dragon, Dany can't establish a stable Dragon Dream with them.

It wasn't that the two dragons were rejecting her.

How to say it…it's bit like a skill slot. One can only choose one skill, as the connection between her and the Black Dragon becomes closer, the other two dragons are less likely to be integrated with her Dragon Dream.

——In fact, Wargs also have the limitation of "slots". Those with high talent can control more animals, and those with poor talent can only control one. Dogs are the most docile and easy to control. Varamyr, who can control six animals, earns the Glory of "Sixskins".

Ser Jorah told Dany that every dragon has only one master, and one person can only control one dragon. No one else can ride his dragon alone until the current owner dies.

Well, outsiders can take a ride as a passenger in the company of the dragon's master.

Similarly a Targaryen, who already has a dragon, cannot control another dragon.

"Huh, what's that?" Dany woke up suddenly.

Just now, she saw something abnormal at a glance.

The Black Dragon's field of vision is so amazing that it seems to be able to see tens of kilometers away from the sky.

It's not very clear and doesn't last long, but the color of the Red Waste is too monotonous. A uniform dark red.

From the perspective of the Black Dragon, Dany could only see the blue sky, red comet, and dark red plains of varying clarity.

But suddenly, the moment the Black Dragon turned, Dany saw the ground that had always been dark red show a suddenly appearing white.

It seems to be a city? A rocky hill of a special color?

"Big Black, don't be wild, help me find the white area just now… it seems to be a city." She said eagerly in her heart.

According to Dothraki tradition, animals should not be named, Dany doesn't think her dragons are animals, they are magic beings, not inferior to people.

So early on, she named them.

Well, Big Black, Little White, Little Green…

Well, that's a nickname, she's used to calling that.

Black Dragon is not called "Deathwing", though it's a waste of his black and red scales like Hell.

But the name "Deathwing" is too conspicuous, and she doesn't want her Darling Dragon to die. When he is invincible, let him say with his own voice in the brimstone and aura of death: My name is Deathwing, Unmaker of worlds, Terminator of all Things, I am the cataclysm…

Well, it's very cute.

The other two are much more common, Emerald and White Jade.

Green Dragon is as lustrous as jade, and its body is like the Emerald of the highest level. It is a vibrant green.

White Dragon's torso is a warm and lustrous color of White Jade, but along the skeleton lines is a sun-like platinum color, exuding a somewhat high aura.

If anyone asked, she would also tell them that the Black Dragon scales were shining like black crystals, so it is called "Black Diamond".

Emerald, White Jade, Black Diamond are all beautiful, harmless, beloved gems. The names are completely unoffensive to hide the fact that they are the most brutal creatures on the world.

"Sigh–" Black Dragon found the piece of white Dany needed, like a white glow reflected on a mirrors surface.

His Dragon Eye pupils shrink, the white glow on the dark red earth is constantly expanding.

"That's really a city!" Dany exclaimed with joy.

About 30 kilometers southwest of Khalasar, out of range of her water fetching team.

"Nearly missed." She patted her chest in fear.

Black Dragon is a young dragon after all, he didn't hold on long before flapping his wings and falling back into the basket behind Dany.

Dany found Jorah immediately and told him about it.

"This..." The Knight showed a look of surprise, not only surprised by the appearance of the city, but also amazed that the young dragon's sight could see so far, and Dany could still share her vision with him.

"Her Highness, I've never heard of a city in the Red Waste, and I didn't even know there was a human settlement in this place that even devils despised." He rubbed his chin and said cautiously.

Dany thought of the dry river from before, and said, "Maybe it's a civilization lost in the long river of history. The distance is too far, and the dragon can't see it clearly. Only that the city is very large and will never be seen. You and I both know that today's Red Waste absolutely can't support such a large city."

"Abandoned city?" Jorah looked thoughtful and said: "Let the explorers go and see that place first. At least you can hide from the sun."

30 kilometers was just an hour or two away, and before noon, Aggo and two other Warriors were back.

"Khaleesi, what you saw was true, it is indeed a stone city, the whole city is white. But there are no residents, the city gate is broken, the houses collapsed, only the sand and flies shuttle through the street. It is a dead city, no name, no God, we should avoid it."

"Why?" Dany asked in confusion: "nothing is better, we can occupy it as we like. If there were residents, I'd be worried about their attitude towards my Khalasar."

Jhiqui trembled: "Once the God is gone, the evil spirits will go out to hunt at night, this kind of place is best avoided, it is known."

"It is known." Irri echoed.

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