I Am Doom (Marvel)

Chapter 69: Chapter 67: X-Men

(Victor: POV)

As I used the exterior survelliance equipment installed across the entire embassy grounds to make sure Nick and Bobbi actually took their leave, I began planning what I would give Fury once he accepted my deal.

Which I know he would.

Since unlike his bosses Fury doesn't have his head up his hard, or is part of that tentacle-worshippong cult.

Meaning I feel we can accomplish great things together in the future.

Plus having the true SHIELD in my corner will go a long way to making sure Project: Sovereign succeeds without too much unnecessary bloodshed.

Well, the blood of those that matters.

As I continued contemplating the future I was interrupted as Jessica entered my office.

"Yes Jessica?" I asked her.

"Sir, sorry to disturb you but your second meeting of the day has arrived." She explained to me.

"They're early." I spoke.

"Yes. So, what will you have me do?" She asked.

"Having them shown to a meeting room, and let them know I'll be there momentarily." I said.

"Of course." Jessica replied.

She then left my office.

After she did I took aoment to center myself and prepare mentally for my second big meeting of the day.

Once I did I left my office and headed straight for the room where my guests were waiting.

Arriving I entered it.

Finding some of the most iconic Marvel characters enjoying some snacks and refreshments.

I'm speaking of the X-Men.

First we have the founder of the group himself, and one of the most powerful naturally gifted telepaths to ever be born on Earth, Charles Xavier. Also known as Professor X.

Who thankfully looks nothing like Patrick Stewart. Given that the man still played Picard in Star Trek.

Second, we have the weather mistress snd chocolate goddess, both literally and figuratively, herself Orroro Munroe. Who is also known as Storm.

Who is the spitting image of Halle Berry.

[Insert Image of Orroro Munroe/Storm Here]

Third we have the big blue furball, and one of the smartest men in the entire Marvel universe, Henry "Hank" McCoy aka Beast.

[Insert Image of Hank McCoy/Beast Here]

Then finally there's Logan.

Who obviously needs no introduction.

"Hello to you all. You might already know me, but I still feel introductions are in order. I am Victor Werner Von Doom. The king of Latveria. A pleasure to make your accquitance." I spoke.

Then right after I did both Sarah and Laura entered the room.

The latter walking right up to the couch Logan was sitting on and took a seat beside him.

"Ah, so this little one must be the Laura you've told us about Logan." Orroro said.

"Yeah, she is." Logan replied.

"And you must be Dr. Sarah Kinney." Hank spoke to Sarah. "I have to say from what little I've been able to find of your work before your unlawful imprisonment began has me very intrigued." He said.

"Why thank you..."

"Dr. Henry McCoy." Hank finished for Sarah. "But most people simply refer to me as Hank."

"Understood, Dr. McCoy." Sarah replied.

She then took a seat on the couch Hank was sitting on and the two of them suddenly began a scientific discussion, getting lost in their own little world.

While Orroro was focused on teasing Logan about Laura.

Seeing this I turned my attention to the only other unoccupied man in the room.


Who thankfully I haven't sensed trying to get into my head.

But that doesn't mean I'm letting my guard down around the man.

Oh no.

Especially considering about what I know about the various versions of him.

That's also the reason in preparation for his visit today I gave everyone who is currently staying on the embassy grounds a bracelet I invented, which emits a psychic dampening field around the wearer that not even an Omega-level telepath can break through.

I know since I did several tests runs with Thaddeus.

So if Charles is a mind rapist he isn't forcing his way into anyone's heads here today.

Though I really hope he's not.

Since I have plans that involve the man I want to see come to fruition.

But today's meeting will determine if that is going to be possible.

I moved to sit in the chair next to Charles.

"So Charles, what has Logan told you about me?"

"Not much." Charles replied. "Simply that you found him and informed him of Laura's existence. But not before rescuing here from the people who had been holding her captive. Along with her mother." He explained. "He also told me how you are a friend to Mutants."

"EVO's." I immediately replied. "Me and those around me use the term EVO's Charles. Because honestly the word Mutant leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It also makes my mind think of grotesque monsters featured in horror movie films or horrible diseases. Which should definitely not be used in application to people like you Charles. Since you are still human. You have just evolved in a sense." I spoke.

Making sure to get my point across to Charles.

Because I'm serious about turning the word Mutant, when referencing those with active X-gene, into nothing but a derogatory slur.

"Right." Charles replied. "Anyway to tell you the truth I asked Logan to arrange this meeting between us because I require your assistance on a very time sensitive manner."

"Oh and what might that be?" I asked.

Even though I already know.

"For the past few months many young Mu-EVO's and their families have been disappearing and I fear for their safety. So I was wondering if you could help me locate them?"

"I can't." I replied.

"Why?" Charles asked.

"BetI already know where the world are you are talking about. In my country, Latveria." I revealed.

"Why are they there?" Orroro suddenly asked me.

Seems she finished teasing Logan about Laura and decided to jump right into my conversation.

Not that I mind.

"For their protection." I replied.

"Protection you say?"

"Yes, professor Xavier. For their protection." I spoke. "For your school is nowhere near big enough to house all the young EVO's and their loved ones who need protection. From the ordinary citizens who lash out against them, simply because they do not have a good understanding of what EVO's are. To the hate groups that actively hunt them down

Like the Friends of Humanity. Not to mention the threat some EVO may pose to themselves or others around them. Depending on what powers awaken within them once their X-gene activates. These and other reasons are why I am actively having those loyal to me search the globe for EVO's and bring them to Latveria. Where they can some semblance of a normal life. At least until the world learns to accept them."

Or until I become its ruler.

But I'm not saying that out loud.

"You are doing a good deed king Victor. But how are these EVO's supposed to be accepted in the world of you are hiding them away in your own country?" Charles asked me.

"That is something I wish for you and your X-Men to assist me with." I spoke.

Shocking all the X-Men present.

"Of course I don't except an answer today. Take some time, think about it, and then get back to me." I spoke.

"Alright. I can at least do that." Xavier agreed.

"Glad to hear it." I replied.

Once I did I began discussing a few more things with the X-Men.

Before eventually they all left.

Though not before I offered them an open invitation to come and see Latveria in the future.

Which I'm sure all of them will just fall in love with after they do.

All according to my plans.

As always, it's good to be Doom.

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