HP:a Nord in Hogwarts

Chapter 1: A Reincarnation, or maybe not?

"Where am I" 


As I open my eyes those are the first words that come to my mind, around me nothing but empty white space as far as my eyes could see. 


"And how the hell did I get here in the first place" 


Before I could further question the absurdity of my current situation, or perhaps devolve into a fit of panic and madness, a man with brown hair, a simple face with a stubble beard and dressed in a simple navy-blue suit, same-colored pants and a white shirt appears before me. 


'Appears? Or did he manifest? Never mind, not the priority right now. First find out what the hell is going on, speculating about whatever the hell he is can come later' 


Oh, how I would regret that decision if I could 


"You died" the man answers my question before could repeat it "and I am the person in charge of your reincarnation, pleasure to meet you, my name is Marcus" the man continues as he shakes my hand in a friendly greeting 


'Huh, at least he is nice, but...' "how did I die" I ask the question that came to mind immediately after marcel confirmed my death, you see I, for the life of me or afterlife I guess, can't remember. 


Marcus makes a pained expression, almost as if he is forced to do something he hates "I can tell you, but then I would not be allowed to continue your reincarnation, company policy I'mafraid. Would you still like to know?" he tells me with an apologetic voice, clearly the man didn't like the situation either. But I could understand him, company orders and all that. 


"No, it's fine, so what now?" 


"Now" Marcus says with a theatric gesture to a screen appearing beside him "you get to choose the details of your reincarnation.You will be reincarnated into the world of HP. No choosing that I'm afraid, but in what body you reincarnate is a different matter." 


On the screen I see a list of familiar people, most male but some female under them, besides them a description. It takes a moment or two however, before I notice why exactly thosepeople seem so familiar "Those are my characters from different games" I turn to Marcus in surprise 


He nodes sagely "yes that is correct, now before you get your hopes up, you will not have any system. Instead, you will get a lore friendly version of your character and his abilities, that includes things like knowledge, abilities and everything that makes that character who he or she is" 


A bit of a letdown, but I suppose I could work with that. Going through the list I think about what I will need in HP, magic is a given, so every character incapable of that is out as a default. After some sorting and excluding, I find one that might work: A character I made in Baldur's gate 3. he has magic, is fully levelled and unlike most games his spells are quite versatile. I was honestly wishing I played Hogwarts legacy at some point, then I'd have a character with guaranteed compatibility with the world I was going to, but wishes and regret won't change anything, so onwards I go. Just as I was going to finalize my decision I notice something. 


A character that I overlooked because he was not magic focused, but upon closer inspection... a manic grin started spreading on my face "hey, you said a lore friendly version is what I would be given, right?" I ask Marcus, who was still patiently waiting for my decision 


"yes, that is correct" 


"Does that mean my abilities would get weakened if, let's say, Ihad a 100% buff I got with a small glitch, would that still be converted to my new body?" a bubbling feeling was spreading in my stomach as I was waiting for my answer. Seconds seemed to stretch into hours until finally I he answered 


"No, it would not get weakened in this specific case" 


It was the answer I hoped for. The character, a Skyrim Nord who was currently standing Infront of me with a large twohanded sword in his hands, was not what I was originally searching for. Skyrim had few spells not meant for combat, and this character wasn't even a magician Instead specializing in two handed melee. 


He still knew a few spells, most notably the transmute spell I was going to take full advantage of in a world where gold is the main currency. But it's something else that got me sold on this particular character. Something I achieved with some creative use of potions and the Atronach stone. Well, at least creative of whoever came up with it, I just saw it on a video. 


A 100% absorption rate to magic, making me immune to all magic and elemental damage. And also sicknesses because they for some reason also got classified as magic in the game. In the world of hp this essentially just means I got immunity to whatever Voldy or anyone else throws at me. Combine that with a Lore accurate Dovahkiin and I'm set. 


Of course, it also came at the disadvantage of zero magic regeneration. But since I could just sit in a fire for a couple of minutes to solve that problem, I was not worried. 


I just marveled at the beast of a man now full sized Infront of me. At 2.20m of muscle and flesh he gave me a very distinct impression of 'I could squash your skull in my hand' that I rather not personally explore in more detail. 


He had blonde hair, icy blue eyes and long hair. With a thick beard that would have taken years to grow, and rugged looking face with a scar over his left eye. 


"Have you made your choice" the questioning voice of Marcus brings me back out of my musing and reminds me I still had something to do 


I turn around and give him a bright smile "yes, I choose this guy" 


"Very well" he nodded sagely "however I feel obliged to inform you that, due to his unique race, your soul would be modified to fit the character as a dragonborn" 


Well, it was something I had expected. I was not exactly fond of the idea of having my soul modified but so far Marcus was only kind to me, and he has no reason to harm me so I agreed 


"Alright then" he flashes me a smile "would you like your look to be purely your character, or a mix of it and your old looks. In any case you would naturally be rejuvenated to a fitting age to attend Hogwarts" 


I needed not to think, I was never good looking, I wasn't ugly per se, but definitely not attractive either. My character on the other hand, I gave another look at the huge blond warrior, yea the choice was obvious "I will go with his looks, nothing of mine in the mix" 


Marcus gave me a kind, understanding smile "very well, then are you ready to embark on your new life" he asked me as a swirling portal appeared besides him 


I hesitated, I had already gotten so much from him but there was one thing I still wanted, one thing I needed to ask for because I knew I'd regret it if I didn't. 


Oh, if I only had shut my mouth 


"Can I have the ability to adapt the magic of HP into my own magic from The Elder Scrolls" 

I knew I was asking for much. The conditions of my reincarnation where clear from the beginning. But if there was any chance, Ihad to take it. 


Marcus looked at me in surprise and fell into a contemplative state. He seemed to think about something, before making up his mind and saying "there is a way, I could grant it to you as a boon, however it would come at a cost of a disadvantage of my choosing" 


Well, that's much better than I feared, "what would that disadvantage be exactly" 


"I am afraid I cannot divulge beforehand, should you accept, then I would tell you before you embark on your journey" 


AN: Would you accept? 


I did not like to take an Unknown card, but he said dealers' choice and so far, he was only nice to me. And as I said earlier, he has no reason to cause me harm. Thus, in the end, I accepted. 


Marcus gave me a final nod "very well, then it is final. Now for your Disadvantage" an evil smile suddenly crept across the man's face, the until now entirely white room suddenly filled with whisps of shadows around him as a foreboding feeling of dread creeps up my spine "you shall have no knowledge, not of the HP universe, nor of your life before reincarnation, with this there shall be nothing left of you as your soul, your body and your memories will be replaced by another's" 


I wanted to scream, to tell him that i wanted to take the deal back, to stop what was happening but I couldn't, I could only watch as with a wave of his hand I flew through the swirling portal and lost consciousness, coursing him and my own naivety in my last moments. 

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