I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 239


Chapter 240 Nobody?

Seeing that Tang Yao’s instant attack would not cause any pressure on Lu Zhen, Zhang Wang knew in his heart that with Tang Yao’s strength, it would not cause any danger to Lu Zhen.

He wasn’t too surprised.

With Lu Zhen’s reputation in the alien world, it is normal to have this cultivation base.

If Tang Yao can evenly match with Lu Zhen, he will doubt whether the Lu Zhen in front of him is the Lu Zhen who is famous in the alien world.

Nevertheless, he was amazed at Lu Zhen’s ease.

Lu Zhen didn’t reveal any well-known tricks, and only easily caught Tang Yao’s instant strike with one hand, without any omission…

Tang Yao is not a common disciple , but the inner sect disciple of the elite, whether it was the miasma that was revealed before, or the instant strike now, it gave him a lot of surprises.

Regardless of Dan Shi, who has not yet succeeded in cultivation, the current Tang Yao is no less than the inner sect disciple of the Tang Sect flourishing period several decades ago.

However, such Tang Yao was easily suppressed by Lu Zhen with one hand.

After 100 moves, Tang Yao has not yet made the final blow, not because he didn’t want to, but because Tang Yao made so many blows, and they didn’t make Lu Zhen panic a little bit, so he couldn’t find Lu Zhen. weakness.

Then Tang Yao’s defeat is already predictable.

Zhang Wang has a new understanding of Lu Zhen’s strength.

He thought that Tang Yao could at least get away, so that he could try to find out the details of Lu Zhen, but now it seems that he thought too much.


As soon as the instant attack was launched, only an afterimage was left on Tang Yao’s right arm, and the attack was continuous, which looked very exciting.

But both Xu Xin and the rest of the Tang Sect Disciple know that Tang Yao’s defeat is already very obvious, it just depends on how long he can hold on.

If you can test out some of Lu Zhen’s abilities, let the people present have a clearer understanding of Lu Zhen’s strength, instead of seeing flowers in the fog like now, even Lu Zhen’s strength If you don’t know where the bottom line is, then it is Tang Yao’s success.

But to everyone’s surprise, Lu Zhen didn’t make any big moves, as if he reached out his hand at will, he grabbed Tang Yao’s right hand that was moving at a high speed, as if his eyes had already seen through Tang Yao’s right hand. The movement trajectory of the hand.

During the instant strike, Tang Yao intended to attack with high frequency to create an opportunity for the final blow, and Lu Zhen was also observing Tang Yao’s movements.

Even though no powers were used, Lu Zhen was the better player in the end.

This is a competition of temperament, eyesight and reaction, which is purer and more impactful.

As a Tang Sect person, everyone knows that when the instant hit, it is directly broken, which means how big the difference in strength is.

While frowning, everyone heard Lu Zhen’s light-hearted words that could make any Tang Sect Disciple blood energy surge.

“Tang Sect, also merely this.”



Zhang Wang heard this , his chest suddenly rose and fell violently, his eyes stared at Lu Zhen, and he said word by word: “Insult me Tang Sect, you…”

His voice was suddenly interrupted: “Master Wang, dignity Only rely on strength to get it back…”

The long-haired middle-aged woman stood with Tang Yao before and came out in front of Zhang Wang: “Whether it is a person or a Sect.”

She didn’t turn her head: “Now our Tang Sect can’t support such a big reputation, unless we prove with our strength that our Tang Sect has this strength, Wang Ye, you say, right?”

Zhang Wang looked at the woman’s back and restrained his anger: “Tang Yu, are you… sure?”

“Who can say that? The door chief is awake. It can’t be done at the time, and the one who shot with the pill can’t, let alone me?” Tang Yu walked towards Lu Zhen, “It’s just a try.”

A layer of light purple poisonous miasma came from her. spread out.

Zhang Wang stopped talking.

Xu Xin’s eyes were also on Tang Yu’s back, and he muttered, “This feeling is stronger than Tang Yao…”

Tang Zhong fell into silence Among them, only the slight footsteps of Tang Yu echoed in Tang Tomb.

“You are better than him.”

Looking at Tang Yu advancing, Lu Zhen threw Tang Yao aside and commented on Tang Yu.

She looked deadly, just like Tang Yao, but under her unwavering eyes, something seemed to be brewing.

This feeling, Lu Zhen once felt in Master Laxman.

“Many thanks for the praise.” Tang Yao stood half a zhang away from Lu Zhen, poisonous miasma lingering around him, “But it is limited, so it shouldn’t be your opponent, but as a Tang Sect person, The courage to take action is still there, after several decades, we are still like this!”

The voice fell, and the poisonous miasma spread out like a conscious mind, hiding the sky and covering the earth. Drowned towards Lu Zhen, and in the blink of an eye, it was in front of Lu Zhen’s eyes.

