I Became an All-round Artist

Episode 155:The Dominant Client

Fan Longhe waited downstairs.

Suddenly, a car pulled up in front of the company.

Two people stepped out.

On the left was Gu Dong, whom Fan Longhe recognized. On the right was a tall, strikingly handsome man with a somewhat aloof demeanor.

He didn’t quite seem like a boy, yet calling him a young man felt a bit off too. But one thing was clear—this was someone who, once you laid eyes on him, you couldn't help but take a second look.

Gu Dong was a bit surprised to see Fan Longhe personally welcoming them and quickly introduced him: “This is Teacher Xianyu.”

“Hello, Teacher Xianyu!”

Before Fan Longhe could step forward, a figure suddenly darted out from the side and greeted Xianyu first—it was Luo Qi!

Fan Longhe’s eyes widened.

Luo Qi, with a broad smile and an enthusiastic attitude, extended her hand. “I’m the head of Thunder Music Department. Welcome to our company for guidance!”

Lin Yuan shook her hand politely.

Fan Longhe snapped back to reality, fuming inside at Luo Qi's audacity. He rushed forward, saying, “Hello, Teacher Xianyu. I’m Fan Longhe, the music department supervisor who requested the song from you!”

“Supervisor Fan...”

Luo Qi casually cut in.

Fan Longhe clenched his teeth, ignoring her. This woman! She was acting like she was the one who invited Xianyu!

Meanwhile, Fan Longhe couldn't help but admire Luo Qi's nerve. Even though it was Xianyu’s song that had helped her defeat him in the past, here she was, buttering him up as if nothing had ever happened, even beating him to the punch.


Lin Yuan shook Fan Longhe's hand briefly. “Can we start recording?”

“Of course! Absolutely!”

Fan Longhe and Luo Qi both began leading the way, all the while throwing competitive glances at each other, silently sparring.

“Supervisor Luo, if you have other tasks, you should attend to them. After all, I was the one who invited Teacher Xianyu.”

“No need to worry, Supervisor Fan. You can take care of any pressing business. As the head of the music department, it's only proper for me to greet Teacher Xianyu personally.”

Neither of them backed down.

They led Lin Yuan and Gu Dong to the company’s recording studio. Along the way, several employees saw the scene and couldn’t hide their surprise.

Gu Dong followed, looking confused.

She didn’t know much about Thunder Entertainment, but she could tell that Fan Longhe and Luo Qi were competing to host Lin Yuan...

Wasn't this supposed to be a major company?

Why did it seem like these two were acting the same way as her branch office did with Lin Yuan?

Aren’t these supposed to be the clients?

Who’s really the boss here?

Once they reached the recording studio, Fan Longhe asked with a smile, “Teacher Xianyu, do you have a particular singer in mind?”

Luo Qi added, “If not, I can bring over profiles of all our singers for you to review.”

Lin Yuan asked, “Tan Kai is with your company, right?”

Both Fan Longhe and Luo Qi froze.

Gu Dong also looked at Lin Yuan in surprise.

Tan Kai was the lead actor of the drama The Distance Between You and Me, and no one expected Xianyu to choose him as the singer.

Fan Longhe mused, “Tan Kai is indeed our artist, but he’s primarily an actor now. Though, I do recall he debuted as a singer. His music career didn’t quite take off, so he transitioned into acting, and he’s been quite successful.”

“That’s an interesting choice,” Luo Qi chimed in softly. “Since the song ‘Liking You’ is sung from the male lead’s perspective, having the actor himself sing it could increase the audience’s emotional connection.”

“Let’s go with him, then,” Lin Yuan said.

When researching, Lin Yuan had listened to some of Tan Kai’s music. Although his songs weren’t exceptional, his voice had a quality that Lin Yuan found fitting.

“But I’m not sure if Tan Kai is available…” Luo Qi hesitated.

“I’ll check,” Fan Longhe said.

After a brief phone call, he nodded. “He’s available.”

A short while later, Tan Kai arrived.

Gu Dong, apparently a fan, looked a little starstruck.

Tan Kai walked up to Lin Yuan. “Hello, I’m Tan Kai.”

“Xianyu,” Lin Yuan replied with a nod. “Familiarize yourself with the song.”

Tan Kai smiled. “Supervisor Fan already sent me the demo. I’ve been listening to it on the way over, so I’ve pretty much got it down.”

Tan Kai had started as a singer, and though he later became an actor, he hadn’t completely lost his touch. After looping the demo during his commute, he was already nearly ready to perform the song without looking at the lyrics.

“Then let’s start recording,” Lin Yuan said directly, no time wasted.

Tan Kai chuckled and headed into the recording booth.

Originally, he had a different engagement today, but once he heard that he could sing the theme song, he immediately listened to the demo and canceled his other plans. After all, despite his success as an actor, his true passion was music.

Especially after hearing a song like Liking You, he was determined to take on the project.

Once inside the booth, it took only about half an hour for Tan Kai to produce a solid take.

Fan Longhe was surprised—he hadn’t expected Tan Kai to be so good at singing.

Luo Qi was even more stunned, quickly followed by admiration for Xianyu’s sharp instincts.

Out of all the company’s artists, he had chosen someone who no longer even sang!

And judging by the recording, Tan Kai was clearly a great fit for the song. His mature, emotive voice, combined with an actor’s ability to convey emotion, brought the song to life.

The entire process went smoothly!

A few hours later, just as the workday was ending, the recording of Liking You was complete, much faster than anyone had expected.

“That’s all,” Lin Yuan said, satisfied with the final result, and turned to leave.

Naturally, both Luo Qi and Fan Longhe rushed to see him off.

To everyone’s surprise, even Tan Kai came along to bid Xianyu farewell.

“Good luck with your new drama, and could I ask for your autograph?” Gu Dong, after some hesitation, finally couldn’t resist revealing her fan side.

Tan Kai was easygoing and signed for her without hesitation.

Gu Dong left, completely content.

“Let’s head home,” Lin Yuan said, as the company was wrapping up for the day.

“Right away, Mr. Lin!” Gu Dong replied, her excitement evident—not only because she had met one of her favorite actors today, but because of the way Thunder Entertainment had treated Lin Yuan.

Today, Lin Yuan had shattered her perception of how clients and service providers interacted!

In Gu Dong’s experience, clients from Qizhou were usually arrogant and demanding, bossing around the companies that served them.

But today, Mr. Lin seemed more like the client!

He had walked into Thunder Entertainment and taken full control, setting all the terms and making decisions, while the company merely followed his lead.

It was almost as if the roles had been reversed—could the service provider really act like the boss?

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