I Am In Konoha, I Can Simplify Skills

Chapter 94

Chapter 94 Six Paths Payne Shot, Sage Mode, Open!

What a good guy,

After a moment of silence, Tiandao Payne,

A pair of Rinnegan, quietly looking in the direction of Qingshan Liu Yun,

“Even after analyzing Payne’s ability, failure is still your final outcome! God’s power is beyond your imagination!

Self-proclaimed god Nagato,

I don’t feel that there will be someone who is my opponent,

So what if you know your abilities?

At most, it can only delay the time,

Can’t change the ending!

“Summoning Technique!”


The bastard on the side said Payne, quickly forming seals with both hands,

smoke billows,

Six Paths Payne’s strongest Summoning beast, the hell three-headed dog, appears!

“Haha! It was a great help! Liu Yun!”

After knowing all the abilities of Six Paths Payne,

Jiraiya is obviously much more relaxed,

“Ninja Technique——Summoning Technique!”

Bunta Toad from Mount Myōboku was immediately summoned by Jiraiya Summoning,

“Looks like you’re in a lot of trouble this time! Jiraiya!”

Gama Bunta and Jiraiya have experienced countless battles and are already familiar with each other,

After taking a look at the harsh environment around,

Toad Wen is too serious!

“It’s really troublesome! But it can be dealt with, let’s go together, Mrs. Wen!”


Battle of Six Paths Penn and Jiraiya,

looks very lively,

It is different from Six Paths Payne’s ability to emerge endlessly and cooperate with each other,

Jiraiya’s attack method is going to be simpler,

The reason why I was able to fight back and forth with Six Paths Payne,

What’s more, it’s all based on the combat experience accumulated over the years,

“Unexpectedly, this serious Jiraiya is quite handsome!”

Although he usually has the attitude of a lecherous uncle,

But when you get serious,

It’s really handsome!

“Don’t be so wary of me!”

Noticing that Konan on the side was still looking at him with such burning eyes,

Qingshan Liu Yun waved his hand casually,

Without looking back, he said,

“This is Jiraiya’s fight, if nothing else, I won’t fight!”

in short,

As long as there is no life problem in Jiraiya, I will not make a move!

“Even at 953 like that, I will stop you! Hmph!”

Konan was dissatisfied,

This Qingshan Liu Yun didn’t even turn his head when he was talking,

Obviously belittle yourself!

If Qingshan Liu Yun knew what Konan was thinking, he would probably be very innocent!

I really don’t have such an idea!

It’s purely because this battle is so exciting, it’s not like I missed it at all!

“You don’t want to hurt Jiraiya, do you?”

this time,

Qingshan Liu Yun turned his head,

Looking deeply at Konan,

“You, what are you talking about!”

Facing such eyes, Konan panicked for no reason,

But it soon calmed down,

Seriously said,

“Achieving peace in the ninja world is our common dream, so no one can stop us!”

No matter what your heart thinks,

At least on the surface, such a Konan seems very serious,

“Let’s just treat it like this!”

Don’t want to admit it? But it doesn’t matter!

“What does it mean to be like this, it is what it is!”

What’s going on with this guy in front of him, why the more he looks at him, the more he hates him!

when you want to say something,

Aoyama Liu Yun has withdrawn his eyes and looked at the battle between Jiraiya and Six Paths Payne again,

As a time traveler, Qingshan Liu Yun knows a little about Konan’s mentality,


Konan is the kind of person who goes with the flow. He doesn’t have any dreams, but just wants to be with his companions!

The reason for being so firm,


Still because of guilt!

After all, it was because of Konan himself that he was captured by Hanzō of the Salamander,

That’s why Yahiko and Nagato at that time were threatened by each other,

This also caused Yahiko’s death!

This matter, Konan will never be able to forgive himself,

“Toad Oil Flame Bomb!”

“Shenluo Tianzheng!”


Even the toad oil flame bombs jointly used by Jiraiya and Bunta cannot defeat Tendo Payne’s Shenluo Tianzheng,

Instantly crushed!

“Troublesome ability!”

(bhfa) Jiraiya had a headache, even knowing that Six Paths Payne’s ability,

But it is very difficult to deal with it.

“As expected of a Rinnegan!”

Some exclamation!

“I said, think of a way, if you continue to lament, I will be beaten back to Mount Myōboku!”

Toad Bunta under his feet is waving the sword in his hand,

Because of those hellhounds rushing towards them!

The Cerberus from Beast Dao Payne Summoning, the strongest ability is not to attack, but to split and fuse!

After being hurt, not only will it not disappear,

Instead, it will continue to split,

And the split Cerberus can also fuse until it merges into a nine-headed dog!

Toad Bunta himself is very powerful, but it also depends on who he compares with!

“I see!”

If you continue to fight like this, you will probably lose,

After answering,

Jiraiya clasped his hands together and said seriously,

“Toad Bunta, I will enter Sage Mode next, before that, please delay for me for a while!”

It takes a certain amount of time for Jiraiya to enter Sage Mode,

During this time,

Jiraiya’s hands, don’t separate, or you will fail,

“I see!”

Toad Bunta, who was holding a ninja knife, obviously understood Jiraiya’s behavior, and responded seriously!

The method has changed from an attack at the beginning to a defense,

Just to help Jiraiya buy time!

“It’s all about resisting!”

such behavior,

In Nagato’s view, it’s just a waste of time, fighting to the end,

The one who wins must be himself!

“Ms. Jiraiya is going to lose!”

The battle is getting more and more intense! From the outside, it has already entered the building,

Several high-rise buildings have already collapsed!

Konan has complex eyes,

Seeing Jiraiya’s increasingly obvious disadvantage, it is obvious that this is a loss!

