I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 21

When a Young dragon is just born, like a malnourished cat it is thin and bony, only the neck, tail and wings can be distinguished, as if it has no torso. You can barely feel the weight in your hand.

But it's different when they spread their wings, their wingspan is three times their body length, and each wing is a piece of delicate translucent skin, tightly stretched on the long thin bones.

Dany had a miserable childhood. From the age of 5, she began to wander among the Nine Cities. she lived a life of little food and clothing, thus her apple-sized breasts are completely unable to provide sufficient milk.

The little dragon had nothing to eat, and it stretched its neck and screamed in hunger, like the chimney of a steam train, and from time to time a hot white smoke came out of its nose and mouth.

Dany tried putting jerky, mare's milk, bloody fresh meat, boiled cooked meat in front of them, but the young dragon just smelled it and moved his head away.

She's in a panic, and Jorah doesn't know how to feed them…Dragons disappeared for over a hundred years before the three young dragons were born. Their legends can only be heard of in bedside stories for children.

Until the first flame bath, The Black Dragon wrenched Dany's arms away and devoured a charred bone in the fire.

And then Dany realized that dragons only eat meat that has been burned, and the kind that has to be charred.

They're too young to breathe fire and cook ingredients themselves.

And the first time to prove that a Dragon is a magical creature, not born from ashes, is their amazing appetite.

Dany personally tested that they can eat three times their body weight in one sitting!

(P.S: It's not someone's nonsense, this is the setting in "Song of Ice and Fire." White Walkers are extinct, and Dany's dragons haven't grown up yet)

This is totally against her scientific world view, Dany can't imagine where the food goes.

One time, she deliberately pinched Black Dragon's belly to feel the squirming of the food, and then…

Nothing, he kept eating, his belly kept squirming, Keep wriggling, keep eating…

Because they eat a lot, from the naked eye they can be seen growing day by day.

Dany thought happily, maybe she'll be able to ride a dragon soon.

And in order to ride a dragon, at least the dragon must learn to fly. Dany's greedy dragons are less than two feet away from the ground, and it will flap its wings and fall to the ground.

Very embarrassed.

On this day, as the egg-yolk-like Sun struggled to climb out of the horizon, Dany was delighted that her Darling Dragons could finally glide at a low altitude like a paper airplane.

After each feeding, she will use a bamboo basket to carry the dragon on her back and find an open space for training flight.

The golden red morning light slanted across the earth, Dany held the Darling Dragon and threw it up.

The young dragon flapped its wings and jumped forward, and then she bent down and picked up another one from the ground…

The young dragon that fell to the ground would climb up to mother and line up for the next test flight.

At that time, there were often a group of mud monkeys, who only wore a pair of shorts and hid behind the hills in the distance.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, the Dothraki woman would shout loudly and call her child to go home to eat and sleep.

Well, one would usually sleep until around 4 or 5 in the afternoon, tidy up and continue on the road.

Except for Khal and Ko, the only children born are of mother but not father.

Except for a very few, most of them cannot tell.

Khalasar will be responsible for raising the child, the grown child will repeat the fate of the parents, the female will be responsible for childbirth, and the male will become a Warrior, and will fight with Khal in all directions.

In the last ages Dothraki came this way.

Perhaps changes will occur in the future, after all, changes have already occurred.

Dany picked up the backpack again, carrying her three little dragons, and slowly returned to the tent.

First, she rubbed off the dirt on her body with fine red sand, and then shared some jerky with the dragons, and then she hugged the dragons and lay on the grass curtain and fell asleep.

This time, with a tent set up against the low wall that Dany built, Doreah was finally able to sleep soundly at noon.

Don't talk about this Lys girl before, even most Dothraki can't stand the sultry heat and can hardly sleep.

Even though Dany did a good job of being the leader of Khalasar, this is the Red Waste, the purgatory plains after all.

In the evening of the third day, after Khalasar had only walked for half an hour, an old man tilted his head and fell off his horse.

Because Dany has established a relatively strict Company system, she, who was at the front of the team, knew about the old man's fall from the horse immediately.

Leaving Aggo and Rakharo with her, Jhogo moved on with most of the Khalasar.

The big army can't stop, and there are still explorers looking for water ahead waiting for them!

The old man who fell from the horse had blue eyes that were like the white of a dead fish. His skin was far fairer than the rest of the tribe, and the roots of his gray hair were golden.

He is not Dothraki, but Drogo Khalasar's slave.

Dany also has a mission crossing.

--Liberate the slave.

