hunt hollywood

Page 29

In any case, it's a bit too messy for Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep to make a romantic movie.

From the point of view of the main creative lineup, this is obviously another C packaging project.

Catherine could feel Simon's reservations, but she didn't ask.In fact, she quite agrees with Janet's point of view. The little boy in front of her must have many unknown secrets in her mind.

Thinking of Janet, the situation in the bedroom last night couldn't help but come to mind. She glanced at Simon who had already finished her breakfast. The woman's mood suddenly became a little distracted. She quickly lowered her eyes, picked up a knife and fork, and pretended to deal with a piece of fried egg.

Simon packed the tableware and said to the woman with her head down, "Catherine, eat slowly, I'm going to Fox Studios first."

Catherine hummed, noticed Simon's movements, and said, "Simon, I'll clean up later. Anyway, um, there's Jenny's."

Simon nodded with a smile and said, "Okay."

Having said that, Simon still sent his tableware to the kitchen sink before walking out.

Seeing Simon leave the restaurant, Catherine thought about it, put down her knife and fork, and followed.

It's already November, and although it is Los Angeles, which is like spring all the year round, the weather in this season is also a bit cold.

Simon took off his coat from the hanger, and Catherine, who came over, took it naturally, unfolded it to help Simon put it on, and reached out to straighten the rolled-up collar.Simon smiled and let the woman do whatever he wanted, and finally picked up his bag and put it on his shoulder. Looking at Catherine, who was wearing a wine red turtleneck, he said, "Then, goodbye."

Catherine felt Simon's slightly probing hopeful eyes, but Janet's bright eyes suddenly appeared in her mind. She took a step back, pretending to check whether there was any problem with Simon's clothes, smiled nonchalantly, and said, "Goodbye."

Simon didn't force it, nodded and left the house.

In order to ensure as much post-production time as possible, Simon’s basic work rhythm this month is to shoot films on weekdays, rough cut samples on weekends, straighten out various shooting plans at night, and find time to write some soundtracks.

Two-thirds of the shooting of "Run Lola Run" has been completed, and all the shots from the beginning of the film to Lola's first run have been shot. Simon's work focus on the first part in the past few weekends Rough cut of the running plot.

The development of film editing is basically a small cycle from 'non-linear editing' to 'linear editing' and then to 'non-linear editing'.

The earliest film editing was completely directed against the film.

The editor can arbitrarily remove, reduce and replace the film, so it belongs to nonlinear editing.

But the workload of this most original non-linear editing is not generally large.

For a movie, calculated based on 10 hours of footage, the cumulative length of all the films is no longer meters, but 20 kilometers.It is conceivable how complicated the whole process would be to edit a movie from tens of kilometers of film.

Then, the emergence of linear editing finally freed the editor from being surrounded by dozens of kilometers of film.

The principle of linear editing is to record the content of the film lens on the tape, and then transcribe the material on the tape to another tape according to the editing plan.

This editing method greatly reduces the workload of editors, and it belongs to the WYSIWYG model, which can monitor the editing results at any time, so it quickly became popular.

However, the shortcomings of linear editing are also very obvious.The editor can only edit the pictures on the tape in a linear order, and the slightly more flexible operation is only to perform insertion and replacement of the same length on the tape.However, it is impossible to perform operations such as deletion, reduction, and replacement of non-isochronous shots on the completed editing results.

This mode is actually similar to a music tape. For a 5-minute song, if a person presses the record button and howls twice, he can replace his own voice, but this song is still 5 minutes long. To make him into four and a half, it can only be re-arranged, and then re-recorded.

After linear editing, more advanced non-linear editing appeared in the late 80s.

By transcribing film images into digital images, nonlinear operations similar to original manual editing can be performed on editing software.

What I have to say is that in the film era, whether it is the original manual editing, the later linear editing, or even the digital nonlinear editing, it is actually just an editing method.After a movie completes editing, soundtrack and other post-processes, it still needs to manually edit the original negative of the movie according to the finished film results, so as to obtain a film copy that can be screened in theaters.

Now in 1986, digital non-linear editing has just sprouted, and the technology is far from mature. Simon can only perform the post-production of "Run Lola Run" on a linear editing machine.

Although he had never been exposed to linear editing in his previous life, some other memories had these experiences. Simon hired an assistant to help him familiarize himself with the linear editing machine at Fox Studios during the first weekend. He has been working alone for the past few weeks.

No matter what era, editor is a lonely profession that tests patience.

The linear editing equipment in Fox Studios is billed by the hour, and Simon is not willing to waste time at all.

I rushed to Fox Studios, sat down in front of the editing table, looked at the two old-fashioned CRT monitors in front of me, and listened to the clicking sound of the machines when they were running. Before I knew it, a whole morning had passed.

It wasn't until the staff reminded him that Simon recovered from his focused work and remembered that he had made an appointment with the reporter from the "Los Angeles Times" yesterday for an interview at noon.

Hurrying to the gate of Fox Studios, Peter Butler had already waited for a while and greeted him apologetically. Simon did not bring him into the studio, but chose a restaurant on the street outside the studio.

