HP: Dance of the Veela

Chapter 45: Chapter 19 – Discontent (Part 2)

Mace Windu had only just returned to the Temple after a prolonged absence to fight the war and was annoyed to again have to take orders from the irritating Mandalorian. He was planning to have some stern words with Skywalker for bringing him back here but at least he had proven useful in stopping the Separatists and their advance. The war was starting to turn back in their favour and Jedi were no longer being lost at the same rate so that was something to be grateful for Mace supposed.

But he had also become aware that his senior Jedi colleague Master Yoda was behaving very strangely. On the surface he seemed to be almost normal but there had been some directives and supplies that had gone missing and although he had no evidence he couldn't help but feel that Master Yoda was responsible in some way.

Also some Jedi and fairly prominent Jedi at that had disappeared over the course of the war, not dead Windu was sure of that but they had vanished and there had been no investigation into their disappearance. Some had been senior masters and naturally Windu had been surprised and suspicious that Master Yoda had not ordered people to look into it. In fact he had seemingly suppressed any inquiries into their absence.

This definitely got Windu concerned.

So he was on his way to confront his long standing colleague in private, not eager to drag whatever could be happening any further out into the open than he had too. The Jedi had enough bad press as it was right now and could ill afford any more. So he was handling it as quietly as he could.

Reaching the meditation chamber where he could sense the ancient but powerful presence of Master Yoda and was just in time to see Knights Qu Rahn and Rachi Sitra emerge from it and head off to their rooms. Windu frowned, wondering if they were about to 'lose' two more highly capable knights for whatever reason. He did not however question them, instead he carried on intent on getting answers from the Grand Master himself.

The door opened before he even reached it and beyond he saw Master Yoda sitting on one of the cushioned chairs inside. He looked up and said.

"Greetings Master Windu. Join me, will you?" Yoda said with a smile which honestly put Windu completely off kilter but he rallied and entered the chamber. Taking a seat opposite to Yoda he frowned as he looked at the old master.

"I need answers." He said simply but Yoda only tilted his head and said.

"Never about answers is it, asking the right questions...that is the true mark of wisdom." Yoda said and Windu could feel his irritation with the situation rising as he knew Yoda was going to run rings around him in this conversation. So he tried to get to the point.

"Why have some of our most talented Jedi disappeared without a trace? Why has so much in the way of building supplies gone missing? Enough to build a duplicate temple if not more." Mace asked with a pressing look and Yoda just smirked and said.

"Things lost all the time they are, Jedi not allowed to take leave are they?" He said with a teasing look in his eye and Mace frowned before sighing in frustration.

"What are you up to Master Yoda? Why won't you share it with the council?" He asked point blank and Yoda merely tilted his head again before saying cryptically.

"An old saying there is." Yoda spoke. "Hope for the best, plan for the worst. Following that line of thinking I am, ensuring that while I and you and others work here for the future of the Jedi and the Republic, certain others work in the shadows to ensure that we have a future if the dark side should gain a greater sway over the galaxy."

Mace was confused at first as to what Yoda meant, the only thing he really got from it was that Master Yoda was doing something to prepare in care the very worst happened. It appalled Mace that Yoda of all people would do so behind the backs of the Council and keep it a secret from them in times such as these.

But the look in Yoda's eye, one of age old experience made Mace stop from calling an emergency council meeting to force this issue into the open. This was Yoda, who had lived through literal ages that Mace had only read about in history lessons. The one that had taught Mace himself to be a Jedi along with training every member of the Jedi in the Order at one stage or another.

How could he argue with such experience? Mace thought with his outrage at this being done so secretly and behind their backs warring with his trust and faith in Yoda.

They sat in silence for a moment before Mace finally spoke.

"Then I hope you will trust me with what you have truly done eventually. It will not go beyond the two of us." Mace said and Yoda nodded before telling him.

"A matter of trust, it is not. Worked together we have so long, know I can trust you I do. Many eyes are upon us now, Sith among them. Hide what we are doing from them especially, we must." Yoda told him with a sudden ageing of his features.

Mace nodded, now understanding a little better and thinking that Yoda must be constructing a secret base for them to flee too should the need arise, not to mention moving some Jedi out of harm's way. Knowing that or at least suspecting it eased his concerns as he saw it was probably a very prudent course of action given if the Sith were as Dooku had claimed controlling the Senate, the Republic itself could be turned against them.

The senior masters stayed silent for a time after that before leaving to attend a Council Meeting, an important one no less.

The Jedi Council Chamber was a serious place, matters discussed here often had great importance for the Order certainly and often for the wider galaxy as well.

Today however it was an internal Jedi matter that was being discussed. The Council sat in their chairs, almost like they were in judgement of the two Jedi standing before them.

"Much concern has been raised about your training of Padawan Bene." Ki-Adi-Mundi said with characteristic pompousness. Many of the council members made almost nods in support of this statement while a few like Yoda and Plo Koon stayed motionless. "That she is being taught dangerous lessons ill-fitting a Jedi and in fact are potentially dangerous to her devotion to the light side of the force."