So after she took control of Khalasar, the first thing she did was to untie the slave collar on the slave's neck and give all slaves the status of "banner".

The old man who broke his left arm in front of her is the first beneficiary of the new system.

Dany brought the mare's milk bag close to him and asked, "How old are you?"

After checking, there was no sign of heat stroke or lack of water, but she saw his mouth …

He lost one of his old teeth.

"I…I don't remember, Khaleesi." The old man drank fermented mare's milk and woke up from his drowsiness.

"Where are you uncomfortable?" Dany asked again.

"I…cough cough…my hand." The old man groaned in pain.

Dany frowned, of course she knew his hand was broken, but she wanted to know why the old man fell off the horse.

It took her about 20 minutes to clean up the broken arm, and then used two wooden boards to fix the old man's attached arm.

Even if it is a comminuted fracture, Dany can only do this. A doctor without medicine is no different from an ordinary person.

She instructed to herdsman Effendi: "carry him to the carriage."

Effendi is the Commander of the old man's company, managing a team of old people, and is usually responsible for grazing and guarding supplies.

The two old men took off a few tents from the scooter to make room for the old man, and then hung the tents on the old man's saddle.

The team moves on.

"Khaleesi, he should be left here, his hour has come," Irri, the maid next to Dany announced to the crowd, "No one should live longer than they should."

The rest of the Dothraki agreed.

Dany disagrees, "Have you ever thought about it, Khalasar doesn't leave useless people, why does he live so long? It must be Khal who needs him, I guess he must have some amazing skills."

"Maybe it's medicine, maybe it's literature," she herself immediately shook her head and denied it, "it won't be literature, maybe his herding skills are particularly good. Isn't it, Effendi?"

Effendi rode behind Dany, and when he heard the call, he dexterously came to her side, half a horse behind, and exclaimed in an exaggerated tone: "Khaleesi, you are really have an amazing foresight, I can't hide anything from you."

Although the flattery is a bit blunt, this is a compliment coming out of Dothraki's mouth!

It's as rare as seeing penguins in the North Pole.

"What kind of skills does he have?" Aggo said curiously.

"Wason knows the Way of the Twelve Sighs."

"Well, the blue-eyed Volantis is Wason," Effendi added.

"Way of the Twelve Sighs?" Dany asked with a puzzled look on her face, "What is this?"

"Hey, those who live in houses of stone must find use for it." Effendi waved his hands

Dany blushed, and immediately understood that it was a technique on erotica.

"What kind of stunt is this?" She felt ashamed and very unhappy.

Effendi was a little panicked, trying to recall what old Wason once bragged to himself saying: "Khaleesi, even the owned Yunkai, the worlds slave training center, only knows the Way of the Seven Sights, and Wason…he is a Volantis and knows the tricks that only Dragonlords could use before the destruction of Valyria. Although only five have survived, they are enough to rule the world."

Volantis is the Old Valyria Freehold The only city that survived the Great Destruction, now one of the Nine Free Cities.

The ruling class of Volantis is the same orthodox Valyria nobles as House Targaryen.

Targaryen belonged to the exiles…

"Even if he is the number one in the world, what's the use if he is of such age? Why did Khal keep him?" Dany wondered.

"He is the father of Khal Haggo," Effendi seriously said: "The father of Khal cannot be discarded."

"Khal…Haggo? Was Haggo a Khal of other Khalasar before?" Dany became more and more confused.

"It's not the Lord Bloodrider of Khal Drogo, it's the blue-eyed Haggo of twenty years ago. Our current Khalasar is so small, yet there are at least three children named Haggo."

"So that's how it is, this Wason is not simple!" Dany nodded and closed the white lion cloak on her shoulders to her chest, sighing with emotion: "A slave's son has become Khal."

"Mixed, Haggo's mother is Dothraki. Because Wason served the previous generation of Khal well – he was proficient in Way of The Twelve Sighs, and his brave son became a warrior.

Later, the blue-eyed Haggo became Khal again, and made a name for himself in the Great Grass Sea until he met the father of Khal Drogo…" Effendi sighed.

Dany secretly nods that whether a person is valuable or not doesn't depend only on martial power, but also the wisdom and rich experience of the elderly are also a kind of precious wealth.

"Khaleesi, did you know that Khal Drogo was stolen when he was a kid?" Effendi asked suddenly.

"I know that Cohollo brought him back with all his might. At that time, Cohollo had two deep scars on his face, and he became Khal's most trusted partner and later Drogo's Bloodrider."

Speaking of this, Dany's heart suddenly moved, and she asked, "Could it be that the blue-eyed Haggo did it?"

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