I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 39

Watching Lin Beifan’s smug expression, Chai Yuxin really felt like punching him.

She had originally come to question him, but unexpectedly, she ended up becoming his accomplice.

After just a few months of not seeing each other, the other party seemed to have become somewhat cunning and sly, having her firmly under his control.

“Hmph! I won’t bother with the matters of my father and uncle, but I still need to take care of other things!”

Chai Yuxin snorted, “I’ve heard about the reckless things you’ve done since becoming Emperor. You’ve neglected your kingdom for a beauty, even causing wars without reason, attacking the Mo Kingdom twice, and dismissing court officials without cause, plunging the nation into peril!”

“Now, you’re attracting refugees at all costs, mining, reclaiming wasteland, digging canals, and even expanding the army, with the national treasury on the brink of collapse! Let me tell you, the empire our elders fought for wasn’t easy to come by, and sooner or later, you’ll squander it all! It’s not easy to conquer a realm, but it’s even harder to keep it, so you’d better mend your ways immediately!”

Lin Beifan gave a faint smile, “You say that I have squandered the nation… Do you see it squandered now?”

Chai Yuxin thought seriously for a moment and realized that it indeed did not seem to be the case.

Moreover, it shows an upward trend.

Lin Beifan waved his hand dismissively, “Ever since my ascension to the throne, I have dismissed numerous officials and firmly grasped power in my hands! Leading the army northward, we crippled the Mo Kingdom, resolving the longstanding threat from the north!”

“Summoning 100,000 miners to excavate the mountains was due to the discovery of a vast amount of ore. Extracting it not only addresses some of the people’s livelihood issues but also enriches the national treasury!”

“Gathering 200,000 farmers to reclaim wasteland is because we have a vast amount of land lying fallow. It’s such a waste not to cultivate it when it could yield crops! Once developed, it can feed millions of people!”

“Calling upon numerous displaced people to dig through the canal, once the canal is open, domestic travel and transport will be convenient in all directions, not only facilitating trade but also making the transportation of supplies more efficient during military campaigns, thus strengthening national defense!”

“Conscripting 300,000 troops is a necessity for national security!”

Lin Beifan spread his hands, “Look at every action I have taken. Which one does not benefit the country, and which one does not benefit the people?”

Chai Yuxin thought about it seriously once again and realized that it was indeed true.

Although the other party had done many things, they were beneficial to the country and the people.

“But what you’re doing is too radical! Our country is small and poor, with limited financial resources and even more limited food supplies! It would be okay if you did things one by one, but doing everything at once will wear the country down!”

Lin Beifan calmly stated, “No worries, as long as we can handle it, it’s not considered radical. Everything is under my control!”

“Hmph! I may not understand politics, but what about military affairs?”

Chai Yuxin angrily said, “At a time like this, instead of attacking the weakened Mo Kingdom, surrounded and beset by enemies, you choose to attack the powerful An Kingdom. Isn’t that just plain foolish?”

“That’s not foolishness, it’s a strategy of ‘encircling Wei to save Zhao’, drawing the snake out of its hole!”

(TLN: Encircling Wei to save Zhao from “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu. Attacking an enemy’s stronghold to force them to withdraw their forces from a siege on an ally, thus saving the ally without a direct confrontation.)

Lin Beifan laughed and said, “The Mo Kingdom has already been crippled by my hand; they pose no threat. However, the An Kingdom still retains its strength! If we allow them to conquer the Mo Kingdom, their national power will increase, and the next one they might deal with could be my Xia Kingdom!”

“Our Xia Kingdom is in the midst of a major production phase, prioritizing stability—we can’t afford any turmoil! So, to be on the safe side, I will make the first move against them! It serves a dual purpose: it’s good practice for our troops, and it will also tie them down, buying time for the Mo Kingdom!”

“The longer this war drags on, the worse it is for the Mo Kingdom, the worse for the An Kingdom, but the better for us. Do you understand?”

“What you’re saying… seems to make some sense!”

Chai Yuxin shook her head: “Forget it, I don’t care about these things anymore! I’m going back, but you can’t forget about the promise of the general’s position you made to me!”

She grabbed the bottle of Bamboo Wine and slipped away.

Lin Beifan smiled faintly, having so easily persuaded an Innate master to serve him!

Looking at the Empire Sandbox, the national power had grown somewhat, which made him happy!


Shortly after, Chai Yuxin returned to the Grand General’s residence.

The Prime Minister and the Grand General, who had been waiting for a long time, asked eagerly, “Yuxin, how did it go? Were you able to persuade His Majesty to reinstate our positions?”

Chai Yuxin suddenly felt guilty.

Not only had she failed to persuade him, but she had also betrayed them.

With a forced smile, she tried to appease them, “Father, Uncle, I suddenly feel that what he did was for your own good!”

“For our good?” Both elders were utterly bewildered.

“Yes, look at you both, you’re already of a considerable age, having dedicated the better part of your lives to the country. It’s been incredibly tough, and now it’s time for you to enjoy some peace and quiet, don’t you think?”

“Hmm?” The two elders were even more bewildered.

“Let the younger generation handle the affairs of the nation…”

Chai Yuxin let out a belch, feigning drunkenness, and said, “Right, I just had a bit to drink, my head’s a little dizzy, so if there’s nothing else, I’m going to head back to my room to rest! You both take care, I’ll be off!”

After saying that, she slipped away with the speed of lightning.

Leaving only the two old folks looking at each other in bewilderment.

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