I Became Famous in the Matriarchal World

Fujinaka Miyuki

Males in this world are just like a caged prostitutes. At least to me. Males are required to stay in the male quarter and in exchange they have to perform duties. Yeah, duties. 

Males in this world are class based. They are rated from rank F to rank S. Every male will have a secretary of their own. The moment they gets into the third year of middle school, they would have to perform special services called duties. In those duties, they have to go for a date, soothe a women or I should say that they have to perform duties that will given to him by the government through the secretary. 

It's obvious that females do have to pay money and rate the guy whom she received the service. The higher your rate as a male, the honourable it is to a guy. 

I know it's a dumb system, but somehow it's succeeded. 

It's obvious that I am in the first year of the high school and I haven't went to the school for years. According to the letter, it seems that when Shirou(former one) was in the middle school, he received his first service mission. It was to go on a date with a rich lady. He did enjoyed the date. But in the end of the date, the rich lady brought him to the hotel and tried to rape him. Well, he was saved by the police. But it made a huge effect on him. He started hating girls. He rejected to perform any kinds of duties and locked himself in his apartment. In this year, he started researching and found some kind of magic and he used that to exchange our souls. So, that's why I am in this world and inside this body and if he is not wrong, he might be living in my former body. 

Well, thanks to him, I am still an F rank male. So, I have to do something about it. 

By the way, there is a tablet attached in the table of the kitchen. I know it's kinda strange. But when I have to eat something, all I have do is to select my food and order. Within few minutes, my food will be delivered in my apartment. So, I ordered for my dinner. 

Yeah, you've guessed it right. I was researching for the whole day. 

"Okay, I will try to make a new start. I can't live a pathetic life like this in this amazing world. At first, I have to contact my personal secretary. What was her name again? Her name was Fujinaka Miyuki." 

I searched through my contact and found her number. 

*Ring *Ring

*Ring *Ring


"Hello, Miyuki-san?" 


After finishing my work, I came back to my room. I took a quick bath and came out to prepare my dinner.

*Ring *Ring

*Ring *Ring 

"Who called me in this time?" 

I was surprised. Normally, there shouldn't be someone to call me at this time. Most of my friends are my coworkers. So, they must have been tired after their work. Well, I pick up the phone and saw the name I have saved on it. 


Shirou-sama? Wait, am I seeing something wrong with my eyes? It's saying Shirou-sama right? The person I am in charge of? 

"Is that you Shirou-sama? Is something wrong? Are you alright?" I asked him as I was worried for him. 

He is really an unfortunate guy. When he was in his third year of middle school, one of my co-worker was in charge of him. She was relatively young and had no experience in this field. So, she made a huge mistake. 

Normally, as a secretary we would always know where the male we charged in is. We can have to track their location and keep his safety all the times. But she couldn't ensure his safety. She thought everything was going alright and then the most problematic scene occurred. When she was busy with another thing, someone tried to bring him to the hotel and rape him. Thankfully, I was nearby the screen and immediately understood what's going to happen. We tried to save him. But it was too late. We saw that the lady tried to rape him. She was like a monster. She tortured him as he wasn't listening to her. 

We could clearly see that he was bleeding while he is naked. Police arrested that lady and we were able to treat Shirou-sama's wound. But it cause a mental trauma for him. He he locked himself up in the room and refused to come out. We don't know what to do.

At the same time, organization has decided to let me handle him and suspended my coworker for six months. From that moment, I was officially in charge of him. But he doesn't like to come out of his room and perform any duties. Because of this, his reputation is not really good in the country. 

I tried to talk with few world known psychiatrist about his case and they advised me not to bother him. So, I let him do as he wants. Only remain in hope that he will one day contact me and tell me that he wants my help. 

"Umm, I am alright. Ummm, actually, I am sorry that I made your work hard." He replied with an apologetic tone. 

What happened to him? I kinda feel like he is different. Is he trying to change himself?

"No, I am sorry for not being able to become a good secretary for you." I replied with an apologetic tone too. 

"Actually, I was wondering that I can't stay like this. I want to change myself. But there are a lot of things that I can't remember right now and I really want your help in these matters." He finally decided to ask for me favour. He really managed pull up courage. I would have to help me no matter what.

"That's amazing, Shirou-sama. Please let me help you." I replied with enthusiasm. 

"If possible, can we meet tomorrow?" He asked.

"Of course. I will meet you in your house, tomorrow." I replied instantly.

"Okay, I 

will meet you then." He replied."Good night." 

"Good night, Shirou-sama." 

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