HP: I got Transmigrated into the World of Magic

Chapter 80: Chapter 80: Clue From The Nest!

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"Sirius!" Harry says, throwing off his Invisibility Cloak as soon as we enter the Shack and dashing toward the two Marauders. Sirius smoothly transforms back into a human and wraps Harry in a hug.

"It's wonderful to see you again, Professor Lupin," Hermione says with a cheerful smile. "And you're looking much better than the last time I saw you, Sirius."

"Please, Hermione, call me Remus," he says with a kind but tired smile. Then he turns to me. "And you must be this Mr. Lerner I've heard about."

"William, sir, pleased to meet you," I say, shaking his hand. His grip is even firmer than that of Lord Greengrass. "Sorry about earlier, by the way...had to stay in character and all."

"We never discussed characters, William," Hermione says, rolling her eyes. "Especially ones where I was your 'darling' or 'lady-friend.'"

"We didn't?" I ask innocently. "Oops."

"Well it fooled me," Lupin says with a grin. "Good show, William. I trust everything went well."

"Well enough, I suppose. Although I'm not sure what 'everything' was. Lord Greengrass just asked me a bunch of innocuous questions and then excused himself."

"I don't know him personally, but I'm given to understand he is quite a shrewd man. I assume he obtained more information from you than perhaps you realize."

I consider that for a moment. "Well, I was up front about everything I told him, including the fact that I am openly supporting Harry. And I assume he already knows I'm going to ask his daughter for help with something, since I told her. At most he got a read of my personality and he knows I have secrets, but I'm quite confident he wouldn't have been able to figure out much in that respect."

"He won't even tell me," Hermione mutters.

"Hey, Professor Lupin!" Harry says excitedly, apparently finished greeting his godfather.

"Harry, I'm not a professor any longer; you must call me Remus. How are you? Holding up well in the Tournament, I hear."

"Very well, Remus," he says, trying out the name. "Yes, the First Task was actually a piece of cake, thanks to Hermione and William here."

"He's exaggerating, Prof—Remus," Hermione says. "I barely did anything. William came up with the strategy and Harry adapted it. He should have been way out in front if one of the judges wasn't so blatantly biased. Honestly, I wish you could have seen it, if only just to see what that bloody Death Eater judged a one when the other judges gave him a nine or ten."

Despite the fact that Harry and I have heard it once before, the sound of Hermione cursing is just so unnatural that we all flinch at the venom in her voice.

"Strategy, eh? So it turns out you didn't need my recommendation to use the Conjunctivitis Curse?" Sirius asks.

"William figured out what you were going to say," Harry says. "But I ended up not using it, because I was worried about the dragon thrashing about and damaging the other eggs. It turns out Krum did exactly that, but of course Karkaroff gave him a ten, so he's tied with me."

"So we read," Lupin says with a smile. "But Summoning your broom from the castle, and then conjuring at least two dozen large, crimson birds the same color as your uniform? That was very impressive, Harry! I do wish I could have seen it in person."

"Me too. I'm so proud of you! So what of the Second Task?"

Harry smiles. "The golden egg from the nest was the clue. I've just about got it licked now with everybody's help."

"Pretty much all William, again," Hermione says with a sigh.

"Now, now, Hermione," I say. "You'll find that Charm, yet. And besides, we really needed your help in the bathtub."

"In the bath?" Remus asks, eyebrows raised. Hermione blushes and Harry turns a little red as well.

"Oh yes, the three of us and Luna Lovegood all had a bath together," I say with a wide grin.

"Really?" Sirius asks, waggling his eyebrows suggestively and giving Harry a nudge.

"We had our suits on!" Hermione protests.

Remus, Sirius and I chuckle at Harry and Hermione's discomfort.

"Harry, Hermione," Remus says, "there's something I wanted to ask you about." The werewolf puts his arm around Harry and walks over to one corner of the room, Hermione following closely.

"Now, Mr. Lerner," Sirius says sternly. "We are going to have a chat, you and I, about that little pretend gender mix-up earlier."

"Ah, sorry about that, I just thought it would be—"

I'm cut off by Sirius' laughter. "Good show, William. Though you'll have to watch your back around me, now. Or your front."

Suddenly it seems drafty in here, and I look down to see my robes bulge obscenely at my chest. "What the—"

Sirius starts howling with laughter, drawing the attention of the other three occupants of the room.

"Nice rack, William!" Harry says.

Hermione actually doubles over in laughter, and I have to join in.

I give them a test squeeze and find mostly air, but I pretend like the bra underneath is far fuller. "Whoa, I agree, Harry. You wanna give them a squeeze? How about you, Hermione?"

She shakes her head vigorously, now once-again bushy hair flipping back and forth over her flushed face. So I start chasing her around the room with my obscene chest stuck out in front of me.

"Come on, just one little squeeze! It'll feel good, I promise—aww, you missed them!"

Sirius shudders. "Sorry to ruin your fun, William. I just have some bad memories of something too similar for comfort."

Remus howls with laughter. "You mean that time with those sisters and their aunt—"

"Stop talking now, please, thank you!" Sirius says quickly, and Harry, Hermione and I all laugh about it.

"Okay, okay, Harry, you guys don't want to be away from the castle too long. What is it you wanted to talk about?"

"Actually, William wanted to talk to you," Harry says, causing the other two to turn to me in surprise.

"Yes, well..." All traces of mirth fade from my face. "Both of you know that the wizard once known as Tom Riddle is not completely gone. Now, what has to happen for you to access the Gringotts vault of Bellatrix Lestrange?"


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