I Became the Childhood Friend of a D*ug Dealer

Chapter 1

[7 hours 43 minutes]

Time is sufficient, and just in case, I packed some painkillers with the pills.

If I could, I’d love to bring along a syringe filled with the solution.

If only I had a decent bag, I would have packed more.

Anyway, I’ve finished getting ready to go out.

Now, all I have to do is step outside.

Although it’s a bit concerning that my clothes are worn out and I’m wrapped in bandages on my arms, oh well.

I rummaged through my closet, but there weren’t many clothes I could wear.

Aside from ragged ones, I only found a few simple shirts.

Is being poor a crime?

It’s just how it is.

Thinking that I’m going out in a very casual way makes it seem okay.

“Alright, let’s go meet the protagonist.”

I mean, he’s technically my childhood friend, but the protagonist never comes to visit.

At this rate, we’ll only meet again at my funeral.

I’ll have to go find him first.

In the novel, the protagonist met Yoo Seo-A again when she was half dead.

It’s been a while since they last contacted each other.

Anyway, I’m feeling pretty good right now.

Could it be the excitement of meeting the protagonist?

With that thought in mind, I placed my hand on the doorknob.

[Warning – External stimuli may shorten time.]

A warning message appeared.


External stimuli shorten time.

The time I can remain sober decreases.

The medication wears off faster.

So… that means my condition will worsen quickly.

[Warning – External stimuli may shorten time.]

Even though I packed the pills and painkillers in my pocket, seeing the warning message made me hesitate to go out.

“But I have to go.”

I need to meet the protagonist.

This time, there’s just no way around it.

With no money right now, I can’t buy medicine, so I need to borrow some.

The protagonist has plenty of money.

A kind-hearted protagonist will willingly pay up.


There’s no option to contact him on my phone.

Yoo Seo-A is so poor that she doesn’t own luxuries like a cellphone.

Even if she had one, she would have probably pawned it.

Medicine here is ridiculously expensive.

Her parents are also gone.

There’s no adult to ask for help.

This world is different from the world I originally lived in.

Living here is incredibly tough.

So, where is the protagonist anyway?

At the Academy.

Awakener Academy.

This is why I can somehow make my way to the protagonist even without any means of contact.

After all, if you’re a protagonist, you must have some special abilities.

Here, people who have such powers are called Awakeners.

Monsters have started crawling out, and the Awakeners hunt them down.

Gates are opening, dungeons are forming…

The protagonist fights monsters and evildoers.

Such is the common cliché of a novel’s universe.

By the way, Yoo Seo-A’s parents died in an accident related to the Awakeners.

The protagonist also lost his parents to a monster when he was young.

While there were adults to take care of him, none were truly caring.

Because of that tragic commonality, he and Yoo Seo-A became childhood friends.

Once it was revealed that he was an Awakener, he went to the Academy all by himself.

Should I say he was kind of dragged there?

That’s just how the law works.


Straight to the training grounds (Academy).

Originally, the protagonist lived in a similarly difficult environment as Yoo Seo-A…

But that’s not the case anymore.

The Academy runs a dormitory, and the protagonist lives there now.

Still, he used to find time to visit Yoo Seo-A at least once a week, but he hasn’t come for a while.

He must be busy being the protagonist.

The protagonist doesn’t know that Yoo Seo-A’s condition is steadily worsening.

Until now, Yoo Seo-A managed to hide that fact.

In the novel, Yoo Seo-A has already died due to the protagonist’s indifference.

But since I’m here, somehow, I’m still alive.

Indifference is really terrifying.

Who would leave their childhood friend alone to play around in an Academy?

[7 hours 23 minutes]

I can see this screen, so I can take the medication on time, but the Yoo Seo-A in the novel probably couldn’t.

That’s why she died so quickly.

If you take too much medicine, it can become poison.

While taking a lot might make you happier, of course.

Right now?

I’m taking just enough, so it’s fine.

With laughter coming naturally, it’s clear that I’m in good health and condition.

“Ah… I want to attend the Academy too.”

I want to have a fulfilling life.

But even aside from the Academy, I’m not attending any regular school.

This society has utterly destroyed the concept of public education.

The gap between the rich and poor is substantial.

That’s how a slum has formed in a corner of the city.

There are many abandoned houses here and there.

Well, that’s why I have a place to live.

With those stray thoughts, I continued walking.

Towards the Academy building far off in the distance.

The Academy is incredibly vast, so it should come into view soon.

I’m glad it’s within walking distance.


“Um. Unauthorized outsiders cannot enter.”

I was stopped at the entrance.

A person who looked like a security guard stood in my way.

“I’m here to meet a friend.”

“Did you contact him personally?”


“Hmm, then I can’t let you in.”


There were more hurdles to overcome than expected.

I wish I knew the protagonist’s phone number.

[3 hours 40 minutes]

It’s quite a trek.