"I would dearly like for you to actually justify that statement." Minisa Anari said with a frown on her beautiful face. "I fail to see how training her to fit in with the wider galaxy and to survive on her own is dangerous or unsuitable for a Jedi. How to manage in any environment that she might find herself especially in places which might be dangerous for a Jedi when she might be cut off from support. Something that yourselves and Master Drallig completely failed to do." She said with an annoyed look in her eye.

"Then there is the manner of the non-standard training methods you have been using." Mundi said with annoyance on his face, seeming to ignore her statement. "It is far beyond what the council has set out..." He started to speak but was interrupted by Master Tuwan who had accompanied Master Anari to support her.

"Such a statement shows why you have never trained a padawan to knighthood." Tuwan said firmly which only made Mundi stutter in outrage at being interrupted. "Any true teacher knows that every student is different, they learn at their own pace and each person responds to a method of learning that suits them. Some learn by example and through doing while others learn through patient and slow mentoring in the classroom. There is no set manual to teaching Ki-Adi-Mundi and in my day you would not have been eligible for the council having never trained a padawan to full knighthood." Tuwan said calmly.

"Our standard techniques have been more than suitable for centuries. We have managed a thousand years of peace with them." Master Tinn said from the side. Master Unduli, still new to the council spoke up in agreement.

"Agreed, a standard method of training ensures all are treated fairly." She said her voice calm and measured but Tuwan had a response that undermined her argument.

"Yet few ever achieve more than basic competence." He said with a completely calm expression that put hers to shame. "All sentient creatures have their own unique abilities and skills that our job as a teacher is to bring out and help them reach their limit before surpassing them. Some will always be better than others at certain things and holding the few back to appease the many only encourages resentment. Your own apprentice Luminara Unduli, for example while her skills may lay with healing, Barriss shows considerable talent at lightsaber fighting and her power in the force is stronger than your own, however you have not expanded her education to cover more esoteric areas of the force beyond force healing nor given her the opportunity to study other lightsaber forms than your own preferred Form 2 and 3. It is short-changing her education by doing so, she might even feel you are holding her back." Tuwan said critically which Luminara looked on with a slight glare at the insult.

"More Jedi lose their way due to resentment and feeling they are not being allowed to spread their wings. Unchecked it might be dangerous but just as dangerous is suppressing them." Minisa said, using Tuwan's argument to put in her own. "We are meant to serve the galaxy and go where the force wills us, not where the Senate orders us to go. Are you the Senate's foot soldiers or the servants of the Living Force?" She asked with a pressing look.

The looks on many of the Council's faces were ones of pure contempt at the ideas Tuwan and Minisa were promoting while Yoda looked troubled at the internal issues the Order was facing.

Military Command, Coruscant…Two Weeks Later…

Haron stood in the centre of many clones and regular officers watching displays as the invasion of Umbara was now underway.

"Clear up that image." Haron ordered one of the officers on duty as he studied the enemy ships that were still in orbit. He knew that the planet threatened a key trade route but honestly Haron had a bad feeling about this campaign.

Seeing the state of things he gave his orders.

"Have Admiral Pellaeon move his cruisers to grid seven eight three and head off their supply ships. Admiral Coburn meanwhile will engage the remaining Separatist ships." Haron ordered before turning his attention to the ground battle. Things were going reasonably well he thought as the senior Jedi Generals he had chosen for this campaign included Kenobi and Skywalker even reluctantly General Tiin.

However things had definitely taken a turn for the worst when for no reason Anakin had been recalled and his forces had been put under the command of Pong Krell. That honestly worried Haron more than anything else as the man was a brute, an ambitious and powerful brute but a brute all the same. There was a strong dark side presence around the Besalisk Jedi and it had been getting stronger all the time. He had objected to him being there and had tried to rotate another general in to take his place but the Jedi had dug their feet in and refused to let him be moved.

Haron gritted his teeth at this and wondered just what had to happen for them to see common sense even part of the time.

Turning back to the battle he saw the strategic airbase had indeed been taken and held against a hostile force of Umbarans but then a report from Captain Rex, Anakin's clone captain appeared. Haron was confused as to why Krell wasn't sending the report until he read the contents.

Haron honestly was ready to tear his hair out as he read the contents, he had known Krell was rotten but not so corrupt that he was ready to fritter away the clones lives, even ordering them to attack each other to reduce their numbers so the Umbarans could win and he could defect to Dooku and become his apprentice. To rule as part of the 'New Order'.

Haron made a note of the fact Rex and the rest of the clones had managed to stop him and cited all of them for a Medal of Valour for their actions which had likely saved the entire campaign Haron thought with relief. However Rex he cited for a higher award given if it was not for him questioning orders and thinking the entire campaign might have been lost and two full legions of highly skilled and experienced clones likely would have been wiped out.

