I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 155

Chapter 154 – 1 More

The mature ghost fetus is as big as the palm of an adult, with necrotic meridians appearing on the surface of the blue-purple skin, uneven, and the stench is pungent.

What’s more, this thing crawled out of the stomach, the visual impact and the crushing of psychological tolerance were enough to make Xiao Gao, who was on the verge of emotional collapse, almost faint.

In her trembling pupils, there was such a picture:

With the rotation of the head, Guitai’s pair of white sunken eye sockets stared at the fresh flesh only separated by a layer of soft skin—

its matrix.

Without even having time to dodge, Xiao Gao watched helplessly as the ferocious grimace magnified, the sharp teeth were close at hand, and the strong stench of corpses spewed out from its rotting and empty throat, spraying all over his face.

The next moment, the jagged jaws would tear her head and her warm but fragile neck apart.

Xiao Gao groaned in his chest and closed his eyes subconsciously.

The pain of being torn throat did not come, she only heard a blunt ‘bang’, the sound was like a lump of meat or a sandbag being smashed into the wall, accompanied by the sharp creaking and screaming of some kind of beast , resounding in the room.

She couldn’t help but lift her eyelids, and saw Gu Zhisang who had been standing at the end of the bed with cold eyes, half-raised arms, and half-grasping palms.

It was as if there was an invisible force that existed, trapped in her palm, and firmly grasped.

As for the palm-sized ghost, it fell to the wall of the room ten meters away, screaming in pain and grinning.

Half of its body was sunken, and its slender arms like hemp rods were bent.

If it was really a baby, it would have been either dead or disabled with such a serious injury, but after getting up from the ground, it was still alive and kicking like a gecko, jumping from the bottom of the wall to Gu Zhisang’s body.

The moment the ghost took off, Gu Zhisang pushed his raised palm outward.

Its body that had just jumped into mid-air was slammed against the wall again by an invisible force, and it was tightly suppressed, unable to move no matter how hard it struggled.

This time, the ghost’s arms were crushed, soft and rotten like mud.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Gao’s emotions were like a roller coaster ride, before recovering from the fear of the ghost, Gu Zhisang quelled the disturbance of the ghost with his strong and overwhelming control.

The tears bursting from the corners of her eyes would not fall, and everyone was stunned.

Gu Zhisang took a tissue and handed it to Xiao Gao: “Wipe off your sweat, it’s over.”

Xiao Gao was in a trance, wiping the sweat and tears all over his face:

“Knot, is it over?”

“That’s right, I’ll draw you a talisman to protect your body and eliminate filth later, and you should wear it next to your body.” Gu Zhisang looked as usual, walked to the corner with a storage bag with Sanskrit characters on it, and directly took the dying man The ghost tire slipped in and continued:

“You have eaten filthy and filthy things, and there are some residues in your body. After wearing the talisman for decontamination, you will vomit and diarrhea in the first few days. The things you spit out are relatively dirty, but you will be completely healed after you spit it out.”

“Your reaction period should be longer than the other two. It takes about half a month before you can take off the talisman and return to normal life.”

She tightened the bag and opened the door, and handed it to the team members waiting outside, asking them to strangle these three big and small ominous creatures directly:

“Put it directly into the big formation and grind it, don’t leave any life.”

After the three bulging and wriggling bags were carefully taken away by the team members, Gu Zhisang carefully wiped his slender fingers with a paper towel.

Fortunately, these things were exposed early, when they were hidden in human stomachs, she discovered and cut them out.

If they wake up, not only Xiao Gao and the other three will surely die, but the surrounding area will also fall into the **** area.

At that time, the ghost fetus that grew up through gluttony will not be as easy to deal with as it is now, and can be rounded and flattened by her at will.

Gu Zhisang asked the team members on duty to fetch talisman paper and brushes, draw a few talismans with heavy ink, and handed them to Xiao Gao and the other three.

The moment they got the talisman, the three girls had a feeling that their hearts finally calmed down and everything was back on track.

Xiao Gao’s eyes suddenly turned red: “Thank you Sangsang, thank you for saving us.”

After the live broadcast in the evening was fermented, their family members, friends, classmates and lovers all sent a series of messages, asking about their situation.