“Aren’t you going to make a move?”

after all,

Qingshan Liu Yun said that if Jiraiya’s life is in danger, he will definitely take action!

“Aren’t you going to stop my mother?”


Still can’t just watch Jiraiya die!

This Konan is also a typical upright person!

You can die if you don’t tear it apart!

Konan glared at Qingshan Liu Yun angrily,

“Of course I will stop you. It’s just that you said you would make a move. I’m just curious!”

“Don’t worry!”

Whatever you say is what it is!

Qingshan Liu Yun did not refute either,

Putting his hands on his shoulders, watching the battle on Jiraiya’s side, he said very calmly,

“Konoha Sannin, there is no simple Jiraiya’s strength, nor is it as weak as you think! Be quiet and watch!”


Could it be that Mr. Jiraiya has other means?

some doubts,

But seeing that Qingshan Liu Yun was so confident, Konan didn’t doubt anything,

Together with Qingshan Liu Yun, I looked towards the direction of the battlefield!

“it’s over!”

“Shenluo Tianzheng!”

Tiandao Payne, who found the flaw, raised one hand and aimed at the unsuspecting Jiraiya!


strong repulsion,

The whole figure of Jiraiya was blown away,

Houses are collapsing and dust is flying!

Totally drowned Jiraiya in it!

“No one can stop the footsteps of God!”

No matter how cold Nagato behaved, but personally solving the former teacher made Nagato’s heart a lot more complicated.

After saying something in a cold tone,

Turning around, ready to leave,



The sudden sound of footsteps made Six Paths Payne stop leaving,

Looked over at the same time!

“Summon us out, it seems that you are in a lot of trouble!”

“Really, where’s the rice!”

“Hahaha! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! This time, the opponent has no choice but to summon the two immortals!”

That smile at the end, obviously belonged to Jiraiya,

In the flying dust, three pairs of eyes looked at Six Paths Payne in unison!


Standing on Jiraiya’s shoulders are Senjin Fukasaku and Senjin Shima of Mount Myōboku!

The special face also shows that Jiraiya has entered Sage Mode at this time!

“That’s it, Rinnegan?”

After seeing Rinnegan of Six Paths Payne, Immortal Shima was stunned for a moment,

And the Fukasaku Immortal on the other shoulder has already become serious,

“Damn it, kid, we’ll talk about the dinner later. The battle right now seems to be more important!”

No wonder they are summoned at the same time,

It turns out that the opponent has the existence of Rinnegan!

“I see!”

Immortal Zhima is not a stubborn existence,

The opponent is such a guy, when it is time to be serious, it is natural to be serious,

“Sage Mode?”

Tiandao Payne’s eyes were cold,

Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean you haven’t heard of it!


a sigh,

Jiraiya’s figure immediately disappeared in place,

“Sage Art—Massive Rasengan!”

Jumping to Jiraiya in mid-air,

The tens of meters high Rasengan was directly condensed, and Six Paths blasted in the direction of Payne!

Hungry Kidō Payne, when even raise your hands,

Absorb this Rasengan,

Jiraiya is not alarmed,

Take advantage of the hungry Kidō’s chance to absorb the Rasengan, and make quick mudras with both hands!

“Sage Art—Thousands of Hair Needles!”

“Shenluo Tianzheng!”


Although with the blessing of xianjutsu, Jiraiya’s various ninjutsu powers have been greatly increased,

But still unable to break through the repulsive force of Shenluo Tianzheng,

Immediately it was ejected,

But such a situation made Jiraiya’s eyes brighten,

“It’s now! Two immortals!”

Great opportunity!


“Damn it, use Fire Style!”

The battle in Sage Mode, when I was at Mount Myōboku, I have already trained countless times,

Therefore, even if it was just a call, the two sages immediately understood what Jiraiya meant,

Simultaneously print,


Oil, while Fukasaku Senjin and Shima Senjin use Wind Style and Fire Style respectively!

“Sage Art—Goemon!”

This is one of Jiraiya’s single-target attacks with the highest power!

Three forces merged together,

Plus the blessing of Xianshu Chakra!

Far surpassing the power of S-rank ninjutsu, it instantly covered Six Paths Payne completely in it,


At this time, Jiraiya’s figure also fell on the ground,

“Solve it?”

Immortal Fukasaku and Immortal Shima looked at the position of the flame seriously,

“Do not worry!”

Jiraiya seems very confident about this!

“I have already found out before, whether it is the power of absorbing ninjutsu, or the mysterious means of repulsion, it takes a certain period of time to cool down before you can continue to use it! And this

The cooling time is an opportunity!”

Although Qingshan Liu Yun did not remind,

But after such a long fight, Jiraiya has sensed,

Tiandao Payne’s Shenluo Tianzheng has a cooling time of a few seconds!

“I see!”

“Well done, little Jiraiya!”

Immortal Fukasaku and Immortal Shima nodded at the same time, and spoke a word of praise!


Konan can’t imagine,

Six Paths Payne, with the power of Rinnegan, will be defeated,

This is the first time this has happened since Six Paths Penn made it!

“Look! Jiraiya’s strength is not as simple as you think, you still have to trust the uncle!”

In the first half of the sentence, Konan did not answer,

But the second half of the sentence,

Konan glared over angrily,

You can’t get over this, can you?

Shit uncle!


Don’t really want to do it!

After clearing his throat, Qingshan Liu Yun decisively looked away!

“Hmph! The strength of Six Paths Payne is not as simple as you think!

Although the strength shown by Jiraiya is indeed very strong,

But Konan is aware of Six Paths Payne’s abilities,

Even in the face of such devastation, Six Paths Penn cannot be completely defeated!

Qingshan Liu Yun did not refute,

Because, that’s what it is!

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