hunt hollywood

Page 18

Seeing Janet getting more and more excited as she spoke, Catherine had no choice but to step forward to hold her back and whisper a few words of persuasion before Janet followed Catherine and left on Simon's stretcher.

After the small conflict happened just now, the hospital did not dare to put everyone together in the emergency hall, and quickly allocated wards to accommodate Simon.

After being busy for more than two hours, Catherine and Janet finally sat on the side of Simon's bed.

Looking at Simon who still didn't wake up from the injection on the bed, Janet lay on the side of the bed with her chin propped up like a little girl, and said, "He's such a resistant guy, with so many injuries on his body, but his bones are fine. Then The five wastes are all comminuted fractures, the bones are all broken, our little boy is really strong, I heard that it will take several operations to recover, tsk tsk."

Catherine looked at Simon's sleeping profile, but she was not as optimistic as Janet.

Several hours have passed, and Simon still hasn't woken up, which is not a good sign.

Moreover, the doctor just told Catherine that although Simon's injuries on the surface were not serious, it was difficult to determine whether he would develop symptoms of internal bleeding because of too many attacks, and he would need to be hospitalized for at least a week of observation.

Seeing that Catherine didn't agree with her, Janet followed her gaze to look at Simon's face, and then said very thankfully, "Fortunately, he didn't hurt his face. The little boy is still so handsome."

Saying so, Janet stretched out her hand, touched Simon's face, and then slid under the sheet: "Wow, so strong."

Catherine stared over helplessly: "Jenny, can you stop making trouble?"

"Alright alright."

Janet shrank her neck, and withdrew her hand embarrassingly.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Catherine was no longer staring at herself, another small hand got in directly from the edge of the quilt.

Because of the embarrassing condition Simon was in when he was sent to the hospital, his clothes had been cut and discarded by the doctor.At this time, the boy only had a pair of temporary paper underwear on his body.

It's just that this time Janet's little hand just touched Simon's body, and suddenly felt a big hand tightly grasping her wrist.

Janet was taken aback, and screamed, and wanted to withdraw her hand, but brought Simon's entire arm directly.

It felt like her wrist was tightly clenched by a vise, and as she struggled, the strength became tighter and tighter, and Janet's face flushed with pain soon: "Wow, little boy, are you awake?" No? Let me go, it hurts so much, let go, or I will bite you, I will really bite. Uh-huh, Kate, come and help me, woo, it hurts!"

Catherine looked at the situation in front of her, and thought that Janet was playing a prank again, until her tears fell, and she quickly turned from the other side of the hospital bed.

After checking Simon's hand holding Janet, Catherine tried to break it, but found that her strength could not move even a single finger of Simon, so she turned to the boy on the hospital bed: "Simon, are you awake?" Do you? Let go of Jenny, it hurts."

Simon on the hospital bed did not respond, apparently not waking up.

Following the movement here, the doctors and nurses rushed over, and the two policemen who were still guarding the hospital also appeared in the ward.

The small ward suddenly became lively.

"Kate, woo, I might be dying. After you wake up, tell him that I will come to talk to him every night in the future. Woo, and tell my family, I'm not going back to Melbourne, I'm going to bury In LA, I love the sunshine here, woohoo."

"Doctor, can you think of a way?"

"Ma'am, please relax and don't struggle. This is the patient's stress response. The more you struggle, the tighter he clenches."

"When we found this kid, he was holding a baseball bat in his hand. That's what it looked like, and we managed to get the bat out of his hand."

"Oh, this is my hand, not a baseball bat."

After tossing around like this for a while, Simon didn't intend to let go of Janet's hand.

Seeing Janet's pear blossom and rainy appearance, Catherine turned to Simon again, suddenly remembered something, and raised her hand to everyone, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

Afterwards, Catherine came to the bed, leaned over to Simon's ear, and said softly, "Simon, can you hear me? I'm Catherine, you're safe, everyone is by your side, you're fine... "

Catherine murmured all kinds of comforting words very patiently, and everyone looked over quietly.

After several minutes of this, when Catherine stopped murmuring, everyone came to their senses, and Janet found that she had unknowingly escaped from Simon's 'claw'.

It's just that Janet's originally fair wrist has now turned into a section of carrot.

Following the doctor to check, Janet came back again with two ice packs in her hands, glared at Simon who was still sleeping, and was even more dissatisfied seeing Catherine sitting on the bedside and flipping through a magazine as if nothing had happened. : "Well, I should have bitten him just now, it's too hateful."