But until the danger is lifted and safety is confirmed, they have time to feel wronged.

After all, these three girls are still in their early twenties, they are still in school, their lives have just started, and they almost died tragically because of other people’s selfish desires.

After the discussion, the three girls were unwilling to return to Sun Jie’s rental house, even if the crisis inside had been eliminated.

They are planning to stay in the lounge of the Spirit Group branch tonight, and they will ask relatives and friends to help them move out immediately tomorrow morning.

The case of cannibalism is now completely closed.

Gu Zhisang left the rest area, stared at the three cut-out ghost fetuses with his own eyes, and went to the office area after they were burned to ashes in the samadhi true fire formation.

Due to the particularity of the new system, and it is still in the research and development stage, it is not easy for outsiders to know about the relevant inside information. Yan Cheng took those stolen goods—the electronic devices with problems, installed the program plug-ins alone, and tried to decipher them.

When Gu Zhisang finished dealing with the matter here, he also made new progress there.

After knocking on the door and entering, Gu Zhisang’s gaze swept across the table.

In order to ensure that the data will not be lost, the confiscated mobile phones and computers have not been flashed, and the passwords have been unlocked under the deciphering of the police station’s network security staff.

At this time, due to his work habits, Yan Cheng put on the rimless glasses with silver rims again. His narrow peach eyes were hidden behind the lenses, reflecting the constantly flickering blue light of the display screen.

Several devices in front of him are turned on, connected with multi-port data cables, and finally converged on his own work device.

The slender, bony fingers quickly tapped on the thin keyboard, and a series of codes that were beyond Gu Zhisang’s field of expertise were entered accurately and quickly, and displayed on multiple devices at the same time.

A progress bar flickers lightly.

When running to 100%, a string of letters jumps out:


“It worked.”

Yan Cheng hooked his lower lip, subconsciously pushed up the mirror frame stuck on the bridge of his nose with his index finger, and looked up at Gu Zhisang:

“One computer’s system is produced abroad and is not compatible with our company’s applications. The other device is seriously damaged. There must be a problem with the internal chip motherboard. Even if it is successfully inserted, the machine will not move and will freeze. “

“The other two mobile phones and one computer have been successfully implanted with new programs and plug-ins, and they can operate normally.”

The severely damaged equipment belonged to Internet celebrity Xiao Wu.

As for Sun Jie’s mobile phone and the computer found in Guan Qihong’s house, the plug-ins were successfully implanted.

Gu Zhisang: “It doesn’t matter, the most important thing is to succeed, I will trouble you.”

She took a closer look, and found that on the device pages that were successfully installed and running the plug-in, an icon in ancient Chinese ink and ink was flashing.

On the page, a huge red exclamation mark rotates quietly;

This is a warning sign that the internal spell code has detected evil spirits during its operation.

Gu Zhisang was very interested, and said with emotion: “It turned out to be really successful, and we can call them in.”

The combination of programming and Taoism, scientific ghost hunting, was just an idea that came to her at the time, but who knew it was actually successfully implemented.

After the team members came in, Yan Cheng had copied and packaged all the information and evidence that had been found after deciphering and covered up under metaphysical means into files, and sent them to Gu Zhisang and the person in charge.

The traces of He Zhaosheng, who had been hidden for so long, slowly surfaced.

“Guan Qihong’s computer has undergone data restoration, and it can be seen that before he started the live broadcast, someone used a special ability to put a warning on his display to remind him not to start the broadcast.”

Gu Zhisang pushed the lit computer forward, and showed it to other people present, including the mysterious master in the live broadcast room of the online conference.

Even though it was late at night, the person in charge of the headquarters of the Lingzu headquarters who received the news that there had been a major breakthrough and progress in the case immediately notified the important officials of some departments, and held a meeting after eleven o’clock in the middle of the night to sort out the information of these interconnected cases .

I saw a line of blood characters frozen on the computer screen.

Prior to this, multiple network security personnel checked the device, but none of them found any trace of this line of blood writing.

“If it wasn’t for Guan Qihong’s arrogance and stupidity, and he didn’t follow this advice, we might not be able to catch him.” Gu Zhisang said coldly:

“Everyone knows how fast and easy the modern Internet spreads. Maybe a month later, the number of ordinary people who have been poisoned by him and sucked out of their luck will increase by millions.”

