I Am A Monster Reborn [A Monster Evolution Litrpg]

Chapter 10 – Croaking trouble

Victor awoke from his deep slumber.

He had done it. Just barely escaped death again. Surviving impossible outcomes. He wondered how many more of these would he have to do in order to live a peaceful life again. Would he even live a peaceful life as a human here? War was rampant in this world. Diseases? Like the days of old. Could he live a peaceful life if the moral laws of such a savage world? He restricted him?

HE stood alone on the riverbank. The nymph didn’t attempt to follow. When he had left the surrounding area of the tree, she had stopped aggressively pursuing him. WIt could very well be that she doesn't have much influence outside her Demesne. Was her spirit tied to the tree, maybe one day he could find out, maybe even free those lost souls.

He had some of his mass, and was slightly smaller than usual. Victor moved around, he was stumbling and felt strangely wet, like he was doubly wet. Though there wasn’t a lot of water inside of his body anymore, the feeling of being sloshed around the water like ingredients in a mixing bowl didn’t subside. There was no overbearing sun today. So that was all good he guessed. So no debuff.

‘Today!’ it seemed a day had passed very well.

The sun stood on the other side of the planet. Where it wasn’t yesterday. That confirmed he had slept for some time then. He realized as it would have been dusk shortly after his slimy body took a plunge into the bottomless waterway.

He peered around his surroundings scouting and observing the area for unnecessary threats. Relief washed over as there was nothing of immediate consequences, just birds. He also swore he heard some very large croaking from far away.

He was hungry again, but there was no frenzy in him. No raging fire to tell him, Eat consume absorb. He was just generally hungry. There was nothing in the intermediate vicinity. He would probably have to go hunt something. Fish was out of the way until he found a way for his body not to start tearing itself apart, the moment he entered a body of water. Way too heavy of risk not to mention. He also didn’t want to eat raw meat for the sake of it.

If he was going to eat raw there had better been an incentive.

He remembered he plucked an extra golden apple and had put it in his inventory.

He immediately removed it.

Golden apple consumed exp gained!

+80 exp gained

The hunger had vanished instantaneously, and the feeling of being sated returned to his body. For a few hours this would be great. It was a pity he would never feel like this any time soon. Not unless he steps into another near another nymph's trees.. Usually he would wake up during his slumber, because his body requires needs. The golden apple made him sleep right through

He had hoped for another level up.

‘If only he could see how many exp he had left.’

User requires 28 exp to move on to the next level (7)


No matter, he was already in reach of his next level up. With each subsequent level up, he felt a lot stronger than before.

Something shiny reflected light in his eyes.A few meters away not too far from where he had been spilled away. It was a sword.

Victor immediately slithered towards it. It is no other sword than gladius destined for him and no other.

He picked it up, and put it into his inventory until he found a solution.

User does not need to store weapons and armor when the user can equip it.

‘So the system can be useful.’ he’d need to ask it serious questions in the future

You have equipped Roman gladius (+20) (sword name hidden)

‘He who is worthy, may smite their foes with the burning fury of the roman eagle.’

‘Check equipment’


Miner’s hat (+1 Strength); (+1 Constitution) [head]

Roman Gladius (does 20 damage) (hidden properties locked until user meets requirements.)

‘All's well that ends well’. He thought to himself. ‘It couldn’t possibly get any worse than this.”

He swung the sword around a bit. Even with his lackluster strength he had developed , the sword proved a bit too heavy to use in any swinging or zig-zagging maneuvers.

He remembered he had level up, and had 5 unspent attribute points.

He decided, since he was forced into a warrior build for the remaining time. He may as well embrace it until the future presents itself. He didn’t want to be a dungeon janitor anymore. He wanted a real class.

He put 5 points into strength.


New values:

Str 13 ( Lackluster )


Several took immediate effect. His inventory size had increase by a value of 1.


Inventory size value changed 2>3

The inventory was a prospect he still found amazing. Changing his strength directly affected the size of this dimensional pocket. He wondered, if magic very well could tie into that. It would make sense compared the ol'baggage carry limit.

