I Am a Big Player

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Arrive at Baiyun Mountain

Luocheng Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area is located in the hinterland of Funiu Mountain in the southern part of Z County, Luocheng City, HN Province. The Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area in Los Angeles is a national forest park, a national nature reserve, and a national AAAAA-level tourist attraction. It has been rated as “the most beautiful place in China”.

The bus drove up the winding road all the way, the clouds in the mountains seemed to be around him, and Ren He’s mood was even more cheerful.

He awoke the little fat man with a promise: “Don’t sleep, it’s here!”

promised to give him a confused look: “Where is it?”

“Baiyun Mountain, where else can I go?” Ren He said angrily: “Pack up and get out of the car.”

“Will you meet Duan Xiaolou and the others?”

“What happened? They play with theirs, let’s play with ours. No one has stipulated that we must follow the group activities?” At this time, the car had stopped in the parking lot of the Baiyun Mountain Tourist Service Center, and Ren He grabbed the little fat man. When he got off the bus, he knew what he was worrying about. In case everyone finds that two people are acting alone, there may be a gap between the classmates, but Ren He doesn’t care. It’s just a group of little kids. What gaps are not.

“It’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon, and it’s not appropriate to go up the mountain, what shall we do?” Xu promised.

“Look at your appearance like you haven’t been out before, first live down to recharge your energy, set off at 4 o’clock in the morning to watch the sunrise on the top of the mountain, and then on the way down the mountain, I will take you to bungee jumping!”

“Bungee jumping?!” Xu promised: “You didn’t say you want bungee jumping!” When Xu promised to hear Ren He said to bungee jumping, his face was scared. He was so heavy, he jumped from above like jumping from a building, and then got another one. Click to pull up, can this thing be played casually? He suddenly discovered that Ren He was jumping off the building again, and he was doing bungee jumping again, as if he was just playing with excitement, what excitement he played…

“What are you afraid of, bungee jumping is protected, and it doesn’t make you suicide!” Ren He began to fool the little fat man.

“I’m not going…”

“are you going?”

“If you don’t go, whoever loves to go!”

“Sure, then I will jump, you watch,” Ren He didn’t force him.

As soon as Ren He said he didn’t need to go, he immediately smiled and said, “Where do we live?”

“Book it before you come, Baiyun Hotel,” Ren He took the little fat man forward.

“Hiss,” promised to take a breath: “I heard that it is a newly built five-star hotel, we don’t have to be so extravagant? This can’t be more than 1,000 yuan for a night?”

“There is not so much money. In such a remote place, the standard room is only more than 800 per night. It is a happy life in the world. Our money is not enough. Look at the small farmhouse yard next to it. It looks very clean. But their quilts and sheets are changed only once after several groups of guests, and there are bugs!” Ren He remembered a terrible experience of living in a farmhouse in his previous life. When he woke up in the morning, he had a couple on his legs. A big flower spider with a knuckle length almost didn’t scare him to pee. The thing was obviously poisonous at first glance!

That is the same time, the three words “Nongjiale” have left an indelible shadow on Ren He. He is not afraid of anything, just afraid of spiders. This thing is really ugly…

Promise suddenly glanced at Ren He suspiciously: “How do you feel that you have changed so much?”

“Don’t bully you, just follow up.”

They didn’t see them when they entered the Baiyun Hotel. Behind them, a group of more than 20 students were walking towards a small farmhouse not far from the Baiyun Hotel. A male student led the way: “Everyone, I visited Baiyun Mountain once with my family last year. This is the best farmhouse I have ever lived in. It’s right to go with me. It’s clean and hygienic. The owner’s scrambled eggs with chives and flowers is a must-see!”

“How much is it for a night?”

“80! And it is divided equally between two, which means that each person only pays 40 yuan. It is economical, right?”

When everyone heard it was only 40, the stone in their hearts fell to the ground, within their tolerance. Although the pocket money in the hands of everyone present is among the best in the school, how much pocket money can ordinary junior high school students have in a month?

Everyone is not a rich second generation.

“Hey, didn’t I misread it?” The male student who led the way glanced at the Baiyun Hotel inadvertently, only to see a scene that surprised him.

“What’s wrong? What did you see?”

“I saw two people walking into the Baiyun Hotel just now. The back looks a bit like Ren He and Promise,” the male student was a little surprised.

“Impossible. Ren He is definitely still staying at home and can’t go anywhere now, because he has no money, haha, even if he promises to have money, they can’t live in the Baiyun Hotel. That would cost us a month of spending in one night. As for the money, you must be mistaken.”

The male student who led the way laughed himself: “That’s right, I misunderstood it! Walk around, let’s put the luggage in the farmhouse.”

Everyone didn’t take this episode to heart, but two people in the team turned their eyes to the Baiyun Hotel and didn’t know what they were thinking, Duan Xiaolou, Yang Xi.

A male student came over and asked in a gentleman manner: “Xiaolou, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Yang Xi, shall I help you two carry things? Let us boys do things like carrying luggage. ”

Duan Xiaolou and Yang Xi both shook their heads and smiled at the same time: “No need, just move.”

There are other girls who are not happy: “Hey? Why don’t you mention it for us, just help Xiaolou and Yang Xi?”

The boy is experiencing the embarrassment of being rejected, just to find a step down: “Who said no help, isn’t Xiaolou and Yang Xi close to me? Come here, I will help you pick it up.” The bag on his back was brought over.

However, the girls didn’t appreciate it either. They all knew what was going on. They mocked: “Xiaolou Xiaolou, the name is quite intimate. Did you call it, you should call it the monitor.”

The boy blushed and spoke for a long time without speaking. Someone broke the topic roundly: “What do you think Ren He can do with his 5 yuan pocket money a month?”

“I can spend two hours on the Internet in an Internet cafe, and then watch others play games…”


“When Ren He jumped down from the teaching building that day, I thought he really couldn’t think of jumping off the building. It really scared me that day. How could the school not give him any punishment?”

“Yes, last semester, a boy in Class 1 overcame the wall during the day, and he was directly given a punishment of serious demerit. As a result, Ren He Leng had nothing to do with anything, and I don’t know if Director Liu is crazy?”

At this time, Duan Xiaolou seemed to unintentionally said: “Okay, it’s not good to talk about other people behind it.” Yang Xi gave her a thoughtful look, not knowing what she was thinking.

Ren He sneezed in the Baiyun Hotel: “Who is talking bad about me behind your back? Fatty, when you climb the mountain in the early morning, you wrap it up a bit, and when the temperature reaches the top of the mountain, the temperature can freeze you to death!”

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