I Became the Genius of the Gigant Academy

Chapter 19:

The moment Abel struck Karl’s body.  Except for a few cadets, everyone saw the scene, and no one was surprised. They talked to each other with awkward smiles, trying to understand what happened. 

“Did he get hit on purpose?”  

“I guess he did. He must have gone easy on him because he’s a freshman, right?”

”I guess so. Maybe?”  

No one had a definitive answer to the question because it was such a fantastic sight. But there was one stunned person in the room—the person who was punched in the jaw by Abel. Karl.

‘I couldn’t avoid it?’

Karl had been a bit defensive the first time, but he wasn’t this time. He realized that his opponent was far beyond the level of an average freshman, and he was cautious. However, unlike the first time, when he managed to deflect the attack, he took a solid punch to the jaw this time. 

Of course, the condition was highly unfavorable to Karl. He was in an uncoordinated, underpowered training gigant, a Miles-class that couldn’t possibly carry his full specifications. Moreover, he didn’t move from the spot, so it was impossible to avoid him altogether. 

But what does that mean?

‘That’s right.’ 

The difference in skill between Karl and Abel was noticeable. If he fought properly, he’d win ten times out of ten. The sheer amount of experience meant that the freshman’s attack shouldn’t have hit him, no matter the condition. Karl slowly opened his heavily closed mouth.



“Your talent is real.”  

Only his voice came through since he was inside the gigant, but he was definitely serious. 

“I’ll teach you many things in the near future.  So, that your talents can bloom splendidly.”

Karl was a teacher at the academy and had seen many people considered geniuses. But it was the first time he had said such a thing to anyone. He was convinced that this young boy would become one of the pillars supporting the empire in the future.  

Abel responded seriously to his words, “So, is my wish really possible?  Can I wish for objects or something like that?”

Karl paused at the question, and Abel looked at Karl suspiciously and asked.

“…You weren’t trying to be sneaky, were you?”

“How could I?” Karl answered Abel’s question hastily, then spoke barely audibly. 

 “It’s just that… as long as it’s not too expensive.”

It was a statement full of sincerity. 

»————- ★ ————-«

Karl was not the kind of man to be offended by being outmaneuvered. Instead, it was quite the opposite. He admired Abel’s talent and recognized it. In addition, Abel said he would just do the physical training he was exempted from.

It would be challenging, but Abel was pretty disappointed with his strength. Karl, who was a little downcast, gave him some tips and tricks. It was almost like he was tutoring him until the class was over. It was pretty informative.

 “You’re following along better than I thought. You’ve worked hard.”

After the hellish training, Karl tapped Abel on the shoulder and smirked. Karl’s white teeth sparkled and shone.

“Have you thought of a wish?” 


Abel let the words slip out unconsciously, exhausted, and then hastily shut his mouth. He almost said his real intention. 

“Go? Go what?” 

“Oh, I was going to say thanks for teaching me. I’ll take my time to think about a wish.” 

“Okay. For now, rest over there. I’ll dismiss the class as soon as I’m done organizing.”

Fortunately, Karl didn’t probe further but shuffled off to one side. Abel watched his back. He could see the sore muscles of his back working through the tight clothing.

‘I’d get in trouble if I asked him if I could call him a gorilla.’

It was part of the achievement, but it didn’t feel right. 

‘I’ll have to think about it more,’ Abel thought, turning his head to one side as he considered what to wish for.


Abel could see gigants being moved one after another. Since the gigants were stored away and only brought out for class, his Lupus had been moved as well. Abel bit his lip in disappointment. He could not keep that thing parked next to his dorm. Part of him wanted to ride it more, but he was on the verge of exhaustion, and he could do nothing about it.

“Good job, everyone. Next time, I’ll expect you all to at least learn to walk with the gigant, so think about how you can move better. Take other classes as well.”

With that, Mr. Karl dismissed the class. Abel waved goodbye to the other cadets and started to walk away.

“Abel, are you going to your dorm?” 

“Uh, I’m dying. I’m going to lay down for a bit.”

Luckily, there was time until the next class, so he could get some rest. Daniel chattered beside him about how tired he was, but Abel neatly ignored him and continued with his thoughts. 

‘I need to work harder on my physical strength,’ He thought, feeling a little disappointed that he’d been able to ride a Miles-class Gigant. 

It was even more so considering the goal. It’s not possible to take the top spot for all four years with ordinary efforts because there was no one less talented here. It wasn’t just about the symbolism of taking the top place.

‘Actually, the things I wish for the most are the rewards.’ 

Del Mordor Academy invests generously in those who excel: armor, airframe upgrades, and even visions. No spec is too powerful to be without.  Thinking of the future, one must be strong by mobilizing everything they know. 

‘Didn’t Lupus also get it because he took the top spot?’

As his mind raced, he suddenly remembered something he’d forgotten. 

‘Wasn’t that tomorrow……?’

He played this game like crazy, but he didn’t remember everything. Usually, Abel would think about something other than the bolded information, and then it would pop into his head, as it did now. 

The day after the protagonist gets his first gigant, an incident occurs, and a special class is organized. He thought about it a bit more and realized the timing was similar. 

”Oh, I have an all-day theory class tomorrow. My head hurts already.”

Infamous Scans

Daniel was talking intently, even as Abel gave him a curt reply. Abel glanced at him and said. 

“Your head won’t hurt as much tomorrow.” 

“Huh? What are you talking about?” 

“How sure are you?” Daniel asked persistently, but Abel ignored him again.

Shortly afterward, the two arrived at the dormitory, and Abel was eager to return to his room. But there was an unexpected figure in the hall. It was Loline again. When she spotted Abel, she walked right up to him and said.