One was peculiar to him. How quickly he became physically stronger than his human self had been, which isn't saying much by modern human standards, but he's was more than a pile of goo now. Still he was a far cry away from becoming godly however.

A good hit from a larger opponent and he would be either staggered, flying or retreating into the wind. He needed to be cunning, play it like a burglar would. A thief in the night.

His next stat goal was in sight, to raise his constitution above that of a normal human. Victor was pretty sure a falling boulder made plunged him into the next cycle. For now he was a glass cannon.


The average person may kill a snake with their bare hands. Though at least back on earth, there are few snakes who are easy to toss around. Venom would tear into you sooner than you could grab the danger noodle. It is a matter of probability and chance. He would have to play that that role to a tee. Survivability, above all else. He who is fanged sleeps safer than he who is without fangs.

The croaking had started to become obscenely annoying at this point. The type of sound you couldn't get out of your head. It wasn’t every day you heard frogs bellowing and croaking like a tea party was occuring. He was a few levels. Away and he needs exp. And he need those frogs to shut up. Why not start with those annoying amphibians, the croaking had started to mess with his mind. Because It was all he literally heard.

He moved in the direction from where the frogs were. The audible intensity a frog just made gave him the impression these were probably not normal frogs.

Then if he didn’t see it with his own eyes. He wouldn’t have believed it, a frog man, standing no larger than a preteen was sprinting somewhere down the river, wearing nothing more than loincloth, and hunching down like a caveman with his spear. A 3-man group of smaller frogmen as large and as awkwardly build like a fat toddler, following from behind.

He heard running down the river, the kind shoes make. A human. Then followed by distant barking.

NEW QUEST: Save the young girl.

‘What young girl?! WHat young girl! Victor was bothered by the fact, the system generated a quest that may have been vital to someone's life. Could it design a quest simply based on a need? what if it doesn't generate one, and someone ends up dying he could have saved.

He accepted the quest without hesitation. Running after the frog menace. Each frog possessing a makeshift spear, in both hands.

The croaking became louder and then he saw the crime scene.

Four frogs were surrounding a young human girl. She had a glowing stick in her hand that she waved against the frogmen. Which seemed to irritate them even more. Her dog resembled that of a domesticated wolf barking at the frogmen. It was small still a pup, yet loyal and protective. It ran around in a circle, setting up a perimeter surrounding the girl

They seemed to be spouting gibberish from the top of their lungs. Shouted at the little girl as if telling her what to do.

“Rabbbeittibriribtibtirb!!!.” The Largest of the group reverberated “Ribbbiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!”

“Stay away, I'm minding my business.” The girl told the beastmen.

Bark! Bark! Bark! The dog, urging them to back away. They did not seem to care.

So it went with the two parties.

They attempted to move closer. Causing the dog to snap bite mid-air at the assailants. Victor could abide by many things, but not an innocent being attacked nor a child.

“Fuck faces over here!” he echoed out to them.

Victor himself launched himself into the fray, Bless with his newly enhanced strength, his gladius felt lighter. He lashed out at the nearest frogman. Bringing his blade towards a swing. Slashing it across it's naked chest.

You have dealt 33 damage to an adolescent frog man.

The small frogman staggered back. Held it's wound tightly with his four-fingered hand. All four of the of them shifting their focus away from the girl, and their attention locked securely on him.

It moved back, retreating slowly, as if ready for the next attack.

The largest spouted something in frog language as if commanding them to strike. So they did, all charged at him.

He dodged piercing strikes easily by simply changing his shape.

Slashing one frogman and then another with his gladius. Red blood dripping and tapping form the amphibian folk.

You have dealt 27 damage to an adolescent frog man.

You have dealt 12 damage to an adolescent frog man.

They went on the defensive and retreated slowly. Gauging him time to make the next attack.

But he was struck first. Lunged from behind flanking him. It was too late to dodge, he picked a fight that would certainly not be easy to win. He retreated. Chunks of ooze dripping off his body.