A pitch-black iron thorn with the length of a palm silently stabbed out of the poisonous miasma and stabbed at Lu Zhen’s left eye.

The timing and angle of the iron thorns are just right. If someone else is affected by the poisonous miasma, they will definitely find the iron thorns.

But Lu Zhen seems to have already discovered the trajectory of the iron thorn. After the iron thorn appeared, there was no surprise on his face, his head was only slightly tilted, and the iron thorn was stabbed from the side of his head. Pass.

With a flick of the right hand index finger, a little white lightning flew along the iron thorn into the poisonous miasma.

There was a slight cracking sound from the poisonous miasma, the iron thorns were quickly retracted, and the spread of the poisonous miasma suddenly increased, colliding with the black and yellow Erqi that emerged from Lu Zhen’s body.

The poisonous miasma continued to overflow under the gushing black and yellow qi, and reappeared.


“This is the black and yellow Erqi he is famous for in the Inhuman world?”

The black and yellow Erqi on Lu Zhen’s body The moment it poured out, all the people in Tang Tomb felt the negative emotions that had already been cut off in their hearts.

Even though it was still a long way from Hei and Huang Erqi, many inner sect disciples, Zhang Wang and Tang Qiushan had already felt the uncontrollable subtle fluctuations in their own emotions.

Fear and anxiety are like gangrene attached to the bones, and there are waves in the consciousness.

Among them, Zhang Wang is the most.

He was already short-tempered, and at this time he was in an unstable mood. His worries about Tang Sect’s future, his anger towards Tang Miaoxing and Xu Xin, and his confusion were quickly amplified, making him breathe. increasingly unstable.

He closed his eyes and tried his best to control his emotions: “Tang Sect Killer is known for his temperament coldness, killing like weeds. …”

Tang Qiushan, who felt the change in his own mood, was deeply impressed. He was about to speak, but the situation in the field changed suddenly, so that the words he had already reached his mouth were swallowed back into his throat.


Hei and Huang Erqi gradually pressed Tang Yu’s poisonous miasma back to Tang Yu’s body.

Lu Zhen’s right hand shrouded in Hei and Huang Erqi suddenly stabbed out. Before the poisonous miasma, it seemed that he had encountered a substantial block. He only pierced the poisonous barrier half a palm away, and he could no longer in depth.

The protection is no less than the golden light spell…

The defense of Tang Yu’s poisonous miasma is stronger than Zhang Chulan’s golden light spell…

Lu Zhen looked towards his palm, and the poisonous miasma in front of him.

Suddenly, the poisonous miasma all around Tang Yu quickly retracted, revealing Tang Yu’s true face, the iron thorn glowing with purple light in her hand silently pierced Lu Zhen’s chest.

As more miasma gathers on the iron spines, the purple light above becomes more intense.

Even Hei and Huang Erqi could not stop the iron thorns in Tang Yu’s hands, they were easily pierced by them, until the golden rays of light lit up in front of Lu Zhen’s chest, they stopped the iron thorns in Tang Yu’s hands. Iron thorn.

“This is…” The iron thorn in his hand was blocked, and Tang Yu looked indifferently towards the golden light on Lu Zhen’s chest.

She didn’t expect, Lu Zhen has another body protection method besides the black and yellow Erqi capable of body protection.

But by this time, she didn’t show too much panic.

After so many years of seclusion in Tangzhong, she has already learned how to control the few emotions she has left.

Under the erosion of the black and yellow qi, the poisonous miasma on the iron thorns quickly dissipated and returned to light purple.

The black and yellow Erqi quickly spread upward along the iron thorns and had already eroded into Tang Yu’s right hand.

The negative emotions in his heart were quickly amplified, and Tang Yu abandoned his iron thorns without the slightest hesitation.

But it was a moment too late, and a slender palm was already on her wrist.

Hei and Huang Erqi, like poisonous snakes entangling their prey, quickly crawled up Tang Yu’s arm.

In a flash, his entire arm was dyed black and yellow two colors.

The more intense negative emotions eroded her consciousness, Tang Yu’s dead eyes began to fluctuate, showing that her heart was not at peace.

But she didn’t look surprised or scared, as if she had expected Lu Zhen’s actions.

“Hidden line…”

She opened her mouth indifferently, shaking her left hand, and reflecting a slight luster in her hand with a very thin colorless long line that was hard to see with the naked eye, Only then appeared in Lu Zhen’s field of vision.

Tang Yu’s left hand is one end, and an unknown number of thin lines extend out, forming a dense Formation, which surrounds Lu Zhen.

There are thin lines up, down, left, and right, blocking all of Lu Zhen’s dodging spaces.

These lines are not only too dense to avoid, but fast!

It’s too fast for the reaction time of ordinary people!