“By any chance, can we talk now? I got out of class earlier than I thought.” 

 Abel nodded. Though a little tired, he had no problem talking for a while.


“Then… let’s go somewhere a little quieter.”

Daniel’s eyes widened next to him. Anyone who saw him would think that Abel was talking to him.

“Uh, Daniel, I guess I’ll see you later.”

Abel spoke to Daniel and walked along with Loline. When they arrived at a moderately deserted area, Loline stopped and looked at Abel. Abel tensed inwardly and glanced at Loline.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” 

He had felt Loline’s gaze occasionally and was unwittingly nervous, wondering if she had sensed something like May had. 


Loline fumbled with her words a few times, looking uncharacteristically nervous before finally speaking.

 “I was wondering how I could learn how to control Gigant well?” Her tone was stiff, but there was a sense of desperation. Her words surprised Abel because he didn’t expect it at all.

‘Loline needs my help?’

Although this was the first time he’d ever spoken to her in person, he knew she wasn’t the type to ask for help easily, especially when it was from a classmate she’d never spoken to before. 



“Why me?”

She answered Abel’s question calmly, “The entrance exams, the mock battles, and what I’ve heard, if not seen. Your talent is on a different level from the others.”

“…….Wouldn’t you be better off learning from the instructors, considering your skills?” 

Although Abel thinks he’s talented, this was Del Mordor Academy. Among the teachers, there are many outstanding Gigant Riders, and while Abel may be able to learn later, he’s not quite at their level right now. It wasn’t as if the teachers here were particularly reluctant to have a cadet ask for instruction; they were more likely to be overjoyed, like Karl. Loline didn’t answer his question right away.

“That’s…” Loline bit her lip, unsure what to say, and then spoke, “If you advise me on how to control a gigant, I’ll help you with your mana management.”

Abel looked at her instead of asking questions again. Unless he was an idiot, he could see that there was a reason why Loline couldn’t tell him why she was asking him for help, although he didn’t necessarily have to grant her request……. 

“Alright, then.” 

There’s no reason to turn the deal down if it is tempting. If nothing else, Loline’s talent for mana management was definitely above Abel’s, and it was good that she was one of the people Abel had initially tried to build a friendship with. 

‘I’ll have to find out why she asked for help gradually.’

Loline’s face lit up at Abel’s acceptance. Perhaps because she had no original expression, she looked completely different when she smiled. 

“Thank you. So, are you free tomorrow evening?” 

“Tomorrow? I don’t think so. Let’s make it the day after tomorrow.”

If Abel recalled correctly, there would be no time for personal training tomorrow. Loline nodded at Abel’s words, thanked him again, and turned to leave. Abel stood there momentarily before he, too, headed for his room. 

»————- ★ ————-«

Knock knock.

Abel’s eyes snapped open at the sound of someone knocking on his door. He blinked a few times and stared at the ceiling, and then the knock came again, but this time around, it was more vicious.


“Assemble in the main hall in twenty minutes.” 

It was the voice of the inspector. 


There was no reply after that. Abel got out of bed and went straight to the shower. 

Ten minutes had passed by the time he got out and got dressed. Abel quickly dried his hair with a towel, opened the door, and headed out. 

He looked out through the window in the hallway and saw the dim dormitory garden. Abel padded down the hallway and took the stairs at the end to the ground floor. 

“Cadet Abel Klein.”

 Tania, who was waiting for him on the ground floor, called out his name.


“Since you’re the first to arrive, that’s three points.” 

“Thank you.” Abel bowed his head and stood in front of Tania. 

Tania checked something off on a piece of paper and looked up at Abel.

“Don’t you want to know what’s going on?’

She didn’t say anything the day before, but he quickly got ready and came out, so it was rather odd that he hadn’t asked her any questions. She must have felt that he would ask.

Abel replied calmly, “I thought something was going on.” 

“…..I see. I’ll explain the details when everyone else is here.”


Abel had a good idea of what was happening, so he stood still and waited. About a minute later, he saw Daniel rushing down the stairs. Daniel tried to say hello loudly as usual but bowed calmly as he realized it was still dawn.

“Come this way and stand.” 


The cadets kept appearing one after another. Loline, Hannah, June, Lian. They were all special class students. The last people to appear were Charlotte and May, but to be exact, Charlotte appeared carrying May at her back.

“……. May didn’t wake up,” Charlotte said in a small voice at the stares directed at her. 

Only after arriving at the ground floor did May wake up mumbling and standing on her two feet. When Tania saw that everyone was gathered, she spoke up. 

“You will not be attending regular classes today,”

At those words, curiosity flashed in everyone’s eyes. 

Tania continued calmly, “There is transportation waiting for us in front of the dormitory, so we will take it and return around 10 in the evening.”

“Where are we going?” Lian asked cautiously, and Tania looked at him.

“Just this morning, special permission has been granted.” Her tone went beyond calm to bland. 

“Permission to enter the Wall of Glory, that is.”

The wall of glory. The Great Shield of the Empire and the starting point of the main scenario. The start of the offensive was a sign that the scenario was starting to roll in earnest. 

“There you will learn exactly what a colossus is and how it works on the front lines.” Tania’s plane voice brought tension to everyone’s faces.  

Why Abel himself had given up a comfortable life and worked himself to death, and what made him feel insecure–the answers were all on the wall of glory.

And also, that’s where the player is first put on the brink of a bad ending.  Abel’s future will remain the same if there is not much difference. However, there is more than one predestined future.

Crisis or opportunity.

Abel saw two paths.

[To be continued.]

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