hunt hollywood

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Now, taking advantage of the opportunity of Matthew not liking Simon to kick him out, he can just ask his trusted screenwriter to do it.

Chapter 018 I Disagree (Revised)

Jonathan Friedman trudged back to his office.

Pushing open the door, seeing Simon stand up and turn to himself, he cheered up and nodded towards him, then turned back to his desk and sat down, then looked at the boy across from him again.

Simon noticed the strong dejection on the manager's body and the guilt in his eyes, so he gave up his original plan to question the other party, and his tone was still concerned: "Joe, what happened?"

Jonathan moved his lips, felt Simon's bright eyes, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Simon, it's like this, Matthew doesn't want to cooperate with you, so Mr. Broca hopes that you can completely withdraw from "" The Butterfly Effect project."

When Simon heard this, his expression didn't change much, and he asked calmly, "So, Joe, what do you mean?"

Jonathan dodged Simon's gaze slightly, and said in a slow tone: "Simon, this time, I hope you can agree. However, I assure you that I will try my best to make up for you when I have a chance in the future. By the way, Aren't you planning to make an experimental film? If you need anything, you can tell me later. If you don't have enough money, I can lend you some in private."

Hearing these words from the agent, Simon's originally tense body gradually relaxed, put the script he had been holding in his hand on the desk in front of him, looked at the agent seriously, and said, "Joe, you should Know how bad this contract is. So, can you tell me, what happened?"

Jonathan looked at the contract that Simon pushed a little towards him, but he still didn't reach out to take it after all.

After a moment of silence, Jonathan said: "Simon, did I tell you before? I hope to make this movie a package project."

Simon nodded, but didn't speak.

Jonathan paused for a moment, took a look at Simon, and said, "Judging from the contact during this period, I think you are clear about many things in Hollywood now. C's operation strategy through project packaging has already threatened our company. Status in Hollywood. Some time ago, many of WMA’s top stars jumped to C. Therefore, in order to avoid being so passive, WMA also intends to follow C’s business model. Your "Butterfly Effect" happened to be launched by us First packaged project."

Simon quickly weaved everything he had just experienced and many clues in these days in his mind, and continued with a wry smile: "Very unsuccessful, right?"

Although he didn't want to admit it, Jonathan nodded and said: "C's packaging strategy not only leads to higher and higher budget costs for the studio, but also deprives a large part of the power that originally belonged to the film and television production company. The current scale of WMA is still the same. It is several times larger than C, and if the packaged operation model is also implemented, the studio’s voice in front of the brokerage company will become less and less. Therefore, several major film companies have joined forces to disrupt this project.”

Simon looked at the draft contract with Fox that was still in front of him, but didn't ask what was going on.

Although the major Hollywood film companies often agree on some things because of some common interests, in the final analysis, they are still competitors.What's more, considering the content of this contract, Simon didn't think Fox was too generous in agreeing to take over the package project of WMA.

His thoughts were running fast, thinking of Norman Broca who had just appeared, Simon raised his head, looked at the agent opposite him again, and tentatively said with some certainty: "Joe, I suddenly feel that Mr. Broca should not Hope this project is too successful?"

With WMA's strong background still far surpassing C, if this company is determined to forcibly promote this project, several major Hollywood film companies will definitely be the party that compromises in the end.

After all, C has successfully promoted the packaging model. Even though major studios are very reluctant, under the strong pressure of WMA, it is actually not that difficult to accept it.

However, judging from the content of the stingy contract just now, WMA is obviously the one who made the compromise, and it still compromised at the expense of the interests of its own customers.

Jonathan was obviously stunned when he heard Simon's words. He didn't expect Simon's intuition to be so keen.

However, after a while, a bitter smile appeared on Jonathan's face, and he finally nodded slightly.Of course, he didn't explain anything to Simon.After all, it is not a glorious thing for a young man who has just turned [-] to see through the power struggle within the company.

Seeing that Jonathan had acquiesced in this matter, Simon thought of the depression that had been permeating the agent since the meeting today, thought for a while, and said: "Joe, since everyone does not want to see this project succeed, then, do you think it is still a good idea?" Is it necessary to continue? Judging from the contract in front of me, Brian's salary should also be very demanding."

