HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 105.2 The Dance (Part 2)

The Master of the Hall himself appeared from one of the doors a few minutes later. The fresh smell of citrus fruit and damp, slicked-back hair made the reason for his tardiness clear. The Patil sisters, Lavender, Luna and Hermione were already preparing for another argument when the eldest of the present spoke up and clapped his hands together.

— I'm warning you right now, we only have an hour and a half before the movie starts, so I'm not going to allow you to waste time arguing. If you don't like it, it's over there. I've invited the Slytherin students because it would be physically impossible for Astoria and I to give everyone who wants to see a movie the attention they deserve. And gentlemen and ladies, a graceful half-bow to the Slytherins, who nodded in return. — would not refuse to teach a lesson or two. — Hoshino looked around in silence, glanced at Ronald, who was muttering something to himself, and continued. — I repeat: no one is forcing anyone here, if you don't want to, if you don't like it, you can leave freely, no hard feelings, just don't disturb the others. Now let's start.

The pairing was once again done by Sora, but he explained every decision he made. The most calm pair turned out to be Malfoy and Lovegood — they immediately got to work and stepped aside. The young aristocrat explained, and the pureblood witch, who came from an equally old family but had no title or manor, listened attentively, though in her usual dreamy manner.

Granger and Brown got Crabbe and Goyle, respectively. To the surprise of half the room, the boys turned out to be good dancers, and they were able to explain, not to mention that neither Hermione nor Lavender had ever felt the pressure from these 'tough guys'. Potter was paired by Sora with Milicenta. Not many of the girls understood why Bullstrode was neglected by the male attention. And the fact is that her family trait — a tall height and strong physique. Accelerate Milicenta already at the age of fourteen looks like eighteen, and the height is second only to Hoshino.

With a quite mature, strong and feminine figure, and no less feminine face, the girl is not interesting for slim, short Englishmen. What man would choose a girl half a head taller than himself? But Potter did not resist and obediently walked with his partner in the direction of the open space. He couldn't tell his friends about it, but the grace and showmanship of Sora and Astoria's dance captured his heart.

The boy wished with all his heart to learn to dance as beautifully, and then, when he was determined, to kiss the girl's hand with the same gratitude. And Milicenta, seemingly formidable and strict, proved to be so patient and attentive that when the formal lessons began, Harry did not even think of changing partners — he liked Bulstrode's company so much. He was even seriously considering the idea of finding out if the Slytherins were as bad as they were rumored to be.

Next. He offered himself as a partner to one of the Patil sisters, suggesting that they decide between themselves. Naturally, the decision was made immediately, and Padma left to dance with Astoria.

The problem turned out to be Ronald. Sora openly stated that he didn't even know what to do with the guy's impetuous nature, because he could be rude to a Slytherin, even if only accidentally, and there were no other candidates. Ron was embarrassed, he blushed, but he didn't want to fall behind his friends, so in order not to confirm the insulting words of this arrogant and braggart, he preferred to remain silent. After a minute of waiting, Tracy Davis joined him.

She was a perky girl with a sharp tongue who said a lot of not-so-nice things, but she said them in such a way that Ron couldn't even object. It just didn't work. So, for the first time in his life, he shut up, albeit with a sigh. And studied. He was angry at his clumsiness, at his naughty feet that always tried to squeeze his neat suede boots that were covered with some kind of protective charms.

And Tracy's literal snake-like grace and agility. Ronald Weasley's old principles, his settled views on life and the world were shaken by the horrible, simply monstrous impossibility of reality: he was holding hands with a Slytherin girl who was teaching him to dance. What else could happen? What else would the universe surprise him with? Perhaps boring Percy will write music? Or maybe Skeeter will print the truth? Or maybe Ragnarok will show his hideous grin and Snape will start acting normal, changing his clothes and his behavior? No, that won't happen... — Ron thought, almost getting tangled up in his legs and robes again.

The hour and a half of dance class was enjoyable for almost everyone. Parvati was especially pleased because she could see that Sora saw her as a girl, and Sora didn't seem to be bothered by her awkward movements (yes, the one who had been dancing and doing gymnastics since she was a little girl) that made her cling to him more often than not.

So it's okay. So there are chances, and increasing them is a matter of technique. By the way, the girl also clearly recognized the many rings on the guy's hands, in which she unmistakably detected magic. Now she had one more reason to think — to find out what those rings were and why he was hiding them.

When it was time for the next show and the students began to gather, the hall was ready for the reception. A few minutes before the start, the Weasley twins appeared. Completely bald. As it turned out, since the boys were stubbornly silent, they had decided to play a prank again. This time, however, the Hufflepuffs acted confidently.

The twins were caught at the scene of the crime, immobilized and shaved bald, just like in the movie, and the effect was fixed with potions. The Mediwitch decided, and the Deans agreed: punishment was to be meted out! Even McGonagall recognized the guilt of the redheads (well, if they have hair on their heads).

Now, until they are cured of the effects of the potion, which will take a good month, they will be bald, and then they are forbidden to accelerate their growth in any way, or the Deans themselves will repeat the procedure. Molly Weasley fully supported this decision and even offered to help tame them if necessary. The brothers had never suffered such a blow to their reputation before, and they promised to take revenge on the treacherous and despicable Hufflepuffs.

Much to the displeasure of the teenagers, and especially some of the girls, Sora Hoshino was not at the castle that weekend, having left on Friday night.

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