I am Kurt Von Ritzburg

Chapter 55. Maid and Escort

I won't forget you. Thanks for making my childhood memorable. Rest in Peace, Toriyama-sensei.


"So, Miria. How did this happen? Can you tell it to your M-A-S-T-E-R?"


Just upon the mention of the word "Master", Miria blushed. At first, she wasn't that reluctant to call Kurt her Master, but after witnessing that glint in Kurt's eyes, that mischievousness, she just found it embarrassing.


And soon, it didn't take long for her to understand the purpose behind Kurt demanding her to call him Master. While she was indeed a bit perverted, her man was a step ahead of her. Such kinks which she couldn't think of… No wonder, Kurt declared that he is more perverted than her. She thought he proclaimed it to ease her but it turned out to be true!




"Huh? Did you say something?"


"Nothing, M-Master."


"Hmm… Why do I think that you said something bad about me?"


Kurt raised his eyebrow and looked sweating Miria avoided looking at him. To tell the truth, Kurt heard it the moment she whispered, but his naughty nature just wanted to take a glance at the troubled Miria. 


But he couldn't torment her more, as he needed to hear about this sudden shocking transformation.


"Well, I will let it go. After all…"


He stood up and walked up to his personal maid. And he looked into her eyes and smiled mischievously.


"After all, I am indeed a pervert for my perverted lover. Right, my maid?"




Miria was embarrassed to find herself caught. Moreover, she couldn't deny Kurt's depiction of her as a pervert. Unlike Kurt, who is confident enough to proclaim himself as a pervert, for her, rather than pride, it was a matter of embarrassment. And here it is, Kurt, teasing her, calling her a pervert, poking that spot of shame over and over making her flushed.


'Why do I get caught red-handed all the time?' 


For the first time, Miria cursed her bad luck for getting caught in all her blunders, be it calling Kurt a pervert or sniffing him at night. Just remembering when she got caught while sniffing him made steam come out from her face.




And Kurt just enjoyed the exchange, feeling the pride of avenging himself. Call him petty, but he hasn't forgotten Miria's teasing in the wooden cottage. If gets one, he returns it a hundredfold. Finding an excellent opportunity, he is going to squeeze it, getting all the fun from his new personal maid. 


'I will not spare you, Miria!'




"Well keeping fun aside. Miria, tell me. Why are you a maid?"


This time I placed that degenerate nature aside and asked Miria in a serious tone. And Miria being my partner realized that I am now serious. She coughed a bit and then answered back.


"It was because of Countess."


"Mother? I expected that but I am asking why? Did she give you a reason?"


My mother. When I came back, her anger parameters were already soaring off the roofs. So, the arrival of a new woman in my hands didn't make her anymore angry but made her more helpless. Because she also realized that her son came out to be a lusty perverted man just like her husband.


'Well, father looked quite proud.'


That bastard father of mine was quite prideful with me acquiring more wives. In a noble society, having a higher number of mistresses is also a sign of achievement. This is the sign that the noble is not only great from his waist up but also from his waist down. Though this is no longer in practice, that doesn't mean it is banned.


Having multiple wives is common, the most important reason being childbirth. For nobles, an heir specifically a male heir is important. So, nobles practice polygamy to make a male heir. Though, I am not doing it for some logical reason.


'I am here is being faithful to my desires!'


Well, that's all justification for harems. I am sure that these guys also wanted to sleep with multiple girls like me, giving the excuse to make an heir or whatever.


Here, Miria opened her mouth and said the reason behind her transformation.


"Countess said it is because Master is engaged."


Calling me Master even without my reminder? You have learned well, Miria. But still, engaged? Why is that a problem?


Looking at my confused face, Miria continued to tell me what my mother said to her. And that's when I understood all about it.


No matter how much I changed, one thing doesn't change. It is the fact I am a noble and that too an heir to a count. I already have fiancées from noble families, and marriages aren't just some rituals but a kind of alliance between families. 


Breaking it is not acceptable. Not that I wanted to break it. Who am I engaged to? Cecily and Maria. How could I break this engagement?


But to this point, I understood what my mother was trying to convey.


I am not married yet but I already have a mistress. How could this even happen?! At least, I should consult my fiancées for this, which is another headache. 


But because of this sole reason, she designated Miria as my personal maid and an escort knight, taking into account her combat prowess. 


'I have no problems.'


Having a sexy personal maid who also acts as my bodyguard… Who doesn't want it? I was already worried about what to do with Miria after returning home, but now her working as my personal maid seemed to be the best answer. And she is knighted too. So, she can act as my escort as well.


'That crown prince carried two escorts with him. There is no problem with me having mine. And I am better considering that I have a female one instead of a male.'


After all, who doesn't like a female escort? And more so when she is strong, is a maid, and is also your lover.


'I have an excellent escort.'


That's how, Miria the renowned demon hunter became the personal combat maid for her lover, master, lord, and husband Kurt Von Ritzburg.


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