"Simon, you don't understand," Jonathan shook his head. He had unknowingly stopped treating Simon as a teenager who had just turned [-], and explained patiently: "I just said that "Butterfly Effect" just happened to be the WMA The first package project, a lot of people in Hollywood are staring. Therefore, if the first attempt fails, it will become more difficult for WMA to promote this operation strategy again. So, even if it is not successful, Norman and the others will not allow this project to fail completely. Otherwise..."

Jonathan said this, but did not continue.Pausing for a moment, looking at the energetic young man on the opposite side, he suddenly changed the subject again, with a bit of vicissitudes in his tone, and said: "Simon, do you know? I joined WMA at the age of 19, and I am 46 years old this year. 27 years old , to get to where we are now. The process is not easy.”

In fact, what Jonathan has not said is that although he has been promoted to vice president, he has not yet been given any incumbent powers. The WMA board of directors has been discussing this matter during this time.

He came up with the idea of ​​making "Butterfly Effect" into a packaged project, also in order to give himself some leverage in the process of power allocation.

However, what he didn't expect was that the current project had completely plunged him into a dilemma.

It is completely impossible to do well.

But if he messes up, even if the vice president position he just won is not revoked, it is likely to be put on the sidelines, leaving only an empty title.Even, he wasn't sure if the old men in the company who were very good at power struggle would kick him out of WMA directly.

Therefore, from yesterday afternoon to now, Jonathan actually had the urge to give up this project more than once in his heart.But he endured it after all, and even had to deliberately accommodate various demands from his immediate boss, Norman Broca.

Feeling the understanding look in Jonathan's eyes, Simon nodded sincerely and said, "Joe, I actually understand."

Simon can really understand Jonathan's difficulty.

As the oldest agency in Hollywood, WMA has been in operation for nearly a century. The internal system has long been very rigid, and the change of power is completely based on seniority, and it is very slow.

In the first half of the year, the three helmsmen of WMA who passed away one after another were actually old men in their 80s and [-]s.These people are like the ancient emperors who were unwilling to completely let go of the power in their hands until they died of old age.

In such an enterprise, even if there is no lack of personal strength and network support, it is extremely difficult for a person to reach a high position.

It is precisely because of this that people such as Michael Ovitz, who could not see any upward channels at all, chose to leave WMA to establish their own.

Not all have the courage of people like Michael Ovitz, though.

What's more, if it is not lucky to create a more advanced packaged operation model, the former C may also disappear in obscurity like many other brokerage companies that have tried to challenge the authority of WMA in this century.

Simon in his previous life also stepped up from the bottom to the position of director step by step.

Therefore, he can deeply understand the weakness and helplessness of a single individual in a highly competitive company or industry, facing the constraints of rules.

Bystanders always wonder why the people in the game don't resist injustice, why do they compromise?Even if you can't do this, why don't you just jump out of this circle?

Naively, they don't know what kind of disaster a person will fall into if they don't have enough strength to challenge the rules.

Feeling Simon's understanding eyes, Jonathan's inner frustration dissipated a little.

However, looking at the contract on the table, Jonathan sighed again in his heart, but he still had to continue: "So, Simon, about this contract?"

Simon weighed in for a moment, and didn't answer Jonathan's question directly. Instead, he looked at his agent and asked seriously: "Joe, if you don't consider other factors, do you still want this project to continue?"

Jonathan's eyes flashed, he realized something, hesitated a little, and finally said: "I don't want to, in fact, I would rather not have the idea of ​​making this script into a package project at all."

"Then, this matter is actually easy to settle," Simon relaxed and leaned back on the chair behind him, shaking his head, and said firmly, "So, I don't agree."

Jonathan immediately understood Simon's intentions.

The script of "The Butterfly Effect" still belonged to Simon after all. If the boy did not accept the contract in front of him, the whole project would not be able to continue anyway.

Moreover, Simon rejected the contract with great fanfare, causing the project to abort.Well, as long as he handles it properly, although some twists and turns are inevitable after all, he can largely shift the responsibility for the failure of the project to Simon.

Jonathan even conceived some rhetoric in a split second.

What can I do for a stunned young man who doesn't like oil and salt?

