I Am Not a Robot. Beep-bop

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Commission 1

“Alice, the blue choker you’re wearing is also called ‘Blue Vein.’”

“Blue Vein? Does it refer to noble blood, like that of the aristocracy and royalty?”

“Exactly. Ordinary people wouldn’t know, but as someone who’s been head of this agency for a long time, I naturally learned that blue symbolizes First-Class Overseers. Over time, those who wore it would often return as real First-Class Overseers.”

In essence, it was a mark of succession.

However, judging by Bronte’s remark, “if you’ve been the head of the agency for a while, you’d know,” it seemed that ordinary people were unaware of the significance of the color blue.

“So, regular hunters wouldn’t know about it?”

“Well… Blue is inherently noble and impressive, but most of the foolish and ordinary people in reality can’t even distinguish between ordinary blue and noble blue. For reference, the color of the choker Alice is wearing isn’t ordinary blue but a noble shade called Dark Blue. Its color code is #00008B, and it’s impossible to replicate anywhere outside the depths of Ark.”

As Alice listened to Bronte’s overly flattering words, she suddenly had a thought.

‘I haven’t tried the electricity here yet, have I?’

【Your thought process is quite abrupt, human.】

‘But… Bronte’s words are mostly useless anyway.’

Despite not knowing Bronte’s intentions, it was irritating how he acted like a sycophant to a monarch when she had nothing.

While the goodwill itself seemed genuine, it felt strange receiving what felt like an oath of fealty from someone she barely knew.

‘And I really am curious about the electricity taste here.’

Aldeliel Restaurant, the chainsaw pub, accommodation electricity, and Magrid lower-tier electricity.

Everywhere she went, she had to sample the energy there. However, she hadn’t consumed anything from the Outer Wall Exploration Agency.

【Human, your body’s current internal energy level is 99.6%. Attempting to absorb energy here to compensate for a mere 0.4% shortage seems unreasonable.】

‘Theresa. Theresa. Do you think humans only need basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter?’

【Human, what are you talking about now?】

‘I think so. Humans don’t just pursue basic necessities; they also have personal happiness and quality of life, along with desires. Pursuing those desires and dreams is what makes someone human.’

【Human, you are not human but an android forged through carbon-based magic fusion engineering…】

‘So, doesn’t that make me human if I pursue gourmet tastes?’

【You’re completely ignoring what I’m saying.】

‘Oh, found it.’

With that, Alice sought to satisfy her desires by secretly extending a tendril and plugging it into an outlet.

Since the VIP room was filled with various machines and equipment, there were plenty of outlets to choose from.


A sharp sensation, like fizzy soda, crackled up her spine.

This taste…

“Mmm, tastes like 1000cc draft beer…”


“Oh, nothing. Anyway, what’s the reason you called me today? Surely you’re not asking me to take responsibility for smashing Green Factory, are you?”

Alice deftly changed the subject, drawing Bronte’s attention.

“Ah, of course not! We wouldn’t dare demand anything from you, the Ultima-level Returnee and symbolic future First-Class Overseer, Alice. Still, since the Green Factory—essentially the livelihood of lower-tier hunters—was destroyed, we do need a new lead.”

The way he phrased it seemed designed to make her feel guilty for ruining the lives of lower-tier hunters. However, Alice mostly brushed it off with a “so what?” attitude.

In truth, something else had caught Alice’s interest.

“A new lead?”

“Since you single-handedly defeated the Biological Factory and the entity called Gaia, I should probably issue you a B-rank Hunter license on the spot.”

For reference, in Ark, no matter how strong a hunter was, they couldn’t advance without tangible results.

This was because the system was flooded daily with wealthy young masters who slapped on expensive weapons and pretended to be hunters, along with Awakening wannabes.

Such inefficiencies were taxing administrative resources.

Therefore, Hunter management agencies, including the Barrier Agency and Exploration Agency, required hunters to obtain hunting permits and added that without results, advancement was out of the question.

“Humans are crafty creatures. Even though Alice defeated the calamity called Gaia and destroyed the Biological Factory, there are no witnesses or evidence to prove it. Thus, we can’t announce it as a promotion-worthy achievement.”