The senior network security who has been organizing data is the first time he has come into contact with the supernatural circle. Before he was called out of bed to attend a meeting, he never thought that network data could be changed and repaired by supernatural means.

Shocked, he quickly sorted out the secret information that surfaced under the pressure of the conference room full of ministers, director titles, and even general-level gazes.

After finishing everything, he was full of horror and tension, and reported:

“Reporting to captains and ministers, we have just re-analyzed the data of Sun Jie’s mobile phone and traced the trader behind her. The specific IP address has been locked, and the address trace left in Guan Qihong’s computer is located in Linshi. The distance between them is less than a hundred miles.

We believe that the general scope of the mastermind gang can be roughly divided into the southern part of province j. “

“In addition, there are a lot of clues and clues that the mastermind gang not only participated in these few cases that endangered social order, but also had no connection with the various fraud groups and trafficking groups that we have been investigating before. These people are the same group. of!”

The more you know, the more terrifying you feel.

What kind of criminal gang is behind this, as small as family ethics to seek wealth and murder, as large as threatening the safety of the entire society and the country!

From the workers and social animals in the streets, to the students in the school, and even the glamorous stars with millions of fans on the Internet, they have all been eaten and infiltrated.

Countless conspiracies and tricks are covered under the hustle and bustle of the city, like a huge spider web, shrouding too many ordinary people in it.

Even the Internet police who are only in charge of network security and do not understand how powerful supernatural powers are are aware that once these people, these group chats distributed in various levels, regions and fields explode together, it will bring great turmoil to the country and society .

During the video conference, the general manager of the spirit group slapped the table heavily angrily.

This general who has no metaphysics ability, but has single-handedly promoted the development and growth of the spiritual group has gray temples, and his demeanor is calm and majestic:

“Listen, how arrogant! Metaphysics is definitely not a tool for doing evil, and our Xia Kingdom must not be an extrajudicial place for these gangsters to make trouble!”

He looked at Gu Zhisang who was silent, and asked in a deep voice:

“Director Gu, you were the first to put forward the concept of ‘black mist’, and you are also the person who confronted it the most, and you understand it better than those of us who sit at the headquarters and read documents all the year round.

In your opinion, what should we do to completely destroy these shameless rats from the root? “

Gu Zhisang raised his eyebrows slightly: “Listen to me?”

The old man rubbed the handle of the seat with a firm and sincere tone:

“Based on ability and experience, I don’t think anyone in the group can compare to Gu Guidance you. That’s why I asked you to be the chief guide of the spirit group.”

“I still think so.”

With the courage to set up a spiritual group twenty or thirty years ago, to help and support those warlocks who were driven away by the hidden world Taoism, and he did not hesitate to be targeted by the Taoism everywhere, the heart and courage of this chief executive are far beyond ordinary people.

It can be said that without him, there would be no situation where there are flowers blooming everywhere in Xia Kingdom and balancing the Xuanmen.

It is precisely because of his broad vision that the person in charge is more aware of how dangerous the ‘black mist’ is.

It belongs to the idealistic level, an existence that cannot be defeated by theory and weapons.

For ordinary people, it is unsolvable.

Only metaphysics can fight metaphysics.

Based on such an overall view, the person in charge believed that there was no problem in delegating power to Gu Zhisang;

Even if her age can be called immature, even if her career is not serious enough.

After the voice of the person in charge fell, there was silence inside and outside the meeting, and everyone’s eyes fell on Gu Zhisang.

Being pushed to a more important position, even to fight against the ‘black mist’ and direct the actions of nearly a hundred departments of the entire spiritual group, is not a good job for Gu Zhisang, but she does not have much resistance.

Because as early as eight hundred years ago, the battle between her and the ‘Black Mist’ began.

Never die.

Rather than fighting alone, the power of the whole country does have a better chance of winning.

After pondering, Gu Zhisang slowly said, “I will try my best.”

“Even if you want to get rid of the roots, you have to prune off the ‘branches and leaves’ that get in the way first, and take pictures slowly.”

Just like now.

