I Am a Big Player

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Update equipment

Duan Xiaolou looked at the news and confirmed that the old man with Ren He was Zhou Wumeng, undoubtedly Zhou Wumeng, but she didn’t understand, how could the two people who couldn’t beat each other get together?

She never thought that Ren He might be the author of the San Zi Jing, because the San Zi Jing and the 15-year-old boy really don’t seem to have any connection.

But in any case, Ren He seems to be not as simple as he imagined.

At 11 o’clock in the evening, Xiaolou came down on time. This was the time she ran at night with Ren Heyue yesterday. As expected, Ren He also went down at this time.

However, Duan Xiaolou did not mention everything she saw at night, nor did she mention the name Zhou Wumeng. He only occasionally talked about school matters while running, and the rest of the time was silent. Although she wanted to ask why the ordinary classmate in front of her knew Mr. Zhou, she didn’t ask any questions in the end.

If two people run together at night every day, it will spread to the school, maybe something will make a moth.

In adolescence, girls are far more precocious than boys, but Duan Xiaolou always feels that there is a more mature heart hidden in the body of the person running with him.

Ren He went home and took a shower. He didn’t care about hygiene when he was a child. But after returning from life, he took his 26-year-old soul with him. He paid special attention to his own hygiene and cleaning. All the nails left in his youth were cut off and his hands were clean Is better than anything else.

He has always been a proactive person, and he is almost ready now. He does not intend to delay the task of jumping off the building until the deadline. He intends to prepare to complete the task soon. Ren He also wants to see that the natural punishment system is on the task. What will be the reward after completion.

To be honest, how can the rewards that a world’s natural punishment system can give you a bit of surprise, isn’t it?

Before going to bed, he opened the results of the divine book and took a look, alas, the member clicked on the top 3 of the list, and four recommendations exploded on that day. Take a look at the collection again, alas, it has risen by more than 30,000 in one day!

You must know that if you are a newcomer, it would be good to have a collection of 20,000 when it was put on the shelves. As a result, the book was pushed to more than 30,000 collections based on public opinion and four recommendations a day.

Of course, there are more people watching, and more people spraying.

The content of the spray is roughly: no connotation, Xiaobaiwen, the author has committed a fantasy disorder, and so on. The people who spray are basically defenders of physical literature.

Ren Heli was too lazy to be reasonable. This situation was something he could predict. After all, the book of God is indeed contrary to today’s mainstream culture. There are many things in physical literature, but the practice upgrade literature is just a little bit more stressful.

Who can work without stress? Who has no difficulty in life? Whose feelings can be smooth sailing?

At this time, a very cool novel is needed to comfort their hearts beaten by the wind and rain outside, and the birth of the divine book actually meets their needs. For them, the book does not need to think about anything, just use cool.

Now the word count is no longer a problem. I am afraid that he will be on the shelves soon. Ren He spent more than an hour in the evening to update two chapters and published them: “Thank you for your love and support. satisfaction!”

Compared to the entity, the update of the book is more like a bug, especially for those who write suspense and pave the way for the plot. It takes hours to think about the plot, but Ren He does not need it.

The author group looked at Ren He’s update volume and everyone was stunned: “How did he do it? This day at least ten thousand words update, if it’s me, I will have to urinate blood!”

“Is the blood in urine not good enough? I only updated more than 20,000 words in half a month, and they got it in two days, alas…”


With money, Ren He, of course, is to change his equipment the first time. The first thing related to his life is the shoes for running. He went to the store and was surprised to find that he did not expect those he knew in the parallel world. A brand still exists in this world. It seems that only entertainment in this parallel world has gone wrong.

Renhe was a pseudo outdoor enthusiast in his previous life. The so-called pseudo is attention, but he does not really go outdoor sports…

In outdoor sports, some brands are very classic, such as Archaeopteryx jackets, etc. If these brands are no longer there, Ren He will have to do his homework again when he takes up the task. Now it is a saver.

For extreme sports outdoors, good equipment is the prerequisite for life-saving. Of course, Ren He, a person who always pays attention to outdoor sports, knows this best.

However, Luoyang is only a small third-tier city. He doesn’t have any of the brands he wants, so he can only make do with Nike running shoes temporarily. There is no way to buy equipment the first time. It is really hard for him to bear the days of running in canvas shoes every day…

What I need for the time being is running shoes. If there are other needs, I will talk about the laptop. The laptop has to be a little better and smaller. I can’t let him use the phone code every day.

If you change the laptop, his codeword speed can be improved a little bit.

In the end, Ren He gritted his teeth and only left 400 yuan for himself, and all the remaining money was used to buy a laptop…

“Spending money is like running water,” Ren He felt distressed. It was like returning to the pre-liberation overnight, and the manuscript fee for the hard work ended up with a pair of running shoes and a notebook. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But life will get better.

Ren He planned to complete the task of jumping off the building next Monday, and there are still 6 days left before the one-month period. Although it can be delayed for a few more days, Ren He’s character is like this, and he will do it if he is sure. It is not a long-term solution to keep the task on his mind every day. Moreover, in the past few days, he has been able to jump about 5 meters in the run-up and long jump.

In theory, this task is no longer a problem for him.

When he finished buying things and was going back, he happened to meet an unfamiliar classmate who was accompanied by his parents to pick a computer. Ren He didn’t plan to ignore him, and he didn’t even say hello like a complete stranger. .

But when that classmate saw the laptop that Ren He was holding, he opened his mouth for a moment and was surprised that he couldn’t speak.

His parents noticed his strangeness and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Oh, it’s okay. I heard that a classmate who was very poor at home just bought a very expensive laptop.”

“Don’t compare blindly with people!”


“In school, compare and study with other students. If it weren’t for your ranking in this exam, we wouldn’t buy you a new computer!”


Is more than 7,000 notebooks expensive? Ren He heard the sound and music behind him, he said, I don’t have any money now, more than 7000 is considered cheap in my eyes. Seeing that his classmate was afraid to speak under the supervision of his parents, he was a bit stunned. What did Ren He dream of as a student?

Isn’t it that you can make a lot of money and then you can completely control it.

At this time, Ren He replaced himself as a student, and it seems that he is getting used to this identity more and more.

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