“Is defeating a calamity and destroying a Biological Factory not worth boasting about? Is it something that must be hidden?”

“If we disregard the results and promote you recklessly, lower-tier hunters will doubt whether Alice was promoted through legitimate means. Even if I trust all your testimony, my authority alone has its limits.”

Another term for hunters was sword-wielding scoundrels.

Hunters were a gathering of drifters, criminals, and returnees. It was a place where people of all kinds came together, as it offered a chance to survive.

Of course, it was filled with people who had nothing to lose and were already at rock bottom, so many sought to drag others down to their level.

Those with skill and integrity, like mid-level or high-ranking hunters, were a different story, but they made up only about ten percent of all hunters.

Most hunters lived lives steeped in envy, deceit, fraud, lies, slander, and insults.

Alice couldn’t help but smirk.

She had fought Gaia, believing it was born because of her and hoping to save more lives.

She had even destroyed Green Factory cleanly, but it seemed that none of that mattered.

No one considered that if Alice hadn’t fought Gaia or destroyed the Biological Factory, Gaia’s avatars might have been mass-produced, potentially toppling the Outer Wall.

“From our agency’s perspective, the destruction of Green Factory merely reduces our territory, but to lower-tier hunters, the fact that Alice destroyed their livelihood is what matters most.”

“So, should I have left Gaia alone and the Biological Factory intact?”

“Please don’t say that. I truly admire that you, recently returned, faced the calamity so courageously.”

“So, what are you trying to say? You want me to create some other results to make up for Green Factory?”

“You’re very perceptive.”

When Alice tilted her head, signaling for him to continue, Bronte smiled and resumed speaking.

“The main source of income for exploration agencies is colonial construction.”

“Colonial construction?”

“Attacking the outskirts of Ark and dealing with external threats is the Pioneer Team’s job, but reorganizing the secured areas into habitable zones falls under the jurisdiction of other agencies.”

At the mention of the Pioneer Team, Alice thought of Fira Dunhill.

Alongside Oriana, Fira had contributed to Alice becoming an Ultima-level Returnee.

Despite being 38 years old, she liked being called “big sister” by her subordinates. She was the commander of the Pioneer Team.

“Nostalgia-02 Zone, an industrial city 38 kilometers from our agency’s base.”

“I’ve heard Ark is humanity’s last stronghold. Can you afford to construct external colonies?”

“In reality, Ark is so densely populated that people are being pushed out. Some have voluntarily moved to colonial cities outside the Outer Wall, claiming they can live well there. However, most can’t even find homes within this city.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to move to the Magrid lower tier than to go outside?”

“The lower tier is a den of criminals. Unless someone already lived there, moving there without power or wealth is suicidal.”

Alice, who had traveled through the Magrid lower tier with ease, had forgotten this, but it wasn’t a place for ordinary people.

The lower tier swarmed with criminals and drug addicts like ants, and people who were attacked and killed by these “ants” continued to pile up like mountains.

“Actually, colonial cities are part of the latest corporate business trends. Beyond just the displaced from Ark, colonial cities, built within territories secured by the Pioneer Team, are becoming new landmarks and footholds for corporate expansions, leading to fierce competition for resources.”

“Is it about gaining a first-mover advantage?”

“Exactly. Although the outskirts are dangerous, teeming with wild monsters, Gates, and dungeons, securing and developing the area allows an agency to monopolize all byproducts and profits. It’s no wonder agencies are turning these projects into major operations, including ours.”

To summarize Bronte’s words, officially recognizing Alice’s achievement in destroying Green Factory was difficult, so they wanted her to join this project and build her reputation instead.

“I understand that my proposal might displease you, Alice, but I would be grateful if you could at least consider it.”

“No, I’ll do it.”


In truth, even without Bronte’s suggestion, this was a good opportunity for Alice.

The reason Alice became a hunter wasn’t to become an S-rank hunter or a wealthy person.

Those were secondary outcomes; her real goal was tied to her deal with Oriana.

