I am the celebration monster of Academy City

Page 1097

I don't know if it was an illusion, but white things also flowed out along with it.

The man's two eyes looked in different directions.Just by looking at his current appearance, it should be clear that his state is definitely not normal.

"Interesting, there are still such existences in this world, and you might be worth getting them. Depending on the situation, maybe it's even more important than the list of banned books?"

It doesn't matter whether it's a cane or a hat, the man called softly.


As a result, the ground was distorted, just like the rapid growth of plants commonly seen in movies, the floor twisted and extended and grew upwards.

It doesn't look like metal or fiberglass, more like a gun that melted and sharpened part of the diamond patio was forcibly wrung out.

It seems that for this man, a gun like this is a convenient thing that can be manufactured at any time.

On the side of this gun, [St. Germain] is engraved.

Index's attention was also attracted by the gun, so she also noticed the letters marked on the gun as a matter of course.

"Saint Germain..."

"Yes, I am St. Germain. I am proficient in magic, but I have no interest in becoming the god of magic. Even if I want to use this power to achieve my goal.

I'm not a magician either.I am Saint-Germain, neither a daemon nor a magician, but a third category.The lonely Saint-Germain, I am the third category that can only be described by the word "Saint-Germain". "

The man stretched out his hand to the gun that was forcefully twisted out of the ground.

However, before his hand touched the gun, a huge circular gap suddenly appeared on his wrist, and his hand was also blown away from the side of the gun.

Index, who was targeted by Saint-Germain, still wanted to communicate with him and try to get more information.

In contrast, a certain assassin girl who suddenly appeared didn't even have the mood to say a word of nonsense.

After knocking Saint-Germain's hand into the air, followed by the heart, followed by the throat, followed by the knees, followed by the feet...

The attacks were not launched at the same time in an instant, but the order of arrival before and after the attack was absolutely the same.

In a blink of an eye, Saint-Germain's body was covered in blood holes, and his whole body was more like a puppet that was held by a puppet string so as not to fall down, which was extremely weird.

"I'm careless..."

His throat was pierced and he could still make a sound.It's just that the sound is much weirder than expected, it's like the sound that only monsters in horror games can make.

A strange smile appeared on Saint-Germain's face.

"I can only give up this."

"Huh?" Index didn't know what kind of accident Saint-Germain said, but there was no doubt that she suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

"I sincerely hope that you can survive."


Index yelled.

"Seeing how easy you are, I want to see how much you can do. I'm so moved that I'm about to cry because of your hard work."

Saint-Germain's hands violently ripped off the tuxedo, and the buttons were smashed and bounced off, but the buttons were not important, what was important was the punch wrapped around the opponent's abdomen that looked like clay.

"But no matter who you are, you lack the ability to protect others, right?"

"that is?!"

Prison Cai Haimei's eyes widened, and she recognized what that piece of clay was at a glance.

While she was subconsciously looking for a strategy to survive the explosion, Index had already stepped forward and ran towards St. Germain recklessly.

Prison Cai Haimei subconsciously stretched out her hand to pull her, but Index avoided it without thinking.With such a small distance, the prison Cai Haimi lost the best chance to hold Index.

"do not worry."

The man smiled, put his index finger in front of his lips and said so softly as a warning.

"Even if a Saint-Germain dies, the idea of ​​Saint-Germain will not be eliminated... Absolutely not."

Then, not a second came.

At the moment when Index and his existence were intertwined, the huge orange-red light mixed with high temperature and high heat, and the impact turned into an irresistible explosion that swept everything——

Chapter 86 Where are the good guys?

The scorching and powerful explosion engulfed the entire floor.Whether it was the glass of the restaurant, the railing outside or even other things, they were all blown away by the explosion.

The diamond patio, including the door and glass, is made of carbon, so strong and tough that it will remain motionless even if it is hit by an armored vehicle.

But at the end of the day, carbon is carbon, and there was no protest against the cargo and the high-voltage current accident. Under such a huge and exaggerated explosion, it collapsed more fragile than expected.

Thankfully, only the shattered parts didn't burn like firewood.

Things like the railing on that side were blown away by the impact and flew towards the bottom of the huge patio, and fell towards the ground of the first floor. I just hope that no one stays under this huge patio.

If not, falling from the wreckage of a [-]-story building and hitting someone, it would probably be no different from being hit directly by a meteorite.

In the restaurant, everyone, including Prison Cai Haimei and Bow and Arrow Hunting Tiger, hid behind the upturned dining table.

In the short moment when the explosion was about to hit, Prison Cai Haimei immediately used her ability on everyone, making everyone look up to her, and decisively overturned the table in the shortest time and hid behind the table.

It seems reasonable to use the dining table as a shield to resist the flames and impacts, but how effective it can be is still a question mark. The only thing that is clear is that the effect is probably not as great as imagined.

The problem is not whether this method has much effect, but the crux of the problem lies in such a huge explosion...

Are these people hiding behind the desk really all right?They were neither blown away by the impact nor completely engulfed by the flames, but what they encountered was the crackling sound of being hit by the rain of broken glass on the downed tabletop?

"Ah! ah—whoops—"

Among the various sounds that you can imagine the collapsed scene just by listening to it, there are abnormal sounds.

Prison Cai Haimei carefully looked towards the side where the sound came from, and saw a white figure rolling on the ground like a ping pong ball being blown away, stumbling, and finally stopped at the place where they were hiding At this table...

That figure is...