The two sat down in the restaurant, and after ordering lunch, Peter Butler turned on a recorder and placed it on the table, with a natural familiarity in his tone, he said, "So, are you still working on weekends?"

"Yeah," Simon nodded, "Aren't you the same?"

Peter Butler smiled and said: "It seems that we already have something in common, which is good."

Simon also smiled: "Speaking of it, Peter, why are you interested in me? Compared to the "Los Angeles Times", I am just an inconspicuous little person?"

Peter Butler shrugged and said, "Actually, I am also a small person in the "Los Angeles Times" newspaper. Interviewing Spielberg must have nothing to do with me."

"I get it, that's another common thread."

"It's a pity that there is no wine, otherwise we can have a drink," Peter Butler smiled, and continued: "However, Simon, in all fairness, I don't think you are an inconspicuous little person at all."

Simon just smiled.

Peter Butler also continued on his own: "I did some research on you in advance. You should have come to Los Angeles in June, and then, as a newcomer, you were unexpectedly recruited by WMA Vice President Jonathan Friedman signed and became the only scriptwriting client under the other party's name. Then, WMA broke out infighting, which was still related to you. Then, the incident that happened in Santa Monica at the end of July, although the newspaper There's been very little talk about it, but as far as I know, we alone in the Los Angeles Times suppressed two stories that tried to explore it. Also, your $20 writing deal with Fox, Simon Even if you only count screenwriters union members, the average annual salary of Hollywood screenwriters is less than [-] US dollars. Then, within half a year after entering Hollywood, you have already started directing your first movie, "Run Lola". Surprisingly, several big names in Hollywood, Brian De Palma, David Giller and Robert Redford, all said that they would be named executive producers for the film, which is in Hollywood is very rare. So, Simon, no matter how you look at it, you can’t be considered a small person. Small people can’t do these things.”

Chapter 051

Simon smiled and listened to Peter Butler finish speaking, and said, "Peter, these should be enough for you to write a press release about me, right?"

Peter Butler could naturally hear Simon's subtext, nodded, but then said: "Of course, but these have only made me more curious about you."


"First of all, your surname," Peter Butler started to get to the point, "Simon, was my judgment in the original article correct? Is this an original word?"

Simon admitted, "That's right."

"I checked a lot of information, and even called some professors at my alma mater, but none of them gave an answer," Peter Butler said: "So, does the word 'Westeros' have any special meaning? ?”

Simon shook his head honestly and said, "Sorry, I can't say."

Peter Butler didn't expect a question that should have been the simplest, but was rejected by Simon, and subconsciously asked, "Why?"

"There's no reason, I just can't say it," Simon said, "Also, I don't want to make up a perfunctory reason for you."

Peter Butler was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, then, the second question, Simon, where are you from? This also makes me very puzzled. I called your agent, but he didn't want to Disclosure. I have not been able to find this information from other sources.”

Simon didn't mean to hide it this time, but asked first: "Peter, I need to confirm again, about me, the article about "Run Lola Run" will definitely be released after next year's Sundance Film Festival ,Is it right?"

Peter Butler nodded and said, "Of course."

Simon began to tell the truth: "Well, it's very simple. I'm from San Francisco. I was an orphan. I was raised in a children's home in San Jose. Last year I went to Stanford to study computer science. Two months later, I was sent to I was treated in a mental hospital for nine months. After I was discharged from the hospital, I came to Los Angeles. You know what happened next."

Although I rushed to Watsonville to get back my case.But for his past, Simon is not so secretive.

After all, if he has been unknown, it doesn't matter even if these things are known to others.

Conversely, if you become a public figure in the future, instead of being caught off guard by some media digging out his past, you might as well confess to a media reporter you know at this time, so that the whole thing can be a little bit more controllable sex.

Hearing what Simon said, Peter Butler was a little dazed again.

Although Simon's narration is very concise, there is no doubt that the amount of information is a bit large.

After being dazed for a moment, Peter Butler quickly grasped a small key: "Simon, if I understand correctly, you should be 19 years old this year?"

"To be precise, 18 years old."

At the age of 18, he got a screenwriting contract of up to 20 US dollars from Fox Films!

Peter Butler felt that his brain cells were completely insufficient today, so he reluctantly turned around before asking, "So, does Fox know your age?"

Simon shook his head: "I don't know."

Americans do not have ID cards. This is not because the national system or the differences in state laws cannot achieve a unified identity. The main reason is to protect privacy.When Roosevelt introduced the social security number system, he was reluctant to pass it after assuring Congress that the social security number would not involve personal privacy at all.

Simon signed a contract with Fox. Although he provided information such as social security number and credit card, it was also to ensure that he would get the contract remuneration.As for his private information, he is not an actor and does not need to tell the other party.

In fact, even actors often hide their age in Hollywood.

Peter Butler calmed down again.

18 years old.

When I was 18, I had just entered college.

The guy in front of me, 18 years old, has already started directing his first movie.

