I am Kurt Von Ritzburg

Chapter 7. Love is Everywhere

‘Finally, it’s over.’

I looked over the two carriages pulled by the horses slowly vanishing from my sight. Beside me stood my father, Count Russell who came here to see off the Claude and Messina.

‘It didn’t go as I planned, but for now it’s alright.’

I couldn’t make Cecily fall in love with me, but I have sown the seeds of it inside her. All left is to nurture it and make it bloom. And slowly make her fall in love with me.

‘If I tried that hard, I could have gotten a girlfriend in my previous life.’

“How did it go in your end?”


“Wait. You don’t have to tell me. From your expression, it is easy to guess.”

My father smiled mischievously, making a bit fun of me. If not for my mental maturity, do you think I would have gotten that joke of yours?

But then his next words made me stunned.

“Kurt, I know you are different from others in your age.”

‘Wha? Did he catch it?’

Fear enveloped me and I started to sweat thinking what to do if he found that I am not his real son. But how could he know?

I believed that I did most things like a kid. Though, I showed a bit of maturity in several aspects to stand out and establish myself as a genius. Unlike original Kurt, I wanted to have a positive reputation, and I did everything in respect to that.

But did it make him suspicious?

“You are better than your peers in studies. And you are even training ahead in magic and martial arts. I don’t know the reason, but that fever must be cause for your change.”

‘Damn! He knows it. Is he going to kill me?’

“I don’t know what happened to you, but I know that you are suddenly more mature than the rest. That’s why I am going to give you more freedom.”


‘What the fuck is he talking about? Freedom?’

I couldn’t understand the meaning of his words. But I knew one thing. That he doesn’t know that I am not his real son. I am saved!

“It seems you don’t understand my words.”

“Ah! Y-Yes.”

And then kneeled down to match my height and then grabbed both of my shoulders.

“I was always worried over you not being able to become a proper heir to Ritzburg. But now it seems you are destined to go much higher than your father.”

Looking at his kind and hopeful eyes towards me made me wanted to say something, but I couldn’t muster courage for it. How can I say that I am not your real son?

“And I know that keeping you within my bounds is not an ideal place for you. That’s why I will try to fulfil most of your wishes. But only the possible ones like having concubines. Don’t make absurd wishes.”

Then came his laughter which made my eyes a bit wet. And this time I understood the meaning of his words. It’s nothing more than his gift of love to his son.

Damn! Why did Kurt become like that with such good parents!

“Thank you, father.”

“No need for thanks. I am you father. No matter who you become, it won’t remove the fact you are my son. And as a father, it’s the least I can do for my genius son.”

A tear fell down from the left eye, but I wiped it as soon as possible. This kind of love is indeed a bit overbearing for me.

‘I know that I promised but I am going to do it again. I will definitely take care of Kurt’s parents. It’s my duty for becoming their son.’



Inside the house of Messina’s carriage…

“Mom. Why didn’t you tell me that you engaged me with Kurt-sama?”

As a followed of her words, Maria is confronting with her mother about the engagement. The countess pressed her forehead in a pain for obvious reasons.

“Didn’t I tell you that your marriage is decided by me?”

“Yes. But you should at least inform me about it.”

“Hmm… Did you like him? The Kurt boy?”

Her question made her cheeks red matching with her flame hair. In that instant, her mind was filled with Kurt’s dominance figure which made a girl’s smile on her face.

Looking at her face, it didn’t take a second for the countess to know the answer. And a smile also formed in her face.

‘Good. It seems I finally found someone who likes this boyish daughter of mine.’

Don’t ask her the pain of finding a fiancée for Maria. Nobody wants her boyish daughter, and it was a miracle that a proposal came from a count’s house.

‘And that boy was good as well. His mannerism and his confidence was well.’

And without a doubt, Kurt did his job and presented a perfect impression in her mind. Countess Messina was fully satisfied with this outcome.

“It seems you liked him. Then what’s the problem?”

“It’s nothing but… if you told me earlier, then I would have dressed up a bit more for Kurt-sama.”


That’s it. Finding this drastic change in her rebellious daughter just after a meeting with Kurt made the marriage between them fixed in her mind.

‘If it is that boy, then he would be able to handle my Maria.’



Inside the house of Claude’s carriage…

“Did you like him, Cecily?”

Unlike Messina’s, both of her parents and even her sister was in the carriage excited to hear Cecily’s answer.

“Um… Ah…”

“If you don’t like him, then tell us. We will cancel the engageme--”

Her mother – Irene wanted to make sure if she liked him, but was a shocked with Cecily’s sudden interruption.

“No! I-It’s not like that.”

And her refusal bought nothing but smiles on their faces. Her stern refusal meant nothing but the fact that she likes him.

“Oh! Then Cecily likes him.”

Her oldest sister, Cecilia started to tease making Cecily became embarrassed. With curiosity, Cecilia came near her and asked for details.

“Tell me, how do you feel after seeing him?”

“I-I don’t know…”

Cecily couldn’t help but remember his last pose, that confidence smile declaring the guarantee she won’t be able to forget him. It was so cool and handsome. Remembering it makes her feel something unexplainable.

“For some reason my heart starts to beat loud, and my face becomes red… And all I can think is about him.”


Unknown to Kurt, the seeds of love he sowed in Cecily has bloomed more earlier than he expected.

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