It feels like I’ve been walking for three or four hours.

And with not much money, I can’t even use public transportation.

Going back home on foot from here is out of the question.

Even if I wanted to return, I might not be able to.

If I could borrow some money from the protagonist, I’d probably just get a taxi back.

Seeing my despair, the security guard spoke up.

“If you have someone you want to meet, could you tell me their name? I can try to contact them.”

Luckily, it isn’t over yet.

The security guard is surprisingly kind.

It seems I’ll be able to meet him, even if it takes some time.

“Oh, thank you. The name is Si-Hoo. Han Si-Hoo. Please tell him Yoo Seo-A is looking for him.”

I mentioned the protagonist’s name.

“Uh? Han Si-Hoo? Isn’t he quite famous these days? He beat the valedictorian of the high school division while still in middle school.”

“Is that so?”

Even before the story has officially started, he seems to be making a name for himself.

If I were the protagonist, I could’ve done that too, right?

“If a reporter or someone like that had come, I wouldn’t be contacting you right now. This is just a one-time exception.”

What a kind security guard.

His gaze shifts to my arm, probably noticing the bandage wrapped around it.

I naturally turned my arm behind my back to hide it.

With me dressed like a beggar, do I look pitiful?

Despite the happiness I hold inside.

That’s why you shouldn’t judge people by their appearance.

“Thank you.”

“Alright, leave your contact info here. It might take a little while.”

“Uh, I don’t have any contact info… Can I just wait here?”


The security guard kindly allowed me to sit in the waiting area.

I interestingly observed the Academy students passing by inside the waiting room.

Since I was near the entrance, not many came by.

The grounds are really vast, indeed.

Maybe because they are Awakeners, there were kids using strange teleportation magic and others carrying spears on their backs.

A woman who seemed like a teacher was floating a glowing orb next to her.

It truly felt like a novel’s world.

I lament the fact that I’m powerless, but what can I do?

Could it be that among all those people, there’s no one who can cure Yoo Seo-A’s illness?

The abilities of healing-type Awakeners have their limits.

They can reattach severed arms but can’t treat a common cold—it’s such a weird mechanism.

“If only I had powers, I could have attended the Academy.”

“Yeah, right? It’s an unequal society.”

The security guard chimed in from beside me.


The protagonist has been using his powers to fight bad guys since he was young, but Yoo Seo-A, unfortunately, has never had the chance to shine.

No, actually, if I think about it, she did play a role at the end.

But it wasn’t on the protagonist’s side.


Suddenly, I feel like dying.

Why am I stuck in this ridiculous novel as this ridiculous character, suffering like this?

Honestly, it would be better to live without taking any medication.

What should I do after meeting the protagonist, borrowing money, and buying medicine?

Wait for more medicine while taking it, and borrow money, buy more medicine…

Does the medicine really cure my illness?

Why can’t I just be the protagonist?

If you’re going to make me an extra, there are much better roles.

Yoo Seo-A?

I’m losing my mind.

My head feels weird.

[2 hours 11 minutes]

I fished around in my pocket and pulled out a pill.

I popped the pill into my mouth and swallowed it.

It was a bit hard to swallow without any water.

[2 hours 30 minutes]


I feel good again.

Sometimes, even if there’s time left, the effects of the medication wear off like this.

I need to stay sober.

I’m again reminded of the importance of good health.

When in danger, I should quickly take the extra medicine I brought.

Then I would feel good again.

That’s how it’s always been.

“- A few minutes ago, I received word that Han Si-Hoo said he would come this way himself. For now, just wait here.”

While idly waiting, good news came.

“Oh really?”

“There’s a separate meeting place, so they’ll probably take you there.”

“I see.”

“You seem to be feeling quite good? You looked a bit down before.”

“Yeah. I’m just excited to see him after a long time.”

I didn’t realize I wanted to meet the protagonist so badly that it showed on my face.

“Here’s a temporary permit. Show it if someone asks.”

“Oh wow.”

It’s a necklace that seems like it was worn by office workers.

Anyway, I want to meet him quickly and get the money for medicine.

[1 hour 56 minutes]

While I’m at it, I want to get taxi fare too.

Even though I brought some emergency medicine, walking home would take too long.

It’s a distance that would probably hurt my legs.

It doesn’t hurt right now… so maybe that’s why the effects have worn off faster.

The Academy generally provides substantial allowances.

You can earn money by hunting monsters.

Special missions run by the government can earn money too as an Academy student.

You can also obtain rare items during practicals.

Plus, he’s the protagonist.

I bet he has a lot of money.

Yoo Seo-A and Han Si-Hoo have been friends since childhood.

So lending me money should be no problem at all.

He’ll probably lend it for medicine because of my health.

Even though medicine is pretty expensive.


I couldn’t help but chuckle.

When I laugh, I feel good.

Thinking about getting money for the medicine from the protagonist makes it even better.

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