He Zhaosheng is a smart genius. He thinks that no one can catch it in the field of the Internet and discover its loopholes, so most of the industrial chain related to ‘Black Mist’ has passed through its hands.

It is too confident, it never expected that Gu Zhisang and Yan Cheng could develop programming spells and catch ghosts scientifically.

Those undisguised traces are connected in series after being exposed, and become clearer, and can even lock the area where it often stays.

It is not difficult to catch He Zhaosheng.

After confirming that this meeting is absolutely safe and confidential, and that the people who can participate are all insiders, Gu Zhisang slowly opened his mouth and laid out the layout one by one…

Leaving aside the turmoil in the meeting room.

Tonight is bound to be a sleepless night.

The homepages and hot searches of the major forums were all swamped by the news of the final voting of “Spiritual Affairs”. Countless spectators watching the excitement, or fans anxiously waiting for the voting to open, were all active in the hot posts.

Five minutes before the start of voting, the number of people waiting online exceeded 10 million.

On the website of the poster of the “Strongest Mysterious Master Contest” in black and red characters, the names and photos of the top four contestants of the third season are arranged together.

After midnight, the voting channel opened on time.

Ten minutes later, a brand new entry quietly appeared on the hot search.

#Gu Zhisang is crazy! #

All netizens who clicked on the voting page could see the progress bar behind Gu Zhisang’s name that was far behind the three contestants behind.

While other people’s votes were still between 600 and 700,000, and slowly increasing to less than one million, Gu Zhisang’s votes had already exceeded five million!

And the growth rate has not decreased at all, and the storm is still increasing.

There is no doubt that the crown of the championship in the third season will fall on Gu Zhisang’s head.

All the hot posts frequently reached the top, and the search volume and discussion volume of the three words “Gu Zhisang” reached an unimaginable height.

Tonight belongs to Gu Zhisang.

[Ah, ah, Sangsang is worth it! We are the strongest mystics! A ‘god’ who engages in metaphysics! 】

[Haha, who would have thought half a year ago that the entire network would be bewitched to death by Gu Zhisang, after the beauty didn’t hide her strength, she really went crazy and counterattacked the top class. 】

[Sisters, don’t let your guard down, the voting channel will close at 6 pm today, don’t forget the ‘Mulberry Leaf’ who haven’t voted tomorrow morning. 】

[It is said that the third season of “Spiritual Affairs” has made a lot of money, and the overseas licenses of many countries have been sold, and it is entering the period of translation and proofreading. My friends who are studying abroad say that Gu Zhisang is hugely popular overseas, and the enthusiasm of fans on the Internet is no less than that in China. Many fans made their own translations and ate raw meat directly, and they all praised her.

In the comments on the voting channel just now, I also saw a few comments from unknown countries, they should be fans from the Internet who overcame the wall and came to vote (laughs)]

[Looking forward to Sang Sang’s live broadcast of Feng Shui metaphysics ~]

Before one point passed, Gu Zhisang’s votes exceeded 10 million.

When Yangjian was discussing the vote for the strongest mysterious master, the heat in the underworld did not decrease in the slightest.

Although many ghost fans knew that even without their votes, Gu Zhisang’s number of votes would have surpassed the dust, and the award was a certainty.

But unable to participate in voting, they lost their sense of participation. The dissatisfied ghosts caused a lot of riots, trying to persuade the programmer ghosts who were building a network project in the underworld to find a way to connect the voting channels between Yin and Yang.

“Ghost fans are also fans, why don’t you let us participate?!”

But this riot was bluntly rejected by Yan Luodian and the underworld servants, and they were suppressed forcefully.

It really messed up the votes of all the ghosts.

Know that there are tens of billions of ghosts in the underworld.

And the number of Gu Zhisang’s fans in the underworld has exceeded 6 billion.

This number is even three or four times that of living people!

If these ghost fans are really asked to vote, I’m afraid it will scare the living people to death in Yangjian.

The ghosts whose appeals were not met were very dissatisfied, but to no avail, they finally opened **** voting on the net platform of the underworld.

This time, Gu Zhisang’s votes soared even more outrageously, and the counting unit was ‘100 million’.

