HP: The Dream

Chapter 61: Chapter 62: Prank

(Ansh POV)

I feel like I am in a test every second. Every move is being graded, every interaction counted.

Currently, I am observing a globe-like thing in my room. It is a globe, but with Google Maps built in. I can zoom in on any part I like, and it will show me that place, if it has been recorded.

I know that this thing shouldn't be anything interesting for me, but damn is it fu. Just wondering how it works, what its limitations are and all is fun.

I zoom in on Las Vegas, curious to see what it show-

"Ansh!" The door opens behind me and I scramble to zoom out of the place.

"Yes?" I ask Parvati, who I see standing with a bowl in hand.

"You are playing with the globe again? I don't understand what you find so interesting about it. Anyway, here." she says, with a smile that's a bit sketchy, and presents the bowl to me.

I look at the contents of the bowl, it's just food.

"It's not lunchtime now, is it? And why are you bringing this here?" I ask her.

"I made this. You used to love my cooking, so I thought I to make you something." She says with a wide smile, as if waiting to be praised.

"Wait are you serious?" Comes in Padma. "Why didn't you tell me? I would have liked to help as well."

"Don't worry, I made sure to put enough effort for both of us."

'*Sigh* Every time they do something like this, I feel as if a part of me is dying inside. They are angels, and I am the devil using their innocence.'

I take the bowl and spoon from her hands, and bring it to my mouth, trying to hold back my tears.

I take the first bite under their watchful gaze.

'Hmm, it is good. She is really good at cooking.'

I take another bite, then another. Now my tears are flowing freely, overflowing with emotion.

'Ahhhhhhh! Water! I need water. What is this?! My tongue is on fire!'

I gulp it down and take another bite. All the while praising her.

'AHhhhh! My tongue will die! Just how much green-chili and chili powder did she put in it?'

"It's good. So good! I love it. Thank you." I say while wolfing it down and crying from emotion.

'These people are devil! They are demons in angel skin. How can anyone eat this?'

'I was proud of eating spicy food, but THIS! This is another level entirely, how did I like this?'

I finish it all, and while thanking her profusely, get up to put the bowl in the sink.

"Good you finished it all. I knew you would love it."

'At least someone is happy.'

I walk calmly out of the room, then once I am out of their sight, rush down the stairs. Jumping the last few, and making a beeline straight for the fridge.

'Milk milk milk. Where is the damn milk?'

I find the carton and open it up, only to find it empty.

'Then why keep it in the fridge? Who the fuck does that!?'

I throw it in the trash and rush for water. Gulping it down like-

'FUCKK! Why is it hot!?'

I look around for anything sweet, anything!

Not finding any, I start opening up jars. After half-a-dozen, I find the ambrosia- sugar.

I put fistfuls of it in my mouth, not caring about dropping it down. After 3, I finally feel some relief. I put the jar back down, and then drink some water from the tap.

As I am finally recovering, I heard the sound of giggles, I crank my neck to find Padma and Parvati, hiding behind the counter, covering each other's mouths and laughing. And when I find out, they let go of any restraint and burst out with laughter.

And then it clicks.

'These bitches!'

Now it all makes sense, the overly spicy food, the empty carton of milk, warm water in the fridge.

Their earlier angelic smiles, turn into evil laughter in my head.

"You!" I lunge at them, and they run away, getting out of grasp.

I take a step forward to run after them an-


I stop. By what right am I supposed to chase them? They pranked their brother, they can do that. But what right do I have to retaliate? I am no one to them.

'If having to go through these pranks is what I can do, I will. Do how many you want. I'll take it all.'

'As an apology.'

I clean up the floor and sit on the sofa, feeling tired and exhausted.

(Parvati POV)

I dodge back when he reaches for me and run ahead without looking back. I make it to my room and as soon as Padma gets in, I lock it.

"Hahahaha, that was fun. He actually believed it. How did he eat all of that? The last time you did this, he got so angry." Padma says, holding her stomach.

"His eyes were watering from it. And the hot water and empty carton were a master move."

"Yeah, if he catches us, we are dead."

"Definitely. We are not getting out of this room till Mom calls us."

"…. Why is it so quiet?" Padma asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, shouldn't he be banging on the door right now?" she has a point.

"Maybe it's a trick. So that we open the door."

We wait for a few more seconds, listening for any sounds.

"Hey, did you see or hear him chasing after us?" I ask her.

We both get up and I carefully open the door a tiny bit, in case it is his trick.

"He's not here." Padma says after checking.

I step out to check, and he really isn't.

We start walking back, still a bit apprehensive if it isn't one of his tricks. When we reach the bottom, we see him sitting on the sofa, staring at the ground.

"Is he angry?" Padma asks me.

"I don't know. I thought he would be angry, the whole point was to annoy him. But he doesn't seem angry, just sad."

My thoughtful expression turns to one of terror when I see Mom approach him.

I share a look with Padma and we both run upstairs.

