hunt hollywood

Page 1037

Chapter 1227 I'mFired [One Update]

I'mFired [One more] Inside the headquarters building of the Samsung Group in Mugyo-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, less than two kilometers away from the Blue House.

It's six o'clock on a Monday afternoon.

At the end of another day of see-saw, Chen Qing sent away the Westeros system team, and signaled to Samsung Chairman Li Jianxi who also came to show up because of Chen Qing's attendance, Li Jianxi also waved away the negotiators on Samsung's side, and asked: " Miss Chen, what's the matter?"

Chen Qing looked at Li Jianxi who was on the opposite side of the wide conference table, and said in a serious tone: "President Li, my boss is looking at long-term interests, so I don't care about your intentional delay in this negotiation process for short-term interests. However, on December 12, This is the deadline, I hope you will remember?"

Anger and frustration flashed in Li Jianxi's heart, and he nodded slightly on the surface without showing any emotion: "Miss Chen, I understand."

"This is just a reminder," Chen Qing said, "There is another important matter. I have already talked with Chairman Zheng of Hyundai and Chairman Cui of SK today. This Wednesday, I hope that the three of you will announce the layoff plan together. The key to recovering from this crisis. They have all agreed, President Li, do you have a problem here?"

"Miss Chen, layoffs are a matter that needs to be carefully considered. It is related to the livelihood of many people. There are only two days. It is too hasty. We need to plan in detail."

"The planning can be done later, what I need is the opinions of the three of you," Chen Qing refused to give an inch, staring at the opposite head of Samsung: "President Li, in fact, your current delays are still related to the adjustment of the corporate structure." Everyone understands the reason for the delay in development. These thoughts are very low-level in my opinion, and my boss doesn’t even bother to care about you. Because these delays hinder your own development. The boss told me about his A personal experience. During the development of the Westeros system, he never struggled with these corners and corners, but kept moving forward at a fast pace. This is how the Westeros system is today. We have talked about more than With regard to the prospects of Hyundai, Samsung and SK under the support of the Westeros system, your doubts are understandable. However, it would be foolish to slow down your pace because of this. In the end, the boss has enough patience. But I didn't, so, President Li, Wednesday, can you?"

Feeling the aggressive and sharp eyes of the girl opposite, Li Jianxi, who has always been strong, felt a little dodge.

The two stalemate for a few seconds, and Li Jianxi finally compromised: "Okay."

"Very good." Chen Qing's cold and serious expression just now melted away instantly, and she smiled: "President Li, if there is no accident, I will return to China this weekend. That's right, my hometown is Suzhou. It just so happens that Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. The Chinese headquarters of Samsung Electronics is also in Suzhou, so how about sending a delegation to China this time, and discussing the expansion of Samsung Electronics' business in China, what do you think?"

Li Jianxi sighed inwardly, and said lightly: "You and Jin Qiu should discuss this matter."

Li Kunxi is talking about Jiang Jinqiu, the chairman of Samsung Electronics.

Li Jianxi can also understand why Chen Qing suddenly said this.

It seems contradictory to announce the layoff plan on the one hand and expand the business in China on the other hand.

Actually not.

Samsung Group’s next major layoffs, taking Samsung Electronics as an example, will mainly abolish Samsung Electronics’ local team and its product factories in South Korea. Not to mention the business that will be completely cut off, the products that are planned to be retained, such as TVs, mobile phones, etc. etc., the production line will be further transferred to countries and regions such as China and Southeast Asia in order to minimize costs.

Chen Qing's request was not only to attract investment for her hometown, but also to push the Samsung Group to start substantive structural adjustments as soon as possible.

When Chen Qing left with satisfaction, Li Jianxi was still sitting in the empty conference room.

Li Jianxi thought of last year.

On the heels of Simon Westeros' much-anticipated trip to China, he also visited China, and at a press conference at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, he publicly expressed his concerns about the overheating of the South Korean economy and his disapproval of the radical economic policies of the Kim Young-sam administration. dissatisfied.

After South Korea joined the OECD last year and was promoted to the rich country club, Kim Young-sam also put forward the slogan of entering the world's top five GDP in 2005.

Looking at it now, this slogan is simply a joke.

