I Am In Konoha, I Can Simplify Skills

Chapter 100

Chapter 100 Guardian Twelve Ninjas Missing, Teammate Hyūga Hinata


almost at the same time,

Yamanaka in Hokage’s office couldn’t take it anymore,

Nosebleeds have flowed down,

This is a manifestation of excessive mental energy consumption,

Hastily took off the mental power amplifier on his head,

If you continue, you will really be unbearable!

“Hokage-sama, Jiraiya-sama, this is what I’ve seen!”

Through the evolution of the technique of turning around with the heart,

same picture,

Also appeared in the minds of Jiraiya et al.,



Originally, they were surprised by such a thing, but if their hearts were still stable,

After reading this message,

This heart, I really can’t calm down,

“Master Madara?”

Apparently, they also heard Black White Zetsu’s last words,

In the ninja world, there seems to be no other possibility besides that existence who is eligible for this title!

“No! It shouldn’t be, that guy should have been killed by Grandpa, how could he be alive!”

The former strongest of the Uchiha clan,

Ninja Shura,

Co-founded Konoha’s, Uchiha Madara! with Senju Hashirama!

Tsunade is hard to take,

After all, his own grandfather, Senju Hashirama, died not long after because of that battle,

And this Uchiha Madara is not dead,

How can this be accepted,

“Tsunade, remember the Izanagi used by Danzo?”

Realizing something, Jiraiya suddenly said in a deep voice,

Although I felt anger and disgust when I saw it,

But I have to admit that Izanagi’s power is indeed very strange and powerful,

It is Shimura Danzō who is too mentally retarded,

Using Izanagi as a Body Replacement Technique, isn’t this pure cerebral palsy?

“you mean!”

Tsunade is not stupid either,

When Jiraiya said this, I immediately realized something.

Izanagi, the original Uchiha Madara, when he was about to die, used Izanagi’s power and was immune to death!

“This also explains why the other party has clearly awakened Rinnegan, but there is no way to stimulate the power of Rinnegan by himself, and needs to be lodged in someone else’s body!”

Many things, all the same,

“Over the years, many things that have happened in the ninja world are probably inseparable from this Uchiha Madara!”

“So, his purpose should be for a complete resurrection!”

After realizing this,

Tsunade immediately said,

“No! He must be stopped!”

How could that kind of horrible guy even if he was resurrected so simply,

“But! Is there any way we can stop it?”

That’s right! Now they have only just learned about such a plan,

But Uchiha Madara has been planning for so many years,

And they have already found a backup,

How could the plan be ruined so easily!

Under the silence, Tsunade suddenly looked in the direction of Aoyama Liu Yun,

Although Uchiha Madara’s strength is very terrifying,

to this day,

Among them, there is no one who has the strength to deal with the power of Uchiha Madara!

Not stupid, how could Shan Liu Yun not understand the meaning of this look!


“Wait with peace of mind! Since it is going to be resurrected, it will show its feet again! We still have time!”

Qingshan Liu Yun smiled and comforted,


In fact, in his heart, Qingshan Liu Yun is still looking forward to the resurrection of Uchiha Madara,

When the strength grows to a certain level, it is too invincible, and sometimes it is quite boring,


Qingshan Liu Yun needs to use Uchiha Madara to test his own strength,

The Fourth Ninja World War is a general trend, there is no need to stop it!

“This,, okay!”

Some hesitated, but still nodded, and chose to believe in Qingshan Liu Yun,

“A lot happened today, let’s go back and rest first!”

waved his hand,

Qingshan Liu Yun was about to leave,

“That, Liu Yun!”

At this time,

On the side, Yamanaka Haiyi, who was still a little weak due to mental exhaustion,

After seeing that Qingshan Liu Yun was about to leave, he quickly said,

“If you have time, you might as well go to the Yamanaka clan to have a meal! That girl Ino has been thinking about you recently!”


When I first realized that my little padded jacket was about to be snatched away by others,

Yamanaka was so angry that he was about to jump,

But as Qingshan Liu Yun’s achievements became more and more outrageous,

Yamanaka had to admit that such a son-in-law is absolutely rare,

For a moment, the huge Hokage office fell silent!

Jiraiya gloated a little,

In front of Tsunade, the man who misses the other party, hey, you are in trouble!

Wait! What the hell am I proud of! That’s the goddess I’ve been thinking about for a long time!

Jiraiya was about to cry immediately,

“What, what’s wrong?”

Apparently, Yamanaka also noticed the change in the atmosphere in Hokage’s office, and it’s somewhat unclear,


Tsunade smiled,

“It’s just that the nearest intelligence department said that there are some cumbersome things that need to be dealt with, so please trouble the Yamanaka patriarch!”


Intelligence job?

Isn’t it cumbersome all the time? But spend some time and it will work out,

Yamanaka knew about such troublesome things, but he didn’t want to touch them at all!


would love to say something,

But Tsunade just frowned and looked over,

“Ming, I understand!”

Yamanaka responded decisively,

I don’t know why,

I just feel that Tsunade’s eyes are very dangerous!

If I refuse, I am afraid that I will be beaten straight away!


Aoyama Liu Yun is well aware that such a change in Tsunade’s attitude,

what can i say,

I have wronged you! Father-in-law!

That night, Qingshan Liu Yun lived in the clan of the Senju clan as expected,

until the early hours of the morning,

Only then did Tsunade stop, leaning tiredly beside Aoyama Liu Yun,

The tone is still a bit tasteful,

“Unexpectedly, you guys are very lovable in Konoha, even the little girl of the Yamanaka clan likes you!