We sit down and open up magazines to look like we are just passing our time… normally.

A couple of seconds later our door opens up.

Mom looks at us, we look at our magazines, trying to ignore her presence.

"Your book is upside down Parvati." Mom tells me.

I instantly turn my book, and now all the words are flipped.

'She tricked me.'

"So, which one of you will tell me what happened here?"

"Nothing." We both say in unison.

"*Sigh* Tell me while I am asking nicely." She says with a voice I don't want to argue against.

"Ansh already told you everything, why ask us?" Padma says.

"Because I want to hear it from you."

So, Padma and I tell our whole story. Which isn't really much. And as we spoke, we began to feel down ourselves.

'We are idiots.'

"Do I need to tell you what you did wrong?" Mom asks us pointedly. "*Sigh* you have to understand, you all have 15 years of memories with him, while he is just beginning to know you. You have to give him some time."

I can hardly look up at her. I understand what she is saying, for him, 2 people suddenly tormented him while laughing through his pain.

"And" mother continues, "what were you thinking by repeating that prank? Don't you remember his payback for it." She finishes with a smile as she enjoys the memory.

I quickly shake my head before I can remember that incident. That was the point when I realised, his mind was a lot more sinister than mine when it needs to be.

"Okay, now go make up with him."

We get up, knowing it is better to get this over with fast.

We reach the living room, but he isn't sitting there anymore. We look around and find him in the kitchen.

"Hey Ansh" I approach "look we're sorry for that."

Not my best attempt, but it's like I don't want to admit it.

"What for?" he turns around and asks.

When he moves aside, I see that he is squeezing some oranges.

"For that prank we did. We're sorry." Padma admits, though it was hard to hear her voice at the end.

"Ah~ that thing." He waves his hand ass if it's no big deal. " I forgot about it already. Don't worry about it. Hey do you both want some juice?"

"Yeah sure." That was easy.

He tells us to go sit on the sofa while he finishes it up and then brings it after a few minutes.

"Here, I made sure they were all the same height." He says while putting 3 glasses on the table.


We pick it up and finish it all quickly. I didn't know I was this thirsty, must be from all that laughing I did earlier.

Ansh sips his own leisurely and looks at us as we put out glasses down.

"So, about that prank." He starts and I tense up, thinking he is still upset. "That was a really good one. Especially the foresight to empty the milk cartons and fill in hot water."

"You are not mad about it anymore though, right?" Padma asks.

"Nah. I not mad at all." He chuckles and we relax a bit. "But that doesn't mean I forgive." We tense up.

He goes quiet as we look at him for clarification, but he just calmly sips his juice. And in a moment of realization, I turn towards my glass, now a look of horror on my face.

"What did you put in it? I feel fine."

"Oh don't worry." He says with a smile that freaks me out, "you will feel the effects any minute now. With your stomach beginning to hurt and second."

I see Padma grab her stomach and scrunch up her face in pain, and a second later I feel it too.

"What did you put in there?" I ask as I am doubling over in pain.

"Just a couple tablets of laxatives. Will keep you occupied for a while."

As the words leave his mouth, I don't stay for another second and rush up to the toilet.

(Ansh POV)

As they race each other, I see Ms.P-, no, mother coming down.

"Why are they running now?"

"I told them I put laxatives in their juice."

"You did what? Wait, how did you even get those?"

"I 'told' them that. I didn't actually put any in there."

"That… seems pretty harmless." She then looks at the smile on my face. "But that's not all. What is it then?"

"Not much. The laxatives were a lie to get them there, after that I applied some adhesive potion on the seat…. It is meant to vapourize in an hour." I add as she looks ready to scold me.

"*Sigh* and where did you find that?" She sits down and grabs my glass of juice.

"That is mine." She looks at me once. "But of course you can have it. And I don't know where the glue came from. It was in my cupboard."

She takes a sip of the juice, probably contemplating whether to forgive me or not when a scream was heard all throughout the house.

She just looks at me again.

"Did I mention I also found some realistic looking spider toys in there? So I thought, why not give them some company so that they don't get bored in there." I say with a charming smile.

She smiles, reaches over to pat my head, and then instead goes to my ear.

"Ahhh!" I scream, but more for show as she isn't really putting any force behind it.

She lets it go a second later. "You are only getting off this lightly because they started it first. Don't think it will be the same next time." She says with an angry tone without much anger behind it, more of a well-contained smile.

"Okay, won't do it again."

As soon as I say that, we hear another scream. 'Looks like the other one found hers too.'

'Yeah, this is the best thing to do. I have to live as this person now, which means accepting everything that comes with it. Along with these relations. Which means responding to their prank.'

'…Or maybe I am just petty and can't take this lying down. Whatever the reason.'


A/N: Finally the exams are over. Whew~ You would think that by now i would have gotten used to them but no. They still tire me out.

Anyway here's the chapter. I'll probably write a chapter more in home and then back to hogwarts it will be!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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