I Became A Starter Beast

Chapter 16: Looming Challenges

“We need to run immediately to survive.”

'W-What the fuck!' my face probably looked hideous right now. Of course, who wouldn't after he spewed that bullshit with that look. 'Is he being serious!? I thought he was going to say some wise words, but what the hell is that!?

'Isn't that common sense, to run against someone stronger than you!?'

Not paying me any mind Aster turned his head towards the window, continuing with that learning of his, “We might've won against those formidable foes on the ring, but dungeons are not simple as that.

“Those demons can ambush us while we're resting, it's not a straightforward fight inside there.”

I slapped my crib and snarled towards him. 'Of course, I know that. I read too many of that genre that I can guess what's going to happen next!' 

“Good thing that we lose, at least we know that we're still weak.” the apple on his hand couldn't take the pressure anymore, spraying into bits and pieces. 

'Uh...' my eyes widened looking his gooey fist, I took a deep breath to calm myself, before I shook my head. 'It doesn't look like a good thing to you though.'

“I was planning on fighting another Beast Master in the arena, but, change of plans.” Aster met my gaze once again.

My eyes brightened hearing that. 'That's a good thing! After all, it's not fun when I'm the one getting pummeled.'

Aster continued while eating the leftover crumbs of the fruit. “Tomorrow until next week, we're going to double our training and find all the information we can find about Mustivos.”

'D-Double? Shouldn't we relax and meditate, not overwork our body?'

“We can relax once we arrive at the town where the tower is.” Aster smiled at me teasingly. “I heard they have a nice lake over there, and it's thriving with freshwater fish.”

'Hey don't stereotype! It's not like all cats like fish.' I looked at him angrily, yet inside my mind I'm already contemplating his words.

'A lake huh? We could go boating around the lake and try to catch some fish with wriggling baits, or maybe even swim in its crystal clear, blue water.' 

My ears perked up when I suddenly remembered something. 'Speaking of it, since I was reincarnated in this world I didn't get any satisfying relaxation yet—sleep and naps don't count.

I'm not a poor little salary man, too overworked to enjoy some vacation, anymore. Now that I'm a cat, why shouldn't I go to a lake and relax like a king?'

I jumped out of my crib and landed safely on the white, marbled floor. I turned towards Aster and invited him with my tail. 'What are you spacing out there, young man? Let's go train and look for information about that Multitude like you said.'

But, instead of getting up from the bed, he stopped me. “Don't hurry, Twy. Let's wait for someone first.”


The doorknob suddenly twisted and I immediately jumped to the side, evading the door that was strongly opened by a brown-haired boy.


'You, that was dangerous!'

“T-Twy?” that nerdy boy shouted in surprise.

'No, it's your father!'

“You're finally here, Johnson.” Aster greeted him with a smile.

Johnson turned to look towards the bed before he sighed in relief. “Looks like you're fine Aster. But why did you challenge Hooper again?”

“To know my current limit.”  

Hearing that, Johnson showed an expression of genuine curiosity. “Shouldn't you already know that after your first loss against them?” 

For a moment there I saw Aster's eyes turn scary.'What? Is this person stupid, or is he just cruel?' 

“Forget about that, do you have the things?” Aster changed the topic, probably knowing that this guy's just stupid.

“Oh yes, wait a moment.” Johnson started searching all his pockets, pulling one small test tube in each one of them, before handing them to Aster. “Here you go, a total of 6 test tubes of healing venom, it's 10 ml every tube.” 

Aster first wiped his hands with napkins before accepting them, he then looked at his friend with a questioning gaze. “Can't you be more careful? Why didn't you at least put it in some kind of container?”

“I bought those test tubes just so you know, I don't have enough money to add some container for them.” that nerdy boy only shrugged his shoulders.

Aster's gaze turned serious. “Johnson, don't ever get into the business world.” 

'You'll get slapped if you act like that in front of a customer.'

“What are you talking about?” Johnson shook his head, then turned around. “Now that I delivered that and you look fine, I'm going back to the arena, see ya.”

“Mhm, thanks.”

The door closed, leaving the two of us alone, I looked again at Aster and pointed towards the door. 'Let's go home now, Aria might've baked another pastry again!”

“Wait a moment Twy.” Aster's voice sounded from behind, stopping me from taking another step.

'That's the second time! What now?' I turned back in anger, but my head immediately cooled down once I saw him holding onto his head.

“15, no, 10 minutes. Give me 10 minutes, I'm still feeling dizzy.”

'Huh... he's injured!?' I quickly ran and jumped over his bed. 'Damn, what are you doing sitting up! Lie down, you idiot!' 

“W-What are you doing? I'm not injured, just dizzy." 

He didn't listen to me so I had no choice, but to dive bomb into his abdomen. 'Just lie down!'


I thought that he was fine because he kept babbling about this and that, but I guess he's not unaffected by that loss.

Acting maturely like an experienced adult... 

'Hah! What a brat.'


”We're home.” Aster greeted the moment he opened the door.

Twy who's perched on his shoulder jumped out before darting towards the kitchen, leaving behind the young man to close the door.

However, his hope was dashed when he saw Aria, smiling at him apologetically. “Sorry Twy, but I didn't bake today.” 

She then turned towards Aster with a wide smile on her lips. “Welcome back.” but, her brows furrowed while her eyes scanned him from head to toe. “Brother, I heard that you lost again. Are you all right?”

“Yeah, we already rested in the infirmary .” Aster shrugged his shoulders, he then moved to sit down on the sofa in their living room.

Aria took a glass from the kitchen and filled it with cold water before giving it to Aster with a concerned look. “Will the two of you keep battling in the stadium after this?” 

Aster took the glass from her before he shook his head. “No, I'll take a break for a while.” he then looked at her with a smile. “Before my college starts, I'm thinking of heading to Dextrim next week to relax and unwind. Would you like to join, Aria?”

Twy snapped out of his despair when he heard that, he looked at his partner with doubt. 'Didn't you say you're going to hide about your plan of climbing a tower to her?'

Aster said to him before that as a good brother, he didn't want to worry his sister too much, and also because there's a high chance that she's going to stop him from going.

'But, now he's asking her to join him.' Twy's tail curled into a question mark, but they suddenly perked straight when he heard Aria's answer.

“I want to go... but I already promised that I'll help the welcoming committee of our school next week!” she puffed her cheeks as she looked at him jealously.

Aster, like a good brother, smiled gloatingly. “That's unfortunate, don't worry though, I'll bring some souvenirs back.” 


Twy watched as they started to bicker like children—a common occurrence for those who grew up with siblings. 

'Was that just a coincidence? Or...' his gaze found their way towards Aster, he then focused sensing his emotions, but all he felt was the happiness coming from him. 'Did I just partner up with a sociopath...?'

Twy's belly then grumbled, it snapped him out of his thoughts. 'Nah, who cares? More importantly, I'm hungry, so stop fighting and cook!'



Don't worry I've checked google and chatgpt, he's not sociopath.

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