I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 213


Chapter 214 The Stupid Oriental

As the sun sets, Kabul is shrouded in a dim yellow aftertaste.

There are no high-rise buildings and no flashing neon lights here. On both sides of the wide road, houses are scattered in heights. There are both modern Western-style buildings and residential forms with regional characteristics. It looks similar to the neighboring provinces in the north. very similar.

The ancient Imperial Palace gold and jade in glorious splendor, the spires of the temple gleamed in the sunset, thick and vicissitudes, as if spanning a thousand years, walking out of history and appearing in front of the world.

At dusk, the flow of people on the streets gradually dwindled, and soldiers with live ammunition occupied the main roads and maintained order in the entire city.

At this time, in front of the highest temple in the city, there were more than ten men in traditional ornate gowns.

They stood in two rows, the four or five in front were old men with gray and white beards, and the eight or nine in the back were middle-aged men.

No one spoke, the atmosphere was depressed and solemn.

A moment later, the gate of the monastery slowly opened, and an old man dressed in plain clothes and wrapped around his head slowly walked out of the door.

The old man is not tall, with the same gray and white beard as those standing in front of him, his eyes are cloudy, his hands are covered with calluses, the skin on his face is rough and dark yellow, close to brown yellow, and more. Like ordinary vendors walking on the street outside, there is no imposing manner at all.

But as soon as he appeared, none of the more than ten people standing in front of the temple dared to look him directly.

The old man sighed: “Can no one stop him? Gani.”

“No one can stop him.” Standing at the very center, also known as The old man of Ghani bowed his head and expressed his respect, “Rahami, the second only to Mamel powerhouse in the northeast, met him outside Nuristan, only beckoned and fled in embarrassment.”

“From the Wakhan Corridor to Nuristan, Mamel was chased all the way like a dog with a broken leg. People used to fear him, but now they think he is ridiculous.” p>

“But Mamel is one of the very best powerhouses in our country after all. The more embarrassed he is chased and killed by the Orientals, the more we can’t lift our heads.”

“Today Those white people actually asked me if I needed their support to drive that oriental man back to his hometown… Elder, you have to know that this is our country, not the territory of those damn white people!”

“They are strong enough now. If they think we don’t have a powerhouse, and even an oriental person can’t hold back, and someone else rushes all the way to the capital from the border, what do you think they will think of us? I’m afraid we can’t even maintain our current status. .”

“We can accept their sarcastic gazes, but as the most sacred person among us, elders, you must not be labeled as cowardly and incompetent by them. You must remain mysterious while maintaining your own , and let others see your strength.”

“Elder, we have no choice, for Allah’s sake, please stop the Orientals from entering our capital!”

The others bowed at the same time and said in unison: “For Allah’s sake, please stop the Orientals from entering our capital!”

Elder is a broad term, with high morals and knowledge Anyone who is knowledgeable can become an elder.

But in Kabul, once only the elder is mentioned without the name, everyone knows that it is the elder named Allawi in the highest monastery.

Allawi nodded: “Sarah’s actions are useless?”

Ghani replied: “Although Sarah has contacted the cultivators in the East, I hope they stop this man from being daring but this man is still heading south.”

“Has Karzai in the northwest set off?” Allawi asked again.

“I don’t know.” Gani replied, “The strength of that extreme lunatic is not under Mamel, nor is his cruelty under Mamel… If he comes out to do activities, it may be better than that oriental man. The trouble is even bigger.”

Scanning the grass and trees in the monastery with nostalgia, Alawi took a deep breath: “Since I entered here, I have not left Kabul for 40 years, nearly five years. , did not step out of the monastery…”

“Mamel’s life or death is irrelevant.” Ghani said solemnly, “but he actually controls a large area south of Nangarhar, and his influence is not Tong Fansheng, if we want to completely take over his power and prevent too much chaos, then we can’t let that oriental man kill again.”

Allawi sighed: “Then I should go save it now. Those devils who have been damned 10,000 times?”

“Had to do it.” Gani’s voice remained steady, “Our country is hopelessly bad, and now we’re making him a mess. Little by little it’s not so bad…”

“I don’t think there’s anything more effective than what we’re doing now, unless the Messenger of Allah comes to earth in person.”