Catherine glanced up at her, and said with a smile, "It's not all your fault."

"Wow, you turned towards him, Kate, I'm jealous." Janet complained, seeing Catherine's unresponsive appearance, she "provoked" again: "I think this must be a violent madman in his bones, we should Get away from him."

"That's not true." Catherine shook her head, looked at the boy on the bed tenderly, and said with some pity, "He should, it's just that he feels too insecure."

Chapter 032 New gameplay

Scattered and broken dreams lasted a long time.

Watching a movie is like experiencing the lives of many people.

Someone is performing "Hamlet" on a small stage, and the role is the villain Claudius; someone is editing film in a dark room with an old-fashioned hand-cranked film cutter; someone is practicing the piano in a bright piano room, sitting next to A girl with an adoring face; occasionally there will be a small figure curled up in a corner in fear, closing her eyes and covering her ears, as if hiding from the whole world.

I even dreamed of the graduation ceremony that year, when someone was holding a guitar at the breakup meal, and everyone sang together.

The beginning of the beginning, we sing.

In the end, we are walking.

The most beloved you are like the scenery in a dream.

Said you will go after waking up, I believe


At the end of the song, many people burst into tears.


Fall into the world of mortals.

With too many people's memories, it's probably the same.However, it also seems impossible to find a second reference.

In the end, I was even a little confused, whether this was a dream or a memory.

don't like memories.

People who always recall the past have often lost hope for the future.The road ahead of me is so wide and so far away, it's not worth it.

So he woke up.

After a short period of confusion, the memories of last night flooded into his mind, and he immediately became vigilant, turning his head suddenly to look at the figure beside him.

Janet Johnston with fluffy blond hair was sitting by the bed, her posture was a little lazy, the small white bowl in her hand blocked most of her face, her blue eyes were round, and there was a faint The smell of porridge, the woman had obviously been drinking porridge just now.

Now, he should be frightened by the look in his eyes when he woke up.

The body is completely relaxed, and a little apologetic.

Noticing the purple circle on Janet's white arm holding the small bowl, she looked over and subconsciously made a joke: "So, this is a new popular game recently?"

Janet blinked her eyes a few times quickly, finally reacting from the cold eyes that made her feel her heart was squeezed hard just now.

Slowly put the porridge bowl on the side cabinet, and then reached out to smoke the pillow under Simon's head.Simon was a little confused, so he raised his head to cooperate.

Afterwards, the woman hugged the pillow and slammed him in the face.

bang -- bang -- bang --

", I will give you a new way to play, I will give you a new way to play, I will give you a new way to play."

After waking up, looking at the surrounding situation and the woman's tired appearance, Simon judged that Janet might have been busy all night because of him.Simon has always been grateful for those who are kind to him.

At this time, facing the woman's sudden outburst, Simon just turned his head sideways and allowed Janet to pat his head with a non-aggressive pillow a few times before begging for mercy: "My lord queen, please explain at least Shall we fight again?"

Hearing Simon's words, Janet's high-raised pillow stopped suddenly, and she re-stuffed the pillow to Simon indiscriminately, warning: "Don't call me Your Lady Queen, I hate this kind of address the most, I want to be called Jenny."

Simon had no choice but to nod, and raised his hand to rearrange the pillow on his own.


It seems that something is wrong, is it reversed?

Janet sat down on the bed again, and then stretched out her purple right wrist in front of Simon: "Look, little boy, you grabbed this last night. So, what are you going to do?"

Simon took a closer look and found that there were some handprints, but he didn't know what happened last night.

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the situation to make another joke, but when I noticed Janet's shining expectant eyes, and thought about this woman's crazy temper, Simon stopped immediately and replied seriously: "I'm so sorry, Janet, I'll treat you to dinner when I'm free. .And what about Catherine?"

"I was almost killed by you last night, just treat me to dinner, don't even think about it," Janet shook her head in dissatisfaction, and then explained: "Kate has guarded you all night, I just sent you She went to rest in my studio, you know, over there in Venice Beach. Also, I only got a little over three hours of sleep myself. Look how nice we are to you."

Simon said sincerely: "Thank you, Jenny, and Catherine."

Janet seemed to be nodding with satisfaction, picked up the small bowl she had just now, without using a spoon, and sipped it like a cat to her mouth, and then said: "So, what happened last night? Huh? Five legs, all with the most severe comminuted fractures, and you knocked out seven of the teeth of a guy, which is really miserable."

