I am a child of Daqin Xiong, who supervises the country at the age of eight

Chapter 452 Surrender

Chapter 452 Surrender

In this world, there is no medicine for regret. Looking at the battlefield, the Roman army suffered heavy losses during the shelling.

After the consul hesitated for a while, just as he was about to order all the soldiers to distance themselves and disperse, before he could say his order, a smarter general beside him seemed to have thought of something. What, he hastily opened his mouth to the consul who was about to change the battle plan in front of him.

"Don't order!"


The consul's face changed slightly.

The subordinates at the side reminded him.

"Think about it, the enemy's weapons are so powerful. If our army disperses directly, loses the organization of the team, and loses the sword at the back, what will be the result?"

Aside, the general reminded him.

After hearing this.

For a moment, cold sweat broke out on the consul's forehead.

Well, at this time, even though his own army was collapsing, there were many casualties during the shelling, and it looked extremely tragic.

However, even so, he had to maintain this dense array and launch an attack.

Because there is only this, only this way.

He was able to successfully urge the Roman army under his command to attack the Qin army in the distance, otherwise, everything would be a fantasy.

It has to be said that the general next to the consul is right.

Because, for those Roman soldiers who are insisting on fighting on the current battlefield, in fact, at this time, they have faintly shown signs of collapse, and even, it can be said, for those in the front row , For the slave soldiers who bore the greatest casualties.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a sword on their backs, holding them there, allowing them to move on, I'm afraid they would have put down their weapons a long time ago, and then trotted all the way, fleeing the battlefield.

Or, directly surrendered to the Qin army on the opposite side.

At this time, I only heard the general beside the consul reminding him.

"Now, we are suffering from the enemy's unknown firepower. However, although the enemy's weapons seem to be very powerful, they are actually not as terrible as imagined!"

"This kind of weapon that can make a huge sound and is separated by a long distance to kill us is not much in number, only a dozen or so. Moreover, their firing efficiency is not too high. We are now far away from them. , it's only a few hundred meters away!"

"That is to say, within 2 minutes at most, you will be able to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy!"

"In such a short period of time, even if the enemy continues to fire this weapon, we can still win!"

The general at the side estimated the result and said.

"After all, the enemy's weapon has a lethal efficiency, and a single salvo can only kill two or three hundred of us. Even if they keep firing, when we reach them in the end, they can only kill us a few times. Only a thousand people!"

"This kind of casualty is acceptable to our current army!"

For a moment, the general's indifferent voice, who didn't care about the lives of the soldiers at all, reached the ears of the consul. The latter nodded slightly, and then changed the topic to that clichéd topic. I only heard him ask.

"So, is it possible for us to win?"

"I mean, what is the probability of our victory?"

"hundred percent!"

Hearing this, the general on the side said without thinking.


The consul was stunned for a moment, a little inconceivable, looking at the general in front of him, he didn't understand why the latter was so confident.

You know, when faced with these armies from the Great Qin Empire, the Roman Empire was filled with an extremely pessimistic mood, the generals in these armies.

They are all extremely timid.

Although, they have a huge army that is many times that of the enemy. ,

However, it was on the battlefield before.

The fighting power displayed by the soldiers of the Qin Army still makes all of them timid.

At this time, after hearing the general's words of [-]% victory.

At this time, the consul was inevitably a little stunned.

A little surprised at the general.

He would say such a thing, but at this time, looking at the distance, the Roman army that was rushing forward under the artillery fire, the general, explained it.

"The enemy's weapon is nothing more than that!"

"Our numbers have an absolute advantage. It can be said that as long as we, all of us, can play our part, then victory will definitely belong to us!"

Then, he explained to the general in front of him again.

"I have seen the enemy's weapons. The weapons in their hands can only be fired once at a time. In other words, as long as we rush in front of them, we will not give them a chance to reload their weapons!"

"Then, they are actually melee soldiers like us!"

"The enemy has 5 people, that is to say, even if they, all the soldiers, fired at the same time, and shot the lead bullets stored in their weapons, they could only kill 5 of us. It's just people!"

"And we have a total of 36 troops, 36, minus 5, how much is left?"

"31 people!"

"It is still more than six times that of the enemy!"


"The enemy also has a powerful weapon that can be thrown from a distance, can explode, and I have seen this before. However, the enemy also only has one chance to throw it, because, before they wait for the first time With the second throw, our soldiers can rush in front of them!"

"And the weapons thrown by the enemy can only be thrown at a distance of twenty or thirty steps away!"

"At such a long distance, they also have only one chance to throw, and, at best, they can kill the part of the soldiers in the front row through this method, and the total number of them will not exceed 5. people!"

"At that time, we still have 26 troops!"

"Subtract the damage of the enemy's weapon that is being fired!"

"Even if it is calculated according to the excess, at most they will kill us, 3 soldiers!"

"So, when we successfully charged in front of them, the number of the enemy, even the enemy's weapons, maintained the maximum killing efficiency, we suffered the maximum casualties, and the remaining army still had 23 people!"

"That's four times as many enemies!"

"And when we reach the enemy, four times the enemy, if we fight hand-to-hand, the Romans are born and proficient in hand-to-hand combat. How is it possible that we can't even defeat the enemy?"

(End of this chapter)

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