You lost -7 hp

21/28 remaining

It hurt. This was much worse than fighting the rats, a whole different world. There it didn't hurt like this. He felt with each additional hp he gained the threshold of pain seemed to widen. Victor retreated by fleeing back towards a tree near the riverline.

All the smaller frogmen formed a small line waiting for him to strike.

‘Formations!? They clearly more than intelligent. He would not make the first move.’

The leader frog took the initiative. Circling around the tree. Victor also took to the defensive ; he didn't expect a sudden attack from the large leader. He raised his gladius waiting for the strike from the 5 foot frogman.

“Ray of fire!!! Ray of fire!!! Ray of fire!!!” He heard a shout coming from the otherside.

Three magical rays of fire burned the back of the giant frogman. The attention of all the little frogmen, shifted back to wards the girl. She proved herself to be a threat. They were already confused without the leader to give them proper instructions.

Now they were demoralized.

The starstruck leader who was on fell his knees, bent over to ground, croaking in pain. Victor jammed the blade in the back of the leader 's head.

You have dealt 42 damage to frog leader( critical)

The blade was stuck for a moment inside the leader, he struggled to pull it out. The smaller frogmen, left their spears as if waving a white flag, and took to swimming away in the river.

The frog leader wasn’t dead but he appeared to be paralyzed. Trying to close the hole at the back of his neck where Victor had shanked him.

He started making horrible croaking noises.

‘RRAABBIIIT….” “Ribbbbbit.”

Victor did not let the opportunity slide. He lobbed the head of the beastman's head right off.

You have defeated Frogman leader

You gained 40 exp


Quest completed! +100 exp


Congratulations you have Level up!

You are now level 7

Limb manipulation leveled up!

Limp manipulation now (lvl3)

You may now form an additional limb.


He immediately formed another arm on the other side. He could get a shield, maybe another sword and ‘oh’.

He realized he had messed up proper communication, fearing possible retaliation from the magic wielding girl. He immediately boosted his constitution by 5. That flame ray did a number on the frogman. Who knows what it might do to him. He was ready to flee regardless of the outcome.


New values:

Con 15 (+1) (Slightly Resilient)


Hp parameters changed

New value: 28>39 HP


“She held her stick wand in his direction.” brandishing it, a spark of light escaping the tip.

“Stay back or I'll burn you, I swear I will.”

This was his first interaction with civilization in a while, if you could excuse malak.

The dog moved in his direction barking repeatedly.

BArk!! BArk!!! BAARRK!!!

“I mean no harm,” The telepathic message audibly escaped his body.

She was taken aback, retreating backwards, her body slumped against a tree.

She moved her stick around another warning.

“My father is a great wizard, he will destroy you if you touch me demon.” the dog growled as if backing up her statement and cementing her father’s status. “Stay back!”

“I assure you, i may have the appearance of a monster, but I'm man as any other.”

“What is it you want, spirit, there is nothing for you here, leave!” she insisted, frightened.

“I only wish to ask for directions,” Victor told her, he hid gladius in in temporal space of his equipment. “ I was told there was a village nearby and I was hoping to ask for directions.”

Telepathy was turning into a minor effort. Everytime he had done it, he had felt weaker.

“Directions for what, souls to hunt, mischief or just trickery.”

“I am looking for the damned men, I heard, that cursed souls may turn human again.”

“Human, you are cursed, are you?” Her frightened expression. It wasn’t exactly a lie, more a subversion of the truth regardless victor couldn't afford any mistakes.

Yes, I was slain by a monster, not so long ago, when I woke up, I woke up at this ." he pointed, using his now 2 limbs to point at him, making one a human shaped hand and the other a thick tentacle.This was also going to take a while, as he hasn’t gotten used to using more than one limb at all.

He made an ok sign. At her.

“Well I don't know about all that, sir gelatinous blob, but my father might.”

“Could you take me to him, perhaps, I only seek information to tell. Lady?”

“Isilwyn, “ the pre-teen told him. She seemed flattered by title.