As time went by, it wasn’t until after two o’clock in the morning that most of the fun was over, and the netizens who had voted went to sleep, and the Internet gradually died down.

But these ordinary people are not the only ones who are paying attention to this referendum.

It can be said that everyone outside Fang, whether it is the spirit group or the Xuanmen warlock, is paying attention to Gu Zhisang’s increase.

Even if everyone knew that Gu Zhisang’s support would never be small, but seeing the rising support rate, many warlocks who knew the inside story inevitably felt jealous.

The volume of the first two seasons was not large, and the number of votes for the champion was only a million or so at most.

Even so, those half-baked warlocks still got a lot of benefits from it, and their practice improved a lot.

The support and love of the audience, the eagerness to vote the person they support on the ‘throne’ will make their votes concrete, just like the power of incense sinking into the body of the person they support.

Millions of support can still be able to practice diligently, so what about tens of millions?

What about tens of millions?

In all fairness, there is no sorcerer who is not envious and envious of Gu Zhisang, they wish they could be the ones who get the support.

A certain profound master’s inner group sighed endlessly:

‘Gu Zhisang is about to soar into the sky, right? ‘

‘She was originally a big boss, and she opened the Qianqing Gate before, and even pried away the tree of the Qianqing Gate. Up to now, she hasn’t seen the elders over there bothering her. Doesn’t that explain the problem? My master said that Gu Zhisang is at least a prefecture-level mysterious master, on the same level as the seniors of various sects, and has the ability to be arrogant.

Just kidding, I really doubt that after today she has collected so many beliefs, will she break through the heavens in one fell swoop and soar up in place. ‘

‘I think many people in the school looked down on her back then, thinking that she was born in Yeluzi, but now she is almost a round younger than us, and her attainments in metaphysics have already beaten us. ‘

‘The head of Zhenhe Road of Qianqing Gate has left the customs, have you all heard? Will the number one person in the world of metaphysics, who has half a foot in the gate of heaven, seek trouble from Gu Zhisang? ‘

‘Senior Zhenhe left the customs? It’s really hard to say that he’s going to teach Gu Zhisang a lesson, after all, this is a big bull who has lived for hundreds of years! ‘


Who knows who broke out that the old sect master of the Qianqing sect who had been closed for many years happened to be out today, and the group suddenly exploded.

Speaking of this Zhenhe Taoist, it is the Qianqingmen who are so arrogant, but still able to firmly occupy the head of the Xuanmen.

It is said that he has witnessed the rise and fall of the two dynasties, and until now, he is the closest warlock to an ‘immortal’.

After retreating for more than ten years, I never thought that the time to leave the customs was so coincidental.

Before that, Gu Zhisang had no scruples about the face of the Qianqing sect, and he had lost the face of the first sect of Taoism many times.

The veteran strongman and the powerful rising star have formed a bond even though they haven’t met each other.

For a moment, the metaphysics world trembled, and they all speculated whether the two parties would meet again.

Gu Zhisang, who is far away on the edge of X city, is unaware of the rapid changes tonight on the Internet and in the world of metaphysics.

The meeting was still in progress, and she seemed to have a sense of it.

The Taoism that had been imprisoned for a long time suddenly set off ripples, and the fluctuations became more and more intense.

She looked at the time on her phone, only to realize that it was past midnight.

There have been hundreds of messages. The friends and colleagues she has met in the past year chatted with her privately to celebrate her in advance.

Yan Cheng: ‘The voting has started, you are the first. ‘

Daisy: ‘Sangsang, your number of votes has grown very fast, it’s amazing! I am convinced that I lost to you, and we will compete together in the future! ‘

Bai Ci: ‘Congratulations. ‘

Ge Liaochan: ‘Sister Sang, awesome! ‘

Yu Qiutong: ‘Ahh, congratulations to Sangsang! Deserved! By the way, our drama is about to start, and the trailer will be released tomorrow, so they just collide, it’s a double blessing! ‘

Xi Haihong: ‘Pay attention to the Qianqingmen! Their old head is catching up with today’s exit! ‘

He Mitu: ‘Congratulations, and thank you for my sister’s matter. ‘


It turned out that her votes soared because of the opening of the voting channel. Everyone knew that she must be the strongest mystic.