To become the heir of a First-Class Overseer, she needed to accumulate achievements and results, and tackling the unexplored regions was part of her arrangement with Oriana.

There might be some catastrophic secret event tied to this, but ultimately, to live her third life comfortably and romantically in Ark, Alice needed numerous accomplishments.

‘Achievements are essential if I want to go further and become even greater.’

“Thank you! However, we won’t insist on an exclusive contract with you, Alice. It would cross a line to demand that of a free hunter.”

‘Exclusive contract? What’s that?’

Sensing something significant, Alice called for Theresa.

【Searching… It refers to independent hunters, also called free hunters, who take requests without being tied to any affiliation. Yesterday’s client might become tomorrow’s enemy, and the assassin sent to kill you today might become an ally tomorrow.】

Hearing this, Alice had a realization.

While she still didn’t fully understand Ark, she now grasped that the world outside the Outer Wall was an even harsher, more inhuman wasteland where survival itself was a brutal challenge.

The next day, the large elevator connecting the Exploration Agency to the Outer Wall was packed with people.

Alice was among them.

She had prepared for the expedition to Nostalgia, packing various supplies, food, and even an emergency battery in her inventory. She also left a message for Oriana about joining the Pioneer competition.

The exploration group alone numbered in the hundreds.

Among them were skilled hunters, but the majority were lower-tier hunters there simply to fill numbers.


“Going beyond the Outer Wall for my first assignment—this must mean the agency recognizes our skills.”

“Your skills? It’s better to think of it as just filling a headcount.”

“Whew. Still, our circumstances are better than most other hunters…”

“Oh, did you buy a new pack of cigarettes?”

“Yeah, I stocked up since you can’t find them once you’re outside the Wall.”

Seeing the white smoke rising before her, Alice held her breath.

Though her body didn’t require breathing, inhaling made it feel as though the cigarette smell seeped into her olfactory sensors and the gaps between her internal gears.

‘Theresa, is smoking allowed in Ark from a young age?’

【Searching… Confirmed. While technology exists to neutralize or treat most substances like cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs, legal age restrictions still apply, and providing addictive carcinogens like cigarettes to minors is prohibited in all zones.】

Ah, so these guys are the same as the people I saw during my ordinary life as a human on Earth.

The type who smoked without hesitation, even if minors were around.

Why smoke on the street?

No, this isn’t even a street.

It’s a closed elevator, which makes it even worse.

I personally despise cigarettes.

Why go out of your way to harm others’ vitality while ruining your own body?

When I ask smokers why they do it, the answers usually boil down to one of two things.


There’s no designated smoking area.

Unfortunate, but not my problem.

Imagine someone walking in front of you while defecating.

Their waste would splatter everywhere, possibly even hitting your face.

If you asked why they were doing it and they answered, “There’s no bathroom nearby,” how is that any different?

It’s beyond ridiculous, and my non-existent heart races with excessive anger.

Humans aren’t animals.

Defecating anywhere is the behavior of beasts. If there’s no appropriate space, don’t do it.

At the very least, find a spot where there aren’t any people.

This elevator is already a closed, crowded space packed with hundreds of individuals.

If someone who looks like a minor is standing right in front of you, at least have the decency to put it out.

But sometimes, there’s another answer people give.

“I paid for it, so why are you complaining?”

A brilliant argument.

If they think this way, then sure, they can smoke in front of me.

Whether it’s a street, a bar, a public space, or a closed elevator—it doesn’t matter.

Smoke away.

“Sir. Put out the cigarette.”

“Ha, listen to this brat. I paid for these, so why should you care?”

There it is.

This typical smoker uses the second logic.

Fine, let me return that logic right back at you.


“I also paid for this knife. Can I shove it into your throat?”

Alice instantly lunged, aiming her Mantis Blade at the man’s throat.

The smoker and what appeared to be his lower-tier hunter companions were so caught off guard by her movement that they froze in place.

“Strange. Is chain-smoking supposed to be cool?”


In the end, the frozen man let the cigarette drop from his hand before Alice retracted her Mantis Blade.

If he smoked in front of her one more time, she would carve his body into an ashtray.


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