However, Simon is doomed to face a lot of pressure in the future by doing so.After all, it is quite easy for Hollywood's largest talent agency to take care of a fledgling screenwriter.

However, for this talented young man, Jonathan instinctively did not want him to fall into this situation

Thinking of this, Jonathan stood up from the leather chair, looked at the boy in front of him and urged him eagerly, "Simon, you'd better not do this. Really, even if it's for your own sake."

Simon shook his head firmly again, stood up as well, and said, "Joe, I know it's not easy for you to come to this point, but I also have my own persistence. You must know that a person cannot live without his own persistence. So, that's all I can do to help you. Tell those people, I don't agree. Then, it's over."

After Simon finished speaking, he nodded to Jonathan again, turned around and walked towards the office door.

Opening the door, Simon stopped again, turned his head and looked at the agent who was still standing on the spot again, and said: "Also, Joe, if possible, I hope to terminate the agency contract with you in the next few days, I miss you Surely you won’t care about the liquidated damages? Of course, if it doesn’t work, I will think of other ways.”

Watching Simon leave, Jonathan stood silently for a long time, repeating what Simon said just now in his mind.

A person cannot live without his own persistence.

these years.

For so many years.

How much persistence is left for the young man who was also full of longing for the future.

Is it worth insisting on?

Sitting down again, Jonathan propped his hands on the table, feeling a long-lost tremor in his limbs, mixed with fear of the future and fearlessness.These emotions were like burning flames, dispelling all the frustration and depression that had accumulated in him since yesterday afternoon.

Finally, taking a deep breath, Jonathan Friedman picked up the receiver, dialed the landline in Norman Broca's office, dialed and said directly: "Norman, I have thought about it, "The Butterfly Effect "Let's stop here for this project, I can't treat my client like that."

After saying this, Jonathan hung up the phone without waiting for Norman Broca to respond.

Ignoring the ringing of the landline that had rang again in a blink of an eye, Jonathan opened the safe at his feet, organized the address book, memos and other documents that were very important for an agent and stuffed them into his briefcase, hurriedly Left the WMA headquarters.

Jonathan made this move, not intending to leave WMA directly.

In any case, as long as he can stay, he will still choose to stay.After all, this company has all kinds of relationships and connections that I have run for more than 20 years.

However, now that he has made the call just now, Jonathan is also prepared for the worst.

Although the decision of the board of directors is needed to change his position, Jonathan dare not take the risk of thinking that Norman Broca will not forcibly turn his face.

However, as long as these things in the briefcase are taken out of the company and a perfect backup is made, even if he has to face the worst situation of being kicked out of the company, he can pull many people to change jobs together.

With the client resources accumulated in the hands of these years, neither C nor ICM will reject themselves, and even if they set up their own brokerage company alone, there is no problem.

Chapter 019

Jonathan Friedman had clearly explained to Simon all the related entanglements involved in the entire project. After rejecting the contract, Simon could have a premonition that he would have a very difficult road ahead.

How could the largest talent agency in Hollywood ever let itself go by screwing up the first project WMA was trying to turn around.With WMA's century-old history of horror in Hollywood, if the other party wants to clean up himself, perhaps just a phone call is enough to make it difficult for him, a young screenwriter who has just debuted, to move forward in Hollywood.

However, Simon has no regrets about the decision he made.

He had already experienced too much in his previous life, and Simon didn't want his life to be compromised from the very beginning.

Back in Santa Monica, Simon still continued his life rhythm step by step.

These days, Simon has begun to try to plan the specific shooting details of "Run Lola Run", and he has not changed his plan because of the accident in the morning.

Spending an afternoon, Simon visited several film equipment rental companies in downtown Santa Monica, inquired in detail about the rental prices of various types of shooting equipment needed for the filming of "Run Lola Run", and took notes carefully.

At 5 p.m., Simon returns to the motel, eats, showers, and sleeps.At 10:50 in the middle of the night, I arrived at the Griffin supermarket on time and started the overnight shift.

The next morning, Simon called Jonathan's office again, hoping to make an appointment for the next meeting.

To Simon's surprise, no one answered the phone.