Prison Saimi made a voice in disbelief.Such a huge explosion, hiding far enough may not necessarily be able to avoid the damage. Index actually took the initiative to meet it a moment before the explosion. It is a miracle that it was not blown into scum.The key is Index lying there now...

Unscathed!Not even a hole or two in the dress... no, it wasn't even dusty!

Index, who was thrown away by the impact, stumbled and finally stopped, heard the call of Prison Cai Haimi, looked towards her, and smiled innocently at Prison Cai Haimi while still lying on the ground.

"It doesn't matter, most of the impact and damage of the explosion have been resisted by the Mobile Church, so everyone will not be harmed."

"Uh..." For a moment, Prison Cai Haimei didn't know what to say.

She didn't know what the Mobile Church was, but she could tentatively guess what Index did when the explosion happened.It was precisely because of this that these people escaped unharmed just by hiding behind the table.

But the question is not whether Index can do anything.It's about running towards the most dangerous place without even thinking about it in the moment before the explosion, just to protect other people... A girl as delicate as Index can be so tenacious And incredible things...

"Don't do such worrying things next time!"

After a few seconds of delay, Prison Cai Haimei complained helplessly.

Thinking about it carefully, in the battle that happened a few days ago, Kanizumi Yu was also, and Kanizumi Yu's friend Kamijou Touma was also.

They all fought back and forth among a bunch of demons and ghosts as if they were desperate.So is the girl who is now related to Kamijou Touma?Who did he learn this desperate Saburo from?

"It's okay, there will be no problem with this mobile church given to me by good people."

The restaurant has been completely ruined.Fortunately, no one was injured.The rest of the people also tentatively got up from behind the table, and what they saw was such a mess that they didn't even know what happened.

Hesitating, they began to drop Jail Cai Haimei and leave from the restaurant.

Prison Cai Haimei is not LV5 after all, her ability to reach this level is considered the limit.

"That person... said he was St. Germain?"

After patting the dust off his body, only Index was left in the completely empty restaurant.

Prison Cai Haimei and Bow and Arrow Hunter Tiger are three people.Bow and Arrow Hunter patted the dust on his body and asked Index with a concerned head.

"Saint-Germain... well-known figures. As long as these mysterious figures appear in the political or social circles, the names are absolutely indispensable. To some extent, they are better than Rasputin in Russia. Daji in ancient Chinese mythology is even more famous."

It wasn't Index who answered, but Kisame Kaimi, who also patted the dust on her body.

The lady in the sparkling dress seems to have the same amount of knowledge in the social world as the impression she gives.

"I just don't know if that guy is an impostor."

"Judging from the current situation, the possibility of it being me should still be very high."

Index, the magic expert, nodded in agreement with Haimi Kisame's statement.

"St. Germain really exists?"

"To be precise, most of the legends about mysterious figures who disturb the country will be defeated by powerful magicians or soldiers, and then the legends will stop there.

Even the initials that involved several countries were also beheaded at the end of the continent.

But Saint-Germain is different. He keeps disappearing and reappearing in units of 100 years.It has appeared in different places and in different eras.Absolutely unbeaten record. "

"That is to say, there is no accurate death record, so there is no way to determine whether it is the person? Then there is the possibility that future generations will continue to play an identity?"

"This cannot be ruled out, but what matters now is not Saint-Germain's identity. This can be analyzed slowly through clues.

What matters is what he wants to do.Touma was mentioned when it first appeared, followed by me, and then Sister Twintails. "

"Hey?! Sis, sister!?"

Leaving aside a certain assassin who suddenly blushed and was clutching his small face, Index continued.

"Including the final actions and statements, he seems to have some ulterior plan in progress, which will involve Touma, and we must find a way to solve the problem!"

"I don't understand many parts of what you said."

Prison Cai Haimei scratched her head in annoyance.In the end, I decided to throw away the parts I didn't understand.

"However, it's because that guy is right to know that it's like this now."


Index nodded affirmatively.

"Then ask another question. How strong is that guy Ganquan now? Do you know?"

After Prison Cai Haimei's words fell, Index immediately grabbed her hand and asked excitedly.

"Good guy? You mean the nice guy is here too?"

"So, what's wrong with that guy here?"

"If, if it is a good person, then Saint-Germain should not be a problem for him. A good person doesn't even need me to supplement the necessary knowledge, he only needs to know that the enemy is Saint-Germain and he can solve the problem as a matter of course! "

"You, you really trust that guy..."

"No, it's not trust, it's a judgment based on pure facts."

Index raised her index finger and said seriously.

"Unexpectedly, there is a feeling of being overtaken by a curve..."

"So where is the good guy now?"

"It's probably on the floor below. He was still wandering below before."

"Then let's go down now!"

Saying that, Index turned around and ran towards the escalator, the jailer Cai Haimei had no choice but to grab her.

"Look at those people who ran out, the passage to the lower floor must have been blocked, otherwise they couldn't have just gathered by the emergency door and did nothing."

"Then what should we do?"

"I thought it might cause a fire before, so I didn't use it, but now it's really not that time. Let's go to the kitchen of the restaurant to see if there is an acetylene furnace or a spray gun. In short, it can weld the dead part. Just burn it."

Chapter 87 and more fun

dong dong——

Gookiii! !

The roar resounded throughout the diamond patio, even creating the illusion that the entire building was shaken accordingly.

Gan Quanyou subconsciously raised his head by the railing and looked up, but just as he did so, he immediately realized what had brought his head back.

It almost brushed against Gan Quanyou's head, and something unknown fell down with a howling sound of breaking wind, and a few seconds later, there was a thud on the ground below.

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