The result of Kim Young-sam's radical economic strategy is that South Korea, which has maintained a trade surplus for decades, has actually started to run a deficit in the past few years.In 1996 alone, South Korea's trade deficit reached 224 billion US dollars, thus consuming a large amount of South Korea's foreign exchange reserves.This is why when the financial turmoil came, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, the bottom three of the four Asian tigers, easily survived with their strong foreign exchange reserves. On the contrary, South Korea, the top of the list, almost fell into the abyss of destruction.

At this time, they were forced to sign a bailout agreement with the IMF, and the media and the public only clamored that South Korea had lost its economic sovereignty. However, most people did not know exactly what it contained.

Li Jianxi understood.

Even for the sake of the family foundation, Li Jianxi chose a person who knows current affairs as a hero, but as a Korean who also does not lack nationalism and patriotism, his heart is also painful.

Because the systemic risks hidden in the Korean economy were detected in advance, even if the Samsung Group had to follow the general trend to expand its debts, but before the crisis, even if the overall asset-liability ratio of the Samsung Group among the top ten chaebols exceeded 300%, it was actually very low. low standard.

If it were not for the clear sniping of the Westeros system, Samsung would not need to give up the fundamental control of Samsung Electronics, a group.

Now, Li Kunxi only hopes that the Westeros system can keep its promise and help him win Kia and let Samsung enter the car business smoothly.Moreover, he also made up his mind that even if Samsung Electronics is completely abandoned, the Lee family must firmly control the automobile business.

Two days after the conversation on Monday, on Wednesday, December 12, the three chaebols of Hyundai, Samsung, and SK simultaneously issued group restructuring announcements.

Of course no one is stupid enough to use the phrase 'layoff announcement' outright.

Just like Samsung.

The relevant report is titled "Samsung Group Management System Innovation Plan", and Lee Kun-hee also deliberately renamed his secretarial team as the 'Structural Adjustment Committee' for this purpose.

However, look at the content again.

The core of the innovation plan is that in 1998, Samsung Group will streamline 30% of its organizations and reduce 50% of corporate operating expenses.

There is no need to talk about other high-sounding or implicit clauses, but with these two items, everyone understands what the so-called innovation plan means.In the vernacular, the Samsung Group plans to lay off 1998% of its employees in 30 and initiate large-scale salary reduction measures to reduce the group's operating expenses by 50%.

The entire Samsung Group, including Samsung Electronics, Samsung Life, Samsung C&T, Samsung Motors and other subsidiaries, has a total of 13 employees, of which Samsung Electronics alone has 5.8 people, nearly half.

A 30% layoff means that 4 people will lose their jobs in the next year.

Behind 4 people, there are 4 families.

Even the lucky employees who stay will face a substantial salary cut.

In addition, Hyundai and SK, the proportion of planned layoffs in the announcement is similar to that of Samsung, both of which are around 30%.

Even if a large number of South Korean companies have closed down in the past year, the current unemployment rate in South Korea is only 6.1%.It is hard to imagine what the situation in South Korea would be like if all companies followed Samsung, Hyundai and other giants to lay off employees on the same scale, so that the overall unemployment rate in this country reached 30%.

You must know that the unemployment rate in Eastern European countries whose economies have completely collapsed is about 30%.

Therefore, as soon as the announcement of the three companies was released, it immediately aroused criticism from many media, and the Blue House and several presidential candidates also expressed strong concern about this matter.

After all, it doesn't help.

With the influence of the three chaebols, the announcement of the so-called 'institutional innovation' or 'structural adjustment' will inevitably lead to an inevitable herd effect.

I was worried about the pressure of public opinion before. Even though the IMF agreement has lifted the ban on large-scale layoffs in enterprises, many companies did not dare to lay off employees in a big way after all. Now, giants such as Hyundai, Samsung, and SK have taken the lead in doing so. What scruples?

As a result, countless companies began to follow suit overnight.

By Friday, unemployed people had once again gathered in front of the Blue House. This time, the demonstrators did not attack in vain the employer that abolished themselves, but once again pointed their finger at the IMF. Some people even pulled out very "creative" The banner reinterpreted the IMF as 'ImFired' to express dissatisfaction.

Unfortunately, this is still just the beginning.

Chapter 1278 Returning the Pearl and Issuing 【Second Update】

Workaholism can be a disease.

This is a feeling shared by the two attendants, Gu Yu and Ding Xiaomeng, beside Ren Jingxi.

It's Friday, September 12th.