Among them, He Mitu’s instruction also contained gratitude, and it should be that under the arrangement of the Lingzu, he met his long-lost sister and sister who practiced flying head drop.

The opening of the voting channel brought Gu Zhisang not only a large number of votes, but also countless powers of faith.

She thought it would be very strong, but she never thought it would be so rich.

Even though the confinement imposed on her was very heavy, under such a strong impact, turmoil occurred.

Gu Zhisang forcibly suppressed the turbulent strength in his body, arranged the remaining points clearly, and hurriedly left the branch after a few instructions, heading for the nearby barren hills.

The silver light under the moon sprinkled all over her body, making her look like a goddess as she was speeding through the forest.

‘Boom’ A muffled sound pierced the sky.

The woman with clear eyebrows under the moon looked up and saw that in the twilight, the light purple electric traces spreading like spider webs were slowly spreading, and the remaining faint light illuminated her unparalleled face.

This is just the beginning.

A bigger catastrophe is gathering and brewing from a distance, and it is rapidly gathering in her direction.

Black clouds are pressing down on the city, and black is billowing.

Hidden in the clouds and mist is the energy that is constantly accumulating, and the densely packed thunder that collides with electric light makes the drowsy clouds look like the sea, and the tumbling and fluctuating electric light is the ripples in the sea.

In an instant, a silver-white crack like a glare silently tore apart the sky, illuminating half of the city.

Gu Zhisang stopped in his brisk pace, looked up at the sky, his gaze was quiet.

The long-lost Lei Jie appeared above her head again.

The momentum was huge, just like the time when she crossed the catastrophe eight hundred years ago, she wished to accumulate a thunder that would split her into ashes before she was willing to land slowly.

Under the overlap of light and shadow, Gu Zhisang’s face was distinctly bright and dark.

She was quite calm, perhaps because she had already experienced a thunder disaster, she was not so nervous, and she even had the mood to devote her energy to thinking about whether there was still something hidden in this thunder disaster that wanted to kill her.

With a thought, she felt strange fluctuations in her mind.

The system wakes up.

But it was uncharacteristically noisy and didn’t make a sound.

So Gu Zhisang didn’t ask any questions, and quietly waited for the thunder to fall while the aura and energy around him were still exploding.

At the same time, in another city.

For the disciples of the Qianqing Sect, today should have been a day that made them feel like a thorn in their throats.

Because Gu Zhisang’s votes soared, they knew that this meant that the other party could benefit more from it.

The sudden change in the back mountain quickly caused all the disciples to fall into ecstasy, more exciting than New Year’s Eve.

‘ Is the head of the sect out? ! ‘

Taoist Zhenhe, the number one person in the world of metaphysics today, is said to have entered the Qianqing Gate in the 44th year of Fengguang—that is, 330 years ago.

In this current age where spiritual energy is exhausted and becoming an immortal is almost a legend, his too long lifespan and his powerful ability to reach the sky in half a step are no different from being feared, respected, and yearned by the entire metaphysical world.

At least in this old man who spanned two dynasties, the warlocks in the metaphysics world can still see a possibility of “proving the way”.

Therefore, in the eyes of many warlocks, there is a completely different existence between him and the Qianqing Gate after his retreat.

The fact that Qianqing Sect was able to secure the number one position in the Taoist sect was entirely due to the fact that there was such an old monster sitting in charge.

Previously, there were frequent changes inside and outside the metaphysics world, and the evil restoration of Su, most of them had the lax discipline of the Qianqing Sect, which led to incidents of rebellion among the disciples of the sect, and caused the warlocks in the territory to criticize the Qianqing Sect.

The status of Qianqing Sect in Taoism has also declined significantly.

Now that Taoist Zhenhe has suddenly left the customs, he has to make everyone in the Taoist sect reevaluate their attitude towards the Qianqing sect…

In the inner hall

The acting head and several elders knelt down below, suppressing excitement and glory on their faces:

“Old Ancestor, you are finally out!”

“Master Uncle, that kid surnamed Gu robbed the trees of our sect’s Zhenshan Mountain, and even targeted our disciples of the Qianqing Sect everywhere. He was so arrogant and arrogant!” Zeng led a team to surround Gu Zhisang, trying to plunder her body. The elder of Yuzhibone had a sunken face and a gloomy expression.

