HP: I got Transmigrated into the World of Magic

Chapter 89: Chapter 89: Friend!

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"Isn't admitting something like that sacrilege for a Gryffindor?"

I chuckle. "Perhaps it is. Although, if we're sticking to stereotypes, then the only conversation you and I would be sharing would be in bastardized Latin with a pair of sticks dancing between us."

"I wouldn't mind sharing one of those conversations with you sometime," Daphne says with a feral grin.

"You're so sweet," I say, grinning back. "I would mind, though...you'd kick my ass."

She harrumphs. "As long as you remember that."

"Did he use the Thirty-Seven Steps on you?" Lavender blurts out.

"What?" Daphne asks, arching an eyebrow.

"I'll show you later," I say to her, then shoot a grin back behind me.

Tracey appears at the door with a smaller version of Daphne in tow.

Her eyes are a darker, almost violet color, but they're the same shape and sport the same wary expression as her sister's.

She also has a bit of the baby fat that Daphne had obviously dropped by now. "Daph, what's going on?"

The older sister turns to the younger. "My friend William here wants to ask you something."

Astoria's eyes widen as she takes in my appearance. "Your friend...a Gryffindor?"

I bend over and hide my mouth with my hand like I'm telling her a secret.

"And a Muggle-born one at that...don't tell anybody." Then I stand and speak louder, offering my hand.

"William Lerner, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Greengrass."

She takes it hesitantly as her eyes jump back and forth between me and Daphne, then the rest of the people around. "What's going on?" she asks, a bit of worry evident in her voice.

"Well, I just won a bet, you see," I say with a smile. "My good friend Neville here didn't believe me when I told him the two prettiest girls in the entire school were both in Slytherin."

"Lerner," Daphne growls, the slight pink on her cheeks ruin the effect.

"It's true," I insist, holding my hands up. "He said that even though you're Daphne's sister, you couldn't possibly measure up to a part-Veela Triwizard Champion, even if Ms. Delacour is a distant second to Daphne. And I said wanna bet? And he said you're on! And then I said—"

"Don't make me change my mind, Lerner," Daphne warns.

"Don't worry, Ms. Greengrass the younger," I say conspiratorially, hiding my mouth in a stage whisper, "she's just upset because we may have to re-evaluate just who is number one now." Astoria, cheeks pink, looks like she's stifling laughter.

Daphne pulls her wand and points it at my face.

"Okay, okay," I submit with a laugh. "What I really wanted to ask, Ms. Greengrass, is if you'd do me the honor...nay, if you'd allow me the great pleasure of accompanying me to the Yule Ball?" My invitation is quite purposely over the top, and Daphne rolls her eyes.

Astoria's mouth drops open. It's really cute because she isn't nearly as composed as her sister, so she's blushing quite adorably by now. She looks to her sister, who sighs heavily as she puts away her wand.

"It's up to you," she says slowly. "Somehow he made a good impression on our father, so I know he wouldn't mind."

"My dad likes you? A Muggle-born Gryffindor?" She asks incredulously. "How did you even..." she trails off.

"Must have been magic," I say with a smile. "So, what do you say?"

She gulps. "I-I dunno..."

"Oh, Ms. Greengrass, you've your sister's cruel gift of splitting my very heart in twain! Would that I—"

"Silencio!" A white light jumps out of Daphne's quickly drawn wand and hits me in the throat, cutting off my monologue.

I silently, wandlessly undo the charm and laugh. "That wasn't very nice, Daphne. Sheesh, can't a guy express his heartbroken lament around here?" Everybody is staring at me now. "What?"

"You-you can't do that!" Lavender stammers.

"Oops! Sorry, I'll put it back on." I cast the Silencing Charm on myself, and then mouth, "is that better?"

Astoria giggles. "Is he always this odd?"

Daphne shakes her head and says, "No, usually he's worse." A smile tugs at her lips.

Astoria laughs again. "Okay, I'll go with you, William."

My face lights up and I scoop her up into a hug and spin her around. Before Daphne can react, I do the same to her.


The next thing I know, I'm being revived face down on the dungeon floor. "Ow," I try to say, but I'm still silenced. So I undo it and try again. "Ow. C'mon, Daphne, you couldn't have at least used a Cushioning Charm?"

Neville laughs. "Told ya," he says to somebody.

"It's William, of course he wouldn't be angry," Luna says as if it would be the most obvious thing in the world. I sit up to find Daphne missing but the rest of the group looking on in concern, even Tracey and Astoria.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Astoria says worriedly.

"Well my face hurts and I'm going to have a headache," I say, working my jaw. "But other than that I'm good."

"I think you actually got her angry this time," Neville says helpfully.

I laugh. "You think? I got a good, solid hug out of it, so it was worth it. I misjudged, though...I thought I could swing a kiss on the cheek before she'd actually hit me with a Stunner."

"You are insane," Tracey says, smiling while she shakes her head.

"Lovably insane," I counter, rubbing my jaw.

"No, you really are insane. Daphne hasn't hugged anybody like that from Hogwarts, well, ever. She hasn't hugged anybody at all for two years, and that was me when my—well, never mind. She stormed off before you even hit the floor."

"Well that's good, I suppose," I say slowly, "that means we're still on for the Ball, right, Ms. Greengrass?"

She smiles at me and shakes her head, too. "Yes, William, but please call me Astoria."


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