Chapter 236
Of course, while some stay quiet after my words, there are always those who resist.
“Instructor, saying we don’t know the subject… that’s a bit…”
I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.
‘Yeah, it hurts their pride. I get it.’
Telling someone straight to their face that they don’t know the subject—of course, it’s normal for their pride to be hurt.
“Why? Do you think my words are too harsh?”
No answer came, but their expressions spoke volumes.
‘That’s the problem, huh?’
When you’re in a position where you have to bow down, you should know how to keep your feelings in check, no matter how bad it feels.
‘Well, with a warm back and a full stomach, life’s a bit easier, right?’
They probably haven’t fully grasped the reality that will hit them in two months.
No matter how much the instructors talk about the interests of each country and clan, or the reality of the continent, it’s only been a month.
It’s hard to truly feel it until you step outside and experience it yourself.
Usually, it’s only after two months of training at the facility that you realize the fire is at your feet.
“Let’s talk about clans. What do you think of clans? Metaphors are fine, just say what you think.”
After a brief silence, someone raised their hand and answered.
“Uh… isn’t it like a corporation on Earth?”
“Yes, correct. There are many similarities to corporations on Earth. But there’s one difference.”
“The difference is…”
“The reason corporations exist on Earth is to generate profit, right?”
On the other hand, clans are slightly different.
“Uh… don’t clans also need to generate profit?”
“Haha, of course. But that’s not the primary goal of a clan.”
“Then what…”
It’s something many overlook.
Of course, both corporations and clans aim to generate profit, but their fundamental reasons are different.
“Clans, you see, their primary goal is survival. Survival.”
On Earth, not getting into a company won’t kill you.
Life might be a bit inconvenient, but surprisingly, many people manage to eat and sleep even without a job.
‘Well, whether it’s leeching off family or whatever.’
Usually, it’s not willpower… but there are means to parasitize, so to speak.
Unless you’re really down and out, most people manage to keep their lives intact.
But here, it’s different.
No one sacrifices themselves for you. If you’re not capable, it’s not just inconvenient—you literally die.
“Life’s a bit easier now, right? Being chased by monsters in the tutorial, then getting a dorm and meals at the training facility—comfortable, isn’t it?”
“But here’s the thing. What about two months from now?”
Of course, what’s given to them now isn’t given forever.
There’s no such thing as free freedom and convenience without a price.
“Two months from now, no one will be responsible for you. I’m sure the head instructor has said something similar.”
“Human rights? Welfare? Insurance? None of that exists here. Of course, your families aren’t here either, so there’s no one to rely on.”
“The only place that might take responsibility for you? The clan. But here’s the thing. Can anyone join a clan?”
“Of course, as I mentioned earlier, the primary goal of a clan is survival. Do you think a place focused on survival would take in just anyone?”
‘Ah, I misspoke.’
They might take you in, but it’d be a pretty lousy clan.
It’s obvious why the large clans, the four major clans, are so sought after in Eras.
Being used as cannon fodder, signing unfair contracts—if you’re not scammed, you’re lucky in this world.
“I guarantee that at least half of the people here won’t survive past a year.”
Everyone held their breath at my words.
It’s only natural to be shocked.
Hearing that half will die and staying calm would be more surprising.
Some trainees thought I was just bluffing and looked at me…
But seeing the lack of a smile on my face, their expressions turned pale.
‘Do I look like I’m lying now?’
Seeing my expression, they must have realized. At least, I said it with conviction.
‘It’s real, kids. Half of you won’t be around in a year.’
“What do you think is the hardest thing to achieve on this continent?”
“Uh… surviving?”
‘Well, that’s part of it, but honestly, there’s something even harder.’
Personally, I think there’s something even harder than survival.
“Hmm… of course, surviving is tough, but there’s something even harder.”
“… making money?”
“Haha, that’s true too. The correct answer is, the hardest thing on this continent is finding someone you can trust.”
Everyone looked confused.
‘It’s fine if you don’t get it now. You’ll understand later.’
“This place, you see, is where lives are at stake. So, scams, betrayals, backstabbing—all sorts of things happen here.”
At least from what I’ve experienced, the hardest thing on this continent is finding someone you can trust.
Of course, I was relatively lucky, but my case is really rare.
“Let’s say, for example, you form a party and go into a dungeon later.”
Well, it’s a common story. At least on this continent, it’s really common.
“Ta-da! You’re lucky and clear the dungeon safely, and now you just need to divide the rewards among your party members. Right?”
My exaggerated gestures and movements seemed to scare the trainees.
