I am the son of Simon Petrikov (An adventure time fanfic)

Chapter 40: Chapter 34: Moe

-OOO year 84-

-Bad Lands-

A person walked alone under the burning sun and the endless sand, the landscape decorated with sharp rocks and bones only made everything look more desolate

The person wore elegant clothes, contrasting with the desolate desert he was in, his hair was silver white, with a precious axe on his back and a dagger at his waist

He used a worn scarf to cover his face from the nose down and his eyes were protected by bright round blue glasses

Everything about him made him stand out more, something bad in a post-apocalyptic environment full of mutated life that attacked everything that stood out in some way

Behind him a small mound of sand moved silently, stalking him patiently, approaching little by little, without his prey noticing the imminent attack.

After walking for a while longer under the sun the apparent prey finally stopped when in the distance he saw a strange building and machinery next to what appeared to be huge iron statues.

"finally after a damn month"

Sensing that its prey was distracted the creature hidden by the sand finally made its move and from the small mound hidden in the landscape emerged, splashing sand everywhere, what appeared to be a huge sandworm more than 5 meters wide with a mouth full of rows of sharp teeth that rotated like chainsaws.

Its mouth full of huge, sharp teeth that could tear apart anything the worm ingested was getting closer and closer to its prey, which didn't even turn to look at it.

When its rotating teeth were just a few centimeters away from its prey, the surprised worm felt an enormous pain that went through it from head to tail, that was the last thing it felt before it was lost in the abyss.

The worm seemed to crush the strange traveler when it fell, raising a huge cloud of sand.

When the cloud of dust settled, only a huge worm remained, which seemed strangely motionless, until slowly a thin, almost imperceptible line of blood appeared from the worm's head to its tail.

Then its body split in two, slowly dividing into two halves, filling all the surroundings with purple, radioactive blood, staining the sand and giving some color to the landscape.

In the middle of the huge body split in half, the same person continued to stare at the building, as if he were scanning its interior

His clothes remained clean despite all the blood around, he lowered the scarf that covered his face revealing a pair of sharp fangs

Surrounded by so much filth, the traveler took a tube full of blood from inside his vest and drank it in one gulp with a disgusted face

All this was recorded by a drone that observed all the traveler's movements since he approached the strange factory

-Moe's underground laboratory-

The video was constantly playing in a loop on many screens being watched by a middle-aged man and tirelessly analyzed by small cubic robots.

"Father, according to our analysis and databases, the intruder shows characteristics of vampirism, although vampires have not appeared for more than 6 decades. He seems to be protected by what we suspect is a barrier of some kind."

"He has the ability to carry out devastating attacks with a wide range of effectiveness, but everything else is a mystery. We do not know his intentions or motivations, only that he is brutal since he exterminated every hostile living being that approached him and was looking for something. We believe he was looking for signs of life-"

"And now he has found us. Prepare the defenses GMO."

The report of the small robot, GMO, was interrupted by the man in a serious tone.

"Right away, father."

GMO along with several other robots left the analysis room with their small feet in full gear while the man, Moe, stared at the image of the young man on the screens.

"Could it be you, Blanche?"

-Desert Factory-

-Blanche pov-

I hate these damn worms and I hate the sand

Ever since I entered the desert I have kept my spiritual sense on constantly monitoring everything around me so obviously I knew they were recording me, just as I know that the factory is being operated by many MO robots

Examining the ground outside the factory I could see it full of high-tech traps that I couldn't understand, they were hidden by the sand, but I don't plan on stopping

I've been walking around this damned and desolate place for a month, although thanks to the fact that I can see several kilometers with my spiritual sense I saved myself months of work, it's still exhausting to walk so slowly so as not to miss anything

I examined every cave and crevice I found, I killed everything that attacked me along the way and finally I found what I was looking for, a factory with the MO.Co sign.

I walked slowly leaving behind the corpse of the worm that attacked me and ended up cut by a super thin cut of ice at full speed

Outside there was heavy machinery as well as several Sleeping Fire Giants like the ones that started the fire kingdom, all connected to several cables that ran around the outside and finally entered the factory

I stopped when I got right to the edge of the perimeter full of traps, having fun seeing the eager MOs waiting for me to enter

I could teleport directly to the bottom of the factory where I could feel a human presence, although it also felt like the MOs, something mechanical

But I was curious, what kind of traps could the most intelligent human on the planet create

So I decidedly took a step forward to the delight of the MOs, they were adorable jumping around excitedly

I walked a little while feeling mechanical movements under my feet and when I was just a few meters from the door everything finally activated

5 huge metal columns of different sizes emerged around me and I could feel the sand sliding under my feet feet revealing a metal floor that was hidden by the sand

The huge iron construction lifted me several meters from the ground while the 5 huge pillars closed around me leaving me in total darkness

With my spiritual sense I could see from the outside what the huge structure looked like, it was a huge hand emerging from the ground and now enclosing me in a fist

I was in total darkness for a few seconds until a huge screen illuminated the inside of the giant hand, it was a transmission from a Mo, a small robot with the letters GMO engraved on its side

"Attention intruder, declare your intentions or you will be exterminated, do not test my patience or you will taste my cruelty"

The little GMO with the most threatening expression and tone he could make threatened me, although he seemed adorable

After that little recorded message the screen went off, although I could still hear him getting off the stool he was on, it seems they forgot to turn off the microphone as well

"ohhh big and intimidating robot, please don't hurt me"

"I told you that all those hours of practice would it work, look at him he's terrified, now what do I say to him?"

