HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 17 – The Robes and Books.

)A/N: Webnovel seems to have back peddled.)

Walking out of Olivanders, my parents start speed walking towards another store. My legs shoot out pain from suddenly walking at such a high pace, after essentially standing still for 3 hours. I can't imagine my parents are any better off, noticing the occasional limp they made.

After speed-walking for what felt like forever, we arrived in front of what I presume is a bookstore. Looking at the sign confirms my suspicions.

'Flourish & Blotts Publishers - We have book.'

Looking at the slogan, I can't help but feel whoever wrote that has no imagination. Seeing my parents walk into the store, I quickly follow them. Opening the door, I don't hear a bell this time. Instead, I see someone at the counter staring at me and my parents as we walk in.

"Shoppin' early, are ya?" The man asks.

"Yep, can we get a first-year set for Hogwarts?" My father replies.

"Not a problem, that will be 30 Galleons."

"What? Why is the first year set so expensive?"

"*sigh*, Well, because the books that Lockheart added into the first year list are worth 20 galleons by themselves."

"Well alright, can you send them to our house?"

"Sure, write your address here."

Hearing my father take care of the books, I prepare to wander the bookstore in search of anything remotely interesting.

"Oh no, you don't, our stop at Olivanders cost us too much time." My mother hissed at me.

Hearing that she is probably being serious, I restrain my urge to turn this bookstore into my new house. Spotting my father walking back to us, he gives my mother a nod and walked out of the store. My mother pushes me out of the store, before starting to walk to our next destination.

"What's our next store?" My mother asks.

"Slug & Jiggers." My father responded.

Following them down the alley, we soon stop at the store called Slug & Jiggers. Before I could walk into the store, my dad stops me.

"Just wait outside with your mother, I'll handle this one."

Giving a slow nod, I try to peer through the door that my dad opened, only for there to be not enough light to make anything specific out.

"Alright, let's go to another store while we wait for your father." My mother spoke out.

Looking at her, she started walking off before I could respond. Letting out a sigh, I started to follow her. For some reason, I'm starting to have a bad feeling about accompanying her. Stopping outside of another store, I nearly scream.

[Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions]

'Note to self, trust gut feeling more.'

"I don't need any more clothes, so we can skip this one." Looking at my mother, with the best puppy eyes I could display.

"Don't be silly, this is where you get your robes for Hogwarts." She said, not even sparing a glance at me.

Resigned to my fate, I walk into the store with her, preparing for the biggest fight of my life. Upon walking in, I see a lady behind the counter reading a book. Hearing us walking in, she raises her head and looks toward me.

"Oh my! Arnt you a cutie! Here for Hogwarts robes?" She said.

Blushing furiously, I just nod.

"Well, step on up here and let me take your measurements."

Looking towards my mother, she seems to be enjoying this a bit too much. As if it was payback for what her parents did to her? Im not sure myself, but it seems like I'll be doing this to any relatives I take shopping, call it a generational grudge. Looking back towards the Lady, I just nod and she gets started.

Suddenly, a tape measure flies out of nowhere and starts measuring my body's proportions, while the Lady watched. After quite some time of measuring, she speaks back up again.

"Alright, I've got your measurements. You just want the standard Hogwarts package?" The lady asked.

"Yep, send it to our house as well." It was my mother who spoke up.

"Alright, no problem, the total is 15 galleons." The lady told my mother.

Seeing my mother pay, I start looking around the shop for those magical tools, wondering if I can take one apart and see how it works. Before I could look for too long, my father ran in, completely out of breath.

"Did I miss it?"


"Damn it!"

Looking at them in confusion, my mother just smiles.

"Don't worry about it." My dad replies.

Looking at my father, I hear the lady behind the counter start laughing. Looking at ALL of them in confusion, I try to think about what I've missed, but return a blank.

"Let's get going, we are almost done shopping." My mother started.

Our next stop was a general goods store, whose name already escapes me. There we got some quills, ink and the rest of what was on my shopping list. Looking at the telescope, I can't help but wonder what its use is in the wizarding world. After the last store, my parents take me back to The Leaky Cauldron.

"Clearly state our house, which is [Zouglas Family Study], ok? We won't be coming back immediately, so just do whatever you do at home. And Zane, don't touch any of the books in the study." Said my dad, very seriously.


Grabbing some floo powder, I walk into the fireplace and state where I'm going.

"Zouglas Family Study."

Seeing the familiar green fire envelop me, I close my eyes out of habit.


Author Corner:

Webnovel seems to have backpedalled on their stupid decision. So yay.

Lockheart made all the students buy his books, which are comically overpriced. A scummy but smart move.

Sorry for only one chapter yesterday, I wrote it, played some games then had a nap.

The nap ended up being 13 hours of sleep. Quite impressive.

I wrote the slogan for the bookstore, though probably not necessary.

a LOT more talking in this chapter. I don't know how people can talk so much. Im in tears.

I had all the items delivered to their house because carrying around all that is dumb even with magic, just asking to get robbed, and the trunk was put last so Zane wouldn't be tempted to beg his parents for random things.

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