She appeared to look the epitome of a redneck’s daughter. A missing bucktooth, a straw hat and practically barefoot. Were it not for the miraculous rays of fire, he have thought her an orphan or a waif.

“What are you doing out here lady Isylwyn.” he asked out of curiosity.

“An errand for my father, I can assure you I can handle myself. These frogs usually aren’t aggressive; something must have shaken them.”

Could it have been him, could have been nymph's chaos upstream, or was it the work of those skull knights, maybe the griffon.

‘Some father this was, making a young girl fight deadly monsters and scour the woods for errand nonsense.'

He did his most polite attempt at bowing, which made him look like an ugly lamp post.

"Well lady islwyn, if you can lead the way. I would be grateful."

She returned the courtesy.

She smiled at the prospect and hip and skipped along the road.

“Come on!” She led the way and he tried to keep up with her childlike energy.

The dog occasionally glaring at him and barking.

They did not travel very far. They reached a modest village that was fortified with wooden planks. A guard post at the top. Fortification implies someone else was occurring here.

The guard instantly locked his crossbow on Victor and shooting an arrow inside him.

You have suffered 18 damage!


He slithered into the shade out of sight, ready to flee. he didn't know what he was expecting. It made sense that they'd attack him on sight.

“Quickly isylwen, into the village so i can smite this beast!” The guard shouted running down hastily to chase Victor down.


“Stop, Magnar. He is a guest. I bought him to father.” she shouted frantically.

The guardsmen lifted their crossbows. Though there was disbelief in his eyes. His face told a different story. that strange things indeed did probably happen around this girl.

She called out to Victor and took him inside the villages. Gazes immediately fixated on him.

A robed man approached, furiously. Arms swinging about in the air, staff in his hands. Eyes fixated on victor then his daughter.

“Islwyn what is that!!!” he pointed his fingers at victor, his hands echoing with lightning.

“He is a traveler who requested help, he said he was cursed and was looking for the damned men." She tried her best to explain.

“I don't believe it, Speak then ooze.”

“Gooday, sir my name is victor, and i'm seeking directions for the whereabouts of the damned men."

“I have heard enough," the wizard exclaimed.


At the mention of their damned men’s name, the wizard casted a spell on victor.

“Be quiet!”

You have been silenced. All magical or psychokinetic effects have become powerless.

He found himself unable to do telepathy any further. He couldn't speak to represent himself. The wizard had truly stripped it away.

He cast another spell

“Bind to my wishes.”

A magical chain formed around Victor's body. He was bound, unable to speak, unable to run. The chain disappeared shortly after.

The wizard then looked at his daughter, who looked terrified at what just happen.

“You are grounded, you wont leave the village until I say so. Go to your room, study or do a chore.’


The wizard’s stare was all it required to shut the girl up. And she ran off into a house, the dog following suit.

"You will follow me, you will not struggle and you will not resist." He told victor. Victor did his best to contest it but the wizard's words were binding, forcing him to obey.

The wizard dragged victor along a dirt road, not physically but simply with his magic, every villager staring at the spectacle.

"Tomorrow you will answer my questions, truthfully or I... will... end... you!"

He threw victor in a large barn filled with hay and dirty animals. Specifically a pen with one ugly and dirty fat pig. And closed it. Squealing


The wizard walked away.

‘Aw shit!’

Perhaps this place was not worth the trouble.

The pig approached him, and then it started licking him.

He immediately ran away from the pig who followed him like he was candy floss. It licked him all over.

“Eww the fuck.!” Victor scattered away into the corner.

He climbed up the stacks of hay to get away from the pig. The pig is desperately trying to climb up after him. Which was futile as it was large and too fat, could barely get up the hay. He saw a railing he could attach to and luckily he was able to stick to the wall and slowly moved way up. He stuck to the upper railing, there was roof above and a hole. Sliding through the hole and then cursing his bad luck.

‘Well that was just fucking great.’ he thought. The pig's squealing didn’t stop for quite some time.

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