After half a year of ups and downs, the Asian financial turmoil seems to have died down after South Korea and the IMF signed a rescue agreement.On the domestic side, apart from the thrilling Hong Kong financial defense battle, even the renminbi has inevitably depreciated by 11% over the past few months, and the exchange rate against the US dollar fell from 8.3 in the first half of the year to 9.2.

Both the official and the media say that this is a good thing. A proper devaluation of the renminbi can increase the competitiveness of exports, especially when the currencies of Southeast Asian countries generally plummet.

Except for the news that makes people feel turbulent, the lives of ordinary people have really not been affected.

Ren Jingxi is the one who is least affected.

Even though the two servants of the Wei family followed her and watched the master read the relevant news every day, they still tightly focused on their own when doing things.The post-production and release, the preliminary preparations, the casting of the cast, and, some time ago, the adaptation rights of a reality show were negotiated from the United States.

The headquarters of Jinshu Media, south of Beijing Normal University, Haidian District.

In order to save money and convenience, Ren Jingxi still hasn't found an office space for his Huanzhu film and television company, but only occupied two offices here in Jinshu, and he will also work here in the later stage.

Today is the last advertising investment link before the broadcast.

Same here.

The feelings of the two attendants, Gu Yu and Ding Xiaomeng, also came from this.

As for the release, because it is backed by Jinshu Media, which has produced a series of popular film and television projects this year, and after watching the samples, everyone thinks it is very good. Many TV stations including CCTV have expressed interest, and all parties have also given feedback. A series of cooperation plans, some hope to directly buy out the copyright, some jointly want to obtain two years of exclusive broadcasting rights, some pay cash, some give advertising time, and so on.

A certain stingy girl forcibly lowered the 600 million budget given by her boss to 450 million. In the end, the 26-episode TV series and the prices given by various TV stations can basically make a profit, nothing more than earning more and earning less.

If it is someone else, they will definitely choose a plan that is more secure in all aspects and not too much thought.

Just like the two-year exclusive broadcast rights plan jointly offered by the four provinces and TV stations of Beijing, Shandong, Jiangsu, and Guangdong that have previously cooperated on the Internet, the four companies jointly offer 35 per episode, and as long as they are willing, they will directly receive 910 million. , Earn 460 million when you get it, more than 100% profit, how great.

Several other senior executives of Jinshu persuaded Ren Jingxi to agree.

After all, this is a costume drama with an original cast and no bright spots. It cannot be compared with the popular actors and the IP 'Kangxi'. Therefore, the prices given by the three companies are already very sincere.

Ren Jingxi still did not agree.

The most thought-provoking option was chosen.

Advertising slot swap.

The process is that after some negotiations, we first reached an advertising time trading agreement with Beijing, Shandong, Jiangsu, and Guangdong, and only sold the first round of premiere rights.In the end, I got a 3-minute advertisement for each episode, and then I contacted the advertising company myself to attract investment for the corresponding advertising time.

In this part, Ren Jingxi was still not worried, and signed a complicated advertising plan with various manufacturers who were interested in advertising.

After negotiating for a week, a certain woman made a group of advertisers lose their temper, and today the agreement was officially signed.

Of course, Gu Yu and Ding Xiaomeng, who followed up the whole process, knew the content of the final agreement.

According to the agreement, regardless of the details, the overall calculation shows that the minimum guarantee for each episode is about 15, and the total income is 390 million, which is still a shortfall of 60.As for the floating agreement signed by Ren Jingxi and various manufacturers, the provincial ratings of the four provincial stations need to exceed 15% before they can be added. For every 1% increase in ratings, each episode can get 5000 yuan from each manufacturer. additional payment.

The ratings are based on the data released by CCTV Sofry Ratings Research Company, which has recently started operation.

It is probably to reach the 20% viewership level that has already been counted as a hit, and the additional part can make up for the 60 shortfall.Going higher, the audience rating reaches 20% or more before it can be considered profitable.However, even if it reaches an average rating of about 45%, it will only add 15 per episode.It is equivalent to a total of 30 per episode, which is still not as good as the 35 that the four companies bought out for two years.

Of course, because only the first round of broadcasting rights were sold, if the super-high ratings level of the annual crown can be achieved, even if the price of the first round of broadcasting rights for the second and third rounds is offered, someone will grab them, and the subsequent profits may be even higher than .