“Ahem! After all, we were classmates before, but we just have a good relationship!”

“A good relationship?”

Tsunade expressed doubts!

Of course, nothing was said,

Anyway, as long as my old lady is strong enough to squeeze Qingshan Liu Yun dry,

Naturally, there will be no other thoughts!

“Have a mission?”

What Qingshan Liu Yun did not expect was that,

Not long after the mission of Rain Shinobi Village, there was a new thing, and I found myself,

“It’s the mission of the daimyo,”

For Ninja Village,

Daming Mansion is the source of their experience,

So, no matter what you think in your heart, at least on the surface, Ninja Village will still respect the daimyo one or two,

“The guardian twelve ninjas are missing, and the power of the temple of fire is seriously lacking in medical treatment!”

Unlike other daimyo prefectures,

The Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire, besides Konoha Village, also has its own power,

Temple of Fire!

The so-called Guardian Twelve Ninjas refer to the twelve ninjas who specialize in guarding the daimyo.

And, these ninjas have all reached the status of Elite Jōnin,

The former Sarutobi Asuma was one of the guardian twelve ninjas,

“Tsk! I’m so used to it!”

When the First Hokage and Second Hokage were in power, those big names, besides obediently providing funds,

Don’t even dare to put one more fart!

Since Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen took over, it has completely changed!

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s submissiveness even made many people in Daimyo Prefecture feel that,

The so-called ninja is nothing more than that!

I don’t know when it started, the daimyo even has the full power to decide the next Hokage,

Face them?

“The problem of Daming Mansion cannot be solved in a day or two!”

The mess left by Sarutobi Hiruzen is too big to change overnight!

“The disappearance of the guardian twelve ninjas this time is an opportunity!”



After noticing the change in Tsunade’s gaze, Aoyama Liu Yun smiled,

……ask for flowers…

“Are you planning to cheat those big names!”

“I can’t say it’s a pit, but it’s just to make them obvious that this era belongs to ninjas! The old warriors have long been eliminated!”

Yes, in such an age of ninjas,

It’s outrageous that the Daming Mansion actually advocates the power of warriors,

Even the country of iron, known as the country of warriors, knows how to use the power of Chakra,

Ordinary samurai, no fart!

“If you say that, I’ll take it!”

If it was just to complete the task for the daimyo, such a boring thing, Aoyama Liu Yun would not waste his precious time,

But if so,

that would be interesting,

Qingshan Liu Yun is ready to participate!

“That’s right! There is another teammate for this mission!”

Seeing that Qingshan Liu Yun agreed, Tsunade began to introduce the companions of this mission,


For such a mission, do you still need teammates?

Under the strange eyes of Aoyama Liu Yun, Tsunade called softly,

“Come in! Hinata!”


The next second, the Hokage office was opened,

The figure of Hyūga Hinata walked in slowly,

“Master Hokage! Flow, classmate Liu Yun!”

Against Tsunade, Hyūga Hinata behaved normally,

However, when facing Qingshan Liu Yun,

Hyūga Hinata couldn’t bear the shame in her heart, and lowered her head slightly!

“Long time no see! Hinata!”

Although it was a bit strange, Qingshan Liu Yun still greeted with a smile,

As the original princess, Hyūga Hinata’s popularity is quite high!

Plus, three years of events,

Compared with the greenness before, Hinata at this time is obviously much more mature,

Hmm! Mature in every way,

With this figure, no wonder little Sakura and the others are so jealous!

“The focus of this mission is to find the reason for the disappearance of the guardian twelve ninjas. Hinata’s white eyes are very suitable for tracking!”

With white eyes, you can see everything around you clearly,

“The most important thing is that this mission was also requested by Hinata to go with you!”

Speaking of which,

Tsunade means a lot

I took a look at Hinata,

The little girl has a lot of ambition! Robbing a man with my old lady?

Hinata doesn’t know Tsunade and Aoyama Liu Yun’s concern,

I was already introverted and shy, but now I feel even more embarrassed when I hear such words.

“Fire, Lord Hokage!”

I couldn’t help calling out, I wanted Tsunade to stop talking,

Otherwise, it is estimated that I will faint directly!

“Is that so?”

Qingshan Liu Yun did not suspect anything,

From Qingshan Liu Yun’s point of view, his contact with Hinata is not too much.

Let’s do the task together!

The ability to roll eyes is sometimes very convenient!

“In this case, tomorrow morning, gather at the location of Sleepy Ye Tianmen!”

Qingshan Liu Yun is very serious,

Hinata’s emotions gradually calmed down,

Seriously nodded to Qingshan Liu Yun,

“I see, Mr. Liu Yun, I will definitely not hinder Mr. Liu Yun!”

Finally, I finally have the opportunity to do tasks alone with Qingshan Liu Yun,

Hinata is determined,

This time, no matter what, there must be no bad performance,

Nodding solemnly, Hinata left,

This performance, is not too serious!

“I can’t see it!”

After Hyūga Hinata left, Tsunade naturally didn’t need to worry so much,

Looking at Qingshan Liu Yun with great interest,

“There are so many little girls who like you!”

“You mean Hinata?”

“Then who else would there be!”

Was there anyone else besides Hinata just now?

Tsunade said solemnly,

“Hyūga Hinata is the daughter of the head of the Hyuga clan. She has a special status. The Hyuga clan never marries with foreigners. However, I believe that with your identity as Konoha Light, the Hyuga clan is still

Will give this face!”

Wow! The analysis is not so logical!

Those who didn’t know, thought they were going to marry Hyūga Hinata!


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