HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 133: Chapter 133 : Designs, Decisions, and Family Bonds



"No, Mom, that's not what I meant." He turned to face his family smiling reassuringly; the last thing he wanted was to follow them to wherever they were training Adrian. "I get why I can't come with you, don't worry." Or, he thought as Lily smiled, I get why you think I can't come with you.

"Then what, kiddo?" Sirius asked, munching on a cookie he had snatched from a plate on James's desk.

"Well, I just want to do something constructive during my summers too and since I turned thirteen today… well, I was hoping you could give me your permission to get a job over the holidays." Whatever his family was expecting, it sure wasn't that.

"A job?" James asked confused, looking at Sirius who shared the same dumbfounded look. Adrian was looking at him like he had gone crazy while Lilly and Remus smiled.

"But why?" Sirius asked.

"Well, it will give me some experience, which will be good down the line for when I finish school and I will have something to do while the rest of you are away." Harry explained.

"And where do you think of working?" Lilly asked, smiling proudly at her youngest son.

"I was considering one of the shops in Diagon Alley; did you know they even ask for help in Nimbus Racing Broom Co.?" That got Sirius, James and Adrian nod in understanding.

"Quidditch, now I get it." James said. Harry had figured Prongs would be more willing to give his permission if Quidditch was mentioned and besides, he couldn't just say he was working on a shop in Diagon Alley and then never appear there. A few simple questions from his father to the shop owner and his cover would be blown to smithereens.

"Are you sure you want to do work over the holidays?" Remus asked carefully. "You're already working hard for school."

"And I don't want you to start neglecting your schoolwork…" Lily pointed out.

"I have already finished my homework for the summer and I really want something else to do than just sit around all day." Harry insisted. "Plus, I might not even get the job; I just want to try." His mother's smile returned. "So?" He asked, turning to his father.

"Well, I guess I can't say no when my son is actually begging me to work." James stated, a small smile gracing his face, his hazel eyes twinkling.

"Thank you, Prongs!" Harry exclaimed, hugging his father -it was almost awkward, he hadn't initiated a hug with him since he was six.

"I still don't get why you wouldn't want to just relax during the summer though." Adrian nodded to that.

"You and I both, Dad." He said, hazel meeting hazel in understanding.

"What can I say?" Harry asked shrugging. "I'm a workaholic." Sirius nodded emphatically.

"So, I'll have to contact Girngotts for the document needed and…" Harry interrupted James, leaving the office and returning a few seconds latter with a couple of parchments.

"I took the liberty and brought the contracts myself; all we need is your signature, mine and two witnesses and I'm ready to go." Harry clarified as Remus and Sirius snickered at James's shocked expression.

"You really want this, don't you?" James asked pushing his glasses up as his eyes went through the contract; it was the standard contract Gringotts offered in such cases, stating that the Head of a family allowed an underage member of their house to seek employment and have control over the amount of money procured from their endeavors, as long they were deposited in a vault under their name and not the family vault. "You'll need a new vault before you look for a job…"

"Already taken care of; I had Professor Snape to take me to Gringotts a few days ago for these contacts and for a new vault." Lilly laughed once as James looked at his son incredulously.

"Okay then." He stated and turned to his two best friends. "Moony, Padfoot, if you will come to sign this…" Harry smiled, his heart beating like crazy; he couldn't believe it was really happening. "Harry, you need to sign too." The green eyed boy moved and signed his name on the contract happily.

"Thank you so much." He said as he turned to face his parents.

"Don't mention it, Harry." Lilly said hugging him. "Now, who's up for some cake?" Harry volunteered happily and left the office with shaking legs, contact in hand and thinking that getting some sugar in him was sounding more than good. Tomorrow he would go to Diagon Alley with Severus and sort everything out. But today he was fully prepared to enjoy his birthday; Neville would be coming over in the afternoon too. It was the first time ever he had called a friend over and Neville's grandmother had agreed to let him spend the night. Things were looking up, Harry thought, as he stroke a conversation over what his chances were to get hired at Nimbus over the summer with his brother.

In the meantime, the very moment this conversation was being held, a girl with crimson hair looked outside her hotel room window to the desert sands in the distance. Taking a trip to Egypt was the best thing that could happen to her at that very moment in time, Ginny thought. It had been two months since she had woken up to find herself on the floor of the Chamber of Secrets, Riddle now truly just a bad memory. Still, at this point in time, it didn't feel like he was only a memory.

The first few weeks after she had woken up in the Chamber of Secrets had been mostly consisted of days filled with numbness. Taking a Dreamless Sleep potion every night and within the general jovial atmosphere in the castle, with the petrified students coming to life and the exams being canceled, it had been easy to slip into a steady routine and pretend nothing had happened. When, on the last day of term, professor McGonagall had summoned her in her office and asked her whether she had thought on what had happened to her the past year, she had simply answered no. At that point in time, she hadn't; the Head of Gryffindor had only smiled sadly and offered her a cup of tea, reminding her that her office's door was always open for her should she need to speak with somebody. Ginny had nodded, not believing she would need it; now she understood how naïve she was being.

It had started one day after she had returned to the Burrow. George and Fred were teasing Percy for his girlfriend over breakfast finally bringing her usually reserved older brother to a boiling point;

"She could have died, you know!" Percy had bellowed. "And all you care about was whether I was snogging her during Prefect rounds!" Then he had stormed off to his room, leaving behind Fred and George to be chastised by their mother. The twins had tentatively admitted that they had only been trying to make him loosen up and tell them how he and Penelope had gotten together and had profusely apologized. Molly had commented on how her little Percy had grown, Ron had snickered over his cereal at her comment and Ginny had just stood there thunderstruck, feeling as if a tone of bricks had landed on her heart and crushed it.



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