HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 145: Chapter 145 : Of Fears and Hippogriffs



The green eyed teen had been thinking about the incident of his own boggart over and over in his head until he managed to get hold off Severus, who was in the process of taking apart a training dummy with his long-sword in his office. Severus had listened to his concerns, thought about it for a few seconds, chuckled and returned to demolishing the poor dummy leaving Harry with a;

"Smart of you kid." Apparently, what Severus had realized and -after he was thoroughly satisfied with his handiwork, leaving the once dummy unrecognizable pieces on the floor- shared with him was that his greatest fear wasn't Dementors. He's greatest fear was fear itself, thus the physical manifestation of a Dementor. And even if that had made much more sense, it still left Harry with a greater problem; said physical manifestations of his deepest fear just so happened to be patrolling the grounds of Hogwarts.

And in such a way his Patronus training had began; Severus had been more than happy to procure a boggart -having privately declared war on the whole race for an incident that refused to share with Harry, making the teen believe it had something to do with a certain dog animagus- for Harry to practice on. After a few weeks of nothing but silver mist, the form of his Patronus was finally able to chase away the fake Dementor. He had just stood back and watched with glee as the seven feet tall wolf cornered the cloaked figure before the boggart gave way and disappeared with a loud cracking sound.

"Because aurors couldn't have sufficed, no!" Severus continued with his rant. "It had to be Dementors!"

"Well, there's nothing we can do at the moment but bear it." Harry reasoned, earning a nasty glare from the potions master.

"We shouldn't have to." He simply stated as he sat opposite to Harry, still brooding.

"On lighter topics, have you heard the latest prediction of how Adrian's going to die?" Harry asked with a wide smile, trying and succeeding in pulling Severus out of his mood.

"There's been another one?"

"Oh, yeah." The green eyed teen confirmed. Besides seeing the Grim in every single tea leaves reading, Trelawney had started to leave not so subtle hints of how Adrian would actually meet his doom. "She might have mentioned something about a beheading, from what I gathered."

"Beheading?" Severus asked amused. "You can't say she doesn't have an active imagination."

"Well, of course she does." Harry declared.

"And how have your classes been going?"

"Quite well actually." Harry admitted. "If you except that almost incident with Draco on my first Care of Magical Creatures lesson, I'd say it has been going too well." Harry thought back on the first day of term when Hagrid had happily introduced them to a bunch of Hippogriffs. He thought they were exciting and for once, Harry agreed. On them being exciting that is; not on them being the first creature you'd want to introduce to third year students.

He had given them the basics, how to approach them, how to bow and then asked for a volunteer; wanting to avoid a catastrophe on Hagrid's very first lesson, Harry had stepped forward. True, he had never ridden a Hippogriff, but he was probably the only one with any horse ridding experience from the group of students. So he had bowed to a grey Hippogriff called Buckbeak and even proceeded to ride him around the grounds for a while. It would have been a blatant lie to say he hadn't enjoyed the flight; it wasn't as comfortable as ridding a horse, or even a flying horse Harry guessed -too many feathers made for no places for one to brace himself- but flying had always been nothing less than exciting.

Of course, Malfoy had to intervene, almost ruining Hagrid's first lesson; miffed that Adrian had managed to get his Hippogriff to bow back to him before Buckbeak -whom he had been assigned- did, he was seconds away from insulting the Hippogriff, a move that would have surely resulted into an assault before Harry stepped in. He had been keeping an eye on the blond, knowing in his gut that he would try and do something to mess with Haggrid's lesson; the fact that he might just injure himself in the process had never crossed his mind so it was literally his good luck that he was close enough to intervene, calming the agitated Hippogriff as he would have a horse.

Some damage however had been done, as he wasn't fast enough to prevent Buckbeak rising in his two back legs and aiming threateningly at Malfoy. Draco had spoken to his father, his father had taken the matter to the Governors and, even if they didn't do anything, Hagrid was so mortified that a student was almost hurt in one of his classes, he had actually reverted into teaching them about flobberworms, which had to be some of the most boring creatures in existence.



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