“Everything is in the eyes of Allah, and everything is predestined.” Allawi raised his head and looked at the sunset, his rough face bathed in the sunset showed incomparable piety, “We follow the teachings, devote ourselves to Allah, and wait until it is destined. When the time comes, everything will be on the right track.”

“But if you go the wrong way, at the appointed time, what face will you have to see Allah?”

Ghani’s head Buried even lower: “I will abide by the hadith in my words and deeds, and I will not dare to be slack. It has never changed in several decades.”

“The reality is cruel, and I should abide by the laws of Allah.”

It’s a cultivation thing.” Allawi looked deeply Ghani, then lowered his head and looked towards his right hand spread out.

A small dark wooden box with two fingers wide appeared in his palm.

Looking at the small wooden box, his eyes became more pious: “The sacred relic should be placed in the monastery. After I leave, it will be handed over to you for a while.”

“What a grace this is…” Gani didn’t look up and caught the small wooden box with trembling hands.

“Gani, grab it, the Prophet is not far from you.” Allawi encouraged with a smile, “According to the rules, you should check whether there is any problem with the Prophet’s relic.”

Ghani held his breath and opened the little wooden box cautiously, not looking up in the process.

It wasn’t until the small wooden box was fully opened that his head lifted slightly, looking towards the half tooth inside the small wooden box.

As if struck by lightning, his body trembled even more violently.

Everyone standing behind him held his breath as much as he did, as if witnessing this most sacred moment of handover.

Allawi patted Ghani’s shoulders: “The Prophet taught us not to worship idols, but the Prophet’s teeth are not ordinary things, so Ghani, you must use the sacred relic as a memory of the Prophet, and urge yourself to go The thing of Allah, not as idol worship.”

Here, he picked up the tooth in the eyes of Ghani’s trembling in fear: “Don’t be afraid, you see, this is a Teeth, the teeth of prophets are also teeth.”

“You…you be careful…” Ghani hurriedly used the box to catch the teeth in Allawi’s hand.

Allawi put his teeth back in the box: “The Prophet taught us truth, taught us righteousness, and after the Prophet a vast empire was born under the Prophet’s teaching.”

“During the Empire, those great elders laid down the basic teachings that we should follow, and they both followed the teachings of the prophets and absorbed something right from ancient Greece and the West.”

” Although those Westerners have gone the wrong way since ancient times, Allah has not abandoned them, and occasionally allows them to discover some truth.”

“Now, I don’t think Westerners are worthless, so I He never opposes a certain degree of secularization, nor does he advocate rigid adherence to the teachings of the ancestors in the formulation of the teaching method, but pays great attention to public debate…”

Allawi glanced at his eyes and lowered his head , those who listened to his teachings.

“As the son of a former small trader, I know the demands of the bottom of the city, and as an elder, I also know your demands…”

Sigh again , Allawi went out and did not look back until he left the monastery.

After a long time, Gani raised his head, held the small wooden box with both hands respectfully, and walked step by step to the grand gate of the temple.

The small wooden box in his hand seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

The door was closed, blocking everyone’s peeping eyes, and blocking the afterglow of the setting sun.

Ghani looked reverently at the simple lobby that did not match the luxurious exterior, and for a while more respected the elders.

“The elder is gone?” A sinister voice suddenly sounded.

Gani said lightly: “The elders never fool others.”

“The elders go north and you get something again, then our plan is half completed.”

“How about the north?”

“Don’t worry, everything is under control, that stupid oriental man thinks he’s great by killing a few people, but he doesn’t know he’s already in a quagmire Without him, the elder would never leave Kabul.”

Ghani sighed, “You don’t understand the elder.”

The gloomy voice coldly snorted: “The elder I don’t understand us either… Only Allah can save the world!”

Hearing this, Gani’s expression became more pious.

He raised the sacred relic in his hand and repeated the chant: “Only Allah can save the world.”

Allawi walks in On the wide street, there are low earthen-colored buildings on both sides, with only two floors at most. In the sunset, they look old and shabby, and there is no sense of cleanliness that the city should have.

Has not left the monastery for a long time, but Alawi is not unfamiliar with everything.

The sight before him was exactly the same as what he saw when he was acting as the son of a small merchant, but the atmosphere was completely different.