Haron therefore put Rex down for the Chancellor's Service Medal, for extraordinary feats and valour above and beyond the call of duty. He had more than earned one.

He did though have a bone to pick with the Jedi and therefore turned to one of the communication officers and said.

"Call however many members of the Jedi Council we have on planet here immediately and Anakin Skywalker if you can find him." Haron ordered sternly and his voice carried so much authority the lieutenant did not even hesitate to do it. Haron turned his attention back to the battle and then the other fronts of the war so far while he waited for the Jedi to arrive and saw to his relief that things were finally back on track.

The tense moments passed till at last nearly an hour later Anakin arrived, he looked flustered so Haron guessed he had been with Padmé but Haron didn't care about that.

"What is? They mentioned some kind of emergency." Anakin said and Haron sighed before handing him Rex's report.

"You might want to read this, your captain sent it." Haron told him and Anakin was confused as to what could be so important. That changed the moment he read the report and what Krell had done and looked enraged at what the other Jedi had tried to pull especially with his troops. Anakin was looking around furiously for the other Jedi but none had arrived yet so they stood while they waited.

Eventually, after nearly half an hour, they arrived. Masters Yoda, Windu, Mundi and Unduli. Yoda was the only one who looked actually curious at why they had been called here. The others just looked annoyed.

"Well what have you deemed so important that you dragged us here?" Master Mundi said, ignoring any rank or position that Haron held which unofficially at least was Field Marshal...meaning at least unofficially he was their superior.

"The fact that one of your Jedi Masters just went rogue and nearly cost us the Umbara Campaign. If it wasn't for the actions of a very brave group of clones actually seeing what he was doing we would looking straight down the barrel of certain defeat." Haron said with a hard glare at the Jedi, Anakin too was looking furious and said.

"Not to mention he had the clones actually fighting each other! How did you not notice Krell was a traitor!?" Anakin demanded with angry look on his face that his own clones had been killed due to them not discovering they had a traitor in their midst. That stunned the Jedi present and Anakin almost threw the report at them but managed to hand it to Master Windu who took and read the contents.

"If you Jedi are not going to allow the Internal Security Services to monitor your members then you need to handle your people better." Haron said with cold calm. "You literally have no safety nets to catch this kind of thing. I warned you about Krell being dangerous but you chose to ignore me, how many others can we expect like him just because you pretend you don't feel?" Haron asked them with fury.

"Don't you dare question our order's rules! How can a barbarian like you even hope to understand our ways?" Ki-Adi-Mundi said his face becoming red with anger, months of being bossed around by the Mandalorian as he thought of him finally reaching tipping point. He had been glad to see the back of him but now he was back and worse than ever. Him now criticising the Order while his people were horrible and rotten barbarians finally got to him.

"At least I can face the flaws in my culture. You certainly can't accept in any way that the Jedi Order is flawed." Haron said, staying calm while the so called Jedi Master became unhinged. Haron had no illusions about his own people, he knew they were flawed and he would face that but the Jedi he saw had this fantasy that they were living this almost perfect life to achieve a higher state of being. One that he knew was anything but and Krell was just the latest example of its failures.

Mundi it seemed had finally had enough and lost control of his temper, he swung his fist straight at Ordo who was not wearing his helmet. Haron with a speed the Jedi would not have thought possible for someone other than themselves moved his head out of the way and grabbed his arm before twisting it behind his back, forcing him down on his knees.

"Stay down." Haron said forcefully, twisting Mundi's arm. While Yoda, Unduli and Anakin all looked on in surprise at Mundi's actions, Windu looked on furiously but stopped from interfering as he heard rather than saw Haron's guards aim their weapons straight at his back.

Haron let go of Mundi who shrugged at him angrily as he got to his feet and then without warning aimed a kick straight at Haron's midsection. This caught everyone off guard and Haron felt the impact force him back a bit but thankfully his beskar armour took the full brunt of it and Haron almost smirked as he saw Mundi wince in pain when he put the offending foot down.

Never one to ignore a threat Haron was quickly on his feet again and charged against Mundi although he did not draw his weapons as that would likely escalate the fight and Mundi had yet to draw his lightsaber.

Mundi the moment Haron was in reach tried to grapple with him, probably for an over the shoulder but Haron side stepped the attack and back handed Mundi's face with his armoured gauntlet. There was a nasty crack as Mundi's nose was broken but the Jedi Master gave as good as he got, hardly slowing down at all and managing to land a hit on Haron's cheek but while it hurt, the bone didn't break.

Getting in closer Haron kneed Mundi hard in the gut and that seemed to knock the wind out of him but Mundi recovered quickly and soon was trying throwing out another punch. Haron saw it coming and dropped down to do a sweeping kick that Mundi barely avoided by jumping away.

