I Became a Hive Mind in the Game

Chapter 18 - Reorganization

The present where I am now, which is probably thought to be the time of the 6th installment, was 20 years after the final boss S6 (Essex) subjugation, which was the last story of the 5th installment.

There were minor issues in between, like some companies going bankrupt or some countries being destroyed, but setting aside such information that has no meaning to me now, there’s only one fact I need to keep in mind now.

That is, the situation of human inferiority that was always emphasized in the setting has somehow changed to a world view where monsters are driven into specific areas due to technological development, resulting in monster inferiority.

If we assume it’s a game and make a guess, it seems to be a setting resulting from a balance patch due to the introduction of monster players, but even so, the developers couldn’t just do that, so they brought out anti-psychic weapons that they had never introduced even in the setting until now.

The so-called Anti-Psychic Bomb. It’s said to spread a special energy wave unique to anti-psychic, temporarily paralyzing psychic energy… this is a weapon deliberately designed to counter Hive Minds.

Hive Minds and their subordinate monsters are connected by psychic energy, and if this is cut off, the legion scatters into individuals from that moment.

It’s a weapon they said they would never introduce to easily create crisis situations in the story, and because it has a big impact on the balance between psychic users and other professions.

Oh, of course, perhaps because of this, it’s set as a weapon that can’t be used carelessly, and this is reflected even now that the game has become reality.

Due to its expensive price, inability to miniaturize, and high possibility of friendly fire, it won’t be thrown like a grenade, but still, there’s no doubt that it’s dangerous.

It means that the situation of dying after being hit by a few missiles that was talked about before could actually happen.

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However, in contrast to this desperate situation, my monsters are currently all stronger overall.

Especially as a result of completely modifying all the monsters using modern monster engineering, the legion had become incomparably stronger than before.

First, in the case of Hive Infantry, I differentiated this monster into two types—A and B.

Hive Infantry-A
Grade :: 7
Level :: 66
Strength :: 25
Agility :: 15
Vitality :: 20
Intelligence :: 10
Resistance :: 10
Energy :: 10
Leadership :: 0
Monster Gene (D), Predator (D), Hive Mind (D), Subjugation (EX), Close Combat Expert (D), Cooperative Combat (D), Regeneration (D), Lightweight Reinforced Exoskeleton (D), Tenacity (D)
Charge (E)
Biological Weapons

First, the A-type Hive Infantry was just a close combat infantry slightly strengthened from the existing monster. Especially as it was improved to specialize in all-out war, it’s specialized in somehow withstanding the enemy’s long-range firepower and approaching.

Of course, although it’s close combat infantry, it’s not completely incapable of long-range firing. Although its accuracy would be low due to the lack of shooting-related traits or skills, this problem can be solved by equipping heavy weapons like medium machine guns or flamethrowers.

Hive Infantry-B
Grade :: 7
Level :: 66
Strength :: 15
Agility :: 15
Vitality :: 18
Intelligence :: 15
Resistance :: 15
Energy :: 15
Leadership :: 0
Monster Gene (D), Predator (D), Hive Mind (D), Subjugation (EX), Shooting Expert (D), Cooperative Combat (D), Volley Fire (D)
Detection (D), Composite Shooting (D), Stealth Cover (D)
Biological Weapons

On the other hand, the B-type was completely overhauled from the ground up. Its appearance was changed from the existing six-legged alien insect to a bipedal insect-human, and its role also completely changed from before.

Traits and skills specialized to fight like modern soldiers, and special forces tactics acquired through various methods were directly implanted, allowing all of them to fight as special forces and humanoid infantry.

Of course, in return, close combat had to be completely given up, but it wasn’t a problem.

Since the enemies that Hive Infantry-B would face are mainly infantry, in close combat against simple infantry, they could push through with their physical abilities.

But when I actually created such full-fledged ranged infantry, a problem arose.

It was the ammunition problem for the weapons used by such ranged infantry, or more precisely, the supply problem.

If it was just energy needed for activities or ammunition for energy weapons, it would be enough to eat corpses, but the supply of laser weapons approached me as a serious problem.

Laser weapons consume power, and this electricity needs to be supplied separately for low-grade monsters, unlike medium-grade or higher monsters with bio cores.

Of course, it might be different if they were digested and recreated, but absorbing and reproducing all troops regularly would be suicidal in a war, so I created a separate supply monster.

A kind of biological two-and-a-half-ton truck that advances to the front line, transports monster recruits while supplying energy or power, and returns carrying large numbers of corpses.

It was the Hive Supplier.

Hive Supplier
Grade :: 6
Level :: 66
Strength :: 105
Agility :: 55
Vitality :: 210
Intelligence :: 20
Resistance :: 55
Energy :: 200
Leadership :: 0
Monster Gene (C), Predator (C), Hive Mind (C), Subjugation (EX), Bio Core (C), Psychic Storage (C), Energy Storage (C), Tireless Stamina (C), Superhuman Strength (D), Regeneration (D)
Rough Terrain Movement (C), Transport (C)
Biological Weapons
Laser Blaster (C)

This monster, created solely for the purpose of transport, is based on the body structure of the Hive Flamer.