After several consecutive calls to no avail, Simon planned to go to the WMA again, but Jonathan's assistant, Owen Wright, drove over in person.

The hurried Owen Wright told Simon that Jonathan had completely given up on the "Butterfly Effect" packaging project and had already flown to the WMA headquarters in New York yesterday afternoon. He also hoped that Simon could wait patiently for a few days. Jonathan still hoped to continue to be his agent.

Owen Wright, who was obviously going to visit other clients, had a brief chat with Simon before leaving. Although Simon felt a kind of joy and surprise in his heart, he was not too surprised by Jonathan's decision.

The manager, who was in an extremely depressed state yesterday, is obviously like a spring that has been suppressed to the extreme.Simon didn't know how much Jonathan's rebound had something to do with him, but as long as the manager didn't completely lose his 'resilience', it would almost be a matter of time before he broke out.


WMA was first established in New York, and later developed to Los Angeles.

Since the 50s, with the rapid rise of the American TV industry and the 20-year silence of Hollywood movies, the focus of WMA's work has always been on the East Coast.Even now, although the Hollywood film industry has begun to recover and the center of gravity of the American media industry has once again moved westward, the core executives of WMA are still sticking to New York.

Manhattan, in a building next to Madison Square Garden on 25th Street, where the WMA headquarters is located.

When Simon and Owen Wright met, it was almost noon in New York on the east coast.

At this time, in a conference room at the WMA headquarters, the quarrel that lasted for a whole morning was still going on.

After Jonathan Friedman made up his mind yesterday and prepared himself for a way out, he flew to New York in a hurry.In any case, after all, he didn't want to give up everything he had accumulated in the WMA for more than 20 years, so he decided to preemptively seek the support of WMA's top management.

Norman Broca's various biased behaviors in the process of handling the "Butterfly Effect" project also gave him enough reason to do so.

Suddenly hearing that Jonathan Friedman planned to completely abandon "The Butterfly Effect", Norman Broca was almost furious. The entire management of WMA has reached a tacit agreement on this matter, and it is impossible for Jonathan not to know about this package. What kind of consequences will the WMA cause if the attempt fails, he dares to do this!

Calling back to no avail, Norman Broca rushed to Jonathan's office in person, only to learn that Jonathan had left the company.

Angrily, Norman Broca simply asked the security guards to seal up Jonathan's office, and even drove Owen Wright out of the company.

Since you leave like this, don't come back.

Until the evening, Norman Broca, whose anger had not dissipated in the slightest, suddenly received a call from New York and learned that Jonathan Friedman had actually flown to the East Coast.Quickly figuring out what the other party was going to do, Norman Broca chased him to New York overnight without any hesitation.

When we arrived in Manhattan, it was already 2 o'clock in the morning on the East Coast.

The two executives at the West Coast headquarters had such a big conflict, and the entire WMA management was naturally alarmed very quickly.

So, this morning, WMA chairman Lou Weiss, company CEO Lee Stevens and other board members all rushed to the company headquarters.

A whole morning of quarrels ensued.

Although Jonathan Friedman always has a gentle appearance when facing clients, he also has a strong side.

In the face of the big bosses of the company, Jonathan mercilessly accused Norman Broca of being weak in compromising with only a little pressure on the studio, and also criticized the other party for considering only himself in the details of follow-up cooperation The selfishness of interests.

Norman Broca naturally fought back, claiming that he was really considering the WMA by implementing the company's first packaged project as soon as possible.

As for the clients who favored him in the contract, Norman Broca didn't think there was anything wrong with his decision.

Counting "War Game", which ranked No.1983 in the North American box office in 5, and "Skipping School Genius", which is also expected to earn more than 7000 million US dollars at the box office this year and squeeze into the annual list, it has only debuted for four years. Matthew Broderick It already has two top ten films at the North American box office.

Such a movie star who is expected to become the next Tom Cruise is not wrong for the company to make any tilt in resources.

Norman Broca has entered the company with the help of his uncle who is the vice president of WMA since he was 15 years old. After decades of accumulation of contacts, most members of the company's board of directors are almost on his side.

However, Jonathan Friedman's backer happens to be Lou Weiss, the chairman of WMA, and his strength should not be underestimated.

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