I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 10

The Khalasar of Drogo have been in this desolate Red Waste for two days, and the news of "The Khal will die" is circulating in the tribe at every moment.

This is not a rumor either, because it is known: Khal Drogo was too sick to get on a horse, so Khalasar could not move without Khal leading him.

That night Mirri Maz Duur announced with a grim face: "Khal's wounds are festering, and there is no doctor who can save him. All that's left is to guide him in the dark path and let him Ride painlessly into the kingdom of night."

Daenerys pretends to be devastated, begging her to save her 'sun and stars'.

Mirri Maz Duur looked at Dany with those dark eyes like the night…and her bulging belly, and her voice was surprisingly quiet, almost like a babble: "It's true. There is a way, a Magic.

But this spell is not only difficult to implement, it is also very dark, and for some people, death is more straightforward.

I learned this spell in Asshai, and paid a terrible price for it – my mentor is from Shadow Lands…"

"Bloodmage." She lightly spit out a word, and for the first time her nice and quiet voice exposes the identity of herself– Maegi.

She has been denying the identity of Maegi before, only saying that she is a doctor and a priestess.

There seemed to be some kind of dark magic in her voice, and Dany, being baked by the blazing fire, suddenly felt that her neck was strangled by a frozen, sticky tentacle – unable to breathe and with blurred thinking.

She heard herself say in a daze: "Go on, save…"

A lava like feeling burst out from the lower abdomen, heat stimulated her nerves and woke her up all at once.

——dragon egg all along next to the skin hidden in the abdomen.

She suppressed the shock in her heart, showing a hesitant expression, "Khal's Bloodrider won't agree, is there no other way?"

Maegi was stunned, then shook his head and said, "No ."

Dany pursed his lips, looked her in the eyes, coldly said: "You admit that you are aMaegi?"

"Really?" Mirri Maz Duur Seemingly confident, said with a slight smile: "Silver Lady, only Maegi can save your warriors right now. Besides, you have to pay the price."

Dany looked at Drogo, who was ignorant of personnel, and asked: "What do you want? Gold, horses…"

Maegi interrupted her unceremoniously, saying, "It's not about gold or horses, Lady, it's Blood Magic, which can only be exchanged for death is life."

"Death? You want my life?"

Maegi assured her, "It's not your death, Khaleesi."

From time to time, her eyes swept to Dany's lower abdomen, her eyes were dark and malicious.

Daenerys decided not to entangle with her any more, and asked directly: "Whose death can wake up my sun and stars? It's not his horse, right?"

"Silver Lady, you have the courage to face the cruelest reality – you have guessed it, Blood Magic's equivalent exchange, exchange the life of a noble Khal from the night god for another great horse-riding king Newborn."

Mirri Maz Duur smiled and pointed to Dany's belly, as if Hell was eyeing the food sacrificed by the unclean, "Khal Drogo is not only your sun and stars , he is the guarantee of your safety.

As long as your Husband survives, there will be a large group of children waiting for you to raise… Maybe like the Silver Lady, giving birth to represent of sun and stars."

Dany changed color suddenly, picked up the teapot in front of him and smashed it.


Maegi didn't expect her to react like this, her forehead was smashed straight, and blood mixed with milky white mare's milk flowed down her cheeks.

"Aggo, Rakharo, drag Maegi down, gag her mouth and tie her up," she ordered loudly to the guard on duty outside the house.

Two days and nights passed, Drogo's Khalasar was on the verge of collapse, and every night Dany could hear the cries of Irri Jhiqui and other maids.

This morning, she even saw Doreah's chest, abdomen, and thighs covered with bruises.

It was made by Qotho and Haggo.

Khal's Bloodrider can share everything except mounts with Khal, Drogo doesn't allow them to touch Dany, but Dany's maid is always wanted by them.

Before they didn't go so far, but now…

"Everyone knew Khal was going to die, and according to Dothraki custom, his Bloodrider lived with him Death. Qotho they are so mad when they see their lifespan is near – the dead have nothing to worry about." Ser Jorah told her with a tired expression.

The hardest part of these two days is actually him. The heavy armor on his body has not been taken off since the moment he put it on.

"And this place is barren. The creek three miles away is almost drank by the people and horses. The key is that there is no pasture. The livestock can't hold on anymore." Jorah rubbed his dim eyes in the light and said in despair : "The Dothraki will never watch their horses starve, or die of thirst, soon they will do something, no...tonight or tomorrow."

I deliberately, pushed at Drogo Going in the wrong direction and deliberately choose this Desolate Land that cannot sustain the existence of the huge Khalasar for long.

Because I hope that the Khas bandits will lead their respective Khas tribes to disperse on their own after they cannot hold on.

Never let the ambitious fight for the position of Khal near my Young Kas, otherwise, her Khas clan will not survive the melee, and as Khaleesi, her life may not be saved.

Feeling that the last moment had come, she said to Knight, with a haggard face and dark eyes, "I'm going to give birth tonight. You go and call Mirri Maz Duur."

