I am Kurt Von Ritzburg

Chapter 20. Rainfall


“I am Kurt, a random demon hunter.”

Perfect! There wasn’t any other word to describe my entrance. Just before she closed her eyes, preparing for death, I appeared and saved her.

And she is on her knees, making her tilt her head to look at me which is perfect! It would be too comical if she has to bow down her head to look at her savior. 

“Your name was Miria, right?”


It’s better to pretend and hide my desire for her. If she knows that I intentionally entered later in the fight to win her heart, it would be bad for me.


‘I don’t have time to flirt with her. I just killed one demon wolf. There are plenty surrounding us.’

“Take these and mend your and your friend's wounds."

I took out many different bandages and medicines from the subspace and gave it to her. But I doubt that would make her last long. Because unlike the modern world, medicine is not developed at all in this magic world.

And the cause of it is the existence of healing magic. Healing magic solves most injuries, and the healing mages work as doctors in this world.

‘I might be able to make some healing magic tools and make money from it as well.’

And that was the idea I got after seeing the medical industry of this world. And I know it will be an instant hit. Because there is nothing more precious than life, right?


“Don’t hesitate! Do it while I defeat the wolves.”

I could see her hesitation for leaving me to deal with the pack of demon wolves, but my shout made her step up and run back to her friend.

“I will come back to support you as soon as I can! You better hang on until then, Kurt!”


A smile sprouted in my face after her words of concern. My interference wasn’t a waste! And if I keep pushing it like this…

‘Then it won’t be long enough, I will have her as mine!’

“But for me to enjoy that, I need to come alive out of this.”

Because of my sudden appearance accompanied with the death of a wolf, it made the rest of the pack halt for a bit. But it was a kind of momentary response.

“Here it is. It’s coming from the left…”

Using precise mana detection, I dodged the wolf’s pounce coming from the left and slashed it down but because of its toughness, my strike couldn't penetrate it. I went to damage it, but the wolf was not ordinary and somehow stayed alive. I could see the desperation to live even in this unintelligent rampage beast.



A small tier magic spell using the lightning element. The wolf stopped moving because of the spell, and I took advantage of it.

I turned before that half injured wolf could turn around and thrusted the sword at the same injured spot to pierce it in one strike.


The sword went through it and came out from its other side, finally rendering him dead. And with that one of the wolves was finally down.

“To think it would take that much time and power to kill one. No wonder, Miria and his party are down.”

If I continue hunting like that, I would end up spending all of my physical prowess before I can even kill all of them.

“It can’t be helped!”

I didn’t want to use it, but there is no other option.


A small barrier formed in front of me, and before any wolf could pounce on me, I jumped on it and went on climbing higher manifesting barriers as steps to the sky.

“This is good.”

And upon my gesture, many small blue magic circles formed above me. From them, a small drop of water came out and remained suspended in the air.


One, two, three… and twenty one. I found all the demon beasts with search magic. And with that I locked my aim on them. And with that...


[Water Magic - Rainfall]

And then all the drops shot themselves like a bullet and went on the path I controlled, puncturing through the skulls of the demon beasts in a second!

Thud! Thud!

The demons couldn't even react before a water drop went through the skull, killing them.

And with that, almost all of the demons fell down at the same time with no awareness of their own death.

“Tsk! I missed some of them.”

Controlling so many water drops and all at the same time with different directions was quite difficult.

“I should kill the re— Oh!”

But to my surprise, I saw a figure standing there with a wolf’s head in her hands.

“To think she would really come back.”

Just from her movements, I could see her pushing herself against her limits. But I didn’t try to stop her. Because I doubt she would listen to me.

“And I can also treat her at my place after she faints with exhaustion.”

I could imagine her waking up naked with bandages and getting embarrassed, like in anime tropes. 

But all of these fantasies were halted by just one single roar. It was simple but a loud roar. 


A loud roar accompanied by enormous demonic mana swept around, pressuring the leftover beasts and the one facing them - Miria.


I rushed as fast I could, and quickly took this chance to grab her waist and use some of my mana to remove that pressure on her.

“Miria, are you alright?”

“K-Kurt. What is happening?”

For the first time, I could see fear in her eyes. That mana pressure was really dangerous. In this dire moment, I didn't played around and told her the culprit of this stampede.

“That is the roar of a demon beast. A ‘Calamity’ class demon beast.”


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