The staff of the War Room, the other Jedi and the Bloodguard present could only watch as Haron and Mundi fought. But Mundi, ever the valour filled Jedi leapt straight back onto the attack with a furious barrage of kicks and punches while Haron either dodged or deflected. Then Haron noticed Mundi's hand going straight for his lightsaber and realised this was getting out of hand so he had to act quickly.

With as much speed as he could muster Haron smashed his beskar vambrace straight into Mundi's face with considerable strength behind it. While his other hand grabbed Mundi's lightsaber as it fell from his hand and with the aid of his crushguard, an exoskeletal glove, crushed the cylinder.

The blow stunned Mundi and sent him reeling backwards before Haron quickly took advantage of him being stunned and rushed forward to tackle the Jedi Master to the ground. He managed with skill to force him onto his front, pin him down and held his vambrace straight at Mundi's head.

"A repulsor blast at this range would knock your brains around inside your skull and turn them into jelly. Understood?" Haron said with a cold voice and when Mundi did not answer Haron pressed his foot down a little harder. "Understood?!" Haron repeated with greater emphasis.

Mundi with gritted teeth nodded and Haron let him up although he stepped back and kept his gauntlet pointed straight at Mundi. His guards likewise did the same and Windu, infuriated by the display said.

"No more fighting, back to the Temple now!" He said with a glare aimed at both of them although the comment was aimed solely at Mundi. The Jedi left including Anakin who gave Haron a look of being impressed while Haron gave him a slight nod in return.

- x -

"That was unacceptable behaviour Master Mundi. No Jedi should ever act in such a manner let alone a Master or especially a council member." Master Windu said with a furious glare at Mundi, his eyes narrow. Mundi looked unrepentant as they rode the transport back to the Temple.

"That barbarian cannot keep insulting the Council and the Jedi unchallenged." Mundi said stubbornly but Windu just raised an eyebrow.

"Yet you just proved him right by attacking in a fit of temper. If one cannot handle criticism then one will not get very far in life." Windu said sternly. "Ordo is a grating presence and insulting to the order but he is not our enemy. He showed far more restraint than you." Windu said, not believing he was having to side with the Mandalorian against one of his own order. But this time, the Mandalorian was right and as much as he considered Ki-Adi a friend, they needed to watch for this kind of failing in their own members. If one they had named a master and trusted had fallen so far and they hadn't noticed, how many more might there be like him?

The fact a senior master had just lost his temper in such epic fashion in front of the entire military command staff was just another worry. Yoda too he noticed looked unsettled by this and they needed to review their own people to see if all of them were suitable for war and if they might be better placed on relief efforts.

Anakin meanwhile was looking at the scene with amusement and shock, he could hardly believe that he was seeing the high and mighty Master Mundi getting a dressing down from Master Windu after having his butt handed to him by Haron. It was usually him or Ahsoka that was getting dressed down, sometimes by Master Mundi but this time he was the audience and it was almost funny to him.

Still though, Anakin thought becoming more sober. It was a shock to him that a master no less could fall so far that they would actually sabotage a campaign and kill all their clones to do it. Rex had really proven himself today Anakin thought with relief, proud of his captain for being so strong and being able to question rather than trust blindly in authority. Even though he wished he could have dealt with Krell himself for what he had tried to do to he was glad Rex and their soldiers had come through it.

But he was like Windu troubled by this, the whole order was going to be too when they learned what had happened. He knew he needed to speak to Tuwan about this or Obi-Wan at least, hoping they might be able to give him some insight.

As part of their review, Jedi were pulled from all assignments not listed as critical to come home and be assessed by the council before being allowed back out into the galaxy. Many would not be allowed to return as Haron Ordo would take advantage of it to prevent those he thought unsuitable from returning to the front and instead Master Yoda who was very concerned by this development would assign many to aid work around the galaxy or else keep them at the Temple for their own safety.

Ki-Adi-Mundi however was forced to make a trip to Ilum rather quickly to replace the crystal in his now ruined lightsaber which he would now need to replace.

A week later Anakin found Tuwan teaching a group of younger padawans and knights to force forge their own armour and smiled as he saw the younger ones stare in awe at the wise and gracious old master who seemed so strong and knowing that only Master Yoda could compare. Speaking of Master Yoda though Anakin blinked in surprise when he suddenly saw the old Grand Master himself was part of the class and appeared almost as enamoured with Tuwan as the other much younger Jedi.

Anakin was so shocked at this he nearly slipped off the wall he was leaning against and witnessed the master that everyone in the Temple looked up too create a new set of robes and a walking stick for himself.

The walking stick was made from a branch of Uneti tree and the robes were simple but amazing to look at. They were pure white in colour while having a brown and gold trim around the edges and when donned by the grand master they made him look positively regal and his presence in the force, already so strong and warm radiated even stronger and brighter.

"Thank you Master Tuwan, quite an experience this has been and a worthwhile skill for any Jedi." Yoda said to Tuwan who nodded and told him.

"It is a pleasure, I trust you will be available for chess tonight? And we can debate some more while we play?" Tuwan said and Yoda much to Anakin's own surprise nodded.