However, it just changed the legs to eight, greatly increased its size, and attached a transport basket and bio-organs for energy supply on its back.

It might look a bit pathetic to be in a legion of monsters, but what can you do?

Once I decided to imitate the human army, I had to imitate its structure as well.

And while I was creating this Hive Supplier, I suddenly thought that if I attached sturdy armor and mounted weapons on this supplier, it could be used as a tank—and the result was the Hive Tank.

Hive Tank
Grade :: 5
Level :: 41
Strength :: 210
Agility :: 75
Vitality :: 340
Intelligence :: 20
Resistance :: 250
Energy :: 100
Leadership :: 0
Monster Gene (C), Predator (C), Hive Mind (C), Subjugation (EX), Bio Core (C), Heavy Armor (C), Psychic Resistance (C), Tireless Stamina (D), Superhuman Strength (D), Regeneration (D)
Rapid Regeneration (C), Endurance (C), Shooting (D)
Biological Weapons
Energy Blaster (C), Laser Shooter (C), Energy Claw (C)

This new Hive Tank was overwhelmingly stronger than the previously named Hive Tank individual. It has one weapon for close combat, weapons for dealing with small fry, and a bombardment weapon for long-range combat.

Basically, it increases the size of the Hive Supplier by one level and attaches metallic bio-armor to the surface, giving a heavy feeling, and it has one Energy Blaster attached to its back and Laser Shooters equipped throughout its body.

Perhaps because of this, whenever I look at this guy, it reminds me of a tank or armored vehicle with 8 legs instead of endless tracks.

Even its appearance, if you just look at it, would be more fitting to say it looks like a ground dragon rather than a lizard, or frankly, a turtle with 8 metal legs.

Of course, its combat power naturally belongs to the top of grade 5. Its abilities are neatly distributed to just the necessary levels, and its traits and skills only have what’s needed without unnecessary waste.

In addition, the equipped biological weapons also have a near-perfect combination.

The combination of the Energy Blaster, which uses energy generated from the internal bio core directly as shells, and the Energy Claw, which utilizes that energy and barrier field on the surface for close combat, allows for excellent combat power at both long and close range.

The Laser Shooters, with a total of 4 equipped in various places, are items added to comfortably deal with small fry rather than facing strong enemies. Since it uses energy from the internal fusion reactor as its battery, it can fire indiscriminately without worry.

Hive Fortress
Grade :: 4
Level :: 66
Strength :: 255
Agility :: 115
Vitality :: 350
Intelligence :: 50
Resistance :: 300
Energy :: 150
Leadership :: 0
Monster Gene (B), Predator (B), Hive Mind (B), Subjugation (EX), Bio Core (B), Bio Heavy Armor (B), Psychic Resistance (B), Tireless Stamina (C), Bio Transport (C), Superhuman Strength (C), Super Regeneration (D)
Rapid Regeneration (B), Endurance (B), Concentrated Fire (C)
Biological Weapons
Energy Blaster (B), Laser Blaster (B)

And the strongest individual I can currently use is the Hive Fortress, which was modified from the existing Hive Tank to be used as a moving fortress.

Its grade also increased by 1 level to grade 4, and as a result, the capacity was used to improve overall performance.

The height increased significantly from 5 meters to 8 meters, and in this process, the internal floor structure increased from 3 floors to 4 floors, allowing for more than doubling the number of mounted blasters.

In addition, a large gun that could be called a fortress gun was mounted at the top, which shows performance close to a bio high-explosive armor-piercing shell—launching and exploding a grade 7 monster specialized for self-destruction, which should be called a psychic bomb.

Internally, it can stuff in 100 Hive Infantry customized for mounting in the Hive Fortress, and at the same time, it can transport energy or ammunition to other individuals.

If it had a psychic shield generator, which it doesn’t currently have, it would be more than sufficient to be treated as a grade 3 monster.

…Of course, after actually making it, it felt like a decisive weapon that’s just expensive but lacks survivability, so I only made 3 of them and have no plans for mass production.

Anyway, besides what I’ve introduced, I produced various monsters.

There are biological bomb monsters made to be used as substitutes for bombs or mines, underground infiltration monsters resembling earthworms, flying dragon-type monsters made for aerial combat, and biological helicopters for air-to-ground combat.

I really let my imagination run wild and produced all kinds of monsters, but there was one thing that bothered me.

That is, even if I make these, there’s no occasion to actually deploy them in combat.

It’s been a long time since I completely dominated this forest in Gangwon-do, and attacking humans would be truly suicidal.

But despite these reasons, I still needed steady expansion. At this rate, growth would soon stagnate, which means death is approaching.

Therefore, I tried to find a way to expand somehow—and unexpectedly, the breakthrough was in a nearby location.

It was the former North Korean region, which wasn’t dealt with in the game due to political issues.

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