Anyone could see my combat skills are bottom-tier. I don’t have charisma like Yoon Yeon or others.
But even I have a way to sway people, and that’s through words and atmosphere.
“But here’s the problem. The dungeon’s rewards are much bigger than you expected. Enough to make you greedy.”
For some reason…
I couldn’t figure it out, but somehow I ended up laughing.
“Maybe someone wants to hog all the rewards for themselves? Or maybe there’s already a plan in place. If there are four party members, including yourself, then three of them are already in on it.”
Now it seems like people are starting to get what I’m saying.
“So after the dungeon raid, bam! Blood gushes from your backs, and you all die screaming. How’s that for a scenario?”
“T-that can’t happen… No way…”
‘This guy’s pretty naive. He’s gonna die soon.’
“Haha, it’s actually pretty common for people to stab their comrades in the back for big money or rewards.”
“Honestly, that’s still a decent way to go. At least it’s a clean death.”
I was serious. Honestly, dying like that is still better than some alternatives.
“Unlike Earth, here slaves are bought and sold. Of course, in the neutral country of Baronia, using slaves is legally prohibited, but other countries have different rules.”
Looks like the fact that slavery exists here is quite shocking.
‘Well, I get it.’
“So what I’m saying is, if you’re unlucky, you could end up being sold as slaves.”
The room went dead silent at the thought of being sold as slaves.
“Also, there’s the risk of being captured by a Dark Sorcerer… Oh, by the way, I don’t do that. Don’t get me wrong. Anyway, being captured by a Dark Sorcerer and used as experimental material is also a possibility.”
‘Are you starting to grasp the reality now?’
Honestly, outside of that, there are countless other dangers out there.
Frankly, people like me and my clan members have only seen the bright side of this continent.
We’ve been safely sheltered in the arms of the Returner, Yoo Ju, without having to face the storms.
The opposite scenario is pretty obvious.
“So what I’m saying is, the clan is the best way to protect you from those dangers.”
One of them seemed to misunderstand and asked a ridiculous question.
“…So are you saying we should join the Eternity Clan?”
I almost laughed out loud at that.
‘Are you kidding me?’
Do they think the Eternity Clan is some school club you can just join if you feel like it?
“No. I’m not saying you should join Eternity. And I think you’re misunderstanding something.”
“Eternity has no intention of accepting you.”
At my words, the trainee’s face turned red, probably out of shame.
The other trainees were giggling at him, but all I could do was sigh.
‘You guys aren’t much better.’
The truth is, none of the people here really stand out to me.
I checked their statuses one by one, but even the best of them is only slightly above average.
‘Or maybe my standards are just too high.’
Given that I’ve been surrounded by monsters, maybe my expectations are just too high.
‘But even considering that, there’s no one here.’
“Well, since we’re on the topic, let’s talk a bit about the Eternity Clan.”
At the mention of Eternity, everyone seemed to perk up.
‘Good, at least show some interest.’
At the very least, the trainees need to know which clans are in what position and which ones are competitive.
“Before Eternity regained its reputation, it was known as one of the three great clans. You probably don’t know that, since now it’s called one of the four great clans.”
Explaining why the three great clans became the four great clans is too complicated, so I’ll keep it simple.
“You’ve probably heard that Eternity was once a declining clan. But now it’s different. Me and the clan members brought the declining clan back to being one of the four great clans in just two years.”
The trainees had mixed reactions to my story.
Some were impressed, while others seemed skeptical.
It’s like taking a failing company and turning it into a global powerhouse.
‘And that too, with new recruits.’
Honestly, it’s something that would be impossible in reality. If it weren’t for the Returner, Yoo Ju.
“Our Eternity Clan aims for quality over quantity. That’s why we don’t just accept anyone.”
“Quality over quantity…?”
Their eyes sparkled at the phrase.
Well, of course. The idea of being part of an elite group always strikes a chord.
It’s naturally cooler to be part of a small, elite group rather than a massive, faceless crowd.
‘Imagine being part of that elite group. How cool would that be, right?’
“We aim for players who can take on a hundred enemies alone. We’re willing to provide full support to players who have the talent and dedication.”
Of course, I’m not saying this to scout the trainees in front of me.
‘It’ll spread through word of mouth.’
Eternity is already getting a lot of attention. Especially the story of new recruits reviving a declining clan is just perfect.
They’re new recruits too, so it’s only natural that they’d be drawn to Eternity.
It’s only natural that through them, the word about what kind of clan Eternity is and what its strengths are will spread.