"Indeed, I will defeat you tonight I am sure." Yoda said with a smirk that honestly was astonishing to Anakin who had never seen the Grand Master do that before.

"We shall see." Tuwan said and the two old masters parted company, as Yoda walked out of the room he passed Anakin who he gave a nod too as he passed. Tuwan then called out.

"Anakin, come in." He said with a wide smile on his face and Anakin, still shocked at the sight did as he was told. Tuwan seeing this smiled wider and told him. "Master Yoda was merely adding to his own skills, we are all in end still learners throughout our lives. No matter how much we might learn however long we live there is always something else to reach for." Tuwan said sagely and Anakin could only nod in agreement before getting to the point.

"Master, I was just wondering. About Pong Krell?" Anakin said, not entirely sure just how to phrase his question. Tuwan visibly deflated and nodded.

"I know, a great shock that was to the Order but not so surprising." Tuwan said gravely which Anakin stared at him while Tuwan expanded on his point. "There will always be those who lose hope and their way. Not just to the dark side but to everything, in the old days this happened too but we had a greater connection to each other. We confided in each other and had Jedi whose job it was to find those in the order that needed help to find their way and to ease their pain. The galaxy has always been a harsh place and will remain so for all time, even we Jedi can fall prey to it and this current order does little to prepare those going out there for the realities." Tuwan said sadly.

"Did that other way work better?" Anakin asked even though he already knew it was. Tuwan sighed before he answered.

"It wasn't perfect and we still had those turn to the dark side or left the order but it was a far rarer event than it is now and remember in my time the order was a lot bigger. The Jedi can be passionate and truly caring Anakin as long as they have a support system in place to help ground and heal them should they need it. A group that cares for them and will be there to pick them up when they are low or lost. Not having that is what causes many to become callous, angry and depressed while not having an outlet for their feelings because despite what the Council seems to think, just because you are a Jedi...doesn't mean you don't feel." Tuwan said sadly.

Anakin was lost in thought as he considered what Tuwan was saying, he wondered if many of the coldest and hardest Jedi that he had always disliked had been so different for him once, only for the galaxy and the order's lack of care to harden them to the point they no longer seemed to have any empathy. Some he knew still did, or at least hoped but if so he could only pity them. He himself realised that he was lucky enough to have a network like that; he had Padmé, Ahsoka, Rex, Obi-Wan even the Chancellor...in that moment he was so grateful for those he loved and knew he needed to convince others to do the same.

"Something has to change." Anakin said with a voice that seemed to become more determined as he spoke. "The order can't go on like this or we are just going to have a lot more like Krell."

Tuwan looked at him for a moment before he started smiling which Anakin didn't really understand until the reason was explained.

"Change is not an easy thing Anakin, you or I cannot do it alone. One voice can be tuned out but many can make themselves heard above the noise. And thanks to all the Jedi coming to the Temple for the Council to test them, I have found a number of Jedi that might listen if you speak." Tuwan said proudly as he looked at Anakin.

"Me?!" Anakin said with shock. "But I thought..." Anakin started to say but Tuwan shook his head.

"Anakin I may be a Jedi but not one of this era. I was not trained as you were nor have I walked the galaxy as it is now. You know what the galaxy needs the Jedi Order to be and they all know you...they will listen to you and what you say. Tell them in a way that they can understand what you and I both know. That the Order has to change, that it is hurting the Jedi in the long run to be this way and that they must stand up with you to make that change." Tuwan told him with his deep wise voice. "Shall I make the calls?" He asked with a probing look.

Anakin was trying to wrap his head around what Tuwan was asking of him, he was always something of an outsider in the Order despite being a part of it and certainly not a leader but that was what Tuwan was asking him to become, a leader of a potential revolution within the Jedi.

It was daunting, he had led soldiers into battle against odds not in his favour but this was a different kind of battle that he had never fought before. A battle of minds of...politics...Anakin thought, almost fearful of even trying. He knew it had to be done but still he was thinking with worry and a little resentment why did it have to be him?

"Yes. And there might be a few I might want to invite too." Anakin said with resignation and Tuwan just nodded calmly.

"The more the merrier, hopefully Anakin this will be the birth of a new beginning for the Jedi." Tuwan told him and Anakin could only nod and hope that he was right.

Sundari, Mandalore…

The city of Sundari was a major city and with its large population and considerable industrial base and business complexes should be wealthy and prosperous. A year ago even with the Clone Wars it had been even if the Duchess had refused to allow businesses to profit from the war.

But that was no longer the case.

The docks, once busy bringing in materials, food and trade goods were now almost silent as fewer and fewer ships came to the planet. That of course meant the dockworkers weren't being paid and now were struggling financially which lead to a strike which only made the situation worse.

Inside the city it wasn't any better and in fact could be considered worse. The soaring prices of food and medical supplies was far too much for most to afford, especially as their economy tanked and trade with other worlds suffered from a lack of exports.

