HP: I was doing all sorts of things at Hogwarts

Chapter 74 Quidditch World Cup 2

Astoria shook her head, she wouldn't say it, Avro has a group of boys who are close to each other...

She sighed, if only she was like Aphra.

Learn from her!

Aphra bought a bunch of gadgets, and when the show was about to start, she and Oliver entered the Quidditch stadium and found seats.

When she entered, she saw Harry and his handsome godfather, and Aphra greeted them brightly.

Harry cast his eyes on Aphra and Oliver who was next to her, and forced a smile.

"Hi, Aphra, this is my godfather, Sirius Black."

"Hello, handsome guy, I'm Avro Greengrass." Aphra stretched out her hand, and Sirius took it generously.

Sirius laughed when he heard her name, which made him even more charming. He must have been a girl killer in his school days. "You are so funny, thank you for the compliment - this guy is so handsome, is he your boyfriend?"

He noticed that when the girl in front of him appeared, his godson completely stopped breathing. Sirius decided to considerately help his godson with the inquiry.

"My friend," Oliver clarified, "that's a bit of a shame."

"That's great - I mean, try harder." Sirius patted Harry on the back, "Harry, you have to give Aphra the panoramic telescope you just bought. Didn't you buy it specially?"

Harry was confused for a moment, but he nodded quickly, "I bought the one with the highest configuration."

"Really?" Avro smiled and took the panoramic telescope. She had the one she just bought in her bag... "Thank you, I just need it."

"That's good," Harry laughed, worthy of Sirius, "Then let's go up first."

"Okay, goodbye." Aphra watched Harry leave with a relaxed look on her face. She said to Oliver, "Let's find a seat too."

Avro and Oliver's seats were on the top floor. Avro originally wanted to invite Oliver, and their family had free tickets, so it wasn't difficult. But Oliver insisted on inviting her and would not refuse.

"I'm already working, and I'm still a boy. Besides, I invited you, so of course I did."

Avro admitted that these were the words that moved her heart.

After the audience took their seats one after another, the atmosphere at the scene became heated, and Oliver happily waved a small flag with hot eyes.

Avro observed him intently, feeling that his eyes seemed much more passionate when he was watching Quidditch than when he was watching her.

She looked around casually and found the Weasley family, Hermione, Harry, and Sirius sitting in the front row.

Percy was sitting on the far left side of the front row, turning his head to talk to his little sister Ginny. He was really completely different from when he was a student. He was wearing a suit and ties and looked quite capable.

Suddenly, as if he sensed something, he turned his head and looked straight at Aphra, his eyes deep.

"Look, the little leprechaun, the mascot of the Irish team, has appeared." Oliver pointed to the stage, where an advertisement for the Fengya Wizard Robe had just been shown.

Aphra finally came to her senses and looked away from Percy, "Wow, it doesn't look good."

"It looks like there will be something good to watch later," Oliver flipped through the viewing manual. "The mascot of the Bulgarian team is the Veela. They say that all men are obsessed with them."

Avro didn't take it seriously, but when the Veelas, who were as bright as the moon, appeared, she was stunned.

"Bulgaria! Bulgaria!" The audience cheered in unison, and the little leprechauns of the Irish team were so angry that they all booed.

The Veela bowed enchantingly and began to dance gracefully.

Oliver silently looked at the obsessed Aphra, muttering to himself, why does she love Veela more than him?

"I wish I were so beautiful." Avro sighed.

"You are prettier than them." Oliver said eccentrically.

Avro raised a smile and said, "I accept your filtered compliment."

In the first ten minutes, Oliver was so excited that he stood up and waved the flag, while Aphra fell asleep sweetly.

She was incompatible with the noise around her.

Oliver blinked in confusion, then lowered his voice and continued shouting.

When Aphra woke up, it was Oliver who shook her up. Oliver patted her gently at first, and then he couldn't wake her up, so he had to shake her harder.

Avro woke up in a daze, opened her eyes in a daze, and let him hold her hand and walk out of the venue.

After the two of them walked out, Oliver chattered about the grand occasion of the game just now.

"Tonight was great! It's a pity that Krum didn't win...but he was the best and he caught the Golden Snitch several times."

"Yes, tonight is really exciting." Avro yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"?" Oliver was surprised.

"I've been excited all night. I'm so tired. I want to go back and rest." Avro added.

Oliver nodded, "Good night, see you next time."

He always says goodbye to Avro like this, and he always looks forward to seeing you again next time, but when will it be next time?

Is it because this time we are separated, I will never see Aphra again? In other words, it is difficult to see.

Avro stopped, thought seriously for a moment, and then said, "I actually had a good rest just now, why don't we stay a little longer."

"Then...can we go for a walk?" Oliver's eyes lit up.

Avro nodded, and the two walked along the path toward the woods.

"You have a lot of stuff, let me help you carry it."

"Okay, thank you." Avro handed the things to him naturally, and the two walked side by side.

Oliver was full of thoughts about whether to take the initiative and take the initiative again.

After the two of them took a walk and talked about countless topics, Oliver still couldn't make up his mind.

Would that be too presumptuous?

Most people are hesitant in front of the person they like.

"Then I'm leaving first?" Avro tilted her head, her eyes falling on the large and small bags that Oliver was carrying.

"Good night……"

Oliver cleared his throat, reassuring himself that he would be ready next time.

Avro walked some distance away, and Oliver began to regret it. Just when he raised his leg to catch up with Avro, a beautiful figure suddenly reappeared in front of Oliver.

Avro flipped up her long hair and pretended to be reserved, "I just realized that I left my things with you."

Oliver belatedly looked at the thing in his hand and couldn't help but feel happy, but neither of them made a move or said anything for a while.

The two of them had lingering eyes and couldn't bear to separate.

"Then..." Aphra and Oliver spoke at the same time.

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