I could hear him whispering with other MOs nervously while I tried not to burst out laughing listening to him having trouble getting on the stool

A few seconds later the screen came back on and GMO looked at me with his "intimidating" expression again

"I'm not going to hurt you intruder, as long as you explain your purpose and don't try to lie, I'll know"

The screen went black again as I listened to him boast about how intimidating his act was

"okay, okay, I'll confess, I am...a pizza delivery guy and I give away free pizza to robots, that's all"

"you heard him! Free pizza!"

"uhh I could have a slice"

"I demand that he be let in, he seems like an honest guy"

The voices of several MOs filled the place and the screen came back on with GMO looking at me seriously

"you could have said it earlier intruder, welcome to MO. Co."

The hand slowly returned to the ground and sank gently into the sand as if it had never existed in the first place

The factory doors opened, letting me see the inside. It looked like a normal administrative building with a small robot sitting at a counter in front of a computer and typical receptionist glasses

I approached the counter to ask him where the elevator was, but all he did was point with obvious annoyance at a ticket machine that gave out numbers and then point to a screen that showed the number 0 on the wall

Even his attitude was that of a receptionist

I took a ticket with the number 1 and the screen showed my number after a few seconds, so finally, although with a slow tone of voice, he explained to me how to get down

-underground lab-

I went down the elevator for a few minutes while relaxing music played, there were hundreds of floors underground, each one unique and full of Mos

When I finally reached the top floor, Moe's personal lab and the doors opened, what greeted me was Moe himself sitting on a couch quietly drinking tea, I assumed he had been watching me the whole time through the cameras since I set foot in the surroundings

"Hello young man, you have no idea how happy I am to meet you, although thanks to you I now have to organize a pizza party [laughs], I'm sorry for the hostile reception, I just wanted to see what GMO would do"

"I'm sorry, your children are adorable, I couldn't resist playing with the little one, by the way, my name is-"

"Blanche, the hero, isn't that right?"


"Many many years ago, I came across a curious group of humans while my robots were exploring the sewers, they told me the stories of how a silver-haired hero wearing blue glasses fought and won against the vampires and their King to save what was left of humanity and that eventually the remnants of humanity left for some unexplored islands"

"I had planned to visit those islands eventually, but I never thought I would meet you, or maybe I would on the islands but I was expecting an old man, not a young man"

"It seems that immortality has benefited you quite a bit, although I chose another path more familiar to me"

"Yes, I would really love to explain that to you, but I need your help in another matter"

"Oh yes you are right, excuse me I have the habit of rambling when I find something interesting, what do you need?"

-30 minutes later-

I told Moe all the development that humanity has had since we arrived on the islands and about the problem that the race was now suffering, he never asked me how I knew where find him or how I knew he was still alive, something I was silently grateful for.

"mmm wow that is a shame, I thought that could happen and that is why I prepared plans for an airship to set sail in search of those islands at some point, but that they are about to run out of resources so soon is incredible, it seems that they did not rest a single day"

"[sigh] it is a shame Blanche, but right now there is nothing I can do, I have a huge problem on my hands and I cannot leave just like that"

"what kind of problem?"

"my problem is those generating furnaces that you saw outside, there are 6 in total and they produce energy for the entire factory, it is an enormous consumption of energy every second"

"now due to continuous use the generators have slowly accumulated residual energy, I fear that in a little more than 2 years they will be saturated and then explode with the power to set fire to a part of the continent, everything I built here will disappear, my robots and I will be helpless at the mercy of this hostile world"

"that is why I cannot help you at this moment, I must move those generators away, it will take me a few years so I can only say that I am sorry, from the bottom of my heart"

I knew that those guardians had started the reign of fire but I never knew how, it seems that Moe was able to move them before they exploded here, before helping the humans

But in the original timeline the humans did not suffer from lack of resources so soon because their fear held them back, but my intervention led to the creation of the guardians which accelerated the expansion under the protection of the law

Damn butterfly effect, although it was a great movie

I looked at the saddened Moe in front of me, a good-hearted man but he could never relate to humans the same way he related to his children the Mos

Now I can see why that is, Moe sees each of his creations as his family, as his flesh and blood, a vision impossible to imagine for ordinary people who would see them as nothing more than robots to use, but for Moe they are his family, this led to his isolation from the rest of humanity.

"I don't blame you Moe, I would also put my family first and for that I can't blame you"

"Thanks Blanche, although I am truly sorry, I can give you supplies to take to the islands while I find a way to move the generators without destabilizing them and making them explode, their high temperature makes them unstable, too unstable to be moved by machinery"

That lit a light bulb, I had the solution to that problem

"Moe, I think I am the necessary machinery"

-4 months later-

"BMO can you pass me that book please?"

"Yes my captain!"


A/N: Hello how are you? Leave comments I love reading them, if you want donate on patreon that motivates me because I love money, until next time

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