The price of food had skyrocketed and rationing was now in effect, it was so expensive to buy food a thriving black-market had been established that exploited people in every way possible but the authorities could do nothing as they struggled to stay on top of crime and keep order with the angered people who were starting to turn their discontent towards the people they blamed most of the situation.

The Protectors had increased security around Satine's Palace where she had remained cloistered, not daring to set foot outside just in case angry citizens decided to try and take their fury out on her. Members of the government too like Minister Almec were holed up in the palace.

Almec was feeling like he aged a year with every month that passed as the stress of balancing the precarious economy took its toll. He had made a lot of deals with very shady characters who honestly he really didn't trust just to keep the planet fed.

But he could see it was slowly failing, the food crisis was only going to get worse as his 'suppliers' were far from reliable and the medical situation was also becoming more desperate by the day...supplies of medicine were very small and disease and illness were rising at an alarming rate. Many would likely have left the planet had it been possible.

Sooner or later Almec thought as he felt the pains in his chest and his heart pounding, something would need to change.

- x -

Death Watch Camp, Location Unknown…

Things were not much better for Death Watch as the defection of so many clans and the stripping of Vizsla's own holdings had left the organisation near bankrupt.

A trickle of income from some who hoped to restore the warrior ways or otherwise wanted to exploit them should they come to power was hardly worth anything and Pre's own family had lost had not much left in their own coffers. Equipment was wearing out and everything from spare parts to ammo was running low.

Pre had been in a dark mood for days, he had been so angry that no one even Bo Katan dared go near him else they find themselves targets of his fury.

They had taken to prowling the space lanes and looking for anything of value that they could sell.

They only hoped that they might discover something that would change their fortunes soon.

Jedi Temple, Coruscant…

Anakin was really nervous as he stood outside the room that Tuwan had managed to arrange for them and he could sense already that everyone was waiting inside. Padmé, who had come to the Temple to offer her support smiled as she fixed his robes for him.

"You're going to be fine." Padmé said with a warm smile and caressed his cheek with her soft hand, Anakin took a gentle hold of it and squeezed, smiling at his wife before reluctantly letting go and knowing he couldn't put it off any longer, stepping into the room.

Apart from Tuwan and Ahsoka who were sitting with the crowd, seventeen other Jedi sat in the room, chatting quietly among themselves before turning to face him. Anakin felt his nerves rising but out of the corner of his eyes he saw Padmé smile and Ahsoka and Tuwan were giving him encouraging looks. Bolstered a little by their encouragement and support, Anakin took centre stage and began to speak.

"Welcome and thank you all for coming. If you are here then you like me must have had some doubts about the order." Anakin said simply, doing his best to stay focused. "After what happened on Umbara with Pong Krell and all the other Jedi that have defected away from the order since before the war began. I mean the only reason the war is happening is because one of our senior and most respected masters felt the Order had failed itself and turned to the dark side as a result." Anakin said, pointing out Dooku and his acolytes as examples to support his point.

"Not to mention how many of us have fallen due to the Order not training us to inhabit the galaxy. The Jedi Order is supposed to be protectors and guides for all across the galaxy but...are we?" Anakin asked gathering his confidence as he spoke. "With the exception of missions to serve the senate, when was the last time the Jedi did anything other than aid work on behalf of the Republic. We serve it and seems to me it alone."

There was he noticed a feeling of agreement with his points in the group as some of them clearly felt the same as he did in at least some of these matters.

"That's all well and good Skywalker but what can we do about it?" Master Rahm Kota, a grizzled older master with more than his share of scars said from the back. Anakin felt his confidence falter a little at those intimidating eyes but he received support from another in the crowd.

"Let him speak." Minisa Anari said before giving him a flattering smile that would have made many people go weak at the knees but Anakin just gave her a thankful nod before continuing.

"Some times ago, I came to find a new or rather old way of following the force. Partly from Master Tuwan." He said while gesturing with his hand towards the old master who nodded while smiling warmly. "Over the war I have learned that the only way to find our true purpose in the galaxy is to not only allow ourselves to care for the galaxy but also for each other. To allow ourselves to connect to others and to learn to channel our whole being into the things we do...the good and the bad." Anakin said.

That seemed to shock most of the Jedi in the room, leading to a heavy silence. They could hardly believe what he was saying except for Minisa, Ahsoka and Tuwan who had already being doing this themselves while Bene, Minisa's padawan frowned as she it seemed was still coming to terms with it.

"Skywalker that is dangerous!" Naat Reath said, remembering all too well the dangers of revenge and anger after what it had done to her and her master. He was still in hiding on Krant and she dared not speak of it should their flirtation with the dark side be revealed.

