I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 18

Dothraki seemed confused by the numbers above ten and the "complex" management system?

Dany raised her eyebrows, Drogo's 40,000 screamers are based on Khas, and Khas is the smallest group unit under Khalasar, led by Ko, she only needs to manage a dozen or so.

In other words, Dothraki only has three ranks of "Khal– Ko– Screamer"… In fact, Khal and Khas are the same First Rank, and Khas and screamer are the same class .

Khal is the most powerful Ko, and Ko is the most powerful warrior, and there are at most two class differences between the three.

Dothraki are very primordial, and primordial almost realizes true democracy.

But she didn't want that kind of democracy, and if the Dothraki were a little more feudal, Khaleesi wouldn't be so bad.

Well, she could at least be a queen regent.

The purpose of Dany's reorganization of Khalasar is to form a hierarchical system, and with such a system, it can quickly transition to a feudal centralized society-because feudalism has appeared in other ethnic groups for thousands of years, just learn from it. Adaptation, not innovation.

Simply put, this world has enough productivity to develop feudalism.

Dany's minimum requirement for Dothraki is to build a "Golden Clan" featuring her blood.

Before Genghis Khan appeared, anyone could call him "Khan" on the prairie (that is, Khal of Dothraki). It didn't matter about bloodline, it only depended on individual bravery and power, even for the Mongolians of that time There is no perfect system of inheritance that links bloodline to surname.

Almost exactly the same as the Dothraki at this time.

But after Genghis Khan unified Mobei to establish the Mongol Empire, only "Borjigin" can be called Khan.

If you are not a Borjigin, you must also marry a Borjigin woman, your son still has Borjigin blood.

These Borjigin have a loud and great title, Golden Clan.

Whether it can dominate the world, Dany hasn't thought that far.

But she has three dragons, if she can't get the Golden Clan that belongs to her, then she will be blind to such a good resource and opportunity.

The Dothraki, who is still a mass of loose sand, is simply an opportunity.

Golden Clan has one and only one chance.

The original Dany was a bit silly, or formed an obsession like Murong Fu, and always wanted to go back to Westeros to be Queen.

What a pity, she is tens of thousands of kilometers away from Westeros!

And all the nobles there… are full of battles, martial skills, power and ambition, ferocity, loyalty – uh, not, each one is a thankless wretch.

Even so, not to mention the bad environment, and every once in a while, White Walkers come out to destroy the world.

She didn't want that shitty place just to give it away.

So no matter how difficult it is, Dothraki's reforms cannot stop.

"Aggo, what's five times ten?" she asked her Bloodrider.

Aggo thought for a while, replied: "Is it fifty?"

Dany nods and asks again: "How much is five times fifty?"

This time he spends more time, and counts his fingers for a while with a bitter face, before he is not sure: "250?"

"Isn't this the right calculation!" Dany stalled trying to encourage him.

"But didn't you say there were Captains and Commanders? Take them out, and how many Knights are there?" he asked.

"Why get rid of them? If you're the Commander, the 249 other than you are all your Warriors," Dany told him.

"But…" Aggo looked tangled, "Captain is also Commander's Warrior? Isn't Captain Khas? Khas plays for Khal, but it doesn't count…"

Aggo's speech is clumsy, his thoughts cannot be perfectly expressed in words, and he is so excited that he can't say a complete sentence.

But Dany understands his problem.

As the old saying goes, Dothraki are not used to multi-level hierarchies.

"This is a new rule, everyone is getting familiar with it." She could only use her prestige to force them to adapt.

Jorah understood Dany's thoughts and helped to make plans: "Khaleesi, don't use uncommon words like 'squad' and 'battalion', Dothraki have a team division."

"battalion" and "squad" are the Dothraki language that Dany has translated from the lingua franca, Jorah can hear it, but Jhogo is the first time they hear it.

"Is there?" Dany looked puzzled. "Why don't I know? What is it?"

"Do you know 'Fonakasar' and 'Khiro'?" Jorah said. Two Dothraki words.

"'Fonakasar' is a hunting party, and 'Khiro' is a flag." Dany said a few words, looking towards the Knight in confusion, "Is this a team?"

Jorah laughed, said: "In the tradition of the Dothraki, the hunting party is usually a group of ten people. If the number is too small it can't deal with the beasts like lions, and if the number of people is too large the prey is not enough. Ten is just right.

In fact, in Westeros, Our nobles went out to hunt, and a large group of people gathered before entering the woods, and when we entered the hunting grounds, everyone moved separately, probably about ten people in a squad."

"So that's how it is." Dany looked thoughtful.

Still not enough to be down-to-earth, in the future, we must have a deeper understanding of the people, she thought to herself.

"As for Khiro…Khaleesi, did you know that every time Khalasar goes out, there are scouting rides all over the place?" Jorah asked again.

Dany nominates, her Khas Warrior has also been a scout ride for Drogo, it seems that the Khas take turns doing this.