Before the sound of the “hidden line” she said fell, those sharp and thin lines that contracted strangled through Lu Zhen’s figure, which seemed to be cutting Lu Zhen. It became countless pieces…

Lu Zhen motionless grabbed Tang Yu’s wrist, still cutting through a thin line, and the scene fell into silence.

“He… is dead?”

The unbelievable voice of an inner sect disciple broke the silence.

It was Tang Yu’s frustrated voice that answered him.

“I lost…”

Her left hand dropped, her eyes looked towards the thin line that fell to the ground.

When cutting through Lu Zhen, all the thin threads were broken, so it did not cause any damage to Lu Zhen.

The thin thread used in “Hidden Thread” is specially made by Tang Sect. With the blessing of her Qi, it is not only tenacious, but also very sharp, and cutting metal is nothing difficult.

She didn’t know when the lines were broken or how they were broken, but only when she felt the strange fluctuations in the thin lines did she realize that the thin lines had been broken.

As soon as the thin line was broken, she had been preparing for a long time, using the poisonous miasma as a cover, and the last resort secretly arranged did not work at all, so she naturally lost her last resistance.

Hei and Huang Erqi had already eroded into her heart, causing the negative emotions to churn in his heart.

Since entering Tang Tomb, no, even before entering Tang Tomb, she has never felt such intense negative emotions.

These bizarre black and yellow Erqi are really the enemies of Tang Sect Disciple…

Lu Zhen let go of his palm, regardless of Tang Yu, who was sitting on the ground, his eyes swept over Many inner sect disciples, calmly said, “Is there anyone else?”

The wind sounded as a tiger roared, and a long-haired man jumped out, his mouth opened, and a dark green poisonous poison like a python suddenly burst out Bite to Lu Zhen.

The poisonous snake spit out the letter, and stared at Lu Zhen with a vicious gaze.

The black and yellow two qi converged, Lu Zhen didn’t shy away, and his right hand suddenly pierced into the poisonous snake’s open mouth.

The poison qi disintegrated and splattered everywhere.

The black and yellow Erqi emerged from the tail section of the “poisonous snake” and rushed towards the long-haired man.

Under the influence of negative emotions, the long-haired man who was caught off guard plunged into a brief confusion of consciousness, and fell from the air like a bird with broken wings.

It took no more than two seconds from his jump to fall.

“Is there no one?” Lu Zhen asked again.

From defeating Tang Yu to defeating this man, his footsteps did not move half a step from beginning to end.

The oppression that emerges from the action is suffocating.

Looking at Lu Zhen standing on the spot, none of the inner sect disciple in the Tang Tomb spoke.

As a member of the Tang Sect, they are also inner sect disciples who have been seclusion in Tang Tomb for many years. With their temperament, no one is afraid of death and no one is afraid of failure.

But what made them powerless was that no matter who shot, they were not sure of taking Lu Zhen’s moves.

The sharpness of Tang Yu’s shots before is obvious to all, especially the hidden line that was hidden under the poisonous miasma and launched at the last minute, which has already gained some essence of Tang Sect Technique of Assassination.

The people present, no matter whether they have a hidden line of cultivation or no hidden line of cultivation, dare not say that they can do better than Tang Yu.

Everyone was silent, looking towards Zhang Wang, whose face was even more ugly.

Lu Zhen looked towards Xu Xin: “Senior will not take action?”

Xu Xin sighed: “Strictly speaking, I am already a dead person, not a Tang Sect person, It doesn’t make any sense for me to fight with you now.”

“It’s a pity that it’s not time to fight with senior…” Lu Zhen shook the head and looked towards Zhang Wang, “It seems that you I can’t get back what you want for the time being.”

“Or, you can go together and see if you can get what you want.”

Zhang Wang closed in pain. Upper eyes: “Let’s go together? Oh, I can afford to lose Tang Sect…”

Not only can I afford to lose…

Zhang Wang knows, everyone knows, even if all People go together, with the strength of the proven mystery that Lu Zhen shows, and many abilities that have been rumored in the Inhuman world for a long time, but have not been shown, even if they go together, they may not be able to do what to Lu Zhen.

As of now, Tang Sect has been able to retain a bit of face…

no Tang Sect Disciple will not feel insulted in this situation, not to mention the grumpy Zhang Prosperous.

But by this time, he didn’t have any drastic reaction.

“Tang Sect…” Lu Zhen shook the head, feeling bored, and turned to walk outside Tang Tomb.

Looking at Lu Zhen’s back, Tang Qiushan gritted his teeth and said, “Can those Disciples in outer sect stop him? If they can’t stop him, our Tang Sect’s face will be rubbed by his feet, and later… …”

“How to stop it?” Zhang Wang opened his eyes and looked towards Xu Xin, “Isn’t this all arranged by others?”

Tang Qiushan frowned. looked towards Xu Xin.

Xu Xin bowed his head and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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