"No its not, no more than anything else we do." Ferus Olin said in support of Anakin which surprised Anakin given the difficult history between them. Tru Veld and Darra Thel-Tanis too nodded in support, he had not seen any of them since that mission to the ancient Sith homeworld Korriban years ago where only the fact that Granta Omega had apparently been captured by an unknown Mandalorian bounty hunter before he could get there had saved Darra's life. Anakin had seen the other outcome in a vision some time later and been grateful for it.

"This is why connections is the most important thing." Anakin said, giving the three a grateful look which they smiled at. "True learning to embrace all parts of ourselves including our darker impulses is dangerous but only if we do it alone." Anakin said which surprised them. "It is our connection to others that can keep us grounded and remind us of our better self. To curb ambition and if we are slipping too far what can pull us back. It may not be fool proof but remember Exar Kun, Ulic Qel-Droma and Freedom Nadd. They tried to explore on their own and fell because they had no safety net to fall back on or it was too far away." Anakin said, remembering the conversation he had with Ulic's ghost on Rhen Var when they had been there to learn the secret of defeating the Dark Reaper.

When he had warned him not to follow the same path.

"Cutting ourselves off from others makes us weak." Anakin said continuing his point as he saw some looks of discomfort. "Never have I in my life fought harder and longer than I have for those I care about." Anakin told them giving Ahsoka and Padmé small glances which they smiled at him for. "If we have no connections to anyone then what do we truly have to fight for? To strive towards? Doing duty for the senate? Ignoring the wider galaxy while it suffers." Anakin said insistently.

"There is no real compassion, without connection. However much we deny it can we really feel for someone if we are suppressing our emotions?" Anakin asked them intensely, making all of them think and they all felt uncomfortable at the answer that they came too.

"The Jedi have lost their way." Master Jyl Somtay said in agreement with a sad look on her face, she had only just returned from an undercover assignment somewhere they were not allowed to know about. "I have been out in the galaxy and seen the suffering and wrongs the Jedi could right but we don't because we are chained to the Republic. I will not say we are slaves to it but is there any real difference...being unable to act without its leave or do anything unless the Senate says so for fear of punishment?" She said with dismay.

That struck a cord we many of them, they had all at one point or another questioned the Council and the Order's policies and many felt the Order could do a lot more than it actually did.

"So what is it you suggest?" Bultar Swan asked with curiosity. "Break away and form a small order of our own like the Altisan Jedi?" She said with curious look in her eye at where he was going with this. Anakin was surprised at her being here given how devoted and respectful she was known to be to the masters of the order but then again before the war she had been famous for never taking a single life regardless of what assignment she had been given and potential consequences. That was true commitment he thought with respect.

"No, of course not." Anakin said and the Jedi present seemed a little eased by that statement. "But the Order does need to change, maybe become more like Djinn Altis and his Jedi. The Jedi numbers have not truly increased at all over the last few centuries, staying consistently as we are. The war has only helped show the flaws in the Jedi as they are while it whittled down our numbers. What I am proposing is to share what I and Master Tuwan have learned with all of you and let you decide on what you want to do with it. I want to show the Jedi that there is a better way, that change can be good and that it can start right here with us...now." Anakin said with hope that they might listen. "That all the Jedi can see we are part of the galaxy and isolating ourselves from it and its people is not the way a Jedi is supposed to be. Krell isolated himself, none of us saw what was happening to him until it was too late. That is a trait in all those that fall, that they do it alone. They feel alone, the best way to fix that...is to be with others and open yourselves up to them...to have friends, companionship, a fact some of us know is true already." Anakin said with a smile, knowing more than a few Jedi had their attachments like him.

"Then if you can see what I see and wish see the galaxy as I do...help me and those like us spread the teachings across the order so it might at last be a Jedi Order worth serving in." Anakin said and looked around the room while they all considered his words.

The longer this went on the more nervous Anakin and indeed Ahsoka became, they honestly was wondering if they were all going to disregard every thing he had said and go straight to the council and dress the whole thing as him trying to usurp the Order. At worst this might actually result in him and Tuwan and possibly even Ahsoka being expelled from the Jedi completely.

Then at last, someone spoke up or rather laughed.

"You've got some stones on you Skywalker." Rahm Kota said while chuckling while everyone looked at him in surprise. "Why not, it might be fun." Rahm said and nodded his acceptance to Anakin who honestly almost let out a sigh of relief that someone agreed with him.

"Very well Skywalker I agree." Bultar Swan added, taking her lead from Kota.

"You can count myself and my apprentice in." Minisa said with Bene at her side who nodded uncertainly but followed her master's lead.

"If it helps me, I will learn from you." Naat Reath said with trepidation in her voice, hoping that perhaps he was right and it might help her overcome the still raging anger inside her that surrounded her brother's death and her master's exile.

"If it helps the Order then I will study under you Skywalker." Jang Li-Li said with a large smile that was warm and full of humour.

"If travelling around the galaxy has taught me anything, it is to take opportunities when they are presented too you. I'm in." Jyl Somtay said with a confident smile.

"I know attachments are a good thing...most of the time. I agree." Olee Starstone said with a smile.

