I Became the Lieutenant Character in a Bishoujo Game.

Chapter 200

A month flew by…

Roughly estimating, about a month has passed, the month has changed, and my belly is slowly growing larger every day, along with my stage of pregnancy being around the middle.

For me, I could only tell that my belly and breasts have gotten bigger than before.


“What? Are you not feeling well?”

“No, it’s not that…”

It wasn’t too early in the morning, just a suitable late morning when the Commander woke me up, and so I got up.

Well, since I wasn’t going to work.

The Commander coming into my room in the morning to wake me had become part of my daily routine recently.

But… today felt a bit different.

The Commander woke me up in the morning, and so I opened my eyes.

It was an ordinary morning, not much different from usual.

It definitely should have been, but… it wasn’t.

“…I feel something in my belly.”


“Something… umm…”

I couldn’t find the words to describe it.

It felt like something small was moving, or it was like something was thumping… in many ways, it was just an odd sensation.

It was the first time I had ever felt something like this.

“…Is it a baby?”


“If it’s not that… it probably wouldn’t feel this way…”

There was no way it could be something else.

The situation was such that I couldn’t even think of another possibility.

Feeling this right after waking up was definitely different from the usual.

“Is it still happening?”

“That’s… not it. But… just now, the feeling was so clear.”

“…Let’s check your condition first. Can you get up?”

“I’m definitely not in pain. And… let’s wash up first… I can’t just go like this.”

The Commander was worrying too much unnecessarily, but it wasn’t anything serious.

It was just that I felt something in my belly… just that level.

Anyway, I decided to wake up and take a shower first.

Going directly to the Treatment Room felt a bit… dirty.

Of course, I had taken a light shower before going to bed yesterday, but still, I thought it was right to wash up.

…But was that feeling really from the baby…?

Honestly, it was the first time feeling something like this since getting pregnant, so I really didn’t know.

“…I don’t know.”

Well… it should be, right?

Just thinking like that, I washed up.

And then I headed straight to the Treatment Room…

“That’s the baby moving.”

“…Is it really?”

“Yes, it usually happens. Everyone says they suddenly felt a strange sensation in their belly, something they’ve never felt before, and they worry… but most of the time it’s just the baby.”

“…Is that so…”

“Hehe… if you’re really worried, should I show you the inside?”

“…If possible, I’d like to see it.”

I had already seen the fetus.

They had shown me the child’s image through an ultrasound, and I could see something wiggling in black and white.

Of course, I could definitely tell that the small moving fetus was inside me.

Anyway, I wanted to take another look.

That feeling was… awkward and worrying.

“…It looks fine.”

“Yes, it’s just the baby moving. The baby is healthy.”

“…That’s a relief.”

…I had thought that the feeling was due to the baby.

But just in case, a little worry crept in… so I just had to ask.

Anyway, thank goodness.

After hearing that, I came into the office.

Not that there was much to do.

Recently, I hadn’t been working.

Pregnancy has made me more tired than before, and although I had resolved a few things lately… besides that, I had no need to work.

So I literally couldn’t work at all.

It was a situation where I couldn’t do any work, even if I wanted to.

“Miss Dolores, please contact the squad members regarding the training of Squad 4 scheduled for 14:00 today.”


“Miss Midori, please check to see if the preparations for the patrol inside the area starting from 18:00 are properly done.”

“Of course!!!”

Um, that wasn’t my position, and the pretty girl with black hair sitting alone had been doing all my work for the last month, you know?

“Linda, what did they say at the Treatment Room?”

“They just said the baby is moving a little inside. No need to worry… just continue as usual.”

“That’s a relief…”

Anyway, when I entered the office, the Commander immediately greeted me.

With a worried expression, of course.

Although as soon as I told him, he had a relieved look.

“Miss Lindera, the Boss asked you to contact him.”

“Ugh… just because I felt the baby move… do I have to do that, too?”

“When it comes to something related to the baby, it’s an order for you to contact the Boss.”


I didn’t know the name, but someone had vaguely assigned the Boss to handle work in my place.

Originally, they had been doing quite well in a decent position over at headquarters.

Due to connections with the Boss and being good at their work, they got assigned like this.

A bit… pitiful, but honestly, it was just easier for me.

On their official report, the Boss said they were getting paid more now, so it was fine.

“Commander, was there anything happening here?”


“In the office.”

“Um… I think that person over there would know better than me…”

“…Why on earth does someone who isn’t even an official vice commander know more than you?”

“…You got me there.”

Seriously, the Commander was always the same.

It was almost absurd because of that.

“Sis, can I borrow the Commander for a while?”