Ser Jorah's eyes flashed with pain, and he wanted to tell the princess: in this situation, don't have any more expectations for the child, or you will not be able to bear the huge blow that will inevitably come.

"Khaleesi, didn't you say she wanted to sacrifice your child?" he said hoarsely.

"Don't let her come near my body as long as she sings Song of Childbirth," Dany comforted him.

Maegi has been locked in a small tent in the vicinity for the past two days. Except for the messy clothes and hair, she is in good spirits.

"I hear the whispers of many horse-riding Warriors, your Husband's tribe is about to collapse, and only his return from the darkness can change all that, your destiny, that of your future child." She looked persuading Dany comfortably.

"My stomach hurts, I'm about to give birth, help me give birth to the child first." Dany was lying on the blanket, 'sweaty', 'as if' he had just taken a hot bath with her clothes on.

"I'll help you..." Mirri Maz Duur was stunned, and was about to walk towards Dany's bed.

"Wait a minute." Dany asked Irri to stop her and said, "I'm going to give birth for a long time, so you can sing Song of Childbirth through the screen."

Then she went on Seriously to the maid: "Irri, you are guarding outside. If she is abnormal, shoot her with a crossbow immediately."

"You don't trust me?" Maegi sank his face.

"Yes, at least until my son is born safely, I won't give you any more trust, you should know why." Dany glared at her.

Mirri Maz Duur pondered with a sullen: Should she give birth to the child? In any case, her son, who was prophesied as "Stallion Who Mounts the World", was doomed todDie at the hands of the new Dothraki Khal, or be sacrificed by herself to the devil in the shadows.

Why didn't this silver-haired woman break down as expected? The seductive black magic that was mixed in the language last time didn't work…

I can't give the cruelest revenge with my own hands, so I'm not reconciled.

No matter what she thinks in her heart, facing the Dothraki maid with a crossbow beside her, watching staring at her, Mirri Maz Duur can only honestly sing Song of Childbirth .

The procedure went well unexpectedly. Dany only wailed for half an hour before a weak baby cry could be heard inside the wooden screen.

"Don't move!" Irri warned loudly.

Maegi stopped walking around the wooden screen, turned her head and looked towards the maid and said, "Your Khaleesi needs me, and there is more complicated work to do after the child is born."

Actually, she had no other thoughts at this time. She just felt that today's procedure was very wrong, and she really wanted to see it with her own eyes.

"Stop, don't move." Irri remained unmoved with the crossbow in hand.

Dany said weakly inside: "Irri, let Jhiqui and Doreah in. Mirri Maz Duur has proved her loyalty, you take her back to the camp, don't tie her up again, and send her some meat and drinks."

It's not normal, that silver-haired woman has a trick!

Maegi is absolutely sure, but just can't figure out what she's done and what she's going to do.

Irri, Jhiqui, and Doreah have never given birth, and have never learned the technique of childbirth, thinking that everything is the result of Mirri Maz Duur's miraculous Song of Childbirth.

Even Ser Jorah and the others outside thought this too, after all, a few days ago, everyone saw Maegi help the dying Lilith give birth to a pair of healthy twins.

Before that, all hairless peoples were 100% sure that Lilith, who fell off the horse, could not be saved!

It can be seen that Mirri Maz Duur must be an extraordinary midwifery Witch Doctor.

With her help, Khaleesi gave birth to a son that was normal.

When the three Bloodriders, Cohollo, Qotho, and Haggo were brought into the straw curtain palace by Ser Jorah, they, naturally, regarded the skinny baby in Dany's arms as the son of Khal.

"My sun and stars, your 'blood of my blood'...he's dying." Dany said casually, fiddling with the baby's sparse black hair.

"Women, Dothraki are not like you Sunset Kingdoms," Cohollo, the wise old man, thought he saw through Dany's absurd ambitions of 'governing under the curtain', and unceremoniously taunted: "Dothraki were born from the Womb of the World. In the beginning, there was never a baby Khal.

In fact, if the adult son of Khal is not the strongest Warrior of Khalasar, he will not necessarily inherit the position of Khal of the father."

Here it is. At this moment, they don't even call 'Khaleesi' anymore.

As Ser Jorah said, when Khal Drogo was alive, she was the Khaleesi of the tribe of 100,000 Dothraki, and after he died, she was nothing.

Daenerys said to them: "I have accepted the fate, Dosh Khaleen of Vaes Dothrak. But as the blood of my blood of my Husband, this child is his continuation and your bloodline.

I hope that one or a few of you will be brave enough to run overnight to bring my Rhaego (the name of Daenerys' son, decided from the day of conception) north.

Vaes Dothrak under the Mother of Mountains is the holy land of Dothraki who show no swords and blood, put aside disputes, and give up hatred.

Find the one who prophesied that I will give birth to 'Stallion Who Mounts the World' Dosh Khaleen Crone of the World', asking her to withdraw Rhaego's prophecy and asking her to take Rhaego as a lifetime squire.

If the above requirements are fulfilled, I will take the Princess of Dragonstone of 'Stormborn' In place of Rhaego, he swears: Forever renounces the pursuit of the inheritance of his biological father, Khal Drogo."

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