"All that it takes to overcome any obstacle is hard work, if it makes the Order stronger, I will learn." Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy said with a nod.

"Helping the galaxy is the rightful task of any Jedi...we are in." Ferus Olin said and his fellows Darra Thel-Tanis and Tru Veld nodded right along with him.

"I am a Jedi and we are supposed to help the people of the galaxy, I am with you." Dendro said firmly.

"Agreed." Rune, a Mon Calamari Jedi said, folding his brown and blue robe covered arms.

"I trust you Anakin, so lead on." Axton Tredway said with a smile and a proud nod which Anakin returned. He knew that Axton himself actually had a wife of his own and family too! Had even introduced Anakin too them! He was as much a maverick as he was and Anakin was glad to have him on board.

"This will be interesting to see." Ranik Solusar said with folded arms. Anakin knew like him and Axton the man had a wife and child although he had 'officially' cut them out of his life after being caught he still maintained quiet communication with them.

"This will have great implications for the Order, but I think it is the right thing to do." Jax Pavan said with a gently stroking of his beard, in deep thought.

"Then we are all ready to begin." Tuwan said with a smile and gave Anakin a proud look which honestly made the still nervous but elated Anakin feel a lot better. At his side he could feel Padmé's hand grasp his and squeeze which he returned.

- x -

Some hours later, after the initial discussion Ahsoka was chatting to some of the other Jedi from the meeting, laughing and joking as they got to know each other and she was really looking forward to sparring with Tallisibeth who was supposed to be an amazing duellist. She was just chatting with her and Olee Starstone, both of whom being older than her had wild stories of their own to share.

She was unaware that nearby someone was looking at her with jealous eyes.

Barriss Offee, who had actually been invited to join the meeting by Ahsoka glared at her with anger in her eyes. She had once counted Ahsoka as a friend, a person to confide in and seeing her so free and joyful when she herself was never given the chance was infuriating. Master Luminara had learned she was going to attend the secret meeting Skywalker had set up and forbade her from attending, even going to so far as to insist on them meditating together so she could keep an eye on her.

Just like she had refused to let her study other lightsaber forms with Master Cin Drallig forcing her to do it in secret or research more into other abilities within the force maybe even seek out another master to help her, not even letting her learn to force forge or anything that Luminara couldn't do herself! Barriss thought with a sneer on the inside, knowing now how hypocritical the Jedi were and how afraid they were of people who actually think.

Ahsoka Barriss noticed with anger, didn't even seem to care that she hadn't been at the meeting. She was getting on with her new friends and flouting the rules while she was unable too. So free and happy while serving the Jedi Order that only believed in violence and had violated everything it was supposed to stand for.

Barriss was finally at her wits end and knew in her heart that something had to be done...something they couldn't ignore. She stalked off, her rage barely contained as she went away to devise her plan and make the Jedi be seen for what they really were.

Ahsoka, unaware of her friend's inner turmoil went to look for her after ending her conversation with Tallisibeth and Olee, desperate to invite her friend to join them and find out why she hadn't been there but she was disappointed as Barriss didn't seem to be in any of places she usually would and soon she was called back to join her master.

Ahsoka was disappointed and worried about Barriss being missing and even thought of going to find Master Unduli to ask where she was but didn't as she knew the Master did not approve of her master and by association her either despite them having saved Master Unduli's life at least once each.

Her worries persisted though, she honestly felt something was terribly wrong but had no idea just what.

Hondo's Stronghold, Florrum…

Obi-Wan and Adi Gallia were on the trail of Maul and his brother Savage Opress as they cut a bloody and violent swath across the galaxy. They had been stealing and killing without any restraint or regard for any life, trying to build power and fortune.

Now, they were trying to take over a clan of pirates on Florrum. The pair of Jedi had followed them there and paid a great cost for the encounter. Master Gallia had perished at their hands and Kenobi had been left to fight the paid of vicious Sith brothers alone.

And taken to the limit of his skill he had succeeded and actually severed one of Savage's arms off and managed to with the aid of Hondo and his pirates who he had at last gotten under control to drive them off world. They took off in a ship only for a rocket fired by one of the pirates to hit it in a critical place.

Maul and Savage managed to make it into the escape pod before the ship crashed and burned with Savage almost unconscious from his wounds, providing a cover for their escape. The escape pod struggled against the planet's gravity but managed with Maul's careful manipulation of the controls to get into space.

The pod though, low on fuel from their escape was soon drifting helplessly in space. Maul and Savage lost consciousness as oxygen began to run out and slipped deep into a force trance that lowered their need for it so they could survive for as long as possible.

The life support system's failure also created an intolerable cold that the trance helped them stay alive in but even it would likely have reached its limits, frost covered their bodies and the window with barely detectable breathing coming from the two brothers.

Their fate was indeed dire but while they stayed in their deep trance, seeming almost asleep lights from another space craft appeared over the pod.

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