I Became A Starter Beast

Chapter 13: Quick Attack


The moment the referee started the fight, I saw, no, I felt the aura surrounding the mutt turned thicker and menacing.

'They're showing their true colors this fast? How overconfident can you be?' I immediately take cover behind Aster.

Meanwhile, he positioned his left hand bearing shield forward while his sword was hidden from the enemy's sight like me.

“W- What's wrong with that dog? Why did its strength shoot up?" Aster asked with a shaking voice, but no part of his body was trembling at all.

'He might have lowered his guard, but it doesn't mean you're done putting effort into your acting.' I rolled my eyes. 'What if he realizes something's wrong?' I sent waves of worry towards Aster, but it was unneeded.

“Let me teach you a great lesson, Aster. In this world, not all people who are smiling are kind; some are smiling so they could take advantage of you.” I can't see that bastard's face, but it most likely would lead to the satisfaction of many if it gets punched at least 30 times.

My sensitive ears perked up as I heard the wind cry before a clinking sound of metal hitting against another metal resounded.

'So, he started attacking huh.'

“Aster, I'm not sorry, but I belong to the latter!” Clark sent another arrow.

Aster blocked it, but he faltered from the force and stepped back, or so the others thought yet his voice remained calm. “The dog's coming.” 

I can't see the whole body of that mutt but I can see its legs kicking the floor as it rushed towards us.

Aster widely parried another arrow with his shield, creating a moment where his guard was wide open.

The mutt, which probably experienced many battles like this, immediately lunged towards that opening with its fiery maws!

I could hear the gasps coming from the people watching us stand, they all probably thought that my partner would get ravaged by that mutt's cruel attack.

In the next moment, however, their pitying sighs changed into cries of surprise the moment that mutt's right cheek was met with an impact from a glowing iron shield.

Before the sound could vanish from everyone's ear, I dashed through Aster's legs quickly heading towards that scammer of a brat.


It's hard not to laugh after seeing his face that seems like he couldn't hold his shit inside his asshole any longer.

Still, it seems that he's not that inexperienced. He quickly responded by jumping backward, reloading his bow with another arrow, and aiming it at me.

'Don't underestimate me!'

I followed the rhythm of the Yin-Yang Breathing Technique—I've practiced hard to use it in battle—and felt the mana that was previously hidden in my muscles.

Then, while following the breathing pattern I made the few strands of mana inside me dance in a circle, forming a spiral or a cyclone. 

Every step I took closer to that brat the faster the spin—

'Ever since I was a kid I wanted a pik*chu. Never would I thought that I would become one instead, though because of that I might be able to make my dream partially come true.'

—until those two types of mana strands, one warm like morning sunlight; and the other gentle and cold as moonlight, collided!

'Quick Attack!'

The arrow flying towards me turned into a blur the moment I took another step, and before I knew it I was just one big jump away from the brat's head—so I did.

With all the momentum from my quick attack, I punched his jaws hard enough for him to float a couple of feet in the air!


That brat fell on his back first while I was still enjoying my time in midair.

When I lost all my energy though I started to fall, thankfully it was not too high and I was able to land safely on top of the bastard's face.


The sudden loud voice almost made me jump in surprise, but I was able to hold it in when I saw that it was me that they were looking at me with praise.

My right paw might be a little prickly after that, but it's a worthy price for this grand applause!

'I guess the crowds are not that bad!'


“Oh, Johnson! Right timing my beast—”

“Not now Mark, I'm in a hurry, sorry!” Johnson waved off another previous customer of his, while he hurriedly exited the Arena Hall.

He was running after his friend Aster, but couldn't find him anywhere due to the increased number of people inside the Battle Stadium.

However, he knew that only in the reception hall can you redeem the prize money after someone wins the bet, that's why he's hurrying there.

“Excuse me... Sorry, sorry... Excuse....”

After receiving a hundred glares from the people going a different way from him, he finally got out of that raging human current.

“Aster!” he immediately shouted after spotting the figure of that black-haired youth with a cat on his shoulder.“Thank god, I caught up with you.”

Aster faced him with a confused expression. “Um... who are you? Why do you know my name?”

“Wha—?” Johnson's mouth was left open almost inviting a fly to go inside.

“Did you lose your memories? Amnesia? Or are you some kind of mimic beast mimicking my friend?”

'So that kind of trope exists in this world too?' Twy thought as he looked at the nerdy-looking boy in front of him.

“Just kidding.” Aster's face returned to its usual expression, with only a hint of smirk left on his lips. “So, what are you doing here Johnson?”

Johnson who was subjected to his question was holding his fist tightly while taking a deep breath.

Once he was calm enough, he didn't reply with words, but instead showed them the white and green armband on his right shoulder with a word AID on it.

“First-aid boy? You're here for a part time job?” Aster raised his brows.

“Yeah, I need to pay the installments for this guy.” Johnson folded his right sleeve, showing them a small snake that was coiling around his arm. 

It has tree bark-like scales, its head is triangle-shaped with tiny budding leaves above its eyes like a pair of eyebrows, and it has a tail that looks like a root.

“A Tree-Sap Viper!”

'And that's not all, it's a C+ rated one; Adept 3 Stars! If raised right, it could even become an Elite Beast!' Aster's usual confident expression was tarnished by his unmasked surprise.

And Johnson's lips curled in an arrogant smirk seeing that.

“Where did you buy it?” Aster pointed towards the viper, once again hiding in the sleeve.

“I could ask the same thing as you.” Johnson also pointed at the beast on his classmate's shoulder. “Where did you get that amazing cat?” 

Twy calmly accepted the praise with his head held high.

“But, let's not talk about that here.” Johnson looked around the busy reception hall, before adding, “Let's go out, there's a fast food restaurant near here.”

“All right.”

Aster and Twy nodded while caressing their bellies.


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