Feeling the faint pain from all over his body, Simon shook his head, looked at the ceiling in the ward, and said lightly, "I also want to know what's going on?"

Janet said: "The police have already questioned those five guys last night, but they didn't say anything, as if they wanted to communicate with the lawyer. By the way, my lawyer will come over later, a very powerful lawyer .Although those guys were beaten badly, they were the attackers, and the police last night were on our side, so we can still prosecute them.”

Simon just nodded: "Yeah."

Janet said casually, and finished the porridge in her bowl, then she seemed to think of Simon suddenly, and asked, "Hey, are you hungry? I made it up before I came here?"

Simon shook his head, feeling the state of his quilt, and turned his head to look around. This is a ward with a bathroom, so he said to Janet: "Jenny, can you go out for a while?"

Janet blinked suspiciously: "Why?"

Seeing that the woman was obviously pretending to be stupid, Simon had no choice but to point in the direction of the bathroom.

"Oh, that's not acceptable." Janet shook her head immediately, stood up with concern on her face and said, "You are seriously injured, let me help you."

Simon had already secretly felt his body just now. Apart from multiple pains, he didn't notice any inconvenience in moving his hands and feet.At this time, seeing Janet's serious appearance, Simon finally showed the same helpless expression as Catherine usually did.

Janet stood by, seeing Simon staring at her fixedly, without any intention of getting up, so she just smiled.He reached out and took a handbag from the side of the bed and put it next to Simon's bed, and said, "Well, I'm so stingy, I can't even look at it. If it wasn't for fear of you grabbing me suddenly, I would have seen it all just now. Your original clothes It was all thrown away, I just bought this. However, you are injured, so you can just wear shorts for the time being for the past two days."

After a few words like this, the woman left the ward reluctantly.

Chapter 033 Reconciliation

Because I live at my uncle's house, I get up early every morning, and today is no exception.

These days, after waking up, I always habitually jingle a few times on the piano in my cousin's room, knock out a string of notes of "Flight of the Bumblebee", and then run to help my aunt prepare breakfast.

Leave the room and walk to the kitchen as usual.

Uncle was sitting in the living room reading the newspaper, and when he noticed her coming out, he greeted casually: "Good morning, Jenny."

"Good morning, uncle," came to the kitchen, kissed my aunt affectionately on the face: "good morning, aunt."

"Morning," my aunt said with a smile, "I've been listening to you play the piano these days, are you interested in music again?"

Helping my aunt to divide the prepared salad, she shook her head and said, "No, did I disturb you?"

"Of course not. Lisa and Clark have both moved out. I wish there was more noise in the house."

"Hehe, isn't there Carl?"

"Carl is just too shy to be around people. By the way, is he up?"

"I didn't see it."

So my aunt told the uncle in the living room to wake up my little cousin Karl.

After being so busy for a while, the family of four sat around the dining room and began to eat breakfast.

The aunt poured the milk for her and handed it over, before asking the uncle opposite: "Who called this morning, so early?"

The uncle said: "Janet Johnston, a very important client, asked me to help her with a case."

"I remember that woman." The aunt thought for a while, and said, "I always feel that she is not normal."

"Is this your women's prejudice? Why didn't I feel it?"

The little cousin who was eating with his head down suddenly interrupted: "Dad, this shows that you are not normal."

She laughed suddenly.

The aunt pretended to be angry and knocked on the little cousin's head: "What about your father."

The uncle just smiled, but turned to her again: "Jenny, this is a very interesting case, come and take a look with me later."

She is studying at Yale Law School and will receive a Juris Doctor degree next year. She has already confirmed that she will do an internship in her uncle's firm. When she heard what her uncle said, she immediately nodded, "Okay."

After breakfast, I changed into a light gray women's professional suit with a check pattern, simply tied a ponytail, said goodbye to my aunt and cousin, and left the Bel Air community with my uncle by car.

On the way, my uncle told her the general situation of the case: "This incident happened in Santa Monica last night. Five young people beat up a boy who got off work from a convenience store. Jenny, guess what happened?"

Five hit one, what else?

She thought to herself, but she was also worried that she would represent those five bastards today.

The uncle noticed the change in her expression and could clearly read her thoughts, and said, "Jenny, if this is the case, it will be very difficult for you to become a qualified lawyer. However, we are representing the boy who was beaten today. "

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