HP X LOTM : Please Call Me Mr. Error.

Chapter 457: Untold Betrayal!

Walking up to classrooms 2-21, Loki walked up to the only couch that was there as a remnant from the time Loki ran a fortune-telling booth in the same room.

'There's someone else working? This late? Mione?' Loki was too tired to care and so he collapsed onto the couch and soon fell asleep, only to be woken up what felt like only a few seconds later by Hermione poking him with her wand.

"Loki wake up! It's time!"

Loki's eyes flickered as he almost felt like he'd dreamt himself awake.

He looked around for a few seconds before his eyes landed on the batch of newspapers that filled the room.

And as soon as they landed on the paper, Loki's eyes widened as a wide smile crept up onto his face.

"You've got to be kidding me!!!! I can't believe that you finished the articles before the end of the week, Mione! Nice job!!!! We couldn't even finish the main article we had planned!"

Hermione pouted with a frown as she fidgeted with her wand.

"Are you sure we should do this Loki? You know it would get us on everyone's bad side don't you?"

"Bah~!" Loki exclaimed while throwing his hands out, "Who cares what the fools think? And they'll think what we want them to think once we have all the proof regarding the pink toad's involvement anyway? If they don't I have enough money to throw at their faces if they decide to rebel!"

Hermione still kept her frown and Loki could easily see she was worried so he threw his arm around her shoulder.

"Tell me, what are you worried about?"

Hermione stayed silent for a few seconds and spoke after some thought, "It's not that their hate towards us that worries me, but that she might use the Ministry's influence to do things that question our credibility if she even gets a whiff of what we're planning for her. What if they misinform everyone about us to try and discredit us?"

Loki looked at Hermione's body of heart and mind, analysing her surface thoughts as he studied how she was thinking about the things she'd overheard at the Order Of Phoenix meetings that she had taken part in over the summer, before responding.

"Don't worry about that. There are other more important people that'll be at Fudge's ankles as long as he tries to do something too drastic. It might be a bad short-term decision for our reputation to run this article, but in the long term people will trust us more."

Hermione looked unconvinced, "Who exactly will be on Fudge's ankles? I'm pretty sure even if Professor Snape weighs in on the matter or even Professor McGonagall we won't be able to save our ruining reputation."

Loki smiled with his tongue sticking out a little.

"I mean…you know…well you'll see anyway…maybe I should tell you before you learn about it through other sources…"

"Oh god! Speak already!" Hermione complained slapping Loki's hand that was over her shoulder.

"..fine..I mean what I'm trying to say is that my summer wasn't as lacklustre as it usually is…well it usually isn't lacklustre…but this has to do with my house."

"House? I thought you were an orphan? You lived with your cousins, right? You even had that little sister who you said was also going to be a witch?"

"Oh? Did I?" Loki panicked internally but came up with a clever excuse. "I don't exactly live with my cousins...I mean…that girl was just a little girl in the orphanage I help out at during summer."

"Orphanage…" A hint of tenderness slipped into Hermione's tone.

Loki nodded, "Well, but what I was telling you was that I'm currently adopted…like my adoptive 'parents' or rather 'grandma' will be on Fudge's ankles since I sort of kinda sold a large part of Hogwarts Honest Mill to her for her 'protection'."

Seeing Fudge's name be used directly by Loki without any fear calmed Hermione initially, it made her feel that since Loki wasn't afraid of an old man, she shouldn't worry much about it too.

And above all, Hermione felt like Loki was right since Dumbledore had already revived the Order of Phoneix and had started to try and tackle the situation to bring it to an advantageous position for the White side.

Loki picked up a paper and inspected it, taking note of all the fantastic pictures that Luna had physically edited along with Colin Creevey.

He studied the wonderful lettering Hermione had chosen to accentuate certain points and make them more visible while also appreciating his own arrangements of the various articles.

That was when Hermione's eyes widened suddenly.

"WAIT A SECOND!!! YOU SOLD HOGWARTS HONEST MILL!!?!?? TO WHOM!? WHY DIDN'T I HEAR ABOUT THIS!? AND GRANDMA!? Did you get conned Loki!? Did someone use the imperious curse on you? Or did you accept to be adopted so that you could wait until she died and then use her family inheritance to help Hogwarts Honest Mill to expand!? Clever plan but not very good. You should've at least told me about it! Do I mean so little to you!? I thought we started this thing together!!"

Hermione pushed Loki away as she fired all of her questions faster than Harry could cast Expelliarmus at every needed opportunity to battle the Unblockable killing curse.

Loki *sighed*, he moved closer to Hermione and then calmed her down by petting her head.

Of course, Hermione wanted the situation to be serious and deftly dodged Loki's hands, but after a few seconds of continuous misses because of Hermione being clever about it, Loki simply stole her thoughts for a second.

Normally Hermione would've been startled about it, but since she was having such a rush of thoughts in her head she missed it completely as she froze for a fraction of a second when Loki caught her.

And once he did, Loki started to aggressively rub her hair so that it turned even more bushy and annoyed the girl.

Although this annoyance managed to replace her intermediary shock and surprise, there were still tears in her eyes because of what she perceived was betrayal.

And so Loki spoke calmly but with all sincerity and gentleness.

"I haven't sold it, yet."


"Shhh…listen to me first."

Hermione glared at Loki but he ignored it and continued.

"I said I sold it because I doubt you'd not agree with me. Especially since the name of the person who is supporting us is too large to simply ignore."

Loki stopped there to be a tease, and deciding to bite the bullet Hermione took a deep breath in and released a hot breath out before locking eyes with Loki and asking him a simple question whose answer she would use to judge his actions.

"Who's it?"

Loki looked at Hermione and spoke with an unmistakable smile.

"Walburga Black."

"What? A pureblood family!? What will they think of me a mudblood!? I'm sure they'll ask you to remove me! And then they'll take over and fill this newspaper with their stupid propaganda too and then it'll all be just like the Daily Prophet once againnnn…?" Hermione paused, her eyes blinked in confusion for a few seconds as her triad stopped before she locked eyes with Loki again.

"Who did you say it was again?"

Loki's smile widened.

"Walburga Black. The Oldest and Noblest House of Black."

Hermione's eyes widened like she'd just witnessed a miracle.


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