The old man knelt in front of the hall, and his tone was filled with righteous indignation and resentment, obviously he was brooding over the incident at that time, trying to get Taoist Zhenhe to take action.

“A bunch of trash.”

However, the middle-aged Taoist priest sitting high above scolded.

Although there was no joy or anger in the tone, it still made the elders below break out in cold sweat, and their hearts tightened.

Just looking at the appearance, it is far from expected that this Zhenhe Taoist is so old, he looks more like an ordinary man in his forties.

Dressed in commoner clothes, with his hair coiled up, his face is ordinary, but his eyes with creases flashed a cold light, which made people dare not look at each other.

He sneered: “The void stays, the others go.”

Soon, there was only one restless Void Taoist priest left in the huge front hall.

The acting head who is arrogant and in control of the world is now like a trembling quail.

“Void, do you know where you are so stupid?”

A light interrogation made Taoist Void sweat profusely:

“Old Ancestor, it’s my disciple who is stupid, failed to take care of the sect well, and lost my reputation as a clean sect…”

“You are stupid, even more stupid than a pig!” Taoist Zhenhe’s voice suddenly rose, and with deliberate oppressive force, he slammed heavily on Taoist priest Void:

“Then Gu Zhisang, a little girl, has suddenly emerged. No matter how talented she is, how could she surpass such a height in just one year? Have you ever doubted her identity?”

The Void Taoist felt pain all over his body, and he replied in a trembling voice:

“I, my ancestors, I do suspect that she was taken away by some old monsters, but I… I searched all the warlocks who have fallen in the territory for nearly a hundred years, but I didn’t find anyone who could match her…”

“There are also many disciples who keep saying that they have seen Gu Zhisang’s soul body in the underworld, and it is no different from her physical body…”

Taoist Zhenhe’s expression was gloomy, and he didn’t know what he thought of.

He stared at Taoist Kongkong for a while, thinking that this person is his confidant after all, and he is taking care of all his private affairs that are not on the table.

Void is still useful to him, so it is not good to treat him harshly all the time.

Thinking of this, he slowly put away the heavy oppression in the hall, and suddenly asked:

“How about those industries?”

The Void Taoist became even more nervous, hesitating for a while before hesitating and saying:

“Sect master, ever since Gu Zhisang was drawn into the spiritual group, he has…discovered many of our properties. In order not to be targeted by the spiritual group, the disciple had to cut his own arm.”

“There are not many industries that are still in operation now.” He quickly added: “But there are still a lot of stocks from before, and they are all kept in the warehouse. When the limelight passes, the disciples will find a way!”

Taoist Zhenhe twitched his brows, and anger grew in his heart again.

He finally suppressed it and waved his hands impatiently:

“Forget it, you go out too.”

“Yes, old ancestor.”

When there was no one else in the front hall except himself, a voice suddenly sounded in Taoist Zhenhe’s heart:

‘Who do you think Gu Zhisang is? There is no other possibility except the second-generation descendant of Xuanmen that no one knows about. ‘

‘She’s back, she wants to take back her things from us…’

‘The orthodoxy of the Qianqingmen must not be destroyed in our hands, never! ‘


That voice was ethereal and unrecognizable, like a magic voice piercing his ears, but it was completely his Zhenhe’s own voice!

Taoist Zhenhe had a complicated expression on his face, and after struggling for a long time, he suddenly stood up, waved his sleeves, and headed towards another forbidden area of the sect.

The forbidden area protected by layers of large formations is a place that every orthodox heir of the Qianqing Sect is eligible to enter. Only the previous head who personally taught the method of entry to the next one can pass it on.

And this place has not been visited by a new warlock for three hundred years.

Finding out the secret file left by the previous master—that is, his master, Taoist Zhenhe opened it with a sullen face, and read it again.

He couldn’t help but see Master’s breathless sigh before sitting down in his mind:

‘Zhenhe, we are going to clean up the foundation of the sect… after all, it is not honorable, we have stolen the orthodoxy inherited from the sect…’

‘But even so, you have to pass on the sect and secure the orthodoxy…’

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