Peter Butler carefully observed the entire afternoon yesterday. The filming of "Run Lola Run" was not at all a joke, and Simon's deployment and control of the entire crew was not at all like an 18-year-old boy.


He also acts as a photographer himself.

This should not be a job that an 18-year-old young man can undertake, but the entire crew has no objection to this, which shows that he has already gained recognition in this regard.

Oh, God.

What kind of guy did I meet?

The waiter brought up the lunch at this time, and Peter Butler simply paused for a moment.

After the waiter left and the two took a few mouthfuls of food, Peter Butler spoke again, but he didn't continue the topic of Simon's past. If necessary, he hoped to prove it himself.

"Simon, let's talk about the movie. Regarding "Butterfly Effect", this is indeed a very interesting name. I also made some guesses about the plot, how correct?"

"1 point," Simon said with a smile: "This is indeed a very suitable script for director De Palma. Besides, your other guesses in that article are completely incorrect. Besides, I can't reveal more to you. Many, this is stipulated in the confidentiality clause in the contract."

Peter Butler expressed his understanding, and said, "So, what about "Run Lola Run"?"

Simon thought for a while, and said: ""Run Lola Run" is an unconventional anti-genre movie, a kind of exploration of life with countless possibilities. In addition, I made this movie to respond to the 'Butterfly Effect' Annotate this term. From the very beginning, many people have been telling me that the group of terms 'Butterfly Effect' is too uncommon, and Fox has thought about changing the name of the movie. However, if the audience has seen "Lola Quick" in the future Run, they will certainly understand very well what the 'butterfly effect' means."

Peter Butler said: "It sounds like this is a literary film."

"It depends on what your definition of a literary film is," Simon said. "If you think that apart from commercial films, all other movies are literary films, then it is. However, "Run Lola Run" will be a A really fun movie."

Peter Butler tentatively asked, "Can you reveal some details?"

Simon smiled and said, "You should have taken a photo of the heroine yesterday, right? I think that's enough. As for the content, if you're interested, I can leave you a movie ticket at Sundance. "

Peter Butler heard that Simon refused to disclose the details of the film, so he stopped asking. Keeping the plot secret before the film is released is something every filmmaker will do. He didn't expect too much, but nodded and said: "That's it. gone."

The two then chatted about some more things, had lunch, and saw Peter Butler off, and Simon returned to Fox Studios to continue editing work.

The subsequent two weeks of shooting also went smoothly thanks to sufficient and meticulous advance planning.

So until April 11th.


It was four o'clock in the afternoon outside Roger Griffin's supermarket on 25th Street in Santa Monica.

After completing the third shooting of the last scene, Simon turned off the camera and made an OK gesture to everyone while the crew was waiting breathlessly.

A busy month and a half is finally over.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. Along with low cheers, applause soon began to erupt from all around.

Simon handed the camera to the assistant director beside him, and hugged everyone one by one to express his gratitude.

Janet did not know where to take out a camera, motioned for everyone to gather at the entrance of the supermarket, handed the camera to the fat supermarket owner Roger Griffin, and also came up and squeezed beside Simon.

Roger Griffin searched for an angle with a smile, and quickly pressed the shutter.

The street was still closed at this time, and the crew couldn't be busy for too long. After taking group photos, they quickly started to clean up the scene.

Half an hour later, the streets resumed traffic.

In the evening, a wrap-up party was also prepared, and it was arranged at Simon's house. After everyone went back to clean up and take a rest, they would rush to his house.

As usual, Simon stayed until the end. After most people left, he walked into the supermarket that had resumed business soon, and handed a check to Roger Griffin, who was standing behind the checkout counter as a guest cashier.

Roger didn't write any ink, and put away the check neatly. Looking at Simon, the middle-aged fat man was still somewhat embarrassed, and said, "It's unbelievable. When I heard you were going to make a movie a few months ago, I thought you were just thinking about it." .”

"Sometimes people have to be a little whimsical," Simon said with a smile, "I have a party at my house tonight, Roger, are you coming?"

"I'm not free," Roger shook his head melancholy, and said with a look of busy schedule, "I still have to look at the store."

The two stood at the cash register and chatted for a while. Simon was about to leave, but unexpectedly saw Courteney Cox walking over from the store. The girl was still habitually holding a bunch of things with her bare hands.

Seeing Simon, Courteney's eyes flashed, but she still smiled and nodded at him, and went directly to the cashier here, saying hello, "Hi, Simon."

Simon also responded with a smile: "I still don't like using a cart?"

"It's troublesome," Courteney said when she heard Simon mentioning this, and said, "I saw you're making a movie here. How's the progress?"

Simon said: "Just closed the mirror."

Courtene took out the banknotes from her wallet, handed them to Roger, who glanced back and forth between the two, and said with a smile, "Oh, congratulations."

"What about you," Simon asked, "I heard that you participated in, um, a movie by Canon Pictures?"

""The Cosmic Giant Seaman"," Courteney said, putting everything into a convenience bag and holding it in her arms: "It should be pretty good, but it won't be released until next year's summer."

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