There are few pedestrians on the street. Occasionally, I see a few people passing by in a hurry.

Under the watchful eyes of the patrolling soldiers, Allawi crossed the street and walked towards the Northern Part of City.

He has not been seen for many years, and now he is an old man who has become a legendary figure, even if he is seen, no one recognizes him.

Along the way, he took off his plain coat to a homeless homeless man, left his shoes to a small merchant who sold bags, and finally gave his head wrapped to a thin child. clothing.

By the time he left Kabul, he had nothing to give.

North of Kabul, outside the blockade, there are countless refugees struggling to fill their stomachs.

The smell of blood, feces, and sweat that wafted from afar all turned into an aura of misery, hitting Marvel’s heart, making him unable to move his steps any longer.

The whole of Kabul has become an island that is easy to get out of and hard to get in.

Allawi is in the city, the refugees are outside.

A middle-aged woman with a missing left arm and a mutilated left half of her ear, dressed in shabby clothes and like a beggar, walked into Kabul in a hurry after several reviews.


The woman saw Alavi standing silently, wiped her eyes in disbelief, and ran to Alavi quickly.

“Elder! Are you an elder? You…”

Allawi looked towards the woman, kindhe said with a smile: “It’s me, child, if you said The elder is the elder in the highest monastery, so it’s me.”

“The elder… it’s really you!”

This woman, who doesn’t know how much suffering, has both knees Kneeling down and hugging Alavi’s knees, he fell into a state of collapse and crying as if he had seen his relatives.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry…” Allawi lightly patted the top of the middle-aged man’s head.

The woman looked up, wiping her tears, looking towards Allawi, her terrified eyes flashing rays of light of hope, as if she saw her support.

“Elder, the last time I saw you was eight years ago, you…you are the same as before, nothing has changed. At that time, my husband and I…my husband was gone. , elder…I…my daughter is gone, I can’t find her…Can you help me? Help me find mine…”

“peng” exploded A sound came from the direction of the refugee camp, interrupting the woman’s words.

Countless screams sounded, and chaos spread like a plague over the refugee camp, from the place where the explosion sounded.

The woman who was recounting her ordeal was shocked and speechless.

Smelling the smell of blood and gunpowder from the air, Allawi looked up towards the sky, already bursting into tears.

How can I help you?

How many people are suffering in Kabul, the whole country, and even the entire world?

What can I do to reduce the suffering of these people?

Allawi felt a huge sense of powerlessness…

He turned his head for the first time and looked towards the tallest monastery.

O Allah, please open for me and guide your lost people on the right path…

Pain, weakness, and confusion spread rapidly in his heart.

It is never the torment of suffering itself that defeats a powerhouse, but the powerlessness of seeing the suffering of others.

“Only Allah can save suffering!”

Northwest of Kabul, on the road two hundred miles away, a tall man named Karzai The man was watching the man lying in a pool of blood struggling to die.

There was a bloody and cruel scene in front of him, but Kazael’s eyes were only pious and empty pity.

What he pity is not that the person in front of him is about to die, because this person was killed by him, but what he pity is that this person did not see the right way of Allah until he died.

When the appointed day comes, this man will be tormented for eternity.

“Suffering is God’s punishment for us deviating from our faith. Only by returning to our original faith and the essence of faith can we walk on the right path of God and get out of suffering, do you understand?” he said. He spoke to the man in the same tone as he used to preach.

But the man in the pool of blood has impossible to understand Karzai’s words because he is dead.

“Another poor lamb full of sins goes to see Allah…” Karzai sighed deeply, then looked towards the east, “The elder went out of Kabul, it’s time for the plan, we Go meet that stupid oriental man too.”

Behind him, a tall woman wrapped in a black turban with only one pair of eyes leaking silently followed him to the east.

I was very surprised to see Alliance Leader, very surprised! I thought I was wrong, I wiped my eyes for a long time…

Thank you for not seeing the moonlight!

But none of the chapters exploded. The saved manuscripts were sent out a few days ago. In the past few days, try to write as much as possible.

I wrote something new today, so I’m a little stuck.

There is another chapter, which will be updated in the early morning, or tomorrow morning, definitely make up for it!

(End of this chapter)

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