Anyway, I had roughly finished checking things as soon as I entered the office, but the Commander didn’t seem to have much work.

I mean, he probably came to wake me up because he had free time.

So I thought it was right to say ‘sister’ to the woman who was doing my work instead.

She wasn’t an agent or called by a nickname or codename, so I had to call her ‘sister’ every time.

It felt awkward at first, but I was used to it now.

“Well… if you’re back within an hour, there shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Then… I’ll just borrow her for a moment.”

An hour, huh.

Well, anyway, the matters the Commander had weren’t that important.

That’s how I ended up going outside with the Commander.

“Thank goodness. I thought something was going on since this morning.”

“That’s true. Honestly, it was my first time, so I was a little worried, but it turns out to be nothing.”

After going outside with the Commander, we were casually chatting like that.

In fact, both the Commander and I were a bit surprised.

“By the way, how is your sister doing these days? When you first started working in the office… you seemed really cramped.”

“…Well, it’s still pretty similar. Asking how much work Lindera did, saying that every time.”

“Umm… I’ve reduced it a bit.”

“Does that mean that the mom-to-be is amazing?”

“Please don’t say that. It’s embarrassing.”

“But it’s true, isn’t it?”

“…Well, as long as you know.”

The sister from headquarters was working harder than I expected.

She had increased the workload of Midori and the Commander, both of whom had previously been doing less, and even added a bit to Dolores, who was already handling things decently.

Well… that was only right.

Honestly, I was glad that work would be easier after I returned.

Plus, the Commander coming home exhausted at night and cuddling with me was nice?

“But Lindera… do you have to stay in the private room?”

“Why do you ask?”

“…Just? The Boss bought us a house, so it feels a bit sorry to not use it.”

“That’s not a problem.”

As the Commander said, the Boss had bought us a house.

Inside the area… a really nice house.

It was on a high floor, so the view was great, and overall the house was nice, but I was deliberately not using it.

Naturally, if I used the house inside the area, I wouldn’t be able to come into the office to whisk away the Commander like this.

“How could I deal with a ship outside? If you were keen, you should have stayed inside the area.”

“…Sigh. Alright.”

It is genuinely a nice house, but I had no plans to use it right now.

So, I was continuously refusing the Boss’s offer to furnish the house, and as of now, the inside only had a refrigerator.

Other than the fridge, there was literally nothing inside the nice house.

I planned to keep it that way until after the baby was born.

Aside from the house being a gift, I wanted to choose the furniture and stuff with the Commander.

I had no intention of living there until then.

And if the baby would be sleeping there with us… that would be nice too.

Yeah, it definitely seemed better that way.

“So why did I bring you here?”

“I just wanted to go on a date. I’ll have lunch again later, but… it looks like there’s nothing to do right now.”


“Yeah, and I feel bad for taking time off just for myself. I thought I’d steal you away for a bit.”

Laughing together like that made us feel good.

It would be a matter of satisfaction for both the Commander and me, so it felt really pleasant.

Well, I had just wanted to go on a date, though.

“By the way… your belly has really grown.”

“Well, it’s been five months.”

“That’s true.”

Five months…

A lot more had happened than I had expected.

My belly grew, I dealt with morning sickness, got scolded by the Boss, and saw the Boss swinging their hand at the Commander’s back.

That was all in many ways the first time.

Moreover, it was a long time since someone else came into the office, and I wasn’t working.

Although a short time had passed, it had been surprisingly enjoyable.

…Was it just because I didn’t have to work?

“Ah, Commander.”


“…I think you can look forward to this weekend.”

“Why? Are you planning to go to some nice restaurant?”


A restaurant, huh.

The Commander’s thoughts were a bit different from mine, but… part of it was similar.

What the Commander liked and enjoyed was all prepared.

Of course, it wasn’t food, but it was definitely something the Commander liked.

Plus, it could be something to enjoy?

“You should just look forward to it quietly.”

These days… I had been holding back because of the baby in my belly.

I had continued to endure for safety.

Honestly, I wanted to do it constantly… but I kept holding back as much as I could.

Feeling embarrassed to be the first to ask in this situation, I knew I wouldn’t go for the whole process anyway.

So I intentionally held back, and held back again, but while talking about the movement in the Treatment Room today, I decided.

Now, I didn’t have to just keep holding back, so… I wanted to do it again.

Relieving stress, desires, and wanting to enjoy it after a long time…


“I don’t know what it is, but I feel like it’s going to be a proper date after a long time, and I’m happy.”

“Yes, I suppose so.”

Well, overall, both of us had really held back for a long time, and surely we would enjoy it this weekend.

I smiled in response to the Commander’s words.

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