The point is, how is it possible?

In 1997, the total number of domestically produced and imported TV dramas reached more than 300. This year will soon pass, and none of them has surpassed it. I don’t know where it came from.

The two of Gu Yu think, if it is not for a certain woman with a pretty face, well, it seems that she has a relatively background, otherwise, neither the TV station nor the advertiser would want to do this business.

Too much trouble.

It's not easy to pick and choose.

As for Ren Jingxi, since he only sold the rights to broadcast the first round, next, unless the ratings of this show are too low to be watched, he will continue to sell the second and third rounds, and there will be a lot of trouble.

Gu Yu and the two could only follow suit.


The reason why Ren Jingxi chose to make such a fuss was mainly because of his confidence in that man.

Because of Simon's instructions, Ren Jingxi has never told anyone about the inside story of a certain man providing the idea, and he has no intention of using the other party's name to promote the film's release. However, since he came up with the idea, Ren Jingxi feels that , but the name Simon Westeros had to be tossed about by her.

Otherwise, if the man had only given her 600 million to do whatever she wanted without any other suggestions, even if Ren Jingxi would still choose the floating payment strategy in order to gain more possibilities, she would definitely not be so penny-pinching.

After the agreement was signed, it was close to the end of get off work time. Ren Jingxi still had no intention of leaving get off work after sending off the manufacturer's representative. Instead, he turned to Jinshu's audiovisual publishing department to check the production status of the original soundtrack album.

Both Gu Yu and Ding Xiaomeng had no complaints about this matter.

Because the series of theme songs in the movie are really excellent, no matter if the opening title is a bit weird or the ending, or waiting for a few episodes, not only the two of them who are close to the water feel amazing after hearing it, but also the TV stations or advertisers who recently negotiated Representatives, also think that several theme songs in this play are very eye-catching.

The weather in Beijing in winter is very short.

At the end of the day's work, Ding Xiaomeng drove Ren Jingxi away from Jinshu's headquarters, and the city was already in full bloom.

Gu Yu and Ding Xiaomeng were sitting in the front row of the car, while Ren Jingxi, who was alone in the back row, was still not idle, racing against time to flip through a copy of the promotion plan.

The broadcast time confirmed by the four TV stations is December 12nd and November 22rd in the lunar calendar. There are two episodes a day from Monday to Friday. This is the best period of time, and this is the result of Ren Jingxi almost trying to show who my man is so and so.

Publicity is important.

This is the experience that Ren Jingxi has continuously learned from the Western media industry. Therefore, until the start of the broadcast, in addition to the official publicity notices of the four TV stations, Ren Jingxi will also arrange a group of main creators to carry out other kinds of publicity. Another 30 yuan will be taken out of the remaining funds as operating expenses.

After all, it is different from the West. The TV station’s trailer promotion is free of charge, and the same is true for participating in some variety shows.

As for other advertisements that cost money, Ren Jingxi didn't plan to do it.

The main thing is to use the free resources in hand, such as the fashion media group under the China National Tourism Administration invested by the Westeros system. After cooperating with American magazines this year, it also launched several magazines related to film and television, travel and furniture. .

Since it's my own, it's definitely no problem to arrange for a few girls who look like flowers to appear on the cover of the magazine and at least get an exclusive interview.

In addition, there are some film and television industry activities at the end of the year.

This year's 17th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards and the corresponding Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival will be held from December 12th to December 12th. Ren Jingxi also plans to arrange for those young people to show their faces. She has already contacted and is basically determined to fight for it. Go to an award-presenting guest seat, and then let the Little Tigers, who are somewhat famous in the mainland and starring in the show, go up, and then arrange some press releases.

and so on.

Calculated, another 30 investment is more than enough.

Even, even if you don't spend a penny, the follow-up can go smoothly.However, although Ren Jingxi was considered stingy by the people around her, she actually firmly remembered what the man said to her, that the money that should be spent must be spent.

Writing and drawing to supplement the publicity plan in his hand, before he knew it, the black Mercedes had already driven into an underground parking lot.

This time it was not Ren Jingxi's residence in Huaqing Jiayuan Community next to Tsinghua University, but the mansion in Nanluoguxiang.

Mo Wuling took the initiative to invite her to dinner, and asked her to help read the script he was writing.

It is almost certain to stay here tonight.

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