Exploring while on horse, which is as far as a day or two ahead of Khalasar, is the most tiring and dangerous job, and no one can keep doing it for a long time.

"According to the size of the Khalasar team, the number of expeditions sent out is also different. About every hundred people are in a group, and the people in the same group hold the same flag.

If two Khalasar meet, and don't fight immediately, the strength of each can be roughly judged by the number of flags, so as to avoid a disastrous victory.

So, as you can see, Khalasar in Drogo has many kinds of flags.

Similarly, they call the 100-person scouting team Khiro." Jorah explained to Dany carefully.

Dany suddenly asked: "Will someone deliberately deceive each other with fake flags? For example, ten people use one kind of flag, or deliberately send more explorers to make the other party think they are bigger than they actually are?"

"Uh…" Jorah was stunned, "This is not in line with the tradition of Dothraki!"

"No one would do that." A few of Aggo should also agree.

Jorah thought about it carefully, then said seriously: "Khaleesi, look at the camps around us, the traces of life are too obvious.

Where Khalasar move, people and animals live. The most obvious traces are the ashes of the bonfire, because everyone has to eat, the number of your Khalasar can be roughly estimated by the number of stoves.

You may be able to deceive the other party by explorer riders, but when he finds out that the number of bonfires you use is wrong, Khal, who is provoked by the deceit, will turn around immediately, then…"

"Then you must not know, the stove for eating can actually be made use of, for example, I have few people, but I deliberately burn more bonfires to scare the other party to death.

Another example, I have many people, but I deliberately build less fires, waiting for the angry Khal who thinks he has been cheated come after me, I remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs and ambushing him." Dany said with a sense of superiority.

"Uh..." Not only Jhogo's simple Dothraki almond eyes stared to round, but Ser Jorah, who thought he had received many years of higher Knight education, also widened his mouth feeling slightly dumb.

Seven Hells, how can you do that? However, it seems that… it is really viable.

Jorah looks strangely at the "simple" young Princess, is she a natural military genius?

However, I always feel a little dirty, and it doesn't fit the spirit of a Knight at all.

Alas, it seems that she, who lacked the education of the Westeros nobility since childhood, was spoiled by cunning merchants.

(P.S: Dany grew up in nine Free Cities, Westeros people look down on city-state businessmen who value benefit over righteousness.

To be fair, although Westeros people are also keen on Game of Thrones, but they are more virtuous than the merchants on the other side of the strait. In other words, there are still some good people in Westeros, but most of the nine federations are villains.)

"Khaleesi, although the Dothraki Sea is big, But you lied to the first Khalasar, and the others will soon know about it," Quaro responded.

Stratagems are still available, use them all…even if the Dothraki Great Grass Sea is vast, it is estimated that there will be few Khalasars left.

"Okay," Dany waved her hand and said with a final word: "Ten Men Squad is called a 'Company', and the battalion of Hundred People is a 'Banner'."

Well, Fonakasar and Khiro are replaced by easy-to-understand words as Company and Banner.

I clearly wanted to build the Mongol Empire, but I was confused and resurrected in this fantasy world.

Well, aside from other things, the army and regime formation system in the early Qing Dynasty was still relatively dynamic, and the situation Dany is facing now is more like Nurhaci than Genghis Khan.

Nurhaci made a fortune on 13 sets of armor, Dany is a little better than him, she has three dragons to guarantee the bottom line…and only the bottom line, in this fantasy world, dragons can't represent invincibility.

"In the future, all flags will be replaced by a unified black flag, representing the Black Dragon in my arms. A woman cannot be Khal, so I consider myself Banner Lord, and all the soldiers and warriors who serve me are Bannermen."

There are only so many troops at present, so don't think about the Eight Banners. The system should be formulated first, and the personnel should be replenished gradually.

Several people discussed in the tent for two or three hours. After the system was confirmed by Dany, it was implemented as soon as possible.

First of all, to distinguish the soldiers from the people, including the old and the children, Dany finally got enough for a Banner, she recognized herself as Banner Lord, and took a Company. At the same time, the remaining nine Companies except Aggo, Jorah, and five others, there are four left.

Just as Dany was reorganizing the household registration of the elderly, the weak, women and children, the Dothraki warriors on the other side of the open space became noisy, and some people even pulled out their Arakhs.

Dany hurried over and asked her Company to separate the troublemakers.

She rode on the small silver horse, looked at the blushing Dothraki warrior below, and asked, "What's going on?"

"Khaleesi, I'm stronger, let me Kill that bastard!" a Dothraki said loudly.

The Dothraki he pointed at with the Arakh also shouted: "Kill me?! Don't stop me I will pull off his head!"

Both are the old members of the Khas, who have defended her together for more than a year, turned their faces when they said that, very Dothraki.

Jorah explained: "They are fighting for the company's leader position, but we are with left with so few left that we can't stand the cost."

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